The other opened the door for her, shakily at that, under the 'carefully trained' aim of the blaster she held with one hand. In reality, she probably couldn't hit the broadside of a barnyard with the blaster, but after witnessing her skillfully dispatch three people wielding blasters, there was no one this side of the galaxy that could convince him she couldn't pin the tail on the donkey with it... Him being the Donkey.
As the door opened up, she walked up to him slowly, and he turned expectant of the pain to come, only, it didn't.
"Get your people to the infirmary, the guys at your South-East checkpoint are a priority, they've been wounded pretty badly... I suggest following the instructions of any other Jedi you see, and alerting your friends to do the same... We're taking control of this space station."
Aayla said, stern, and not giving much, but also giving just what was needed. He nodded silently, and inched back from her, prompting her to back away from him. She turned and continued her gait, heading down a long hallway otherwise unimpeded. Glancing out of the viewport to her right, it was clear things were about to get very, very lively outside.
Her pace quickened, glancing up above her and spotting a divot in the ceiling, she tossed the blaster up there; letting it clatter to a standstill, and brushing her hands of it...
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
She wasn't a shadow yet, but that didn't stop her from behaving like one. Quite literally 'obliterating' the consciousness of any guard she caught unaware. The Master and Padawan duo that was receiving the heat would slowly, but surely note that the amount of people gunning for them was closing. Accentuating this point, even after the sixth guard or so she had hoodwinked from the fight, she hadn't even activated her saber yet. Striking from her position of anonymity at will.
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