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From Abregado To Atrisia, With Droid Love [HK-36+Serena Bouie]


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Serena Bouie"],

Cells Beneath Sepulchrum Apparatus,
The Catacombs of the Iron Lord,
Shortly after the Atrisian Incident,

Few people knew what happened to Serena after the battle of Atrisia, some said she managed to escape during the chaos when her son attempted to spring a last ditch trap to end the Alliance Jedi and other capable warriors who gathered to arrest him, some said she was struck in the cross-fire by a stray blaster bolt or a shattergun pellet fired by the Abregado-forged droids who made the final push on Jar'Kai as their army arrived in time to finally break and route the defenders, at least that was their version of events.

In reality it was neither of those scenarios, in reality after her son was subdued or escaped and dust would begin to settle a pair of red glowing eyes would appear between her and any route of escape before a tall thin droid clad in a black cloak materialized as if out of thin air.

She was smuggled off of the war torn planet before any GA personnel could notice, kept imprisoned on the Abregado flagship, the Dancing Queen, and now she would find herself trapped in a dark dank cell beneath the extensive labyrinth of HK's catacombs on his home planet, suspended from the wall by a couple of force cuffs holding her trapped within her small cell. Her time there would be fairly bleak, kept in constant darkness, with only the droid guards stepping inside to feed her bare essential MRE meals as company, neither speaking or acknowledging her in any other way.

The monotony and stillness of her captivity would finally be broken when the cell door would open but instead of the usual dark silhouette of faceless armored droid guard that familiar glow of two red eyes piercing through the shadows would appear, looking right at her in silence.
Darkness it never failed someone was always putting her in the dark. It wasn't the featful thing they hoped, it wasn't welcome either it just was. In the darkness she mourned and cried for her husband and son she who knew them better than anyone. She who knew them as kind and gentle, loving and passionate, and hers. Hers to love and care for. They had both been corrupted by Ada's Axe, and the darkside of the force. But where was her son, had he died? She hadn't felt him die. course she hadn't felt Mythos die completely odd so weird.

Was she much better off? Probably not, her mind split in two the woman and scientist known as Serena, and the dark lady that was Mythos' wife Ren. Not to say Serena didn't love Mythos, well she loved Animus he had been her equal in research. But the Blade drove Serena into darkness and Ren emerged on the other side.

Course she knew she couldn't be on Atrisia anymore, something about the way things felt here. But where was here?

She sighed heavily and waited for the shoe to drop. So what would it be hmmm? What kind of death did they have for her. The..wife of the Storm, Mother of Adas James.

The door opened finally two gleaming red eyes appeared her host? Her guard? Her executor? Which was this to be? She said nothing she just waited.



The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Serena Bouie"],

"Queen Mother of Atrisia."

The droid begun as he stepped inside her cell, the door closing in automatically behind him,

"Although I suppose not much of a Queen now that your regime has fallen, and not much of a Mother now that your son has been presumed to die when portion of the Palace collapsed after the last attack he conducted against us."

HK mocked her a bit, watching her from across the shadows of her prison, the lack of lighting in the area was due for two reasons, to break the will of organics who were kept there, and simply because droids did not necessarily need light sources to see, so building them in a prison kept and guarded by the mechanical kind would only be a waste of resources,


The droid continued,

"You are the last surviving member of your family line, the bloodline of Mythos, such a pretentious name, and I am the lord sovereign of this planet and, it seems, of Jar'Kai. So, I calculate there are only three ways in which today will end for you."

HK pulled out one of the revolvers he kept on his waist within twin holsters,

"You will be executed and that will be that, I will force you to marry me so that I could lay claims on your planet, although I am not fond of the idea of having you by my side for the rest of your natural life, or somehow you will manage to persuade me into letting you go free."

The droid checked the rotating chamber of the revolver as he spoke before pushing it back in into its proper place and giving it a quick spin,

"But I think we both know which way it will go."

The red glow of his eyes would shift upwards, turning from the weapon to look at Serena through the dark cell,

"So, tell me, do you fear death?"

Queen mother? Was that a title she bore?

Mythos had a roving eye the fact that he called her wife while allowing his dalliances what did it show? Love? Strength? Fool? But their son Adas James was a treasure from the moment she had laid her eyes upon him. HIs sweet little face so serene when he slept.

"I never thought myself Queen actually it didn't feel right. " She lifted her gaze to settle upon the droid. "My son is dead you say." She clenched her teeth hard together fighting back the emotions, and that ache to scream out. Blood of her blood dead. Ren focused on the day he learned to walk watching the fear slowly fade from his eyes as he grew in confidence running across the swamps of Dagobah. How he taunted the spiders, snakes, and birds that took offense to his presence.

Her son was dead. Adas James. She felt her shoulders drop further the words he spoke took much of any venom she would have in her voice. Now it was only grief, and a life cut too short that would haunt her for as long as she drew a breath.

Three ways for today to end. Was not her life supposed to be over already? How would she go on knowing that the light of her life, the spark of her soul had been taken. And now here standing before her the, she looked a little harder, droid? ok Droid was saying three options for today.

Executed that almost had a ring of welcome to it.

Married to a mechanical being.....did he come with spare parts....or interchangeable ones.....a woman of her...youth...had needs.

Let her go free.

She swallowed hard to keep the crack of emotion from edging into her voice, she smiled even though it hurt in more ways then she would admit. "Do I fear death not at the moment." She wanted to ask why he wanted to know, but then this was suppose to be an interrogation right.

But she never paid attention to the rules, "Do I get to choose what happens?"


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Serena Bouie"],

"Well we did not recover his body, so there is a chance that he survived."

HK admitted, there was no point in lying to her if there was a chance she was going to be dead by the time he leaves her cell after all,

"But the last chance I saw him the Palace ceiling he was under collapsed and then there was explosion, we stipulate that the reason why we cannot find his remains is because they were vaporized and none remain."

The droid stepped closer to her, watching her clench her teeth at the news,

"It is unfortunate how things came to pass, he was not at fault there, merely a puppet trapped between the greater war of good and evil, paying for the sins of his father. Either way, it seems that your legacy has went up in ashes, so I would say that you should fear death, for when it comes, no one else will speak of you."

HK cocked the hammer of his revolver, its chamber spinning once more dangerously,

"Of course you get to choose which path you take, it would be rather hypocritical if I told you that you cannot change your situation, besides if it was otherwise I would have shot you already. So chose your words carefully, for this is your chance to plead your case and preserve your life."

The droid would pause letting his words sink in, of course he did not posses an attachment to consummate marriage should the two of them get together, and he was not planning on getting one any time soon, for Rena to be married to HK would be only an extension of her prison sentence, he would do it for her titles and claims, not for her affection.

"Tell me, how did you came to be the Queen of Atrisia?"
What would it be like to be married to a metal creature? There would be no pleasure for it for it wouldn't have any emotions would it? Cold it would always be cold. No, that was not something she wanted. Might just as well keep to her own devices.

There was a glimmer of hope, they did not find the body of her son. She nodded still her gaze rested upon the metal creature before her.

She had placed the runes of protection on him specifically him so just maybe. Only time would tell.

She found it funny when he said her legacy if he referred to Adas as her legacy and that it had all gone up with him, he was only half of her legacy the other half was quietly tucked away. If he referred their presence on Atrisia yes that was at an end, but not the first time it had ended. So many things ended and had to be forgotten so they could move on. She liked the peace of Atrisia the beauty that the people harbored in every touch to their gardens but she had loved Dagobah more.


Plead her case.

How did she become Queen of Atrisia. The story he wanted, well, ok. It wasn't that big of a deal now that she could remember.

"Serena met Animus Malgus on Korriban she was a jedi then not a very good jedi a better researcher archaeologist than a Jedi. They shared a passion and from her studies of the topography and cartography of Korriban they began digging on some mound and found the axe of Adas. Their passions burned hot and they shared a bed and each night Mythos wove a spell of darkness into her mind. And when she visited the Cortana Blade it too corrupted her mind giving her promises of love, treasures to find, and endless nights." Ren seemed to remember how Serena was so happy telling that story for some reason reliving that memory had always made Serena smile.

Ren wiggled slightly it was hard to move hung up like artwork.

"When the Sith took Atrisia Mythos invited Serena there to live with him to be his lover and she did, she slept in a bed that was over the axe and Mythos' temple and every night it wove its darkness around her breathing new life into her making all things possible. And then Mythos went off to war and came back severed from the force and no longer a Sith so they had to leave Atrisia. But not before I gave him a son his legacy Mythos immediately saw the potential Adas James would have. I'm not really sure what happen to Serena during all that I'm certain she's around somewhere but in her absence I, Ren became Mythos' Queen and mother to his children"

She was rather proud to tell such a story though she never was quite sure that Serena was really gone she seemed to think of her as lurking somewhere waiting. But now Mythos was dead, but she seemed to remember hearing his voice even after he died, and their son's fate was uknown.



The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Serena Bouie"],

HK nodded slightly as he listened to Serena/Ren speak before finally chiming in,

"Alright, well the whole referring to yourself in third person thing is a bit worrying, and I wish you did not go so much into the whole 'burning passion' part so much, but this is a good start."

The droid quipped,

"Tell me more about this Ren, what is her story?"

He prodded, of course the droid would start to catch on already that Serena and Ren were the same person, for one thing it was basically the same name, for another Ren did have a slip in her speech when she said "I gave him a son" when she was telling Serena's story and then claimed that she became mother to his children in Serena's absence. Whatever clouded her mind, whether the Dark Side or some sort of trauma, it seemed that truth and sanity were still trying to claw out of their labyrinth.

As the two of them talked HK reached to his belt, taking the hilt of his lightsaber in a quick smooth move.

Good start? Well that is interesting what did he considering a bad ending?

He wants to know about Ren, why so much interest in all of this? She made a face just then watching the droid before her he took out...a light saber. Ren knew very little about light sabers only what Serena knew and Serena was not good with a light saber. But Ren could recognize the weapon Mythos after all had one.

"Me, I'm Ren you want to know my story?" No one had ever asked and she really didn't know what her story was, she wasn't one day and she was another. Or was it weeks, months?

"I " she stopped trying to think about an answer, "can't remember much except giving birth to Adas, the battle on Atrisia." There was something about being cold and lots of snow, but there was also swamp and snakes. She frowned as she fought to remember and her patience growing thinner with each passing moment that she couldn't think of an answer.

"I must have hit my head and forgot a lot of it." She did teach Adas something didn't she, she clenched her teeth hard...why couldn't she remember.

Everything she could recall involved Serena but she felt like she was right there, watching, where did she come from? "Maybe you could find Serena and have her tell you about me." If she knows anything.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Serena Bouie"],

Bad ending for Serena would have probably be being married to HK, it would have been a very boring ordeal with her mostly locked up in a tower until he needed to show her off for some diplomatic or political nonsense.

"We do have Serena, she is within these dungeons as well, but I would still like to hear your story from you."

HK stepped closer to Serena,

"As to your memories, we have ways of making you remember."

The droid would raise the hand clutching his lightsaber, bringing it up next to Serena's head, pointing it upward towards the ceiling.

"Close your eyes."

The machine commanded, whether she did or not he would activate the lightsaber and with its iconic,


The lightsaber would activate, bursting out with a white energy blade from its hilt, and along with it emanating out an aura of hope and tranquility that would hit and wash over Serena, it was an aura of the Light Side itself that emanated from the blade as it was borne from an ancient Force-imbued Solari crystal, it could give her visions, insight into her past, but more importantly if her split personality or distorted memories were a result of some sort of Dark-side sorcery or meddling done on her, the aura could potentially dispell that, even if temporarily, and grant her clarity into her own mind.

"And tell me what you see."
She didn't want to close her eyes and something inside her didn't want to remember either. She kept her eyes wide watching him what mischief was he up to that would supposedly push memories into the light.

The brightness of the blade forced her to close her eyes tightly and when he said tell me what you see her mind drifted.

She took a deep breath as she floated along passages of her mind that had been darkened. A soft voice began to speak, "I see Akala she's in pain" Then the voices and emotions of the millions of dead crashed upon Serena as she retreated into the darkness to escape the pain of their emotions. Serena was a highly skilled empath able to pick up on emotions as one plucked petals from flowers, and her connection to the elements had been growing when she encountered Akala.

On that day Serena was quiet and Wren, the first Wren emerged to protect Serena from the onslaught so much so that Serena thought herself dead or dying and had simply laid down to sleep. Wren emerged and traveled the galaxy doing as she pleased, that was how she met Coren and how she came upon her D'vouran amulet . That Wren had been on Korriban pushing the limits of her knowledge, and that was where Ren pushed all of what had made Serena into the far recesses of her mind.

"The sky is oddly colored, I've never seen that before." Crystal clear blue eyes opened and looked at the saber, she felt it's power. She tilted her head and looked beyond to where [member="HK-36"] stood so it had been his mechanical voice she heard. "hello"


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Serena Bouie"],

Akala, Wren, Ren, Serena, pretty soon the droid will probably need to make a spreadsheet just to keep up with all those names of people he had no knowledge of. Either way, it seemed that something within Serena awoken once more as with the help of his saber's aura she ventured into dark corners of her mind previously obstructed, now free once more.

She mentioned an oddly colored sky, perhaps it was the glow from the lightsaber, perhaps a vision of a strange alien world, or perhaps a memory of being under the spell of Sith sorcery, as a number of their rituals and eldritch invocations have strange side-effects that warp reality itself and spill miasma of abstractly colored shapes into the skies themselves. Either way, he would need more to go off other than just a comment about skies being weird if he was to make a judgement or assumption.

Instead, he only nodded when she said hello and replied with,


Of his own, following with,

"Do you remember who you are? Do you remember your name?"

The machine asked, he wanted to see if this was Serena herself finally freed to perceive reality as it is, or perhaps some other personality, the machine was still very much curious if she did in fact had multiple personalities and how she came to develop such condition, he doubted it was through natural means or by some sort trauma, mere presence of Light Side rarely helped in such cases.

Akala was a demi-god who opened the veil between the living and the dead during the Netherworld event. Serena then a member of the Silver Jedi and an empath was overwhelmed by the emotions of a million plus minds when the veil dropped for when it did the force was gone as well. The force which protected Serena's mind and without it she was incapacitated.

Wren was the incarnation of Serena when she woke up from the Netherworld on a planet far into Vong space, Serena had not recovered enough of her own mind and memories. Without her memories the only name she remembered was the nickname her father had given her, Wren. His little bird. For over 3 years Wren wandered until she met [member="Kei Amadis"] who helped her recall who she was. Slowly becoming herself again she traveled to Korriban where she met Animus Malgus.

Once the dark side had corrupted her mind the fragile thing that it was, it was easy for a stronger personality named Ren to come out thinking it was protecting Serena but in truth it was a greedy power hungry creature a product of the darkside.

Present time

Serena looked at the creature before her he was asking her if she knew who she was a soft gentle smile caressed her lips, "Yes, I'm Serena. Who are you?" Serena had no memory of the battle on Atrisia. Serena's body hurt as if she had been beaten a hundred times and there was this slow throb at the back of her head. "Can I have some water?"

She thought maybe I'm dehydrated, course she looked at how she was bound, "Am I in trouble?"


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Serena Bouie"],

Well HK was suspiciously absent from Galactic theater during the Netherworld event, which is why he would had little knowledge of who Akala was, either way going back to the present,

"It is nice to meet you Serena, I am the Iron Knight, you are in containment cells of my house on planet Abregado-Rae which is under my protection."

The droid sent out a silent signal to one of the guards outside, the cells' door would open and another machine entered with a canteen, opening it up it would bring the water canister closer to her lips so that she could have her drink,

"You have been captured during the recent Siege of Atrisia under the name Ren, a Queen of a Sith monarchy that controlled the planet and attempted to stage another assault on the other Core Worlds. It seems your mind has been corrupted and shattered into multiple personalities by some sort of dark influence, I have been able to dispel it with my lightsaber, as the crystal at the core is imbued with strong presence of the Light Side."

As to whether she was in trouble or not, well HK continued,

"In a way you are in trouble, for I believe as soon as my lightsaber will deactivate the Dark Side influence will overcome you once more and Ren will be in control, there are ways you can regain your full consciousness however, have you heard of the Silver Jedi?"

Serena committed the name Iron Knight to her memory she could not help but to be saddened by the things he said. She was a captive, on a planet she knew little about, and now he brought up her old order.

"I am aware of who the Silver Jedi are." She thought about her time with them she did not wish to return there. She associated being unhappy with them everything it seemed happened when she was among them. She also now had all of her empathy skills and foretelling. The Lord Knight was not organic he was a droid sentient obviously but nonetheless she would not be able to pick his emotions from the force.

"Atrisia I am well acquainted with, a rich history, with a lost artifact that I am looking for." Serena took in everything.

"My father use to call me Wren he said because I reminded him of a little bird. You say Ren was Queen." And now if she was not on Atrisia there was a question for her to ask. "Is Animus ok?" Something was already telling her he was gone but a scientist goes with fact. She would ask rather than assume.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Serena Bouie"],

"You may never find that artifact then, for I am sorry to say that Animus committed suicide on Atrisia. It was part of a ritual to summon a Force Storm in order to stop the Alliance forces coming to arrest him and the Sith, it back-fired and he destroyed Jar'Kai along with large portion of the population. We are still sifting through the ruins and bringing out those who were trapped beneath when the city collapsed from the storm overhead but much of the planet is now a wasteland."

Of course Animus and the Dominion would probably spin that story a different way, but that was how HK saw the issue,

"Wren is one of the personalities who took over you body, I believe that if you seek out and acquire one of the Sigils of Hope Silver Jedi possess and find light within your heart it will protect you from the dark side influence and dispel the sorcery that grips your mind."

The machine presented to her his plan,

"The problem is that I cannot go with you, it will attract too much suspicion. When we found you on Atrisia you were barely conscious and the Alliance was all over the place, I calculated that if you would have fallen into their hands you would be either executed or spend rest of your life imprisoned, I took you away to my domain without notifying them first."

That was probably a lie in that they may have not even imprisoned her that long, but if it would help Serena trust him then HK did not mind spinning a lie or two for her.
"The Sayings are out there I just haven't found the right clue yet, it's probably in the old Imperial archives." She frowned for a moment thinking of how much time she spent looking. She felt a tremendous loss when he said Animus committed suicide. She tried to choke back the tears but they would not stay she blinked to clear her vision. Her heart was crushed.

"I could help I've worked with a lot of refugees." She sniffled trying not to break down entirely after all she was a Jedi. She took a breath hoping it would keep the tears down, "The people were always so kind to me. I want to help." She did not even know if she could. Then she remembered she was a prisoner because Ren had done something.

But. What of Adas? She just did not have the heart to ask, she would leave it for later. She had taught him on Dagobah all the basic Jedi skills, he was so bright, cunning and full of life. Again, later she reminded herself.

Executed or imprisoned for life as Ren, "I am grateful to you for your help then. Would perhaps someone from the Silvers come here? Maybe you could petition [member="Coci Heavenshield"] , she might help." Jedi were usually helpful.

"Iron Knight won't others look upon my face and see that I am Ren? Will there still not be a price to pay?" She could feel everything right now, feel them, hear them. A woman was nearby thinking about how to help her husband, a young boy was nearby contemplating stealing, and then other emotions filtered in, anger, jealousy, love, suspicion and drops of fear.



The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Serena Bouie"],

"Let us stabilize your mind first before we start worrying about helping others and the Sayings, otherwise you may forget what your mission was all over again. As to the Silvers, well I would probably meet with them on neutral ground, I do not want to raise suspicions by having their delegation coming here, I doubt they do much in the way of finesse and subtlety, and they may not even answer my transmissions, our relationship is rather,"

HK paused, waving his free hand in a circle as he tried to come up with a way to describe it,

"Well, I have a feeling they find me extremely annoying and just ignore my existence for the most part, but granted, much of our interactions tends to revolve around me doing something weird, not being very productive, making quips about them, just slinging insults, and they probably feel inferior considering I make a better Jedi than all of them combined."

Things were pretty complicated, since his goal in life was hunting down Sith he often found himself teaming up with Jedi and other Light-sided Force users, or coming to their aid even if they did not ask him for such, for example when the Syndicate raided Silvers territory, but at the same time he never forgave the Jedi for kicking him out of the service to their Order during the time of Ancient Republic and since then he always wanted to prove to the Jedi over and over again that he was superior to them in every way.

"Still, I will send out a transmission to Coci and Thurion, if that does not work, well I suppose I can sneak my way into their bedrooms at night, they will have to listen to me then."

HK was made out of Phrik and basically immortal, he really did not care about concept of one of his bodies being destroyed, either way he would send wireless messages to his lackeys and they would relay the transmission to proper Silvers diplomatic channels, something that could reach [member="Coci Heavenshield"] or [member="Thurion Heavenshield"], it would probably read "Hey, HK or Iron Knight here, whichever name you know me by, I have came upon something that will interest you, we should speak immediately. I may or may not otherwise come to Silvers space to speak with you in person, it is that urgent."

At Serena's last question HK waved it off,

"Outside of Atrisia probably few people will know what Ren look like, we can always find you an asylum in other sector of space, besides we can always hide that with maskers or stealth cloaks,"

The droid grabbed the edge of his cloak, waving it about,

"It is kind of my thing, so do not worry about it, I can cover it pretty well."

She smiled, "I think my mind has been broken for a long time. I'm not sure that it can be fixed. If neither of the Heavenshield's answer there is the possibility of another. But I am not sure he is still alive. [member="Kei Amadis"] was once very close to me he might have an answer. If he lives." She had not thought about Kei for some time he held a special place within her heart for many reasons.

She laughed as he mentioned breaking into their bedrooms. She had no words to offer on what he would find there.

"I would like to return to Dagobah if I could, if." Then she paused, "So many ifs perhaps as you say waiting to find out what can be done is a better answer." She did not know what to say to HK.

"You must have other questions though that you need answered. Surely the life of one archaeologist is not very fascinating. We spend our whole life investigating things that more than half the galaxy thinks old and in need of improvement." She was hanging here still she was a prisoner.



The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Serena Bouie"],

"I do not know if we would ever be completely able to fix it, as it is not a normal disorder but result of sorcery or some other Dark Side power, but there are few ways that could keep it in check. I will send a transmission to this Kei Amadis, see if he would be any more willing to speak with us."

And there would be indeed a message sent to [member="Kei Amadis"], similar to the one that was sent to Thurion and Coci earlier, with HK telling him he wants to speak about something urgent,

"As to Dagobah, you will be free to go wherever you would want once we fix the issue of this curse. As to my question, do you have any idea what it could have brought it upon you? An artifact or perhaps a pissed off Dathomiri witch? If we would know that then it would be easier to counteract it, just like with poison there is a proper antidote for every sorcerous trick."

HK explained, as much as he wanted to let her go so that he would not have to worry about feeding her every day, he did not wanted to do it if she would still be under influence of the Dark.
If no one answered than what would she do? She tried to not look concerned but it was difficult not to. Her smile faded away as she thought about what could it have been, "I was Korriban working on a dig of ancient temple. I had evidence that the Sith at one time were worshiped like Gods at their burial sites. Animus was looking for an ancient Sith, Adas." Serena thought about the events of Korriban. She was concentrating on finding an alter to prove her theory when she met Animus. He was searching as well they immediately fell into synch with one another the thrill of finding something new of finding a key to the past.

"I had been invited by a Professor to go to Korriban as long as I told no one I was a Jedi" That had not worked very well. "We noticed from the satellite maps that there was a formation that did not appear natural. So on a hunch we began to dig. After digging a couple of days we found the temple entrance, I was looking for the altar but we found a doorway.." She paused closing her eyes to see the events of then she remember what had happen, "the spirit of Adas fought with us, after a long battle where we were nearly killed" Serena while light saber trained was not always very good with it.

It was here now in thinking about seeing the events play out she noticed it in the room that the essence did not disappear, "The essence that was Adas entered his axe which Animus claimed as his own" She bit her lip why had she not seen that before? Would it have made a difference? Would she have walked a different path?

"The axe vibrates with dark energy, someone must have claimed it on Atrisia." Mythos would never have left the axe willingly behind.


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