Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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From Alcatraz to Prophet

Andy was on sitting in a couch, inside Daemos Shop administration office, Hex floating at his side, both waiting. The weapon he had in mind should be something that could be link with the current equipment he had. Other force user only rely on the lightsaber or at least one weapon. He needed a ranged weapon to provide assistance in battle. Of course he could always use a simple blaster gun or a machine gun, but the first time, he couldnt control the recoil, nor point well.

For now, he was waiting with the helmet on "I should create glasses" "Nah, the freaking thing would overheat" the entire room was normal, but inside the helmet, Andy was editing music with Hex. The playlist for everyplanet could be updated every week by Hex and having a whole universe with civilize planets with different music taste around to entertain was a hard job.

[member="Damien Daemon"]


Well-Known Member
A man came from the back of the small building, which rested on the Damien Estate grounds. His hair was slicked back, slightly to the right, in a moderately regal fashion. His clothes were of the higher fare, including silken blazer and pantz. Folding his arms behind his back, the sound of his heels clicking together was obvious before he called out, "Andrew Khor." Spotting the one whom he presumed was the correct, he gestured for the other to follow.

In the rear of the building, he broadly stretched a hand out, signaling to the man in the rear that currently rose a massive iron hammer then dropped it with a deafening clang. Lastly lifting the sword's blade with the Force, he quenched it in a cryo-freeze bath, then turned to the newcomer, "Thank you Soran. I will contact you when i need you." When the man departed, Damien wiped his hands on his blacksmith apron, then held a hand to shake, "Damien Daemon, owner and proprietor of Daemon Shop. Now, what can i do ya for?"

[member="Andy Khor"]
The guy was a force user, so this would be fairly easy to explain. He accompany Damien into his workshop, with Hex following. The entire place was filled with enough equipment to get the job done. He cracked his fingers as Hex floated facing the most clear space. With its holoproyector, it showed the template for a bow.


Andy got out a stick to explain everything with exact details "Well i need this type of bow. As you can see, its almost the regular common type that could be find on the market. But with a different" said laying the stick on a table at his side and taking out his helmet and lifting it "It´s need to be linked with this. The helmet has an enviroment scan, with a large memory and... (X)" said putting the helmet on the same table but grabbing the stick again, pointing the holoproyector template "I want this bow to have a targeting system like a red dot sight that can be linked. With the strength necessary to fire an arrow, things like that. I dont think im going to become a hunter"

[member='Damien Daemon']

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