Andy Khor
DJ for hire >:V
Andy was on sitting in a couch, inside Daemos Shop administration office, Hex floating at his side, both waiting. The weapon he had in mind should be something that could be link with the current equipment he had. Other force user only rely on the lightsaber or at least one weapon. He needed a ranged weapon to provide assistance in battle. Of course he could always use a simple blaster gun or a machine gun, but the first time, he couldnt control the recoil, nor point well.
For now, he was waiting with the helmet on "I should create glasses" "Nah, the freaking thing would overheat" the entire room was normal, but inside the helmet, Andy was editing music with Hex. The playlist for everyplanet could be updated every week by Hex and having a whole universe with civilize planets with different music taste around to entertain was a hard job.
[member="Damien Daemon"]
For now, he was waiting with the helmet on "I should create glasses" "Nah, the freaking thing would overheat" the entire room was normal, but inside the helmet, Andy was editing music with Hex. The playlist for everyplanet could be updated every week by Hex and having a whole universe with civilize planets with different music taste around to entertain was a hard job.
[member="Damien Daemon"]