Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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From Death to Legend


The blast at the stone near the Ssi-Ruu had him ducking for momentary cover, shaking off concern in exchange for anger as he realized he wasn't in actual danger. The display of power had him not concerned but even more so ready to be done with the other lessers and move on to the real prize. With one incapacitated, another conversing with this Mythos figure, he set his sights on the other. Tale swaying with each step, he stalked out of his now ruined vantage point, scent-tongues flicking in the air as he got a feel for his pray. Disgusting. The whole area reeked of inferiority.

The scream was a giveaway even more than the smell. With a snap of his jaw, his speed increased, talons readying his weapon as he went. The moment he caught sight of the human, he stopped, aimed, and fired the paddle beamer. The beam produced, meant to stun and leave the girl immobile, perfect for him to turn his attention to hunting the others. This hunt was of to a good start.

[member="Bestat"] | [member="Seras Rose"] | [member="Mythos"] | [member="Maelasi Eramar"]​
The throne of bodies that Mythos sat on was completed, a gore filled and blood drenched monolith fitting for a mummy returned from the dead wrapped in cloth with Sith Runes most foul. His head tilted when Bestat spoke, her words drawing him in with deepening curiosity and fascination yet never looking at her as an equal, but close. A foul wind crept into the pyramid ruin that still was in process of being fully crumbled. His hair, long and flowing, majestically danced with it's breeze. Eyes as yellow as gold stared back at [member="Bestat"] with intensity and unbridled fury. He smiled as she changed her form, now she took the appearance of the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in this life and the past. "Interesting..." Was she a shapeshifter? a changeling? He had heard of those before yet apart from his apprentice Rapax he had not met another one. As she continued to speak Mythos pondered, could she be of aid? Could she be the key to unearthing the heart of Ankhypt, the greatest treasure this world held beneath it's shifting sands? If anyone could open the gates of the UnderCity... if was a priestess. He answered her question with a question of his own.

"What do you think lies beneath the sands of the wastes Bestat? What has a millennia of Sand hid from the eyes of even the greatest of Pharaohs?" A wry smile accompanied the statement. there was a place closer to Chaos than any other in the galaxy, a place Mythos saw vision of while in the whirlwind of fire. His attention shifted to [member="Seras Rose"] who impressively withheld her own willpower from his mental scrutiny, the attack must have felt incredibly invasive and more than just a bit uncomfortable. One eyebrow raised, Mythos was impressed. "Brave.. but foolish" Words that could have described him a thousand times before. He saw himself in Seras at this moment, prideful and confident in victory over all things... Sometimes that brought him victory but not always... not most of the time. The hunter, [member="Khaalvaryn"] looked to be experienced in his craft and poised as well as confident in his actions move by move... Mythos wanted him as an ally, a Ssi Ruu by his side alongside Seras and [member="Maelasi Eramar"] would lay a great and powerful foundation for a apprenticeship pool... Bestat was the icing on the cake, powerful and with standing in a society with more than enough resources to provide him a base of power. All pieces of the puzzle were here.

The screams of those around did not turn her gaze from him. There was a flicker in his eyes as if for a moment something had touched upon his mind deterring him from his purpose. The screams however to Bestat who also was known as Bast screams were like music, accompanied by the sounds of war drums fueled her heart thump thump thump it made her shiver with excitement.

But there was time for that later this man before her setting himself up as a lord over the lands of Ankhypt wanted something, and not just the women who fought for his favor.

"There is much hidden under the sands of Ankhypt." Her movements were graceful enticing to those around her. She tilted her head so that what light that peered through fallen stones caught upon the her outfit highlighting the hints of gold within the threads. "The power of Set is beneath the sands" It was known that Set given dominion over the deserts his seat of power where all that dwelled within the deserts drew breath and life. "The almighty Ra oversees the creation of life, while Osirus watches the lands of the dead. But you do not really seek Ankhypt do you." It was not a question.

Why should she reveal to him and outsider for all that she could see the secrets that she knew. He was focused on something Bestat tried to listen to that which was continually with her, her second sense but what it said made no sense.

All temples were filled with gold and gems those that had it went without nothing, those that were slaves worshiped on their knees and serviced the 'gods' and nobles in hopes that their lives would go on. Bestat's own temple and home was in the desert build surround the oasis. And her followers the Mau took care of the temple and her home. But then this man did not know those things there was no need.

"We are divided into two lands the point where these two lands meet that is the most sacred point on Ankhypt and all that resides beneath it most sacred, and some say it is the heart of Ankhypt" She did not know why she had revealed this a desire to see what it is he would do with it, or was it that she thirsted for the taste of war again in lands which had grown quiet and docile. Course it was only lore that they told children to keep them occupied.

[member="Mythos"] [member="Khaalvaryn"] [member="Seras Rose"] [member="Maelasi Eramar"]​
Mythos was close in how he saw Seras. She was prideful, yes. She was confidant, yes. But not in victory. She had no illusions about the fight she had coming. No, Seras's pride and confidance was in her will. That indistinquishable thing that seperated the wheat from the chaff when the time came at the end of the line. To stand when you can't stand any more. To keep moving when you can't move any more. To keep struggling and prove that she can survive. It was far more simple then confidance in victory, far more base and instinctual. Not something born out of any one experince, but out of a person's nature. By the time Mythos pulled his 'claws' out of her mind, [member="Khaalvaryn"] was well on the way twoards her. To her own suprise, Seras was still standing on her own two feet with her left arm propping herself up against the wall.

She caught the incoming Ssi-Ruu out of the corner of her blurry vision, seeing it starting to aim some form of weapon at her. Out of sheer desperation Seras raised her vibro-blade to intercept what she assumed would be a blaster shot. On that account however, she was wrong. When the paddle beam hit the blade, it did stop it from hitting her. But it also travelled down the blade and into the energy cell and ultra-sonic generator. Then it promptly made both short out, the blade loosing its deadly vibro-cell and power source. Though Seras didn't seem to realize that at all as she looked at the enemy through her blurred vision, with a blade that at this point had little hope of peircing a Ssi-Ruu's tough hide.

[member="Bestat"] [member="Mythos"]

(Mind i might be a bit off on how the paddle beam would react to contact with a vibro-blade, if i am feel free to PM on the correction)


The clicks and chirps of the Ssi-Ruuvi language prayed tale of the reptile's annoyance when his weapon's beam didn't do as intended. He wanted the girl completely immobile, not capable of still wielding that blade she still held, regardless of how little damage he expected she was capable of in this sorry state. Another roar of a battle cry escaped his vocal chords as he charged the girl, head tucked, talons leaving scratch marks here and there across the pavement. He moved with the intention to knock her off her feet, to make sure she'd be going no where before he'd turn to engage the others. Only then, once they were all subdued, would he begin the processes of feast and entechment.

He'd have to thank this Mythos creature for weakening both her and the other he'd intended to do battle with the Ssi-Ruu. Perhaps he'd allow this man, if that was what he could even be called, the honor of being the first of the batch to be enteched. Or maybe he'd save him for last, savor the challenge this inferior being had already presented. Yes, he liked that idea, eyes flicking between his current query and the being in question.

[member="Seras Rose"] | [member="Bestat"] | [member="Mythos"] | [member="Maelasi Eramar"]

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