The Fire Nova
She noted Draco's response and replied quickly as they continued onward. "I am here to simply return to my home. It has been a while. Iv'e spent some time away and it is time to catch up with a certain individual who owes me something. I am from here...Used to the city life and it's surroundings. Mustafar you say...Not much there..I can see why this is a drastic change...How did you arrive? And may i ask....From where did you train? Was that Mustafar as well?" She would question as she continued through the streets regularly and passed by a man who was playing an instrument trying to grab the local's attention for cred's. It wasn't uncommon, as previously stated. There was an abundance of people who were all trying to make their way in life. Coruscant was a planet of opportunity and despair.
Tag: Draco Miles
Tag: Draco Miles