Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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From Dust I Shall Arise

[member="Keira Priest"]​


From what Alleya could tell, it was a quiet little world. Mostly plains, animals. Yet, very few signs of sentient life, even at the level of her tribe back home. Yet, she would not pass up the chance to continue her search on this world. It was in Mandalorian space, but secluded enough where the Sith would not be too caring about those who lived there. A perfect hiding spot for anyone. Perhaps even her father. She slowly descended her stolen Fury-class interceptor into the atmosphere of the world. It would be distinct to anyone below, however, as it was primitively painted with the visage of some snarling beast - the being Dathomirians called "the Fanged God". She circled around the nearby area. At first, her search only turned up rolling plains, untouched nature. Yet, soon saw what appeared to be some sort of homestead. Her heart fluttered, knowing the impossibility, but ever hopeful.

She slowed down the speed of her ship, and turned on the landing sequence. She did not land close to the home, but rather what appeared to be the very edge of the property. This was more out of caution than preference. For all she knew, she was going to be met with a blaster aimed at her. If that was the case, she hoped that it would be the set up for a quick get away. She walked to the exit of her ship, hearing the lock depressurize with a hiss before opening. Alleya kept her father's sword on her back, only wishing to use it as a form of identification rather than a true weapon.

"Suy'cuygar." She repeated over and over, trying to recall the words she was taught. hoping it would be a good first impression.

She took a few paces before sitting down in a meditative position. She unsheathed her sword and put it as far away as she could to seem unthreathening, but enough to have the spirits summon it back to her hand. Now she would wait, to see if this was a smart decision or not. Gods....she wanted to smack her mother so badly for placing this position on her...
Much as she'd done with her previous unwanted visitor, Keira watched this one approach through the scope of a rifle perched in the second-story window of her home. Similar to the last, the figure stopped at the edge of her property, seemingly waiting for her to meet them halfway. Zooming in, she squinted to discern notable features, only then realizing just how young this particular face was. A child. The last sentient being to set foot on her property had been the Dark Lord of the Sith himself, and in stark contrast a child sat there now, blade by her side and out of reach, though she knew better than to trust that.

Heaving a sigh, she leaned the rifle up against a nearby wall, standing and stretching, her bones creaking as she did. Age was catching up to her, and now there was a child here to drive that point home. Whatever reason she had for being here, the girl had certainly managed to pick the most out of the way planet in all the galaxy to land on, and if she was looking for points of interest would be sorely disappointed. All Ashrah had to offer was rolling plains, forests and mountains, an untouched wilderness largely unseen in the greater galaxy. Perhaps that was the spectacle, but she'd come here for the quiet, and lately didn't seem to be getting much of it. The galaxy was only getting more crowded by the day, and this was a stark reminder.

With one more glance outside she headed downstairs, taking her time as the stranger seemed content in waiting for her. Glancing to where her armor was stacked neatly in the corner with the helmet atop, she considered it for only a brief moment before reminding herself that this was a child. If she could confront the Dark Lord in plainclothes, then this, too, could be dealt with similarly.

Stepping outside, she habitually scanned her surroundings for any sign of danger before stepping forward, studying the vessel her new guest had flown in on, recognizing its structure as Sith but the paint decorating it decidedly not. If this had been one of their kind, she liked to think they had more sense than to send one so young, but that sort of morality didn't matter to them. Still, as she neared it became clearer and clearer that while she may have been Force-sensitive, this was no Sith she was contending with. Not a Jedi either, they had a rather distinct look about them that this one clearly lacked. A neutral party then, or as close as one could get in this day and age.

Silently she approached, stopping within conversational distance and merely watching the girl for a moment, their close proximity only confirming how young this one truly was. Gods, when had she gotten so old?

"You look young to be here by yourself, ad'ika. What is it you need?"

[member="Alleya Ke Djo"]
[member="Keira Priest"]​

"Suu coog yar..." Alleya managed to eek out, her accent butchering the words she practiced, "I do not mean to intrude on your land. I am put it extremely generously."

She kept her head bowed out of respect to the older woman who had come out to greet her. She carefully reached for the sword, holding it and presenting it in a fashion to her unwitting host.

"I am in search of someone. I do not know where they might be." She explained, " trying every lead I can think of. I have chosen this world because of its remoteness. I believe it could be a place he might have chosen to lay low in."

She felt like she was being trouble to this poor woman. She was honestly surprised that she not fired upon yet.

"Yours was merely the first piece of habitation I came across." She said, "I merely wish to know if there are any other settlements near. Specifically, one with Mandalorians. I am seeking one of their men."
The attempt at Mando’a coaxed a smile, and Keira nodded in greeting, returning the phrase and speaking a touch more slowly than she would to a native speaker. Su cuy’gar.” Lost did seem to be an understatement, but the purpose she spoke with told another tale, and soon enough that hunch was proven correct as the girl produced a blade and explained her search. It was an open-ended quest to put it lightly, and while the population of Mandalorians had shrunk since their peak, there were still more than enough to make this a nearly impossible mission.

Still, she reached out to carefully take the weapon in hand, recognizing it for what it was nearly immediately. “Do you know what this is, ad’ika?” Again she looked to the girl, motioning for her to stand. “You must have been traveling for some time. Come inside, you can rest and we can talk.” Turning, she would lead her to the kitchen just off the entrance, placing the blade in the center of the table and gesturing for her to sit.

Leaning against the counter, she watched her for a moment. “Would you like anything to eat? To drink? I don’t have a lot, but I’m sure there’s something.” Rummaging through the cupboards, she continued on. “My name’s Keira. There’s not many other settlements on Ashrah, and I’m not sure about anything Mandalorian. You said you’re looking for a man.” She paused for a moment, glancing in her direction once more. “Do you know what clan he’s from?”

[member="Alleya Ke Djo"]
[member="Keira Priest"]​

"There's the poison of it all." Alleya sighed as the older woman asked about her father's clan, "For how quickly I moved from Dathomir, my mother did not grant me a name."

She sat down at Keira's table, head put to her palms as she slouched over. She had been tired, exhausted, and feeling more than annoyed by the task her mother had sent her upon.

"If you happen to have tea, that would be wonderful." She sighed, "And I know what it is. It's beskad. A sword made of pure Mandalorian iron. One with little identifying marks."

She looked over at the woman a little more. Despite being a stranger, she felt like she could trust her. Perhaps it was the fact that this older woman reminded Alleya much of the women in tribe. Tough, yet maternal at the same time.

"The man I seek is my father. Or whom my mother tells me is my father." She grumbled, "Again. Hard to find one's father when he has no name."

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