Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction From Now On || Knights Obsidian


Tag: Taiia Mataan Taiia Mataan , Beric Layne Beric Layne , Kyyrk Kyyrk , Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura , Kurenai Yumi Kurenai Yumi , Nine Lives Nine Lives , Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner , Millu Lee Millu Lee , Ashelia Solidor Ashelia Solidor , Jalan Riyadosh

The divide was heavy.

On one hand, the Nightmother and her fellows made a compelling argument. The device could be a source of immense knowledge - or at the very least, information on how to protect themselves from further calamity. However, while this could very well be the case, Abel did not have any faith in their ability to contain it. The device was previously stored in the most secure of the Knighthood's facilities, was it not? Was not the Citadel the heart of their operations? If so, then was the Nightmother stating that there were other facilities with greater containment abilities than the Citadel? If that was the case...then why had it been brought to Roon to begin with? Why had it not been brought to those other locales?

Abel did his absolute best to maintain an even face as frustration settled in. His lip curled inward slightly between his teeth whilst he carefully considered what to say. As he ruminated, Nine Lives Nine Lives and Maple Harte suggested reverse-engineering the device. That was an even worse idea in his opinion. Keeping the device under their roof was one thing, deliberately poking at it was certainly the best way to cause another calamity to erupt into their lap. Conversely, Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner thought similarly to Abel in that the device should be destroyed.

Then there was the matter of bolstering their ranks. A matter that was intimately tied to the fate of the device in Abel's opinion.

With such a divide, the Lord Commander opened the floor. They would decide the fate of the device together. At least, in this, Abel's concerns would be heard, no matter the outcome. Thus, he stepped forward once more. "My fellow Knights." he began. "I stand by my earliest statement. I believe that the device should be destroyed. If we had the ability to effectively contain it, then our comrades would still be alive and we would not be having this conversation." He paused, folding his arms. "Ysalamir are more available in the Galaxy now than ever before. I suggest that we acquire many and surround the device with them. Transport its nullified form into a ship, and fly that ship into the nearest Black Hole. I highly doubt there is anything in the Galaxy today that can survive an Event Horizon."

Now, onto the matter of recruitment. "If we address the device correctly...If we avenge our fallen...then we can look to the people and say 'we were laid low by this device, but it no longer exists.' If we keep this device, how can we honestly go back to these same worlds and ask for their sons and daughters? How can we say to them: 'we recognize that your children died because of this device, but we thought it was a great idea to keep it around. Also, send more of your children this way.' Pardon the bluntness of it all, but I do not think we have any room to recruit another soul so long as the device exists." What came next was up to the Knighthood. Abel sincerely hoped they would make the right decision.


Tags: Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura Nine Lives Nine Lives Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner

It would have seemed that her words were mistaken by those around her, but that wasn't much of a matter, with how everything was going these days someone taking the wrong meaning away from your argument wasn't much of a deal. She calmly waited for the rest to speak, evaluating each Knights words and reasoning. At the very least most people seemed to have a similar idea on what to do but there was something she felt that was missing.

Upon Abel Denko Abel Denko finishing his own speech she once again stepped forward to address the council, her gaze falling upon Kyyrk Kyyrk first as she began. "When I made my statement about the Sith I was not referring directly to this device". "My statement was to compare us with them in terms of potential threats".

"The Sith Empire are quick to remove and destroy anything they perceive as a danger to them without second thought, I just wanted to point out we can't start down that path with this issue for who knows if it will stop here and won't leak into our other dealings".
Though it was different as such a device 'was' a threat she just wanted to state that point.

"In reference to studying this device, I do believe it needs to be disposed of, but what would happen if we face this threat again? Would we just stand back and let such a machine once again show up and cause chaos"? "We can study the one we have and learn a way to counter it so if one should reveal itself we are not reduced to such a state again". Preventing a disaster was much more beneficial then dealing with any aftermath, no matter how small.

"I do not think such a device should be contained forever and locked away in a vault, just as long as needed to possible give us time to form a permanent counter measure for the future". "If non can be found I see no reason to delay in removing it from this galaxy, in what ever manner the council see fit".

Maple had contented herself for a long time being at the fringe of the CIS. She had remained pretty much at the same rank she joined...a low level bounty hunter, Witch, and occasionally useful Assassin. She had never involved The CIS in her own personal struggle beyond her need for their credits.

When the Mandragora had been folded into the Mage division of The Knights, under Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura , she had chosen to remain an outsider and keep the Mandragora title. Though it had been a long time since the Spirit Doashim spoke to her.

She had initially thought to refuse Nine's request to join her here, join The Knight's Obsidian. Her schizophrenia was steadily was becoming harder to do her bounties. One had escaped her just last week because she had hallucinated at the wrong moment.

Nine had tempted her by promising to try and find some way of reliving her incurable Shrodinger Syndrome, the special brand of hell she had been afflicted with. Maple had agreed. She had to slow it down, had to remain coherent a little while longer to kill the Amalgam.

"Whatever we decide..." Maple trailed as she sat next to Nine, ignoring the voices.

"It must be kept under strictest security. Secrecy will also be paramount. We should publicly tell everyone we ejected the device into a Black Hole near the Maw or something like that. The Public will buy it at least. Our enemies won't however, so we should keep it as close as possible to a Black Hole in reality so we can actually dispose of it if we have to."

"Yeah, any place we stick this in has to be a massive murder-death-killbox..." Nine asserted.

"A Stallone reference? By the Force Nine, your insanity has grown more pronounced..." Maple remarked idly, her own insanity causing her to make an OOC Reference.

"Shh, not in front of the others, they won't get the joke!" Nine whispered in a blatantly open and conspiratorial manner before turning to the others.

"But where do we stick it and how inaccessible can we make where we stick it?" Nine asked.

Maple facepalmed in embarrassment at Nine's words. Nine realized what she had said and cringed in embarrassment, red in the face.

"That came out wrong, didn't it?" Nine asked, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"You're never going to live that down..." Maple remarked stoically, still facepalming. "But she does bring up a good point. What location could we place it at that wouldn't put everyone around it at risk, is well defended yet wouldn't draw attention. I should also stress that I and even Nine to an extant favor Kurenai's approach."

Kyyrk Kyyrk

Kurenai Yumi Kurenai Yumi

Abel Denko Abel Denko


T A G S | Taiia Mataan Taiia Mataan , Beric Layne Beric Layne , Kyyrk Kyyrk , Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura ,
Kurenai Yumi Kurenai Yumi , Nine Lives Nine Lives , Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner , Millu Lee Millu Lee , Jalan Riyadosh.

Her entire body shuddered as the Nightmother reached out with her hand towards the foolish elzeri. Gratefully she accepted what was offered, lowering her body upfront in a respectful half curtesy to Vytal, the woman seemed to always find Ashelia when she was lost, as a beacon of bright light shining her way to the lost, calling them home, once in the woods where she saw the visions of her parents taunting her amidst the leafs and once again in where they stood as her mind drifted to gloomy places and broken things. Her master, now bones and dust in her grave, once remarked to Ashelia that kindness and cruelty were but two ways of inciting courage in those that weaken before the shadow of their hearts.

“On my people’s planet, there was an wondrous flying predator called Diatia. It was said that once a year he sang the most beautiful melodies ever heard by my people, yet over time he was hunted down for his flesh and feathery ornaments, that was done harmlessly during the course of many years until the day came where all Diatia were dead. I will not say it out loud not to destroy the device for I have seen, like all of us, what it can do, but I still haven’t seen what else it can do before destruction is decided and his loss is accounted for.”

She enjoyed doing that, saying both ‘yes and no’ all at the same time. But sometimes, like in situations such as this one where not only her life mattered but also the deaths of many, Ashelia couldn’t help herself but feeling the forgotten sensation of goosebumps running through her spine back to the end of her neck.

Luca Ioneşti




He hardly had words, and for a man that often had many of them, it was concerning. Arriving at the meeting, and encountering his padawan, whom he had not seen since before the Cataclysm was a relief; her absences and secrets becoming too much of a risk, he had forced as much of it as he could, into daylight, and hadn't had a word from her since. In truth, the disaster had him more than worried that she had been cut down too, but the morose mood at his own definite losses, wearied anger the circumstances caused in him made his relief at the sight of her hardly apparent. The exchange of glances and barely a word at the entrance to the gathering seemed to be enough, and through the address, and divisive discussions, they had remained just as silent, her beside him, occupying two seats on a bench in a hall that could hold many more than had arrived.

He hadn't been on Monastery in some time, and now there was nothing to go to. It thankfully hadn't taken his student, but it had stolen from him his closest friend. Rothe had been on Monastery, meeting a new student of his own... Luca set his jaw, banishing the thought as he had done what seemed like a thousand times, to keep himself sane. He had wanted to go and scream when the reality set in. When he knew. Just raise his voice to a roar at a mountain, and be swallowed by the snows that birthed him. But reality also prevailed. They now needed every soul left. Glancing sidelong at Teyla, he gathered himself together, and finally rose from the bench to speak.

"Do what you must with this... thing," he said in an even tone, words at a measured pace, though wavering with weakened, tired anger, "and be rid of it, but only when we can be certain it won't react badly to its end, because..."

His knee-jerk initial thoughts were alike in mind to Denko and Lechner, but the thought of it... reacting at the mindless destruction of it was a more worrisome prospect, and giving into initial fear, giving into fear at all, robbed the mind. His voice rose with his next words.

"...if this... fething device could cut so many of us down so quickly, when not provoked, it could very well do worse when it is. Would you go in, blades flashing, with no appraisal of the situation?! Most certainly fething not! You assess every step. You listen. You proceed with care."

Growing up with a world such as Vandor was a lesson in taking care. You didn't take out your anger at the snowy mountain, when avalanches are the consequence. You don't run out into the snows without preparation. Hypothermia and frostbite are real. So are bears.

"We... just don't know enough, and we can't afford to give in to fear. Can't afford to lose more than we have. Not now."

With his piece said, he plopped back down on the bench, appearing deflated, but rifling through the inner pockets of his robes and fishing out a blister pack of chewing gum, popping out three tabs and popping them in his mouth, chewing fervently to keep himself from turning into a smokestack indoors, thereafter turning his head to his padawan, and offering her the packet, with a gum-muffled whisper.


The Nightmother calmly turned back toward the group to regard them in their fervor on matters pertaining to the collective assembly. She rarely found it necessary to raise her voice nor to deliver a verbal lashing -- though she'd gladly do so to those that earned it. Nothing said so far had come close to upsetting her, though the thought of destroying the artifact before it was full understood was not her personal preference.​
"We say to them that we have carried out our duty ensuring that destroying this weapon will not visit upon the sons and daughters that yet live an even worse fate." Vytal's green eyes turned toward Abel Denko Abel Denko who was the most passionate regarding the future of the device. Not without reason. Obviously the thing was a threat to the Balance that the Solanaceae cherished, and it would not be ignored out of convenience. "For now, it is contained in a place others will not be tempted by its siren song until we are certain rupturing the containing vessel will not cause the same catastrophe -- or worse." It could get worse. Reality-ending level.​
While Abel's idea of using a blackhole wasn't without merit, if this device somehow wanted or needed its vessel broken the crushing gravity of a blackhole might suffice toward that end; furthermore, it might not be fast enough to contain whatever foul magick was contained within. It was tied to the Nether in some capacity, so dimensions of time and space may not hold as great a sway as one expected. Vytal wanted to have even a somewhat confident answer what would happen before they attempted such a thing.​
Maple Harte Maple Harte drew her eye next. Obvious issues with multiple personalities aside, the Nightmother found her idea workable, but flawed. The Nightsister from Dathomir did not dabble in politics. This very situation was drowning in them, however. Perhaps letting them feel at easy would help in the short term, but the Nightmother did not agree with the deception. Bending the truth because the reality was too complicated was one thing; outright stating they'd destroyed it when they had not was another in her mind.​
A new voice of passion joined the chorus and drew the Nightmother's gaze to Luca Ioneşti. Still and silent, the Witch did not thank the man for what he'd said by word or deed. Several had agreed with if not keeping it then at least keeping it long enough not to make a terrible situation even worse. It was not the ideal outcome, but it was one Vytal could accept. Inwardly she was thankful, but where others could see she would keep her own counsel. Each opinion had been well-reasoned from where each stood. They only wanted the best for the survivors. The Lord Commander was in charge of the proceedings, however, and she would leave declarations in his care on this matter.​

Template By: Darth Metus (Guy)

Arro Peradun


This whole times, he had sat on one of the benches, minding his own business, his attention rapt with the proceedings of this sobering gathering. Their numbers had been slashed, they had been and were threatened, possibly far more than they had ever been before, as far as he knew from his limited time with the Knights Obsidian. Elbows perched on knees, chin settled on the knit of his fingers, citrine eyes moving from speaker to speaker, differing opinions on action, inaction, flying between them, further voices bolstering one opinion or another, others straddling the crevasse between each argument, taking no side, or both.

His nose twitched nigh imperceptibly throughout all of this, emotions running high amongst the gathered, physiological responses to those feelings, the situation at hand, 'spicing' the air. There was so much uncertainty, and it made his own frustration at his inability to do anything for it that much more real. About the device, there was little he could understand, and nothing he knew about such artefacts, nor their functions. Being a soldier, to protect, preserve, defend? That he knew well, that he could do, and investment of time and focus in developing his other latent power to match his nature and knowledge, to improve upon it, was the prime path he saw before him.

To this end, his focus had been split in this frame of time, feline gaze skirting to the Lord Commander again and again, this separate train of thought ruminating on a decision that could very well solidify his future in some familiar ways, and potentially alter it in a manner yet unknown. What he knew of the Miraluka and his ways told Arro of common ground, and possibly the best opportunity to do all that he could for the people of this nation, in the fashion he knew best. For them, for his own people most of all, even if his own father seemed to have refused to understand the purpose his son saw in leaving Felacat behind, like his father's brother, in decades past. He lowered his gaze, focusing on nothing, instead peering inward; this time, he had to be sure he was making the right choice, that nothing blinded him unlike before.

The Nightmother spoke with seeming finality, pulling his attention outward again. It appeared as if the meeting might soon conclude, but nothing was certain. Were it to wear on, he would take it all in, as he had done since arrival, but after that? What then? He would find out soon enough.

Chaos NaNo: 431 words

Jalan Riyadosh

There was talk of keeping the device, of throwing it into a black hole. Of trying to destroy it, then back to attempting to gain knowledge from it. Even with a higher mental capacity, the back and forth wore on her. Jalan broke away from the talk, far enough to hear, but not near enough to be part of. She didn't want it to be thrown to the depths only to visit upon them a worse fate than the first. But keeping it seemed almost worse.

The nightmother assured them it was tucked away, but hadn't it been before? Her hands rubbed together again, mind filling in the mental image of red covered arms as her hands shook from the effort of not scrubbing her arms again. She didn't want worse. Didn't want anyone else to go through what she and others had gone through in that surprise attack.

There had been no safety, no quarter, or mercy. People-

She kept her gorge from rising, gulping air and holding it as she sunk against the pillar and curled into herself. She wanted these memories gone. Wanted to be rid of those horrid events. Needed something better in there place. She remembered the people that had been around her only a short time ago in that moment. In those halls.

Was it a kindness to forget them though? Was it fair to do such a thing as forget the fallen? Wine colored eyes had scanned those that gathered to speak, and wondered what they had seen. What they had witnessed. What weight they bore.

Teyla Sal-Soren Teyla Sal-Soren | Kyyrk Kyyrk | Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner | Ashelia Solidor Ashelia Solidor | Beric Layne Beric Layne | Abel Denko Abel Denko | Taiia Mataan Taiia Mataan | Luca Ioneşti | Kurenai Yumi Kurenai Yumi | Nine Lives Nine Lives | Millu Lee Millu Lee | Maple Harte Maple Harte | Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura | Arro Peradun

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