Taiia Mataan
Beric Layne
Vytal Noctura
Kurenai Yumi
Nine Lives
Gerwald Lechner
Millu Lee
Ashelia Solidor
, Jalan Riyadosh
The divide was heavy.
On one hand, the Nightmother and her fellows made a compelling argument. The device could be a source of immense knowledge - or at the very least, information on how to protect themselves from further calamity. However, while this could very well be the case, Abel did not have any faith in their ability to contain it. The device was previously stored in the most secure of the Knighthood's facilities, was it not? Was not the Citadel the heart of their operations? If so, then was the Nightmother stating that there were other facilities with greater containment abilities than the Citadel? If that was the case...then why had it been brought to Roon to begin with? Why had it not been brought to those other locales?
Abel did his absolute best to maintain an even face as frustration settled in. His lip curled inward slightly between his teeth whilst he carefully considered what to say. As he ruminated,
Nine Lives
and Maple Harte suggested reverse-engineering the device. That was an even worse idea in his opinion. Keeping the device under their roof was one thing, deliberately poking at it was certainly the best way to cause another calamity to erupt into their lap. Conversely,
Gerwald Lechner
thought similarly to Abel in that the device should be destroyed.
Then there was the matter of bolstering their ranks. A matter that was intimately tied to the fate of the device in Abel's opinion.
With such a divide, the Lord Commander opened the floor. They would decide the fate of the device together. At least, in this, Abel's concerns would be heard, no matter the outcome. Thus, he stepped forward once more. "My fellow Knights." he began. "I stand by my earliest statement. I believe that the device should be destroyed. If we had the ability to effectively contain it, then our comrades would still be alive and we would not be having this conversation." He paused, folding his arms. "Ysalamir are more available in the Galaxy now than ever before. I suggest that we acquire many and surround the device with them. Transport its nullified form into a ship, and fly that ship into the nearest Black Hole. I highly doubt there is anything in the Galaxy today that can survive an Event Horizon."
Now, onto the matter of recruitment. "If we address the device correctly...If we avenge our fallen...then we can look to the people and say 'we were laid low by this device, but it no longer exists.' If we keep this device, how can we honestly go back to these same worlds and ask for their sons and daughters? How can we say to them: 'we recognize that your children died because of this device, but we thought it was a great idea to keep it around. Also, send more of your children this way.' Pardon the bluntness of it all, but I do not think we have any room to recruit another soul so long as the device exists." What came next was up to the Knighthood. Abel sincerely hoped they would make the right decision.

The divide was heavy.
On one hand, the Nightmother and her fellows made a compelling argument. The device could be a source of immense knowledge - or at the very least, information on how to protect themselves from further calamity. However, while this could very well be the case, Abel did not have any faith in their ability to contain it. The device was previously stored in the most secure of the Knighthood's facilities, was it not? Was not the Citadel the heart of their operations? If so, then was the Nightmother stating that there were other facilities with greater containment abilities than the Citadel? If that was the case...then why had it been brought to Roon to begin with? Why had it not been brought to those other locales?
Abel did his absolute best to maintain an even face as frustration settled in. His lip curled inward slightly between his teeth whilst he carefully considered what to say. As he ruminated,

Then there was the matter of bolstering their ranks. A matter that was intimately tied to the fate of the device in Abel's opinion.
With such a divide, the Lord Commander opened the floor. They would decide the fate of the device together. At least, in this, Abel's concerns would be heard, no matter the outcome. Thus, he stepped forward once more. "My fellow Knights." he began. "I stand by my earliest statement. I believe that the device should be destroyed. If we had the ability to effectively contain it, then our comrades would still be alive and we would not be having this conversation." He paused, folding his arms. "Ysalamir are more available in the Galaxy now than ever before. I suggest that we acquire many and surround the device with them. Transport its nullified form into a ship, and fly that ship into the nearest Black Hole. I highly doubt there is anything in the Galaxy today that can survive an Event Horizon."
Now, onto the matter of recruitment. "If we address the device correctly...If we avenge our fallen...then we can look to the people and say 'we were laid low by this device, but it no longer exists.' If we keep this device, how can we honestly go back to these same worlds and ask for their sons and daughters? How can we say to them: 'we recognize that your children died because of this device, but we thought it was a great idea to keep it around. Also, send more of your children this way.' Pardon the bluntness of it all, but I do not think we have any room to recruit another soul so long as the device exists." What came next was up to the Knighthood. Abel sincerely hoped they would make the right decision.