Daughter of Fen
If Lina felt any sort of surprise at finding Malum so close to her she did not betray it, she remained relaxed, resting her back against the shelves as she looked up at him, her smile unchanged. If he was attempting to seduce her, he would have to try harder that that, and she certainly didn't see him as a threat. However, even she couldn't deny the shiver of electricity that ran up her spine as he leaned close, offering his assistance.
Her lips parted and she took a small breath, her hand moving to rest upon his chest as she pushed off the shelves closing the gap between them entirely, her eyes twinkling, enjoying the little game they were playing, She knew full well, if Sarlow Zambrano caught them in such close proximity, Malum would have found himself flying through the nearest wall. She let out a chuckle. "I'm not entirely sue you can be of assistance, my lord." Her voice was low, almost teasing.
Then he pulled away, but even with distance the energy between the still cracked. had she not been taken and more than satisfied, she might have chased that heat, but she was a better woman than that. she didn't miss a beat, following his nonchalant behaviour. "Well, if you're so keen on keeping your friends close, perhaps I could accompany you on such and expedition, rather than hearing about it second hand. I find information from the source is far more reliable."
Darth Malum of House Marr
Her lips parted and she took a small breath, her hand moving to rest upon his chest as she pushed off the shelves closing the gap between them entirely, her eyes twinkling, enjoying the little game they were playing, She knew full well, if Sarlow Zambrano caught them in such close proximity, Malum would have found himself flying through the nearest wall. She let out a chuckle. "I'm not entirely sue you can be of assistance, my lord." Her voice was low, almost teasing.
Then he pulled away, but even with distance the energy between the still cracked. had she not been taken and more than satisfied, she might have chased that heat, but she was a better woman than that. she didn't miss a beat, following his nonchalant behaviour. "Well, if you're so keen on keeping your friends close, perhaps I could accompany you on such and expedition, rather than hearing about it second hand. I find information from the source is far more reliable."