Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private From One Traitor, to Another

If Lina felt any sort of surprise at finding Malum so close to her she did not betray it, she remained relaxed, resting her back against the shelves as she looked up at him, her smile unchanged. If he was attempting to seduce her, he would have to try harder that that, and she certainly didn't see him as a threat. However, even she couldn't deny the shiver of electricity that ran up her spine as he leaned close, offering his assistance.

Her lips parted and she took a small breath, her hand moving to rest upon his chest as she pushed off the shelves closing the gap between them entirely, her eyes twinkling, enjoying the little game they were playing, She knew full well, if Sarlow Zambrano caught them in such close proximity, Malum would have found himself flying through the nearest wall. She let out a chuckle. "I'm not entirely sue you can be of assistance, my lord." Her voice was low, almost teasing.

Then he pulled away, but even with distance the energy between the still cracked. had she not been taken and more than satisfied, she might have chased that heat, but she was a better woman than that. she didn't miss a beat, following his nonchalant behaviour. "Well, if you're so keen on keeping your friends close, perhaps I could accompany you on such and expedition, rather than hearing about it second hand. I find information from the source is far more reliable."

Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr
Despite the guilt of it, there was little purpose in lying to himself, there was a certain... enjoyment... a joy... he felt in the warmth of her hand pressed against his chest. Perhaps it was less who this woman was, and the fact alone that she was doing unto him, what he found so...

... Precocious.

If he did have a taste it was in ones who knew exactly how to push back.

She gave nothing away.

At least not overtly.

Yet there was a buzz of electricity between them, indeed it felt like a fireplace had been ignited, his robes suddenly felt far too constricting under the haze of whatever game they were playing.

"Many have underestimated me, and I have surprised them all, will you too join the first, and be resultant in the second?" He smirked as he leaned back in, he knew he should not have, he knew he had extricated himself, yet with her hand pressed against his heart, with his breath against her face, he pressed even further closer, leg placed prominently in between hers, as height gently pushed her back against the shelves, the audible creak, alerting them both to the wooden frames, "So tell me, how might I be of assistance to you, my lady?~" His husky breath questioned.

His eyes glimmered at the rest of her words... was she taking up his invitation truly as a way for them to secretly communicate?

Or was this simply the way a spy sought to infiltrate into his ranks?

"I already have one of Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex 's... followers... to accompany me on this expedition, a once old friend," It had been far too long, Quintessa Zambrano Quintessa Zambrano , "Another would certainly not be remiss... yet tell me..." His face was inches away from hers, rubies and emeralds stared, drinking each other in, a single motion, and they would be linked even further than they already were, "Do you believe we could be... trusted... around another?~" He breathed out hot air against her lips, as he licked his own, smirk ever present, as if a permanent fixture upon the aristocratic, aquiline face.

There were two questions in one.

What would be her answers?

Lina Ovmar Lina Ovmar
This time as he snapped back to her, effectively pinning her against the shelves, Lina let out a gasp, her smile widening. "I do like to be surprised." She purred back, a touch of mocking in her tone. She changed her mind about him finding himself being thrown through a wall, Sarlow would outright kill him. But what Sarlow Zambrano didn't know, wouldn't harm anyone.

"You're a smart man, my lord, you understand my position enough, I'm sure you can figure something out." Her words were barely above a whisper, her lips tantalising close to his, their breth mingled as she tilted her head at his next words, disappointment flashing breifly across her eyes that another had managed to secure the first seat on such a journey.

"No, I don't think we can be trusted among others." She didn't trust any that willingly followed Kaine, their devotion to him was unbearable. Sarlow's devotion was born out of duty, an internal need, she suspected for him to make up for his youth. It was the reason that even now, she kept things from him. Until she knew he was entirely devoted to her, that would be how it would remain.

"Pity." she mused after a beat "We could have had such fun." She wondered how far he would push, how far was he willing to go in an attempt to break down walls.

Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr
Any thrill he might have received from the gasp that sounded from her lungs, the soft purr out of her lips, was tempered with the voice that was filled with a tone as sultry as it was mocking. She played the game well, even when on the backfoot it seemed.

"I find most do, as long as the surprise is pleasant, and oftentimes... pleasureable~" If the winter winds were blowing there was no doubt in his mind that they would be able to witness their breath meld right in front of them, alas, even without it, it was clear such occurred, as both dared the other retreat.

And Malum so hated retreat.

"You know it is interesting, I am either considered exceedingly intelligent for my age, or entirely too naive due to my age... I wonder in what decision I make here, will history judge me the visionary or the fool." Was she a true revolutionary under bondage and wishing to break the chains of Kaine's rule?

Or was she an agent of Kaine all unto herself?

He smirked at her answer,
"My my, I had not realised relations were so high-strung between those who inhabit the Malsheem... now why exactly is that?" An indentured servant who loved the crown prince.

It was such a trope that he almost gagged.

Though considering the behaviour undertaken today... he could not even be certain if it was love... or perhaps she simply was that libertine after all.

He noticed that flash in her eyes... what exactly was that?




It had been so quick, he could not quite tell.

"Now... now... similar expeditions can be organised... and plenty of... fun, can still be had." He leaned forward, their noses a hairs draw away from connecting, their foreheads so close that they could feel the heat of the other's skin, rubies shimmered against emeralds, a staring contest where nothing else in the world mattered.

Lina Ovmar Lina Ovmar
Lina could only chuckle, visionary or fool would depends entirely on howbone viewed her foe. Those who despised Kaine, would see him as visionary for helping her, those that didn't?

Well, it wouldn't matter what they thought.

"That would depend entirely on your success or failure would it not?" She left the rest unsiad, unable to divulge more without harming herself.

"Relations between others on the Malsheem are not typically so high strung, but I don't trust any Kainite as far as I can throw them, Sarlow included."

He leaned forward, promises of other expeditions falling from his lips. She brushed her nose against his, breaking past the barrier they kept teasing against, emerald eyes watching every flicker of his own red gaze.

Her eyes glittered, as she brushed her lips against his. "I'm always interested in fun." She murmured against his lips.

Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr
Even as he blinked.

He could not help but melt into the kiss, her lips so soft, her lips so warm, even as he whispered silent apologies in his mind, a hundred times, a thousand times, the temptation, the hunger, was unrelenting. He pressed his lips against hers, feeling his heart increase in pace, compelling her further back against the tight expanse between his form and the bookshelf, fingers trailing along her clothed form, teasing the skin underneath.

Before whether by his own will, or the biological necessity of oxygen, he withdrew.

Though that withdrawal, still had nostrils pressed against each other, breathing out heavy breaths that trailed across skin as emeralds faced rubies.

"Success or Death..." He whispered against her face, that famous motto of his once Mistress.

And before the guilt took hold, a guilt he felt barreling from his mind across to his heart, he leaned back in.

Dessert wine.

So sweet.

So intoxicating.

He justified, he convinced, he forced himself to not think, and simply.

Simply enjoy.

And her presence, this sensation, this knowledge true or not, that she did not trust any Kainite, even the Crown Prince of their order.

Was all that he needed to free himself from guilt, as teeth grazed her lips, a silent request for entry.

Lina Ovmar Lina Ovmar
Lina melted into the kiss, knowing there was nothing behind this, just two people who had gotten caught up in a dangerous game of chess and allowed lust and passion to overule logic and sense.

Her lips parted, her hands sliding about his neck as she broke away again. "Sarlow will kill you, if he finds out about this." She breathed, emerald eyes watching for his reaction, the heat between them intoxicating.

Lina carried no guilt, Sarlow had only just seen fit to give her the attention she had demanded from him for months, and despite how she felt for him, she still could not trust him, still could not shake the voice that screamed he was the son of the man she wanted dead.

So, wherever this went, whatever happened next, she did not care.

Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr
When she pulled away, it may have presented him with a moment of doubt, a moment of guilt, a moment of disgust at himself as he fully comprehended what he was doing. Even as it was not yet overwhelming, it was there, and it certainly threatened to be, yet all for the words she said to him.

Whether she intended it or not.

Designed it or not.

Stroked his ego.

Gave him an opportunity that was impossible to ignore.

His hands wrapped themselves around her waist, as he pulled her in closer, while pushing them both further back against the shelves, shivering at her cold arms wrapped around his neck, emeralds and rubies bearing into each other, as their breaths collided with the intensity of hurricanes, there were no feelings in this, that much was true.

Indeed, when she was his age, he had not yet been born.

However, she was a beautiful woman.

And his weakness had always been beautiful women.

It had been a long time indeed that he had acted purely out of lust in this manner.

And no final last apology could make up for that.

"If the father should be opposed, I cannot quite well fear the son, can I?" He whispered back against her lips, before closing the distance, melting back into her, as he pushed her head back into the books, before he trailed down, first her cheek, laying gentle kisses, then down to her chin, down her neck, his teeth grazing flesh, "How far do you intend to go?" He breathed huskily.

Lina Ovmar Lina Ovmar
Pinned between the hungry press of Malum's body and the dusty bookshelves, Lina relished in the rush of it all, the speed at which they'd gone from dancing around each others words to giving in to the simplest of needs. The kisses he trailed down her neck elicited a noise of pleasure from her, his whispered question drawing a wide smile to her face, as she pressed closed to him, fingers trailing down his back,

"Don't ask questions, you already know the answer to."

Lina was repining her hair back into place when the servant entered the library, a tea tray rolling ahead of him which he placed on the low table that rested between the pair. She didn't miss the sideways glance that she was given, responding with a wink before twisting in the armchair and addressing Malum.

"Would you mind?" she gestured to the zip at the back of her dress she had not quite managed to close on her own as he'd dressed himself.

Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr
Well, that had certainly been...


He blinked out the daze from his eyes, having been idly watching her carefully, responding to her words, patting down his own robes, and offering a simple nod at her answer.

No doubt he would be very much morose in the next few hours.

But that could be his future self's problem.

And he knew it very much would be a problem.

The first pustules of guilt were already making themselves to the surface, and no amount of banishing them would save him from the oncoming reality of what he had just done.

The betrayal he had just committed.

But what was one betrayal to the many he had committed?

A silent apology passed his mind and lips, as reverent, as... sorrowful, as they always had been. He had lost control, that much he knew, and losing control was always... difficult.

It meant... she knew.

That would be two betrayals in one act.

Malum was reminded of how truly horrid a man he was.

He approached the back of her form, the form which he had only so recently seen bare, the form he had made worn, the sound of wind rushing upwards alerted the zip to find itself to its rightful place at the top of her apparel, as he rested his chin upon her shoulder, wrapping his arms around her waist, very much not wishing to consider matters of morality at the present moment.

"Well, I cannot say I truly expected such an event today," And the source of greatest guilt.

That he did not truly regret that it did happen.

It would be a long haze-driven night for him...

"If I might be so bold... I believe we have established we have much in common, and much to gain in cooperation, would you not agree?" There was still the possibility she was a spy, indeed had not many among the Tsis'Kaar been trained to use everything in their arsenal in order to ensnare their query? The Tsis'Raki had been infamous for it... it would not be beyond the Kainite Shikkar to engage in similar practices.

Yet for now, he saw no evidence of such a thing, that brand was far too obvious.

To keep her close, to investigate further, was the only surety in any of this.

Lina Ovmar Lina Ovmar

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