Damien Mercer
William gave a smile and a nod, then looked over to the group of workers Vulpesen had pointed out. "Sure thing." He said, turning and making his way over to the Zorrens. "Right fellas, I'm going to be showing you how this stuff works." The man motioned to a crate full of various tech, most of it building-related. His arms outstretched and he gestured the group forward with him, approaching the box. "We'll start with this," He began, huddling the group round as he picked up an item from the crate. It was an old datapad that was once used to measure the integrity of a structure and ensure anything the user built would stay up. Of course, it looked like it had been dug up from an ancient tomb it was that old. Vulpesen was right, the tech definitely wasn't modern, but it would do. Activating the datapad, he began showing the Zorrens how to utilize it for any future construction. It wasn't the only tech he had to show them by far, and so the long lesson began...
[member="Vulpesen"] [member="Javik Quar-Kai"] [member="Dux Kotass"] [member="Dux Pontus"] [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] [member="Zander Greyson"] [member="Hakora Rhapsodos"]
[member="Vulpesen"] [member="Javik Quar-Kai"] [member="Dux Kotass"] [member="Dux Pontus"] [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] [member="Zander Greyson"] [member="Hakora Rhapsodos"]