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Faction Frontier Liberation: Salt the Earth || The Confederacy


Civilisation had been stripped from the Outer Rim, now it is time to give it back to the desolate souls. The Confederacy, while still a very new power in the region, already scrambles to bring peace and order to the galaxy. But drastic changes like these will not just happen overnight, it is going to take a lot of work across various theaters to bring law and order back to the area that used to be governed by the proud Mandalorian Enclave only a few recent years ago.

The first theater is, as one could expect, politics. Democracy needs to be a well-oiled machine and its ministers need to set things in motion. Numerous issues plague any new government, one of which entails the Confederacy’s neighbours.

Behind the scenes, however, the machine of democracy needs a little push. Certain unsavoury elements would like nothing more than to see civilisation remain a pipe dream reserved for spoiled folk in the Inner Rim. This will not suffice.

It is our job to fix these kinks in the machine.



Politics is a necessary evil. On one end, it stalls solutions to seemingly simple problems. On the other end, it is the shield that ensures that a simple disagreement does not devolve into open war. A very realistic prospect with the neighbours only a stone’s throw away from Rothana

A foreign policy bill needs to be put in place to establish an official stance in regards to major concerns such as the Tingle Arm Coalition and the League of Autonomous Worlds, as well as lesser concerns such as the remnants of the Mandalorian Enclave on Kestri.

All available politicians and corporate entities are invited to attend the first official Parliamentary gathering of the Confederacy on Rothana.


Even in its infancy, other powers in the region would love to crush the Confederacy before it could draw its first breath. One of these elements is the syndicate known as the Marunda Cartel. Under the Enclave’s boot they held no power, but since the state’s collapse, the planet Kaddak became the headquarters for this extremely ambitious group.

The Confederacy has hired various elements from the Underworld to either negotiate or draw out the leaders of this syndicate, while a squad of special forces is sent to tail them and make sure the Marunda Cartel will not be an issue for the foreseeable future.


The Confederacy’s influence stretches from Roon to Lyran IV and everything in between. Go ham.​



It was almost a given, that a Nargath would attend the first Parliamentary congress of the fledgling Confederacy of Independant Systems. In the past, the Houseof Nargath had served as Viceroys for the CIS, but their cooperation had soon grown cold when the CIS had enacted the Confederacy First policy, an edict which severely hampered the individual power and prosperity of the member worlds and effectively had turned the CIS into an empire. House Nargath's refusal to follow had rapidly turned the tide against them, but as Eriaduans in heart and with imperial tendencies mixed with a healthy dose of bureaucratic instinct, even after the collapse of the CIS, the family's business; the N&Z Umbrella Corporation managed to endure the test of time.

Tertius, the current chairman of the board of directors in service of the N&Z, also the current head of House Nargath, could not object to the invitation sent to him by the Confederacy. His interest was sparked not only by the old ties his company had had with the Confederacy in the past, but also the fact that the burgeoning faction presented an opportunity both in business and in politics.

Arriving at the Planet of Rothana's space port aboard one of his company's most impressive products; a Sunderer-I class Heavy Destroyer, Tertius managed to board a shuttle and leave this prideful vessel behind in orbit, allowing it to be inspected and marvelled at by any who wished to do so. Taking along not members of the Valkan Guard, but members of the N&Z's own security division as he had decided to come not as a former member of the assembly, but as a prospective corporate partner for the fledgling faction.

It did not take long for the eriaduan male to find himself in the massive space used to hold this first parliamentarian gathering, leaving behind his security detail outside of the hallowed halls of bureaucracy, the chairman of the N&Z hoped to seek out new contacts and possible new contracts.

Tag: Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr | Vemric Keldra Vemric Keldra | open

TAGS: Tharil Tharil
GEAR: In bio

Golden eyes idly scanned the area as Jas sat by a simple food stall. It had been a while since he had to go dark like this. Most operations recently were a lot more high profile, but he didn't complain. It was a refreshing change of pace... and it gave him an easy escape from the boring parliamentary meeting he was supposed to attend. He left that job to Arjen as his second in command.

The thought of either of them having to give a speech was quite amusing.

He took a sip of some soup he ordered as he studied the people around him. His armour was hidden by an old poncho and his head was concealed by a head scarf. His helmet sat next to him with its visor angled behind him. A simple trick in case anyone managed to sneak up on him.

They had a simple objective which could turn very difficult for them if something went wrong. The cartel needed to be nautralized. Whichever individuals surrendered would be spared, but any high ranking members needed to go. A few contractors were hired to assist them in this operation, but if they did not deliver then it was up to the Hellions to sort this out. :: All units, this is Katis. What's the situation? :: He muttered into his wrist comm before taking another sip.

Some troops were ordered to scout the area while others were laying low like him. They needed to be ready at the drop of a hat. Tiny repulsorcam droids were launched to help survey the area and track suspects of strategic importance. He made sure to bring along his wrist computer for this mission, a mistake he had to mull over on Mon Cala.

Location: Rothana
Objective: Attend Session
Tags: Vemric Keldra Vemric Keldra Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath
Gear: Ship - Rì chū | Protocol droid

Zhuan Cao, chief executive of White Orchid had arrived in her graceful flagship that now say bathing its solar cells in the Rothanan sun, in a high orbit nearby other visiting ships.

She sat quietly in her seat in the council chamber, her presence here was on her business merits as one of the most influential business people on the space that the confederacy loosely controlled. She also had business links to several other nearby factions so borders were important to her. She was however very glad to be getting in on the formalisation of this new state. Her visions told her for her that slotting in as a primary supplier of medical and environmental supplies during the building process would be extremely profitable and she would not miss that. "Nǐ juédé qítā yùhuì zhě zěnme yàng, zhèngrú wǒ suǒ liào, wǒ zài zhèlǐ kàn dàole Hex hé liánbāng. Qǐng zài wǒ fāngbiàn de shíhòu ānpái wǒ yǔ tāmen de shǒuxí zhíxíng guān gòng jìn wǎncān." she said to the protocol droid next to her who responded quietly to which she simply nodded and smiled before readying herself. For the festivities to begin, she glanced around again. Her cousin Ardin Paskal Ardin Paskal should be here, he represented a planet, it has been a time since they had spoken and it might be enjoyable to catch up.
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TAGS: Vemric Keldra Vemric Keldra | Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath
GEAR: Hellion ceremonial uniform

"I'm gonna shoot that karkin' red-skinned son of a harpy, I bloody promise that." Arjen muttered to himself as he patted down his uniform and adjusted his jacket. With the commander out of town, it was his job to speak on behalf of the military.

It felt odd, being a professional soldier now. They were still working under contract, but the standing army was getting Hellion training and equipment. It wouldn't be long before they were all under the same banner. He refused to remove the flaming skull from his ships. He took a sip of water and shifted in his seat as he looked sround the admittedly beautiful building. It was just unfortunate that the old man couldn't be in charge of this. And with the internal selection still underway, there was nobody to replace the old man directly for the moment.

He was no politician. Hell, just one night out with him and the boys would probably give any corpo or politician a heart attack... certainly alcohol poisoning.

He waited patiently for the meeting to commence. All he could gather about this kind of thing was to keep quiet, occasionally mutter some bantha crap visibly to his aide and speak only when he felt he needed to give his input. Other than that, he could just ait back and ride the painfully slow lightning.

Hopefully this meeting would be done before lunchtime.


The Skakoan meticulously examined each document as it circulated among him and the numerous accountants, bookkeepers, and contract-scribes. The majority of these documents consisted of reorganization orders for the Trade Federation, which had resolved to retract its assets and support for the Dark Empire following a summit with leaders from the galaxy's most prominent corporations, including Breshig War Forge and Locke & Key.

The withdrawal of these imperialized resources would result in significant challenges, necessitating the identification of alternative transport routes and hyperspace lanes that could better accommodate the largest merchant fleet in the galaxy.

The Trade Federation's relationship with the Confederacy of Independent Systems dates back to the early Clone Wars and extends into contemporary times, particularly through the Viceroy of Christophis, who was associated with the visionary founder Gat Tambor until the title was ultimately retired and the faction collapsed.

When the invitation came through on the holonet, for Rulonom to attend the first session of the Confederate Parliament on Rothana, there was not much logical reasoning to refuse other than spite for past grievances. Nevertheless, the possibility remained that this could be a ruse orchestrated by the remnants of the Enclave, given the Federation's backing of the New Imperial Order during the Second Great Hyperspace War.

Although reports from merchants active in the vicinity appeared to counter such allegations and doubts, their reliability was questionable, particularly when considering their position as the primary rivals in the region.

The soft swirls of hyperspace would begin to fade as the formidable Tambor Pattern Lucrehulk Class III Battleship materialized above the Planet of Rothana. From its circular hangars, a streamlined shuttle descended towards the surface. The shuttle's landing gear made contact with the ground on the periphery of the capital, facilitating a swift retreat if required.

Subsequently, the Federation Delegation disembarked as the ramp lowered to permit their exit.They navigated through the city center before arriving at the elaborately decorated conference hall of the Confederate Parliament.

Laborr surveyed the environment, searching for any familiar faces, and his gaze fell upon the Chairman of the N&Z Corporation, Tertius C. Nargath. The N&Z Corporation was reemerging as a significant force in the corporate landscape, necessitating his vigilance regarding their activities for the foreseeable future.

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The Enclave had been bad for business. Not Manifold Materials, which largely hadn't been in her hands at that point, but her other and original means of financial gain: the criminal organization she'd founded on Nar Shaddaa. So while the beskar-wearing warriors had flung themselves about the Wilds, Eva had stayed well away. Even distance hadn't insulated her entirely from their influence, however, as they ran roughshod over various pirate ports and organizations that had been useful in facilitating shipment and distribution of goods.

With the Mandalorians in the region dealing with their own issues it had fallen to the various worlds to take care of themselves once more. It was a task they were not suited for as evidence by the resurgence in crime and squalor every time a regional government collapsed. They needed someone to focus their efforts. Some had stepped forward to provide a means to do just that, which bode well for economic prospects in the area.

Rather, it might, but it might be just as deleterious in turn. Eva found herself intrigued by the efforts of the new government. How might she use it to benefit from stability wrought from its hard work, while avoiding less savory legal entanglements? Plans had been put in motion toward this end.

As her retinue drew nigh to the chambers, Eva turned an eye toward her Shadow. No words were necessary for the masked figure to peel off. The two guards were take position nearby, but the Shadow would patrol the area for trouble. Perhaps for targets as well. It was a tireless effort to rid the galaxy of scum. There were many criminals that didn't deserve to take another breath, and they were all too happy to take out the trash.

Eva strode through the doors and paused to take visual stock of those present. Planetary and Corporate representatives alike could be worthwhile company. Manifold Materials had a number of mines in the region and products to sell; it was always prudent to make them of service to those of influence in order to expand her own. To say nothing of more off-the-books matters.

Polished boots pivoted in true military fashion before they carried Eva around in the direction of a disciplined, if a touch rigid man in uniform. "New faces, new opportunities," Eva announced as she drew closer. "All of this ceremony and pomp would not be possible without the service of men like yourself." Which was the genuine truth. If this Confederacy lacked in military power it would have been crushed long before today. Eva, herself, might have been one to help crush it. Well, funny how fortunes and fate fell. "Eva Malström," she said in case the man didn't already know. A small smile graced her angular, but still Human features.

There were other CEOs present and Eva would try to meet with them in turn, but bolstering relations with the military should not be overlooked. Especially when it was already backed by a large corporation, Hex. There were economical synergies their two economic bodies could enjoin. Even someone as large as Hex needed raw materials, if not products, and it just so happened Manifold Materials had both. A good relationship would ensure a prosperous future for them both -- and Eva could keep an eye on any unexpected movements of well-armed personnel in Confederate space.



:: Uncomfortableness. Didn't think I'd have to break out the old armor so soon. ::

Tharil grumbled into her com, a frown clear as day on her face. The job was a simple one, deal with the Cartel. Too many had moved in, and breaking them here would help the people, help the government. Whatever shady deals they made with the politicians of this world, those deals needed to never see the light for the betterment of all.

But her background as a bounty hunter after the destruction of Csilla proved to be useful, to at least get in with the Cartel and find information. They didn't think twice about a bounty hunter helping out. Blueprints of the facility, guard paths, all of it. And now she was waiting for the go ahead to be done with all of this and get back into her proper, regulated, standard issue Hellion armor.

:: Just tell me we're good to go soon. Guard change is about to go down. ::

Jas Katis Jas Katis

Tag: Jas Katis Jas Katis Tharil Tharil
Kaddak, Sliver

Several yards away east from the targets' location inside an orange speeder was a male wearing a reddish poncho with black stripes. Looking out from the driver's window Takeshi Ryu silently observed his surroundings in that direction. His helmet and weapons were hidden underneath the cloak in hopes of not earning unwanted attention. The young merc briefly squinted toward the place that these Cartel types and their flunkies were meeting. Beneath his seemingly gaze were hints of the anticipation and nervousness.

This was his first mission outside of training after all.

At the call he looked away turning to the controls before lifting his left vambrace and answered in Basic with a Tao accent.

"No trouble from my side of things. Just people being people."

Like Tharil he wanted to get going already but at the same time didn't think it would be wise for him to express it with his CO. Especially since he was a rookie, a highly trained one to be sure but a rookie all the same. Best not to give the old hands more ammunition against him. They already been betting whether he'll vomit inside his helmet in the first minute of combat or the last five minutes instead. Ryu smirked, intending to prove them wrong.

He glanced up at the front window, noting the titanic crystal in the distance that had clusters of buildings attached to it. There certainly wasn't anything like back at Tao. At the reminder there was a brief sensation of homesickness.

Been two years since leaving Tao to join the Hellions. I don't regret my decision but I do sometimes miss the family.

Trying to shake off that private line of thought, Ryu steady himself. Right now he needs to focus on the objective. Of course this whole waiting was the worst part so far but his training fortunately restrained him. To help get his mind off the tension the new Hellion pressed a button on the central console and soon a rock song in Huttese played. Meanwhile, air traffic overhead and bystanders went about their affairs in various directions or just stopped to talk.

In the midst of it Ryu couldn't shake the feeling that things were going to get intense real soon.
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Wearing \ Gear : X | X | X | X | X | "Thirty-Seven"
Interacting With : Eva Malström Eva Malström | Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr | Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath | Zhuan Cao Zhuan Cao | Vemric Keldra Vemric Keldra | Arjen Herrix Arjen Herrix

To say he was surprised to receive an invitation to a Parliament gathering for the Confederacy was an understatement. Typically corporations weren't allowed to be present at such gatherings if he was using other governments as a rule. While it certainly was not his 'scene', the young Dashiell made it a point to attend. With the Dark Empire threatening and shutting businesses out of the territory, it was becoming more important to pay attention to the politics of the galaxy at large.

Besides, it was always good to make other connections in business - both for monetary and personal gain.

Striding through the doors with Thirty-Seven one step behind him, iced blue eyes looked around the room as he entered. So far he only recognized two beings ; the Viceroy and Mister Nargath. The others were foreign to him, sentients he hadn't come across in his dealing just yet.

Quietly, he got to his seat, here to represent himself and his father and report back to his wife with notes as needed. Sliding into the plush leather of the chair in the chamber, Makai poured himself a glass of water and waited for the meeting to begin, listening to the quiet buzz of conversation around him.

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Objective III: Routine Patrol


A duo of Meteor Class Fighters flew across the clouds in a short line formation. Soon they plunged slightly lower. Below in the distance from the west was Rothana's capital. Amidst the roar of engines a grizzled voice from the central fighter remarked in the intercom.

"There she is. Take it in."

Su Rov flying the craft on the left flank obliged her flight leader. From the cockpit's viewpoint, she noted it and the sheer traffic of ships going in and out. Talk about a momentous occasion. In the astromech socket behind her Tin beeped commentary. A collective chuckle came on the comm channel before the flight leader remarked.

"Your little mech brings up a good point, Sliver Nine."

Smiling somewhat embarrassedly, Su answered."

"Copy Silver Leader. She's just expressing herself."

"I don't expect anything else from a good honest mech. How are you handling the Meteor right now?"

Clearing her throat as they neared the city's edge, the Sullustan replied.

"I'm getting the hang of it with each new hour. Sure it's not a champion's racer but the firepower and maneuverability more than makes up for that."

She meant every word of it. Sure Rov missed flying the A-Wing but it's worth joining the new Confederacy. Weeks ago she had flown with Misfit Squadron for the Alliance in the Sullust raid but after that fight the former racer began to feel it was time to move on as she felt the Outer Rim called to her.

"Well I'm glad to hear that. The Confederacy needs the good pilots it can get." Sliver Leader said.

Su said nothing back, reflecting on that her new employment was another piece of a long line of transitions for herself. How long will she stay for this one?

Hopefully a little more permanent than before. Su grimaces at the thought, wondering if she will find a place to belong, to truly belong. Now their formation soared past the city's outskirts further in the interior. Looking down to the right side, Su beheld the building being used to host the newly formed Confederate Parliament. Silently Su begged the Force even though she can’t wield its power.

Please let this work.
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One of the open bars near the stalls had a long, ashen-haired man drinking away, cup after cup. "Let me tell you about the time I took on a rancor!" but it was a play. Every other soldier that was positioned in the place were all nice and quiet, to the point that he'd consider it dubious to have so many people in shifty corners, isolated speeders and whatnot. It's better to belong than not to, in his opinion. "Barely escaped, wasn't looking forward to being a rancor's dinner." in his previous experiences as a PMC, he had to work with or against rancors before, so it wasn't too far-fetched, but he might be exaggerating a bit.

He had hoped to keep some attention, and maybe, just maybe, come across a Cartel member. He'd doubt that the leaders will come out so soon so at the very least, he had hoped to find a cartel member, get them talking, and work his way up. But for now, his pockets were emptying faster than he could count, if not on drinks for himself, then a drink for others. "Hold on folks, gotta get my bearings a bit, might be a bit too tipsy!" with a infectious roar of laughter, he stood up from the stall, finding an empty spot in the nearby alleyway, hiding behind a crate to ensure that no one could be privy to what he did next.

"Just the usual nest of scumbags and shifty characters. None of them screaming cartel to me." he'd report. He'll have a few minutes to gather himself, take a breather, and then go back to being a boastful "veteran" with too many stories to tell, and too many credits in his pocket.

Hester Shedo
The Parliament Building| Rothana
TAG: : Eva Malström Eva Malström | Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr | Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath | Zhuan Cao Zhuan Cao | Vemric Keldra Vemric Keldra | Arjen Herrix Arjen Herrix Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

Hester Shedo sat silently, staring out of the narrow viewport of the shuttle as it streaked through the atmosphere of Rothana. The burning gold of the upper atmosphere gave way to the hazy, frozen greys of the planet’s sprawling vista below. The air felt heavier here—charged with both anticipation and dread, mirroring her own feelings about the return to front-line politics after years spent in relative obscurity.

Her hands rested on her lap, still and poised, though her thoughts churned. She had left her position as Viceroy of Scarif decades prior, with her reputation tarnished by association with the previous regime—a government whose legacy was rife with corruption, hubris, and failure. While she had escaped the worst of its downfall, her name had never fully recovered. She’d spent years rebuilding quietly Scarif from the ground up, a planet ravaged by conflict and corporate exploitation. Through her company, she’d funneled resources into local communities, constructed new infrastructures, and sought to create a stable future for her people. But governance? Power?

That was something different altogether.

She sighed softly, her breath fogging up the small section of glass she stared through. The Confederacy of Independent Systems had been reformed, a fragile coalition of planets seeking autonomy in a galaxy where centralized power had long proven ineffective. It was everything she had once stood for: independence, local governance, freedom from the whims of distant regimes. But the specter of her past loomed large. Would the new parliament welcome her, or would she be viewed as a relic of a discredited order, a woman too tied to the failures of yesteryear?


The shuttle jerked slightly as the autopilot adjusted course for the descent, shaking her from her thoughts. Her stomach clenched as the landing thrusters engaged, vibrating through the hull of the ship. Rothana was a world of industry, a contrast to the tropical coasts of Scarif. Its shipyards hung high above the horizon in tangled webs of steel, like a sword of judgement ready to fall on anybody found unworthy of the mantle offered.

“Five minutes to landing,” the pilot announced over the intercom, his voice mechanical and detached.

Hester leaned back in her seat, brushing a few grey strands of hair from her face. This was not the return to governance she had envisioned. She had imagined returning to Scarif’s capital, reintegrating quietly into local leadership, perhaps running for a regional post. But the Confederacy needed experienced hands, and Rothana’s representatives had extended an invitation she had hesitated to refuse. The thought of political meetings, alliances, and public scrutiny once again filled her with an unfamiliar sense of dread.

The shuttle descended through a thick bank of smog, and for a moment, all was dark outside the window. Then the lights of Rothana’s massive industrial ports appeared below, glimmering like constellations across a sea of grey. Hester’s body tensed as the shuttle banked sharply, aligning itself for the final approach. She gripped the armrests instinctively. The sound of hydraulic thrusters engaged, and she felt the unmistakable sensation of deceleration as the landing gears extended beneath the shuttle.

“Approaching platform seven,” the pilot stated. “Prepare for landing sequence.”

She glanced down at her own reflection in the darkened glass—older, certainly, and worn from the years of struggle. Time had marked her, as it had everyone else, but there was a resolute core to her that hadn’t faded. The shuttle touched down with a metallic thud, the hiss of pressurized air escaping into the ship port surrounding her. The doors opened, and a gust of cold air rushed in, biting at her skin.

She imagines Rothana’s parliament was located deep within the core of the capital, housed in an imposing citadel of steel and stone. She stepped out of the shuttle into the docking bay, her heels clicking against the metal as a group of aides approached her. They offered polite, if distant, greetings, but she could feel their eyes appraising her, trying to gauge whether this older woman still had the force of will she once commanded.

She followed them through a series of hallways that twisted through the facility, her mind wandering back to the days of her early career. She had once been a rising star—bold, ambitious, certain of her place in the galaxy. But now? She wasn’t so sure. The reforms she had fought for, the systems she had helped put in place, had all crumbled in time. Did she even have the right to lead again? And would anyone trust her enough to follow?

As they approached the main chamber of parliament, Hester felt her heart quicken. She was about to face her peers—people who might have remembered her from the days of her previous service. Would they see her as someone who could rebuild, or as a vestige of a time they wanted to forget? The broad, heavy doors of the parliament chamber loomed ahead, towering and ornate, a clear contrast to the utilitarian surroundings of the industrial city outside. A guard stationed at the door gave a curt nod as she approached.

“Ms Shedo,” he acknowledged.

She paused at the threshold, her hand resting on the cold steel of the doorframe. Inside, the room hummed with quiet conversation, the subdued energy of political negotiation. Her name had already been whispered in the corridors, no doubt. Some would be expecting her to take control, others would hope she failed. That fear of judgment, of being seen as little more than a figurehead of the past, gnawed at her.

But Rothana, and the Confederacy, needed leaders. The people needed something to believe in. Her past would not define her, not if she didn’t let it. She had done the work, rebuilt Scarif brick by brick. Now, she had to trust in that.

With a deep breath, Hester Shedo squared her shoulders and walked through the doors into the parliament chamber. Whatever happened next would not be decided by the shadows of the past, but by what she did here and now.


Open Marketplace

- Jas Katis Jas Katis - Tharil Tharil - Takeshi Ryu Takeshi Ryu - Tyzin Robb Tyzin Robb -

In the days of yore, some of the best bounty hunters in the galaxy worked for the Confederacy.

Of course, Rissk had read up on the stories, courtesy of a small library on Nar Shaddaa that had accepted his hunting license as a library card. These bounty hunters were true blaster-toting gunslingers, who killed with no remorse, going on jobs that shaped the galaxy as they knew it.

This was not the Confederacy of yore. But neither was Rissk the best bounty hunter in the galaxy, yet. So they would just have to grow together.

Absently crunching on dehydrated vegetable chips, the young Trandoshan had stopped his patrol to lean on the pillar of a building. Every once in a while, he tossed a scrap of dried meat in front of him. With a delighted chirp, a bird-like creature the size of a large dog greedily attacked it, before looking up with pleading eyes, waiting for another.

"Bird, no." Rissk kneeled, and scratched his companion's neck. 'First rule of a hunter is patience. Prey comes to those who lie in wait."

Nobody would look twice at a Trandoshan bounty hunter with no renown, no matter how kitted out he was. That was why, when he went to this fledgling Confederacy looking for a job, they hadn't turned him away. He was getting a chance to prove himself. So he'd do his best to make a good first impression with his first big client.

TAGS: Tharil Tharil | Rissk Rissk | Takeshi Ryu Takeshi Ryu | Tyzin Robb Tyzin Robb
GEAR: In bio

Jas smirked but didn't interrupt Tharil as she reported back on the situation from her end. At the mention of a guard change, Jas slid his helmet back on, fixed his head scarf and left a handful of credits on the counter before moving through the streets. At a glance had sights on the greenhorn as well as one of his officers, but also one more.

A Trandoshan accompanied by a rather large bird. Not of much importance, Jas just vaguely remembered seeing the face on the application sheet for this job. He looked promising, but from here the Pureblood could feel something about the hunter. Anticipation? Different than the rest of the troops, this was more akin to a hunter hiding in the bushes than a soldier prepping to kick a door down.

:: Tharil, post an ETA on the HUD for the guard change. Rest of you, get ready. :: He ordered as he marched through the streets of the Sliver. The greenhorn gave a status report which earned a grin from Jas. :: What's the bet sitting on so far? Is it too late to chip in? :: The commander teased with a quick glance at the fresh trooper. He looked promising, but only time will tell. Commander Robb reported in after catching a break from his stories, but all Jas had in response was a faint growl. :: I sincerely hope you will be in fighting condition, Robb. :: He muttered.

With the HUD and time set for the guard change, Jas rested under a small awning by a building as his visor carefully studied the suspected building. Tharil and the Trandoshan proved useful, but confirmation was needed before they could move in. :: Tharil, we need confirmation on the target building. Do we have eyes on the top dogs? :: He asked, his hand idly resting on the butt of his rifle beneath his poncho.

As he waited, however, something felt off. A ripple in the Force. A few of the bystanders cast an occasional glance at him, Ryu and Robb. He hoped that Tharil was still clean. Either they knew something was going to go down, or the strike team was burned. Ragardless, they couldn't pull the plug now. :: All units, be advised. Several military aged individuals have eyes on us. Suspicion to believe they are part of the cartel. Get ready to move. :: He reported, carefully watching a few of the people walking along.
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Frontier Liberation: Salt the Earth

Tamna Korvan Tamna Korvan
Vicinity tag: Jas Katis Jas Katis | Tharil Tharil | Rissk Rissk | Takeshi Ryu Takeshi Ryu | Tyzin Robb Tyzin Robb

The Confedacy had reached out. Perhaps he would have been where he was regardless - but the goodwill of the CIS and the payment that had been promised did much to sweeten the deal. Now, he found himself deep within the lair of the Marunda Cartel together with the girl he met on Oba Diah. She had already saved him once and proven to be both competent and reliable. At least thus far.

Getting past the front door had been easy enough. His reputation, however small, from the Underworld - possibly along with whatever name Tamna had made for herself - had earned them an invite. An ambitious Cartel such as the one forming on Kaddak was always eager to recruit. Especially when those interested had a bit more to offer than the kids on the street could.

They had been guided through a maze and were taken to meet with the inner circle. Crime Lords and and ruffians of a considerable calibre. Certainly too much for any two people to take on. But they weren't there to kill them all: They were there to lure them out. Sentros had left most of the talking to Tamna whilst ushering a small probe droid to access the Cartel's main network.

It was only a matter of time until alarms were raised. A voice from another room could be heard exclaiming something about their data disappearing. A few moments later, someone burst into the dark meeting room they were in "They're stealing our data. Local conn-" the Twi'lek's eyes shot to the probe and he started to raise a finger when a blaster went off: Sentros held the gun with the smoking barrel.

"Time to go" his voice remained remarkably steady as he ducked in under the thick meeting table as one of the automated sentries fired of a flurry of bolts at him.

He threw a glance to Tamna, as if looking for her to act, whilst producing his comms device which had been tuned in to the Hellion channel. He spoke with a slow drawl "We've got their attention, y'all might wanna ready up. Heading for the rendezvous." blaster fire could be heard in the background as he spoke but behind the table, the gunslinger seemed safe enough for the moment.

With a wave, Sentros ushered the probe droid to his location. He then placed it back into his heavy-looking dufflebag before pulling out a new droid: This one with a blaster attached to it. He then drew his second blaster and looked to his companion with an affirming "Ready"


There was another grumble over the com. Tharil hadn't exactly remembered how to shut off coms on this now very dated piece of tec. Not only had it been gathering dust since she last wore it, it was already scavenged parts. But sure enough, the timer would click on. Ten minutes to the dot, and counting. :: Confirmation of the head of the organization. They're having a big time meeting to discuss the whole Confederacy ideal and what chits they can cash in on. I've got a tap in the room, will patch in now. ::

Or try to. A couple seconds later, and the conversation was patched right through at least, if a bit staticky.

:: .. Dunno who these Confederacy shmucks think they is. We've been here.. Than they have- Existed. You got eyes on their goons? ::

:: Yeah, we got assass-ns in pla... ::

:: Good. Waste 'em. We'll send t- corpses back ..ce n' pretty like. ::

Well that wasn't good. Tharil immediately let her hand fall to her blaster. Thankfully for her, there weren't any around taking aim. Her cover hadn't been blown. :: Jas what do we do? I'm still in the clear, should we proceed or..? ::

Jas Katis Jas Katis | Sentros Hannascand Sentros Hannascand | Tamna Korvan Tamna Korvan | Rissk Rissk | Takeshi Ryu Takeshi Ryu | Tyzin Robb Tyzin Robb

He had come full circle.

Almost full circle at least. When he had left the previous Confederacy, he had been Grand Marshall of the Confederacy. An interesting journey later, and here, a new Confederacy has formed and once more he was part of it - this time as its Head of State. If Verin Oldo Verin Oldo could see this unfold. It had been...the funeral for his long time colleague and...eventual friend and confidant...the day was difficult for the Sephi, to say the least. The last time true emotion had tugged at his heart was when he had buried his wife on Naboo half a century ago.

Vemric swept through the halls of the newly minted Confederate Parliament Building toward the Congress Chambers where invited planetary representatives and selected corporate ambassadors where amassing for a fist sitting to discuss budding concerns about foreign policy to the fledgeling state they found themselves in.

With a thud of his electrostaff, the guard announced his arrival before Vemric ascended to the podium to address the Parliament. To those that would recognise him from a time before, the regal appearance would appear exactly the same as it had three decades prior while he waited for silence to fall in the chamber.

"Welcome, delegates of the Confederacy as well as our esteemed corporate dignitaries." His deep tone sounded almost bored as he regarded all of them from under his dark brows. "To avoid a waste of time, let's address today's topic - foreign policy regarding our direct neighbouring States as well as some of the various independent factions still residing in our region of the Outer Rim. Suggestions may now be made for a bill." After almost a century on the bridge of a ship, words weren't long-winded when addressing either a fleet or a government.

He yielded the floor to allow discussions to commence between the Parliamentarians. ​

Objective III: Things Old New Again

Rothana System
Su Rov Su Rov | Open

Central command's interstellar sensors swept the system for threats monitoring for uninvited visiting fleets. Even those brought in by authorized visitors were scrutinized for any unauthorized course changes or descents into the planet's atmosphere. It was a tense time seeing how parliament was meeting for one of the first times with planetary and system security priority to ensure it wasn't the last. Sensor technicians were mindful to breath despite the tension even as they flipped through various channels and technologies to look for lesser-known forms of threats.

Everything was fine until a shrill alarm sounded on one console.

Theirs wouldn't be the only console to light up. A large, unannounced mass had suddenly appeared in the Rothana system. It only took a few seconds for the computer to return a designation for the abrupt arrival: a Farstar-class military space station. According to the technical readouts, it was not a station known to possess a hyperspace drive, which raised even more questions hapless technicians could not yet answer.

Meanwhile, aboard Station Tirco Vizan, a blue hand slammed down atop a console to leverage its owner up from the floor. Tyrias had to blink several times to clear her eyes from the double and out of focus vision that clouded her eyes. "Repo--" she croaked. Jaw muscles flexed for a moment as she tried to clear her throat and will her body back into her control. "Report!" the Chiss Captain snapped.

Scattered throughout the control center of the station, various officers were clawing their own way back to their stations.

Tyrias slowly looked over the readouts to try and determine where they'd ended up.

"Hull integrity compromised, but stable. Repair teams en route."

"Shields offline."

"Weapons are out."

"Communications spotty. Picking up what may be transmissions in the area."

The Chiss woman turned to look over her shoulder at Jaell, the Communications Officer. "Friendly?" Did she look as haggard, Tyrias wondered, as she gazed back at the man.

Jaell's lips twitched. "Unknown. Unfamiliar encryption."

That would be asking too much, wouldn't it? Tyrias looked over her other shoulder, "Have Engineering get those shields back. And see if the launch bays have any ships that can fly." Hopefully those they had left hadn't been thrown about the hanger bays. Might be the only defense the station had left in unfamiliar, potentially hostile territory.

At the commander's jest Ryu's expression transformed from stoic to barely restrained embarrassment. Scratching the back of the left ear he confessed.

"Uh…Twenty creds if I puke in the first minute this starts or fifty six if in the last five minutes of it."

He can just imagine some of the veterans grinning to themselves right now as they wait. The whole bet made him all the more motivated to not let that happen. Still Ryu found himself smiling a little bit just as a couple of youths walked by the speeder laughing. Greenhorn as he is the young merc was glad they're giving him a chance to prove himself.

Sighing he bobbed his head slightly to the music while the others, Hellions and bounty hunters alike gave updates. It was when Jas announced they're being watched that gave Ryu pause. Refusing to look in the direction where the assassins were, the young Hellion tried to play it cool while considering his options.

Either they'll shoot first while I'm still here without my helmet or wait for me to step out of this speeder.

Soon enough Ryu heard Sentros' quick report with blaster fire in the background. Sounds like the party was already starting inside. The time was now to act. Immediately he activated the speeder's engines and it levitated off the ground he made a sudden hard turn away from the building just as few of the assassins started shooting at his commandeered vehicle. Bystanders screamed and began to scatter.

One hand on the controls and using the other to put his helmet he seemingly fled from the scene out of the corner. Subsequently he ascended the craft into the air before turning it around again to face the cartel's meeting place. Whether his comrades were already engaging the hostiles or not the Hellion increased speed in a mad dive back toward that direction.

"Here goes nothing." Ryu said to himself, gritting his teeth.

He aimed the speeder right for three assassins that were blasting at the speeder's trunk. But seeing it not stop they panicked and tried to get out but two got hit by it as Ryu jumped out of the speeder. Landing in a roll on the pavement he grunted while the speeder slammed into the right wall adjacent to the entrance and exploded. If the two thugs weren't killed moments before they were dead now.

Taking advantage of the chaos Ryu sprang up and fired a three round burst with his rifle at the third goon who was startled by what happened. Hit in the chest his foe cried out and flew back lifeless onto the ground. Blaster fire erupted all over him, forcing Ryu to dive for cover behind a now abandoned food stall.
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