The White Orchid
Objective: Attend Session
Tags: Vemric Keldra Tertius C. Nargath Arjen Herrix Rulonom Laborr Eva Malström Makai Dashiell Hester Shedo
Gear: Ship - Rì chū | Protocol droid
NB: All boxed text is spoken in Atrisian but is translated into galactic basic by the parliament speaker system.
The executive listened to the head of state speak with a smile. She was very pleased that the man leaned away from pages of pleasantries and the common trappings of politics and went straight into the important matters, very business like, very acceptable. She slid the small box across her desk in order to reach her voice projector. She had taken the liberty of providing each and every delegate here with a small token. A box containing various pleasant creams, and gifts each embossed with the White Lotus of her company, and of course tailored to the various species present.
But enough of that, it was time to speak.
"Good day, my Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen.
I am Chairwoman Zhuan Cao of White Lotus and I am pleasured to speak with you all. I am one who crosses our borders on many occasions for business and we have three most pressing forces to address. The League to the West and the Hutts to the North shall both make for profitable business connections, and as such I would encourage good delegates to favour positive ties."
She sipped on water and smirked thinking of her next.
"To our south east is a more... interesting issue. That of the Mandalorian Enclave, their power wanes, to our benefit. But their pride and strong self determinism... I think a peaceful border with those warriors is almost essential."
She was not a politicians, she was a businesswoman, it may not even be possible to treat with the mandalorians, but the cost of not managing the threat the post could be incalculable.