Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Frontier Liberation: The Assassination || The Confederacy




With the successful expansion of the Confederacy's borders, as well as the curbing of a potential threat, it is time for the various politicians to mingle on a more personal level outside the parliamentary chambers. On a Universe-class Halfway Station set along the Mara Corridor close to Argovia, all corporate and political representatives are invited to attend, however a grim surprise awaits those onboard…



Aboard the Halfway Station, a conference chamber has been prepared to serve as a beautiful venue for a gala, complete with a gorgeous view of space and all the amenities that one could expect. However, another party has been invited to attend. Representatives from R-Duba have been invited in hopes of establishing relations before they are scheduled to appear in Parliament. Safely located within Confederate territory, security is minimal onboard and moods are cheerful.

Unbeknownst to everyone, a group of zealots, known as the Maelstrom Brotherhood, have snuck onboard with a plan of destabilizing the Confederacy by disrupting the meeting.


With the gala being perceived as quite secure, a small fleet is patrolling the area to ensure territorial security and make sure that elements such as pirates are not loitering in the area in hopes of a quick score.

Just a standard patrol, troops are taking the moment of peace and quiet to unwind on the HNV-701 'Tython' with an unofficial break along their journey around the sector.

That peace will soon be disrupted once a distress signal comes from the space station and immediate reaction is needed…


You know what's up.

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Location: Mara station
Objective: Enjoy the event
Tags: OPEN
Gear: Ship - Rì chū | Protocol droid, wearing this

*NB all of Zhuan's dialogue is spoken in atrisian and translated in real time

Zhuan laughed sharply at the joke made by the handsome R-Duba representative that she danced with, she had come to this both representing her parliament but also herself, she had to ensure that her person profile grew alongside her influence, there was no benefit in being the "who is that" while trying run a corporate council filled with egos as large as their bank balances. The man gently moved her has the music waxed and waned before coming to a climax in which the gentleman leaned her back and mimed that he might kiss her. Of course he did not, that would be terribly undiplomatic, but there was a certain pageantry in all this, and she believed that being approachable and being an easy politician to deal with made her an excellent viceroy of commerce. Ā, watashi no? Did she just identify herself as a politician, this was a development. The pair stood and Viceroy Zhuan Li Fen Cao made a low bow opposite her partner before she found herself her next partner. "Thank you my, that was very pleasant, we shall speak later." her droid tanslated to the language of the delegate before he smiled, nodded and walked away.

Who was next?


Location: Mara Station
Objectives: Fostering Intragalactic Relations

She'd been tempted to remain behind on Rothana and invoke the need for Head or Vice-Head to be separate during off-world engagements like this, but ultimately Xazzex knew Vemric would see right through the attempt. They'd already established a line of succession. In the unlikely event the entire Executive Council appeared then a designated survivors might be viable. Rank may have its privileges, but it also had it demands.

"The Confederacy is not heartless, Councilor. The Enclave was preoccupied with establishing order, while we desire development and growth in all areas. I think you will find R-Duba will benefit greatly from our partnership." Xazzex's spoke with a placid, even keel, but not one belying boredom. Despite being polite, however, it went without saying they were taking a gamble engaging this planet. Could R-Duba have surprising resources buried deep in its sands or waters? Perhaps. It could furnish a great many factories without people needlessly waxing about the environment at least. Nonetheless, there were no guarantees the Confederacy would gain more than it spent trying to develop the world.

Seemed a great deal of the Confederacy's beginnings were steeped in risks in the hope of reaping greater rewards. She had only to look around at the lack of a heavy security presence on the station to see that. The Crown of Leviathan Ring only saw a plump target ripe for the harvest -- fortunate for them she was on their side.

Xazzex noted the Viceroy of Commerce taking advantage of the circumstance. The woman certainly didn't miss a beat when it came to establishing relationships and building her base of power. She could easily become dangerous down the road, but of considerable benefit to the Confederacy for now.


Objective: Guard Duty and Fighting Boredom
Tag: Open

Standing guarding over the main door while silently observing the party was a soldier equipped with Hellion gear and armed as well. This gathering appears to be shaping up into a lively event noted the sentry. Well for the big shots at least. While maintaining a stoic like posture Takeshi Ryu softy as possible sighed. Underneath the helmet was the face of a man bored out of his mind.

This officially sucks. He thought disgruntledly.

Mentally Ryu kicked himself for getting into this mess. After the Kaddak operation he was praised for his efforts and teased repeatedly with his new nickname amongst the unit, Noodles. All because he had some noodles plastered on his armor during the firefight. Well it was better than what many of his fellow greenhorns got. Watching a server droid go by with a tray of treats Ryu had to resist the urge to sigh again.

Peran, that sleemo. Tricked me into volunteering for his assignment while he and most of the others are enjoying themselves back on the Tython. I can just imagine them laughing.

He closed his eyes for a very brief moment and silently counted to ten. Some of that frustration disappeared while trying to count his blessings. In training he had been made to do punishment duties that made this look like a vacation. To get his mind off it Ryu watched some of the big shots. He definitely recognized the Viceroy but the one that made him stand on edge was the Rodian in black and purple dress, talking and laughing with others.

Envoy Phee Zti of Tao.

Hailing from the same world, Ryu knew full well she was the eyes and voice of the Tao Regency to the rest of the galaxy. Any screw up he did here and it will reach his clan faster than he could finish singing the Hydian Way tune. Ryu gulped down his throat and whispered.

"Okay, okay, just pass the time counting the stars quietly and no one will notice."
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ALLIES: TC | Zhuan Cao Zhuan Cao | Xazzex Xivar Xazzex Xivar | Takeshi Ryu Takeshi Ryu | Vemric Keldra Vemric Keldra
GEAR: In bio | unit equipment


There was no wiggling out of this meeting for the Pureblood, though not for lack of trying. Unfortunately for him, Arjen pulled the “your turn to suffer” card and he didn’t have any good ammunition to fire back at the admiral. He was the Supreme Commander after all.

Jas adjusted the jacket of his ceremonial uniform and checked his hair in the reflection of a window. The least he could do was look good, it would fill his heart with joy to crush Arjen’s hopes and dreams by having a better time with these parliamentarians than he was having on the Tython. It was going to be a difficult task to accomplish.

When he arrived at the gala chamber, he immediately noticed the greenhorn from Kaddak by the door standing guard. With a devious smile, Jas quietly snuck up beside him and stood at attention with his hands behind his back. ”Stand at attention, Ryu. Hellions do not slouch.” Jas spoke up with a firm voice. His golden eyes glanced down at the kid as his posture lightened. ”And don’t look so nervous. I doubt that minister Zti will recognize you from over there.” He gave a brief smile before moving on to the main event.

The Commander watched the crowd for a moment as he contemplated his next move. This wasn’t just any old corporate party or meeting, this was far more formal… which in turn meant a lot more scrutiny from the attendants. Eventually he settled on minister Xivar and casually made his way over to the Speaker. ”The key difference between the Enclave and the Confederacy, ministers, is that we like outsiders… and we can resolve issues without drawing a blaster.” He spoke up as he reached the group. His golden eyes settled on Xazzex for a moment before he looked at the others.
TAGS: Open
GEAR: Hellion admiral’s uniform


This was what they all needed. He needed to get rid of that awful taste the parliament meeting left in his mouth, and the troops needed a break after all the cleaning up they had to do. The other ships would keep an eye on the airspace, so they could sit back and enjoy a night to themselves.

Arjen sat by a table with a drink in his hand as he watched the other troops go about their business. Music played over the intercoms and drinks were spread out along the cafeteria’s counters. Nobody needed to know how they got enough contraband for a couple thousand troopers. Bottom line, the ‘Tython’ had become a quintessential party bus in space.

He held back on joining in with the cheering as a trooper was hoisted upside down and a funnel was brought in. Officers still needed to respect their station, after all, but that didn’t stop him from walking over to dump his drink down the funnel along with a few others. He hoped the medical bay was ready for alcohol poisoning.

With that done, he made his way back to the bridge to make sure everything was still in order. As much as he wanted to just sit back, there was still some duties he needed to tend to as the admiral.


TAG: Zhuan Cao Zhuan Cao | Xazzex Xivar Xazzex Xivar | Takeshi Ryu Takeshi Ryu | Jas Katis Jas Katis | Open




At least he had the void of space to look at.

Vemric stood in front of the vast and elegant viewport, hands folded behind his ruler-like back, his frame befitting that of a grand admiral and not that of the Head of State of a budding confederacy. He much preferred his Vice-Head to deal with the delegates from R-Duba - she was a Falleen after all, capable of all the wheelings and dealings necessary for political circles such as this. He just needed to make the necessary noises and signatures.

But he probably needed to show his face a bit.

With an almost inaudible sigh, the Sephi turned around to rejoin the crowd. Bodies parted like water as his tall frame glided in the direction of the group around the R-Duba delegates. His dark sapphire gaze glanced over the Falleen for a moment, catching her scrutinising the area. In some ways, she was much like him - not wanting any gaps in the armour. But he could already hear the unfiltered words of the Supreme Commander saying that it is just idiotic to expect something like that.

Speaking of which...

”The key difference between the Enclave and the Confederacy, ministers, is that we like outsiders...

A brow lofted ever so slightly at the Pureblood's choice of words. If Xazzex didn't tear him apart for making them sound desperate later, then Vemric certainly would. Instead, his eyes fell on the delegate they were speaking to.
"Councilor." He gave a regal nod of the head. "In short, we can deliver. What I am interested in hearing is what R-Duba can offer the Confederacy as well, but that is a Parliamentary discussion. For now, as in the words of the Speaker here, rest assured we do not share the views of the Mandalorians." he continued aloofly. Then his eyes caught his Viceroy seeing off one of the delegates.
"Now, if you'll excuse me, I leave you in the capable hands of my Council members." he then said with another nod at the Councilor before taking his leave.

Coming to a graceful stop next to Zhuan Cao Zhuan Cao and her droid. Looking out across the room of people, he folded his hands behind his back.
"Were you able to learn anything from that man about their offerings?" he asked her in a low voice without looking at her.

If she was capable of anything, it was ensuring that business would be good for the Confederacy.

Not an hour had passed since Mars Raynor had disembarked from the Empress, and he was already itching to get back.

For weeks, he'd been charting routes parallel to the Mara Corridor, working mostly off the more civilized Abrion sector. He'd found a couple of slick shortcuts between Rothana and V'shar, but then he hit a nebula, a maze that had him spinning in circles, burning through fuel and food until he had to ration what little he had left. Stumbling on a Whipid colony in the middle of nowhere had been his saving grace. Traded one of those routes for a dozen crates of food. Seemed like a win at the time.

Until he got halfway through the crates.

Opened the seventh one and—bam—a horde of karking gizka burst out like it was some kind of practical joke from the universe. So now, instead of new routes, he was hauling crates of jumping pests and burning fuel like mad to get to the nearest civilized spot.

A halfway station.

For a half-arsed trade.

He refueled the ship (ATC discount, at least something was going right), stocked up on the basics from a shopping list he'd scribbled on a Hutta Burger napkin, and now he just had one problem left—offloading the damn gizka.

Bartering these little critters? An impossible task. Nobody even blinked at him, so there he was, standing in the middle of the station's market, waving around a half-legit trading agreement, shouting, "Gizka! Gizka! Below fair value!" like some desperate trader on the IMP500 trying to sell the big short.


HNV-701 Tython
TAG: @Open


"... and I'm telling you, they could be stuffing pizza rolls in there, and I still wouldn't eat them!"

"They're good!"

"No they're not, you just have a non-existent palate that allows you to eat from the actual garbage!"

Jessina threw up her hands when Jones circled right back around to his justification for digging through people's garbage, giving up on the task of drilling some class into the man and letting her steps take her somewhere a little more interesting. The night (or whatever the hell it was, out in space) was young, and the opportunity to kick back and relax too important to her well-being to waste words on the lovable idiot who figured himself a combat engineer. As if crossing a couple of wires could give him that denomination, bah! Did she make a big deal out of her work on wires when it came to bombs?

Yeah, no, okay, she kind of did. That was on her.

Still! Excitement beckoned, and she found her steps leading her to the cries of a dozen ecstatic troopers, her lips soon relaying the same words with a ferocious lust for life. "CHUG! CHUG! CHUG!" they chanted, watching one of the more resilient (or maybe just foolhardy) brother-in-arms down more of that contraband hooch the pilots would make in their spare time like it was water. And when he belched and asked if that was all, out came the funnel as she went to help hoist the big bastard upside down.

Oh, he was going a little more than he bargained for tonight after all. Nothing the medical staff couldn't fix when he inevitably found himself blackout drunk and pissing himself.

Jess watched the admiral himself passing by to dump his own drink down the funnel with an approving upnod - and, before he left the room, she snatched a half-empty glass and lifted it up high in a toast. "To our own personal chauffeurs, ferrying us about one fight to the next! To the fleet, and to the Hellions!"


Tag: Xazzex Xivar Xazzex Xivar Zhuan Cao Zhuan Cao Jas Katis Jas Katis Vemric Keldra Vemric Keldra Open

Holding a glass in one hand Phee Zti laughed just as she was finishing her story to some fellow delegates. "We didn't have the heart to tell him because he was so proud."

She chuckled which was instantly joined by the others. One, an elderly Gran wiped a tear from his middle eye, remarking.

"My, my. Sounds like your cousin is quite the character."

"Oh he is Mr. Soej. That he is."

Tao's Envoy was actually enjoying herself. Most of the regency council were pleased with her performance at Rothana recently. Of course one or two lords weren't happy that she came down hard against reaching out to the Enclave. Not because they were sympathetic to the Mandalorian exiles, far from it. But rather they didn't want unwanted attention upon their world.

I can't say it to them publicly but those cowardly lords can choke on their sake for all I care.

Hearing mention of the Mandalorians out loud here causes Phee to scowl in disgust. This is their time not those self destructing idiots. As far as she was concerned they could rot away on that snowball of a world they still have. The Rodian looked down at her half full glass of wine. It was from old Naboo vintage, dating back just before Queen Amidala's reign.

Phee Zti then raised her glass high in the air, proclaiming.

"Our time has come. No longer shall we be the tools of cults. Whether they wield lightsabers or bear armor. We will forge our own destiny among the stars. Long live the Confederacy!
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TAGS: Su Rov Su Rov | Arjen Herrix Arjen Herrix | Jessina Vedez Jessina Vedez | Open




"I'm tellin' ya, Su! The clotpole legit managed to yeet off his own wing!"

Tish had her feet propped on the table while she gestured wildly, drink in hand, as she regaled the tale of one of her previous wingmates that couldn't hold his liquor but still wanted to go flying. Needless to say, he got suspended for getting caught drunk flying.

Drunk fly - but don't kill the state fighter - unwritten code.

It was good to unwind a bit. Endless patrols took a toll on anyone - and there wasn't always a Destroyer or Cruiser to back you up. The way the Rothanan saw it, dogfighters were the backbone of the Navy. It wouldn't be anywhere without either them or them Vulture Droids. But you wouldn't think it with the way these Capital boys carried themselves.

Tish downed the last of her whisky.
"C'mon - I need another one. Ain't often we can do this." she said to the Sullustan, swinging her long legs from the table and getting to her feet.
"Hey, Cowen! Smooth move!" yelled Carrix where he and some of the other hotshots in the Wing were chugging away some beers.
"Only when you can hold more than horsepiss, can you talk to me like that, Carr!" she smirked back at him before making her way towards the bar while his handsome features pulled a face at her.

Moving past the kegstand while pitching in a fistpump and a "CHUG CHUG!" of her own. She was no idiot, however. She knew that the off-chance that something happened, she and the rest of the fighters would be out that hangar first. She still had to be able to shoot some lasers at any threat that may blip into existence.

Just as she got her new glass, one of the grunts made some spastic toast. Tish rolled her eyes. Some of them still didn't get it that the Hellions weren't the only fools in existence in the Armed Forces anymore. She figured it was those helmets - the enclosed faces 80% of the time probably gnawed away at their intelligence. When they actually breathed air, they went completely stupid.

But what the hell, might as well talk to them.

"Still fairly green, aint ya?" she asked from where she had stopped behind the woman after she made her toast. Luckily it wasn't asked loudly.

Way to go at working on your tact, Tish.



TAG: Tish Cowen Tish Cowen


Jessina's patience remained entirely limited to the domain of art. As far as the rest of her demeanor went, she was quick to act - and quicker still to speak. A pain to have around whenever the Hellions were let loose for some time off, but a dab hand at demolitions.

When she heard those words, the trooper turned around, eyes narrowed as she drank in the sight of the pilot accosting her. So many thoughts about how she could deal with her, really; smashing her head against her nose (not quite as fun without her helmet, frankly, but still a solid thought), throwing the contents of her glass at her face and dropping some one-liner in her face... oh yeah, she could stand to rouse up the festivities with some ass-kicking.

Instead, she downed the rest of her drink, before a toothy grin found its way across her features. It really was the kind of smile a self-satisfied troublemaker would give; someone who delighted in mischief, though never quite malice.

"Yeah, 'spose I'm still green - and very, very mean!"

She chuckled, then, and gave the pilot a mock salute.

"Cut my teeth reaving in Wild Space, so... I know enough about the job." Either a kernel of truth or yet another complete fabrication on her part - it was always hard to tell, and most everyone gave up on asking her who she was before the Confederacy once they got to know her. The story just kept on changing.

It helped that pilots were very fun for her to mock, what with the Hellions not needing them for orbital insertions. That never failed to get a good laugh out of her. And a black eye, that time she told a bomber crew they were worse than droids.

"Did my winning smile bring you over, or are ya just looking for conversation?"

Su Rov followed her squadmate, shaking her head while smiling due to the story just told. Tish is certainly not a boring person. The Sullustan was grateful to be accepted by her new comrade. For a long time from the Alliance to the CIS she had been transferred from one unit to another. Some were starting to whisper she got a strong case of bad luck for herself.

I’ll make my own luck.

Sitting opposite of Tish the pilot from Castilon then waved her right hand to the bartender, ordering a new round of ale from herself. Su's attention turned to the Hellion chugging down alcohol like a Hutt. Just as she got her own cup when said trooper made the toast. Rolling her eyes, Su thought.

Typical ground pounders. Think they can win wars single handedly.

But when Tish made her comment Su sighed, whispering.

"Here we go again."

Deciding to chug down her own ale the Sullustan placed the now mostly empty cup on the bar stand before wiping her face with her right arm. Best it don't go to waste in case they start throwing fists instead of taunts. Su subsequently looked over to the Hellion who seemed to really love to talk.

"We came for drinks, trooper. Thought that was obvious." Su commented, causing some nearby to laugh. Because it's the reason they're at the stand as well.


TAG: Mars Raynor Mars Raynor | Open




Tamna hated Station duty.

Hellions got rotated on who all patrolled on what Hex Inc. Station. And she was the lucky loser among some others that were scheduled to patrol this one as standard Station Security. And it was always boring as shit. For once she actually missed the Snowflake Sentros Hannascand Sentros Hannascand - taking the mickey out of him at least made some shit more interesting.

Tamna was lazily swinging a keychain in circles as she walked, checking out hawkers and gawkers like they were the Galaxy's most boring Banthas. Thank goodness for the helmets that hid her face.
<We got a report of a yeller in Trade Square. Who is in the area?> came Station Surveillance's channel wide question.
She groaned. She was once again the lucky loser to be closest to the area. Now she had to deal with the screaming idiot. Great.
<This is Fox. I'll check it out.> she said with a sigh.
<Don't sound so excited, Foxy. It'll be a blast.> came Sponge's voice on the more private channel.
<But I'm so thrilled. No shut it and let me deal with this fool.> Tamna grumbled, cutting the comms as his snicker rang through.

The aliased Korvan then rounded the corner of the hallway she had been moving through and reached the Square. And it took all her self-restraint not to burst out laughing at the fool waving a paper around and yelling like a banshee. Luckily no one could see the grin on her face at the spectacle.

She then head on over to the hawker, very much pretending to be the security that she was supposed to actually be. She hated this bit of working for Hex Inc. - having to keep the damn peace on these Stations. And protocol requiring her to keep her helmet on.

"Hey, man. We got some complaints from the tenants about the noise. What's your goal?"

Hot damn, she sounded like a bloody cop. Ew. Jas would get an earful about this.


Location: Mara Station
Objective: Networking... and fun

Suit? Check.
Belt? Check.
Tie? Check.

Brakkus Ka'bo was ready... sort of.

This was a new experience for him—being invited to a gala. From what he could gather, it was just a party, but with more pomp and circumstance. Typically, he had neither the time nor the patience for such events. Socializing had never been his strong suit, but as a member of the newly minted Corporate Council, he knew it was important to at least make an appearance. He consoled himself with the thought that he'd be able to retreat to his quarters soon enough.

He hadn't yet entered the main hall where the gala was being held, opting instead to linger, procrastinating just a bit longer. But the time had come to make his entrance. As usual, his protocol droid followed behind, its waddle-like steps struggling to match Brakkus's long strides. Soon, they reached the door to the hall. Brakkus took a deep breath, steeling himself before stepping inside.

Immediately upon entering, his eyes landed on the bar. Perfect. He had found his target. While he didn't particularly enjoy drinking, the idea of joining the crowd on the dance floor was far less appealing. The bar it would be.

As he made his way across the room, his large Aqualish frame navigating the gathering, he caught sight of Zhuan Cao Zhuan Cao on the dance floor. If she glanced his way, he would offer her the briefest of nods—a small gesture to acknowledge her presence.

It seemed that the Head of State was accompanying the Viceroy. Although he had yet to be formally introduced to them, Brakkus extended the same courtesy—a respectful nod in their direction.

When he finally reached the bar, he ordered with a smoothness that belied his usual reliance on the protocol droid. "Corellian brandy, on the rocks," he told the bartender in Galactic Basic so fluent, one might wonder why he bothered with the droid at all.

Vemric Keldra Vemric Keldra

Open to All


Location: Mara Station
Objectives: Fostering Intragalactic Relations

First the Supreme Commander, a Sith Pureblood, drew near, which must have been quite the sight for the too-many Humans present. A green woman and a red man of blood known to be especially... invigorating. Their golden eyes met ever so briefly as the man chimed in with a remark about the distinction between past and present prospective partners.

Whatever thoughts might have been locked away in the Falleen's cranium, however, went unsaid as just as swiftly the Head of State, Vemric himself, stepped in. Her attention calmly swung to the stoic man as he had a few words of his own to contribute. While confident Xazzex could handle things alone, it didn't hurt to have Vemric surface now and again as a reminder. He was a surprisingly capable individual, after all. The Falleen could at least cling to the knowledge that the Confederacy was not full of incompetent beneficiaries of nepotism.

"A discussion we look forward to having," Xazzex echoed in the wake of Vemric's statement. "And to ensure that it does our esteemed Supreme Commander and their forces keep pirates from pillaging your shipments and provide secure lanes of travel among member worlds." There was a great deal not being said, of course. The military was not free. It was a sizeable expense. To say nothing of what form payment or contribution might take. Credits weren't everything. In fact, they were the weakest form of payment. Designating ownership of great swathes of land could be quite rewarding, for example, if the right swatches were claimed. Yes, still time to make those decisions before any public displays were necessary.

To make the point, she added, "All of our guests have arrived to this gala without incident. A testament to the Supreme Commander's tireless efforts." Whatever the man had said earlier, touting the importance and trust in their military had lasting benefits. If nothing else it justified expenditures, and military-industrial expenses could be very profitable for all the right people. It made the military happy, it made the corporations happy, it made her happy.

The R-Duba delegates might be parched and find themselves in need of drink soon. Other planet representatives might also like a turn pecking for their piece of the pie. If that happened, would Jas linger or flee, Xazzex wondered? They didn't often have an opportunity to socialize -- there was always something official that needed doing.



TAGS: Tamna Korvan Tamna Korvan
Tenants?! Who in the galaxy lives at a market stall?!” Mars snapped but the armored woman in front of him didn’t even flinch. Her helmet… yeah, he’d seen that style before. He-Lions? She-Lions? Something like that. Came across them on Ryloth—mercs and the like.

He blew out a long, frustrated sigh, “Fine,” then dropped onto a bench nearby, papers in hand but already forgotten. He glanced at her, hoping she might soften up.

Nope. Steel-faced.

I’ve got a gizka infestation aboard my ship,” he said, “Know anyone who might be interested? Hell, I’ll give ‘em for free at this point.



Bars were ideal.. quiet spots to linger and observe, a place which often offers a chance to meet a different caliber of individual, tucked away from the spotlight of glamour and recognition. Ily' sat quietly doing just that, lighting a cigarra and taking a puff as her eyes glided over the chamber. Delegates, representatives, people of import and all those in-between joining together for an evening of pleasure.

Tapping the ash from her cigarra into a glass ash tray that rested on the bar, she noticed a tall Aqualish man ( Brakkus Brakkus ) meandering towards the bar. Eyeing him up as he sat down, Ily' twirled her chair around, resting her arm on the bar with her cigarra still burning in her hand.

"Make that two!" Ily' called out to the bartender, requesting a Corellian Brandy for herself as she listened to the man order one for himself.

A polite smile grew across Iliana's face as she faced the Aqualish, "Say.. aren't you on the invitation list for the forming of the Corporate Council?" she grinned, taking yet another puff of her cigarra, not wanting to say too much just in case she was mistaken.

Brakkus Brakkus , Open!



Attire: [X]
Objective: Foster better relations
Tag: Xazzex Xivar Xazzex Xivar , Jas Katis Jas Katis


Though at first he hadn't been all that gung ho for another party, despite the fact that galas, parties and soirees were the defacto place to discuss politics and business with great effect, Tertius wasn't exactly keen on having to drop his work and go about indulging himself and mingle with people who would be plastered after their first two glasses of spirits or wine. However, since he had yet to form any meaningful contacts within the Confederacy and the fact that despite the corporate council having a voice, it was in itself utterly meaningless, considering it was one vote for a whole bunch of corporations each with their own political ideology and ambitions, making the corporate council a miniature parliament in itself.

Thus upon his arrival at this new place he hadn't visited yet, the Marquis of Valkan decided he had to play his cards well, in particular with Zhuan Cao Zhuan Cao and the Speaker of the parliament Xazzex Xivar Xazzex Xivar , with one having seen the benefits of open dialogue, while the other supported an exclusionary policy. Whatever the conclusion though, getting in the good graces with the viceroy of commerce was one thing, but to try and get on a good page with the Speaker of the Parliament and holder of the second highest political office in the Confederacy was another thing alltogether.

He truly had to approach his timing, but at first decided that he could at least start with greeting the viceroy of commerce, with his glass of Nabooan Berry wine in hand, the chairman of the N&Z Umbrella Corporation weaved through the crowd, until he noticed the peculiar appearance of Zhuan Cao Zhuan Cao and her protocol droid. Though he did not speak to her, Tertius, noticing her apparently being rather bussy with enjoying the party, simply raised his glass with a smile and a curtious nod, before again weaving through the crowd to find Xazzex Xivar Xazzex Xivar , the Falleen he was most keen on approaching.

However, as he finally caught eyes f the Speaker, the Marquis also noticed the presence of another, somewhat exotic looking male, making the combination of red and green into quite the remarkable looking pair. "Madame Speaker, Supreme Commander Katis, I truly hope you are enjoying yourselves."

Calmly raising his glass of Berry wine to the two bigshots of the Confederacy with a gentle smile on his face, the Eriaduan followed this with a swift, but nonetheless courteous nod towards both the dignitary and the militarian. "Madame speaker, if you are not too busy regarding the festivities, might I perhaps have a word with you?"


Location: Mara Station
Objective: Networking... and fun
Tags: Iliana Röhr Iliana Röhr and others!

Brakkus recognised the woman who had joined in with his drink order. He had always been good with faces. It was Iliana Röhr, of Röhr Financial Services. She was right—they had indeed met at the inaugural meeting of the Corporate Council. At least she wasn't a complete stranger, and with her family's deep business connections, this encounter could be the start of a beneficial partnership. Still, Brakkus knew better than to get ahead of himself.

Unfortunately, she had overheard him speaking Galactic Basic rather than his native tongue. There would be no more hiding behind his protocol droid tonight.

"I see you're a woman of good taste," Brakkus said, raising his glass of Corellian brandy in a subtle gesture before taking a sip. "Miss Röhr, if I'm not mistaken? We met briefly at the council meeting. My name is Brakkus. I don't believe we've crossed paths since Rothana."

Setting his cold, perspiring glass down on a nearby coaster, he continued. "So, tell me, are you here representing Röhr Financial Services, or are you here simply for your own pleasure?"
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