Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Frontier Liberation: The Assassination || The Confederacy



'Tin Pan Alley'
Ily's gaze was soon averted by the lovely Droc’tav’nar Droc’tav’nar .. now that was a proper introduction, she mused to herself. "A pleasure, Mr. Octav," she held out her hand in response to his introduction, "and of course- please do," Ily' responded, offering the man a place to slot himself in.

Shortly after, her eyes once again turned to Supreme Commander Jas Katis Jas Katis ; "Well.. It's nice to meet you, Mr. Katis," began Ily', having enjoyed the spectacle of the fiery fingertips. Taking a puff of her own cigarra, she smirked at his comment about secondary colours- yet she observed the sudden change in the Supreme Commander's demeanor...


A flash of light, then darkness, and the sound of debris shooting in multiple directions. The very foundation of the Halfway Station: rocked & damaged.

"Karkin' 'ell," Ily' blurted out as she reoriented herself, having fallen off her seat. "Thank you, Brakkus," she thanked him, accepting his assistance as she got up, only to learn that her arm had been sliced by a piece of flying debris moments earlier.. "I'll live.. ugh, I agree- we need to get out of here.."

Her eyes flickered between those around her, some weren't as lucky as the small group and were scattered all over the floor. Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr was, thankfully, here in hologram form. Herself & Brakkus seemed in decent shape.. She gazed at Droc’tav’nar Droc’tav’nar , and would offer her assistance should he be in need: "How are you, Mr. Octav?" quizzed the injured financier, with a concerned look on her face.

Finally, her attention turned to Jas Katis Jas Katis once more, she'd offer assistance once again if necessary- and if one of the others hadn't already. "Mm, I suppose you need to 'get to work,' Mr. Katis?" she winced as she heard the calls of his soldiers ( Takeshi Ryu Takeshi Ryu ), yet still curious as to what the Supreme Commander's next move would be, whether there was an evacuation plan, or whether the group would need to organize evacuation for themselves...

Though as she questioned the military man, a faint plea for help pierced through the chaos of the room; a Tao guard calling out for help.. "
Chit.. over there!" Ily' shuffled over rubble and debris towards the pair..

Brakkus Brakkus , Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr , Jas Katis Jas Katis , Droc’tav’nar Droc’tav’nar , Phee Zti Phee Zti , Takeshi Ryu Takeshi Ryu & Open!

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~in a coat of gold, or a coat of red~

TAG: Brakkus Brakkus | Iliana Röhr Iliana Röhr | Jas Katis Jas Katis | Phee Zti Phee Zti | Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr | Takeshi Ryu Takeshi Ryu | Open



Not even a full minute after Octav just joined the conversation, a station-shattering explosion rocked the main function room. Shrapnels flew across the room, ricocheting off metal ornaments and scraping off people’s exposed skin. Fortunately Octav was miraculously left unscathed from the explosion debris, yet the initial impact had sent him falling behind, his back hitting the stone carvings of the bar table.

Karkin’ hell that hurt.

It took him a few seconds to reorient himself to the situation in hand. He’s an astute diplomat after all, not a soldier nor a field operative. He might claim to be an expert in crisis management, but when it’s his actual body on the line? He lived a live way too sheltered to be able to handle situations like this swiftly.

The Chiss politician took Iliana Röhr Iliana Röhr ’s assistance while quickly trying to collect his calm and think of the next best course of action he can think of. “Eh, been better, been worse I suppose,” Octav chuckles as he replies to the lady, but the stinging pain on his back makes him wince, instantly regretting his sly remarks.

Checking around on his companions, who have seemingly adapted better in the incident than he did, he tried to account for anyone else he knows here. Oh chit, his personal guards, who he had ordered to mingle and blend in.

<Jorko, Isla, how’s the sitch’ on your side?>

No answer, only static silence.

<OY! Come on, answer me!>

Still nothing. Bloody hell, they might be just his subordinates paid to keep him safe and secure at all time, but in such a superficial life of a super rich heir like Octav’s, sometimes that’s the only place he can scrap to find genuine connections in, whatever the words mean, for better or for worse.

And now he has to survive all this all alone, back to square one? He brushed his thoughts off hearing Iliana’s hazy instruction, mindlessly following it and where everyone else goes, just wishing that he can be through this and back home as soon as possible.




The Skakoan interest was piqued by Brakkus Brakkus of the Ando Mining Collective, a rising influence within the corporate sphere that could also provide significant advantages to the Trade Federation, if they were to establish a partnership with one another during the conference.

The mining industry, was characterized by its inherent volatility which is why the Federation had not been that enthused to enter into that sector of production, as even the loss of a single worker on site could mean considerable disruptions in productivity and the movements of goods.

"The situation within the Alliance has taken much of my time given the recent wars with the Sith Order and the Dark Empire. Otherwise I would be in physical attendance to enjoy yours and Lady Rohr's company." Laborr conveyed, through a gaze influenced by methane, his reluctance to delve deeply into the economic conditions of the Galactic Alliance. However, he emphasized that he would have participated in the discussion had it not been for this minor complication. The presence of a significant number of corporations at the conference provided an exceptional opportunity to assess any potential competitors.

"The pleasure is all mine, Lady Röhr for there is no one better more suited for the ever-present telecommunication business." He acknowledged Iliana Röhr Iliana Röhr with a slight nod and offered an uncommon compliment. Recognizing her significant impact in the telecommunications industry, he aimed to acquire knowledge on how to penetrate this market, particularly in light of the increasing prevalence of warfare and the growing demand for secure communications.

Shortly thereafter, the trio was joined by Jas Katis Jas Katis , who, according to various reports, served as the chief military commander of the Confederacy and was allied with Hex.Inc, the leading corporation within the Confederacy and a principal supporter of the emerging regime. He scrutinized the individual for a more thorough evaluation, refraining from allowing his personal opinions on the diverse subjects exchanged in conversation to influence his judgment.

Then the arrival of Droc’tav’nar Droc’tav’nar was taken into account, but the Viceroy did not have the time to access them more thoroughly as a sequence of detonations rapidly shook the station, indicating that the Confederacy was less favored than initial assessments had suggested. The remaining guests were thrown into a state of chaos as security personnel endeavored to manage the crisis to the best of their capabilities.

However, this turmoil was of little concern to the Commanding Viceroy, who remained secure within his fortress located on Skako. He pressed a button on his desk, causing the Mechno-chair to tremble violently for a brief period before ultimately disintegrating.


ALLIES: TC | Zhuan Cao Zhuan Cao | Xazzex Xivar Xazzex Xivar | Takeshi Ryu Takeshi Ryu | Vemric Keldra Vemric Keldra | Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath | Brakkus Brakkus | Iliana Röhr Iliana Röhr | Mars Raynor Mars Raynor | Tamna Korvan Tamna Korvan | Phee Zti Phee Zti | Droc’tav’nar Droc’tav’nar
GEAR: In bio | unit equipment


Jas was about to warn everyone to get down when the explosion rocked the entire station, sending the Pureblood over the bar counter. After a few seconds, the commander rose with his pistol drawn and several cuts adorned along his face and arm. He plucked a few pieces of glass from his skin and hopped over, quickly ushering the delegates toward an emergency exit. ”Don’t remind me.” He grumbled to Iliana Röhr Iliana Röhr as he took stock of the situation.

A nearby cry for help nearly went unnoticed over the amount of calls and screams of panic and injury, luckily Iliana noticed the Tao representative and pointed it out. He laid a hand on Octav’s shoulder and faced the group. ”Get to the emergency exits, there’s escape pods down the hallways. The fleet will catch you.” He instructed them before moving on to help the other delegates.

A grim sight caught his eye for a brief moment. An unhealthy number of delegates from R-Duba were caught in the blast. He didn’t have to be a doctor to figure out that they were no longer breathing, their bodies showcased enough evidence. This was going to be an uncomfortable conversation with the pointy-eared streetlamp.

Speaking of which…

He turned his attention to Vemric Keldra Vemric Keldra for a brief moment before he noticed the soldier escorting him. Thank the Force she was nearby, he couldn’t deal with him as well with everything going on.

”Ryu, quit screaming and help the bloody ministers!” He barked over the commotion at Takeshi Ryu Takeshi Ryu as he reached Minister Zti. He quickly knelt down and reached out to her head wound. Heat waves shimmered from his fingers as he carefully touched the wound, cauterising it as a temporary solution. The medical bays were going to have to take care of her later. ”I can’t stay. If you can walk, get her to the escape pods. The fleet will scoop you up.” He ordered the wounded guard as he rose and walked off.

:: All units, switch to emergency channels. :: He called out over the comms to the station’s troops.

With that done, he could get some business going. :: I want priority on the gala and the bridge, get all essential personnel to escape pods and make sure we have control of the station. You see anyone looking odd, you verify their identities. If not, blast ‘em. ::

:: Herrix, this is Katis. I need troops on the station and tractor beams ready, we’ll have civvies needing medical attention really soon. ::

The calls were made to the station and the fleet. He needed to make sure these helpless fools got out safely… the bodies could wait until the station was secure.

Up next was the Speaker and her pompous attachment. Xazzex Xivar Xazzex Xivar was a lot more important, but sadly he wouldn’t hear the end of it if he simply left Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath behind. ”Come on, you two. Start looking lively, you need to get out of here.” He spoke with a stern voice as he took hold of their shoulders and practically shoved them into a direction. ”You’re not medics, I need to get you to safety.” He continued as he spared a golden glance down at the two dignitaries.
TAGS: Jessina Vedez Jessina Vedez | Tish Cowen Tish Cowen | Su Rov Su Rov
GEAR: Hellion admiral’s uniform


Any and all mirth and amusement flew out of the airlock the moment sirens and claxons began to wail. A short transmission later and Herrix turned to face the partying troops. ”Battlestations, everyone! Station’s been hit!” He shouted with enough power to make sure everyone heard him. ”Pilots to your ships and troopers to your pods, get moving!” With the announcement done, he sprinted for the bridge.

A short while later, Herrix reached his station with heavy breaths and sweat across his face. ”Get… get the ships moving. Secure the station. If you see escape pods… grab ‘em.” He took a moment by his dashboard to catch his breath while the bridge crew got to work. Announcements rang across the ship as personnel manned their stations.

The mass driver cannons roared with drop pods shot towards the station while the rest of the guns tore into the unfamiliar ship docked at one of the bays. Soon enough, dozens of soldiers filled the hallways of the station and dispersed to secure the area. But the damage was done.

The station had become a series of firefights with Confederate soldiers engaging numerous unknown intruders, all adorned with odd gear and an armband, signifying their allegiance.

All Herrix could do for the moment was watch from afar as the fleet moved to secure the space and fire more troopers at the station. He couldn’t imagine his red-skinned friend’s mood with all of those politicians in one room…


Attire: [X]
Objective: Foster better relations
Tag: Xazzex Xivar Xazzex Xivar | Jas Katis Jas Katis


All around seemed to be mostly chaos after that considerable tremor, the blast itself having managed to wound and even kill several dignitaries. The group which seemed to be most affected by this...attack, were the ambassador and the dignitaries from R-Duba, that much had been clear even for Tertius, who tried his best in looking for those in immediate need of attention, especially after the Speaker had given out clear orders and demands to those around her. While his arm did hurt and felt like a stiff iron rod attached to his elbow, the Marquis managed to ignore the stiffness and sourness within his arm's muscles for the most of it, thinking that at this given moment, taking a tally of the bodycount and tending to the wounded may take priority over his own personal well being.

With the lack of medically trained personel and medical supplies, anything that could be used, would be used. Not even the N&Z Chairman's clothes were safe. As he looked around, he found one of the R-Duba dignitaries alive, but critically wounded, a deep gash in their thigh clearly allowing their blood to pool outside of their body, meaning an artiry had been damaged. Tertius hadn't gone to the military academy like most of his family had done, but even so, he had enjoyed the militaristic upbringing which had been common for not just his family, but the whole of Eriadu. In a quick response to his findings, the man tore off the sleeve from his custom made vest where his own arm was now revealed to be a bit swollen, with clear bruising on the side. Ignoring the R-Duban dignitaries cries in pain, focusing on what has to be done, the Marquis utilized his torn off sleeve to make a tourniquet, trying his best to avoid having the dignitary bleed out from his leg.

"Just Ignore me for now, Supreme Commander," The Eriaduan snarled towards Jas Katis Jas Katis , clearly focusing on doing his duty as being probably one of the few guests that didn't need to be whisked away by soldiers and troopers. On the other hand, the Speaker was of much greater importance to the Confederacy and making sure she was taken to safety had to be prioritised. "Make sure to bring the Speaker to safety, sir. I will be fine for now."

Xazzex looked over at Tertius with a frown. Not at him specifically, but circumstances being what they were... "Our forces will respond swiftly in response to this outrage." Of course she had no idea who had caused it. They didn't even know what 'it' was, but for the sake of appearances one must show nothing but strength and resolve.

Speaking of which, her eyes found the President still breathing, which meant everything hadn't fallen entirely on her. More annoyingly, however, was the Supreme Commander getting about as in her face as that dark Trooper was with the President. The Falleen Speaker's had an uncanny sharpness to them in that moment. "Your concern is touching, but unnecessary, Supreme Commander." Lively! The man would have countless 'lively' busybodies demanding answers shortly, but he wanted his political filter removed from the scene? Well, she didn't feel like being a hostage so it might not be a terrible idea. More the pity for Jas handling the rest of the dignitaries.

The only question Xazzex had, but couldn't voice because Tertius was near, was where 'safety' might be under the circumstances. "Any report I should relay to the President while I 'get to safety,' Supreme Commander?" Was there anything he could tell her, in particular, about what was happening? They might have to try and get ahold of the forces off-station, if not.

"Duke, if you plan to linger a while longer, I suggest you help organize the other dignitaries present. Those that can move should not loiter here." A woman used every resource at her disposal, especially if she was being carted off the field.

With that said, Xazzex swiped a cloth from a servant to dap away the blood from her head. She wouldn't be seen moving to safety bloodied.




Devros Hoxton
| Location | Aboard Halfway Station, Space
| Objective | [OBJ 1] Engage hostiles
Hoxton continued up the corridor with his shotgun raised and ready to send another slug downrange, fast approaching the hallway that the remaining attacker scurried down. He held the corner as he gestured for his partner to move up before taking a peak around the corner. A bolt whizzed past his visor as he immediately pulled back and muttered under his breath. He reached down as he grabbed a stun grenade off his belt, pulling the pin before tossing it down the way. A bright flash and a concussive bang went off as he immediately turned the corner and moved up on the maintenance worker who was reeling from the loud bang and bright flash, sending his foot into the back of their knees as they buckled under their own weight and fell to the ground. Hoxton quickly kicked the man's sidearm away as he pointed the shotgun squarely against their chest,
"Alright ya fockin' twat. Don't try anythin' foolish an' I won't have to put a slug in your chest. Now, how many of you fuckfaces are on the station?"
"I ain't telling you a damn th-"
The thunderous discharge of Hoxton's weapon erupted in their as he squeezed the trigger. The round pierced the floor just a foot off to the side of the man before Hoxton pumped a new round into the chamber and redirected it back at the man's chest.
"Now, now. That's not the right answer, and I ain't fond of havin' to repeat myself more than twice. Because if I have to repeat myself after the second time, the next round's not goin' through the floor ya fockin' twat. It's goin' through your head, and trust me, that won't be pretty for your mum or friends to deal with at your funeral. So do us both a favor and just tell me."
After a rather brief interrogation, Hoxton finally managed to proccure what intel he could manage from the man and subsequently knocked out the disguised worker with a swift shotgun butt to the face. His radio crackled to life as Jas Katis Jas Katis 's voice instructed personnel to switch over to the emergency frequency. He raised a hand up to his helmet as he spoke,
"This is Hoxton, we've got hostiles disguised as our own and maintenance personnel. They're pushing dioxis through the ventilation, get your suits sealed and the VIPs a mask."

[Open to Tags]​

Location: Mara Station
Objective: Get the kark out of here
Tags: Jas Katis Jas Katis Droc’tav’nar Droc’tav’nar

It was time to leave.

It wasn't that Brakkus had a complete disregard for the other guests' lives. It was just that his own wellbeing took priority. Some of his peers on the Corporate Council had sprung into action, tending to the severely wounded dignitaries from R-Duba. But Brakkus, ever pragmatic, knew he had to look after himself first. Call it selfish or uncaring, but with a reactor meltdown looming, there was little time to waste.

It was time to go.

First, he had to deal with his protocol droid—or what was left of it. The blast had not been kind. The droid lay on the floor, unable to right itself, its sensors overloaded and flickering erratically. Brakkus sighed at the sight, muttering a short phrase in his native tongue. This activated the droid's self-destruct sequence. There was no dramatic explosion, just a thin wisp of smoke rising from its brain before it powered down completely. A waste of a good droid, but it would've only slowed him down.

As Iliana Röhr Iliana Röhr made her way to the Tao guard, Brakkus took his cue. His large, Aqualish frame maneuvered through the debris, heading for the hallway the Supreme Commander had directed him to. Panic had fully set in among the guests—many now realized they were victims of a terror attack. The tension grew worse with the echo of blaster fire coming from the hallways intersecting the gala room.

Brakkus couldn't help but envy Viceroy Rulonom. Attending in a Mechno-chair certainly had its advantages in a situation like this.
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