God of War
Raijan's head bobbed up and down. He was just some joke, wasn't he? His gaze tightened, focusing in on the COMPNOR agent before he forced his attention to the surrounding walls. What were beyond them? Layers and layers of reinforced wall? Probably. It made whatever escape plan he decided to create would force him past the Agent.
The transition of the mans hand from cigarette to blaster was noted, the faintest of shifts across his forehead where his brows were concerned saw him unmoved however. The longer his abilities remained unknown, the better."Okay, last chance. Authorization or scoot. Protest will catch you plasma, so use your head."
The request for what he wanted was turned down. Raijan had no illusions that it would ever pan out. Still, today, would not be the day that he realized how close he was to the true. Imperator Fel's prerogative was to find out more on the assassination, routes taken to achieve the information was up to the Spectres entirely.
Finally, he made his first move - right towards the Agent.
Aside from his size and heavy strides, non-threatening.
"Let's not do this today."
Smiling, Raijan said, "Let's."
At the end of his dominant hand, he wielded the Force. The surrounding bonds of the enemy field seeped into the Agent on a level beyond the both of them. To freeze the senses, and bring halt to every perception and movement that he could make in that initial second. The goal? His eyes locked in place, only able to watch as the Spectre departed. The muscles in his body deadened, the needed synapse that'd grant movement paralyzed and trapping him in the last motor functioning move he made.
The Spectre, solely aimed to continue past him. Simultaneously an intrusive thought crawled to the forefront of his mind to suggest a killing blow before it was suppressed by the shreds of pragmatism that he wielded day to die. The man would continue to serve beyond this day. COMPNOR was needed to siphon through the influx of former Sith-Imperial citizens and their backgrounds. Doubtful, was it that he was an analyst that'd catalogue said information, but killing him would simply deploy another operative to stop him. One that was likely lucky enough to be untouched by the Force.