The Redeemer

| Location | Wielu
| Objective | Reminisce
Wielu was a beautiful world. A planet of tropical seas, blessed with a warm climate - a planet Jenn regarded as something of a paradise, given her unique nature. The ocean's song was not the reason why she chose to sit on a deserted beach this day, however.
Wielu would always hold a special place in her heart as the place where she first crossed paths with the Grandmaster of the Jedi Order. Or, as she came to regard her as the war between their people raged on, her dearest friend. Valery Noble.
Mesmerized by the sight of the planet's two suns setting over the horizon, bathing the water in a warm glow sitting between orange and purple, the Mandalorian found her thoughts flowing with ease. Whenever the waves crashed against the shore, the peaceful state of contemplation she found herself in was reaffirmed, allowing her to look back to the past with clarity of thought.
Valery had shown her respect, when she allowed the lone Mandalorian to reclaim the birthright of her people from an arrogant youth without a fuss.
Valery had shown her kindness, when she spoke of her dream of family, speaking of the joys that came with motherhood, going as far as to show the warrior pictures of her beloved family.
Valery had stood by her side, time and time again. Guiding her through the caverns of Ilum in spite of the war raging between their people. Talking her down when she pursued her desperate desire to escape from the Galaxy in fear. Stepping up as a neutral observer when the time came to put things to rest with
Natasi Fortan

It was in the wake of the council held on Manda'yaim by the Mandalorian Protectors that Jenn truly realized how blessed she was to count such a virtuous woman as her friend... and how lonely she felt, now that she realized just how different she had become from her people. Jenn Kryze, humble smith of the Mandalorian Enclave, devoted to her people and blind to their misdeeds, was no more - and with her, died a lifeline to the greater culture of her people, it seemed. When she warned the so-called "Protectors" of the dangers of conquest, the pretender quite literally showed her the door; a rebuttal she had taken in stride, and yet... the weight of it made her somewhat desperate.
"I am not like them", she whispered softly, setting her helmet down in the sand next to her, facing the ocean - as if wishing for the Jaig Eyes etched upon the venerable piece of equipment to gaze upon the same beauty she did.
"Not anymore."
Jenn could not quite tell if the thought brought her despair, or relief.