Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Future's Journey


Appearance: Link
Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

"You won't hear me saying no if you want to come over. Well, unless it's family movie night, hm?" Valery smirked at Vera, who quickly nodded along and looked at Alicio. "I will protect them, too," she said with an awfully serious tone all of a sudden. She had promised to protect her siblings, but Alicio's kids were also going to be looked after by Vera's watchful eye. This was her promise to him that she would.

Valery just chuckled and gently squeezed her daughter before turning back to Alicio, "I really appreciate it, and I'm sure we'll talk about that soon enough. Tell Amani I said hi, and I hope everything goes well these last few weeks for you two." Childbirth was something that made her nervous, so she figured the new parents also were a little more on edge.

But she knew that everything would be alright. It was just this feeling she had.

"Bye Alicio! It was fun!" Vera grinned and, after being set back down, took her mother's hand to start heading back home.


"I will protect them, too."

Alicio met Vera's seriousness with a confident smirk, and a downturned nod. "I know you will," he returned, entirely sure of that future. Then, with Val's continued thought, Alicio's smile grew, as did his nod. "I'll pass it along, and... I hope so, too."

He raised his hand into a final, still wave, before puckering his lips. Perhaps a small swarm of butterflies flapped in disorganized circles around his stomach, reminding him of his anxieties about fatherhood, the state of the Alliance, his friends... But he knew now there was no need to worry about the future. He had Vera to thank for that revelation.

Looking outside the apartment one final time, and imagining what beautiful futures might be in store for them all, Alicio let the door close, as he made his final preparations before work.

- Valery Noble Valery Noble -

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