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Faction [GA] After Action Reports: Invasion of Coruscant


Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti Denn Verdan Denn Verdan Makko Vyres Makko Vyres

Incoming Report
Sender: Knight, Lossa Aureus
Time: 4 Days Post-Attack

This report is compiled of both my own recollection and information provided to me second-hand by padawan Zaiya Ceti, alongside the acting Commanding Officer, and Captain Kalfyr of the Hilltop.

During the operations of the Support Group over Coruscant, my command vessel was boarded by a being identifying itself as Onrai Onrai . While aboard, Onrai attempted to disrupt operations of the Evacuation Support Group through the use of stolen communication codes. It was my failure to act that enabled them to obtain our codes in an attempted electronic attack against the on-going operations of the Evacuation Support Group. During the time of boarding, Padawan Zaiya Ceti and Knight Denn Verdan remained calm and collected during their encounter with a being of unknown power.

I will make note of Padawan Zaiya's willingness to place herself in harm's way to protect another as a point of concern rather than condemnation. While commendable, going forward it should be made aware to her Master in case of future incidents.

As it may be noted in other reports, the Support Group began to open fire on my ship in an attempt to disable the ship after suspect orders were delivered that acted counter to the evacuation efforts. This was not a random act, as I had already accounted for the possibility of an enemy attack on the electronic systems and made the members of the Evacuation Support Group aware of the possibility. Liminal Protocol, as it was made aware to the crew, was to be enacted with any sign of outside tampering to the assembled vessels. I had not accounted for a direct boarding by the enemy to engage their electronic attack however, and this action led to disarray in the actions carried out by the crew to remove the threat.

I have been informed, after a mental attack rendered me unconscious and unresponsive, that I was evacuated to the Dawnbreaker. Padawan Ceti and Knight Verdan saw to my care during this time, as it is reported that the crew aboard the Ballarat began to scuttle the ship rather than allow it to be overtaken by the being Onrai.

While aboard the Dawnbreaker, in my unresponsive state, I was taken for emergency surgery to ensure the safe delivery of my unborn child. The surgery was successful, and I we have both been discharged and will be making a direct report to expound upon the details of the mental attack that I have made mention of in this report.

-An additional report indicates a transport was contacted and touched down at the Coruscant Temple. Moving to evacuate those that had potentially been taken to the medical wing of the temple during the attack. Knight Makko Vyres was among those present, and against the urging of the crew of the transport, Knight Vyres returned to the Temple to aid in its defense despite his injuries.


76th Reserve Squadron (callsign "Cyclones"), of the 205th (Reserve) Air Division, seconded to Coruscant Defence Command

Training Command: 40th Training Command Section B-80, led by Adjunct-Commander (active service rank: F/Lt) Shar Sieu

Due to excess casualty rating, Squadron will be disbanded as per Corsucant Defence Command draw-down orders

All pilots qualify for reserve service backpay and injury/cremation benefits as per RESERVE SERVICE ACT

All surviving personnel will be offered the chance to sign on as active GADF pilots with accelerated training and deployment times as per GADF STANDING ORDERS 17/2/14

Rank (Adjunct)Personnel NameSpeciesCraft and NumberStatus

Shar grimaced as put the datapad away, shuffling his chair back to his admin table. Much to do with Revenant about to be deployed, and little time to do it.

He knew he'd done his best to train the Cyclones, and this was a hard fought battle... but he could not shake the feeling that he'd been responsible for sending these pilots to their deaths. He switched on his personal datapad, and started to pen his first Next of Kin letter.

There'll be hell to pay for the Empire.
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Against all odds, Coruscant had held.

Syd had watched from a damaged Skyscraper in a state of physical and emotional exhaustion afterwards, letting her failure at Sarka slowly die inside her as she watched the ruined cityscape, having achieved some form of atonement for a long ago failure.

For once, the voices were silent. The pain was silent. Coruscant had been ruined. But it was still theirs. And not only was it still theirs, but Kytrand had successfully preserved it's beachhead of secrecy. If they had lost, it would be vastly harder to reach Kytrand in secrecy.

She had ordered the Clones to press the attack. In the aftermath of the retreat from forces led by the Dark Empire, the Clones were seeking out and initiating skirmishes everywhere in the Core where they were known to be setting up shop.

She wasn't going to include that in the reports, anymore than she would admit to leading the mysterious Clone Troopers who had viciously fought the Mawites in the streets for every inch.

Starlin Rand Starlin Rand was his own master now. Syd had no secrets left to impart, save the ones that would turn him into something like her, and there was no chance in hell she would do that.

Her Son would go and be a better Master than she had ever been. In that, she found some peace.

It was then that Syd compiled a small report for the Council, trying to figure out what to say that wouldn't implicate her in leading the Clone Army. One of the good things about such a chaotic fight was that eye witness reports would be notoriously unreliable. There was no way to confirm if she had or hadn't been commanding the Clone Troopers, as she had not been seen interacting with them.

She typed it on a Datapad:

Chancellor Auteme Auteme , My name is Surt'r. I'm a local Force Healer. Suffered heavy losses everywhere. City Wrecked. SNAFU. More medkits please.

Oh, and the forces of Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad and Gress D'ran Gress D'ran were exceptional.

She then hit SEND.

"There. Unhelpful as possible." she remarked, flying off.
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Grandmaster Valery Noble Valery Noble :

I hope this message finds you in good spirits. I create this AAR from my re-collections, as well as those around me. My Master Ran Serys Ran Serys is has been looped into to this memorandum if additional follow-on is necessary.

We were tasked with supporting the Evacuation Support Group's operations in the lower levels of the planet. We were part of a task force compromised of four vessels; our mission was to evacuate as many citizens from the lower levels are possible.

We immediately ran into opposition from the self-styled "Daimyo", the Hutt Kajidii Iyba Tebbic. Tebbic had united the warring gangs during the invasion, and was violently opposed to any civilians-whom, based on our assessment- were sources of revenue for a protection racket- leaving her fiefdom. One of her men- a Besalisk- inserted himself into the queue, and announced as much before killing a father of one. This was a signal for Tebbic's men to begin firing into the crowed.

While Master Serys began subduing the men firing on the bystanders, I focused on the Besalisk, whom articulated a desire to fight a Jedi.

I gave him more than what he bargained for.

I confess, at this point, Grandmaster, that I was blinded by rage; the Besalisk had murdered a man to prove a point. I disarmed him- literally- but I ultimately did not kill him; but as Master Serys told me, 'You are not justice. You are not a judge, jury, or executioner. You are a protector. You are a Jedi.'

At the prospect of facing two Jedi on a united front, Tebbic- perhaps rightly- came to the conclusion that discretion was the better part of valor, and withdrew her men. We continued the evacuation without incident.

This concludes my report.

OOC: Going to do something a little different, as Katherine isn’t really present to be able to report IC. But I wanted to use this thread as a little post-invasion thing before the follow up thread officially starts.​

DE Prison Cell - Location: ???

I’ll admit, I’ve already lost track of just how long I’ve been stuck in here…Just hope we managed to kick their arses on Coruscant, even if the result ended up with both the Senate and Temple collapsing.

Suppose I would be writing up a report right about now. I remember reading a lot of those whenever I got bored in the Jedi Archives. Not that I can really do anything in my present state, except for just talking out loud to myself, potentially making my company think I’m going crazy.

I’m sure the steady static and hum of the forcefield door would be riveting as a conversationalist. Then again, I do have my ‘host’ who just has to get their daily interrogation and torture quota in.

Couldn’t even afford me a window. 1 out of 5 stars, would not recommend.

Always heard that humour can help in these situations, maybe less so when it's directed at the one torturing you. I won’t lie, its appeal has already started to wane.

But I’d rather it be myself in this place, than one of the younger Padawans. Of my experiences, I can manage to endure this ‘interrogation’. Maybe…

Still beating myself that she was able to take me out with a mental attack. After everything I’ve gone through, I should’ve been better prepared!

I-I just hope I see the other side of this, to get to see everyone again.

If not…

Then Kahlil, Valery…I hope I at least made you both proud.

ATTN: The Jedi Council // Valery Noble Valery Noble
Subject: After Action Report - Emergency Evacuation - Lower Coruscant
Signee: Jedi Knight, Ran Serys

Hello Councilors,

I hope this message reaches you as well as it can. I know we have a lot of work ahead of us so I will keep my report brief.

I was one of the few who led emergency evacuation efforts for Coruscant's lower levels. Myself and my padawan, Sazo Vass Sazo Vass , continued through the invasion. Four ships were given to that cause; The Chorus Son, the Beaufont Danger, the Psychopomp Twelve, and the Madam O' Sullust. The Madam O' Sullust received significant damage due to an imperial attack in orbit, but was rescued in no small part due to our Naval Forces. After the operation I returned each and every ship to the Nabooian Government.

While in the lower levels we found more people in need of evacuation than anticipated. The criminal syndicates that remained would not let those denizens of their "territory" flee. Our operation was met with resistance. We were able to reason with most. The reminder of what would happen to their business under dark empires swayed many. Those who weren't swayed, I parlayed with personally. I am now in the debt of a rare few criminals. I hope to use those connections to our benefit. Regardless, we transported those who wanted safety off the planet.

Casualties and injuries occurred at every point of our operation. Although the number was low, I take everyone as a stain on my name.

One moment where a casualty occurred was on first contact with the Hutt Kajidii Iyba Tebbic. One of her agents snapped the neck of a man attempting to board the Chorus Sun. My padawan met the agent in combat while I disarmed and subdued the others. At that moment, I believe she came dangerously close to the dark side. She was enraged by how casually the Hutt's agents took lives. She wanted justice for the dead man's family. She was poised to strike the agent down. She didn't. She showed mercy instead. While she seems to struggle with her emotions, I trust her implicitly. She is committed to the light, fervently so. I will continue to instruct her and guide her and show her how the influence of the dark side is best combatted.

Despite an altogether rocky operation, I think we have encountered one of the best outcomes. It is with regret but also acceptance that I close out this operation and this report.

Signing off,
Ran Serys - Jedi Knight

After Action Report
Captain Pal Veda
Undisclosed location

Veda waited patiently, watching the sunset from behind his aviator glasses. Bruised, bloodied, but alive. No surprise. He was starting to think he may be invincible. He turned to watch the hooded figure approach, later than planned, but the delay was not unexpected.

”Well, it’s over,” he commented, knowing the battle may be done, but the recovery was just beginning. “I almost died out there, you know.” A weary grin formed on his face as he tried to present a little levity. “I barely made it to my X-Wing when the bombardment started. Joined the fight, looped in with Revenant Squadron for a bit. Blew some TIEs out of the sky as I bided my time. I took down at least a dozen of those Imperial bastards.” More like seven or eight, but who’s counting? “As you already Know, a couple of your Jedi ( Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Braze Braze ) took over a hangar on the Predator. So when I got the order, I made my move. Landed in the hangar and took out several troopers with the canons on my fighter. Then I let the Jedi go do their thing so I could focus on your thing.”

At this point, Veda retrieved a small device from his pocket. “I clawed my way through the Predator to a command terminal. My BB unit sliced into the system and successfully ran the MCGFFN program.“ He handed the device over, still unsure what the program had done. Did they steal information? Plant information? It didn’t matter, he had completed the mission. “I blew the terminal — hell, I blew up the entire section of the ship — to cover our tracks. Nobody knows I was there, much less what I did.”

He rubbed his hand through his hair, thinking back to the craziness that had transpired. “But I didn’t stop there. I joined back up with your Jedi on the bridge of the Predator. Helped them take down the warship and capture Grand Admiral Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen . Accidentally made myself a war hero,” he joked. In reality, the junkers and Jedi had done most of the heavy lifting taking down the warship and capturing Sularen. But he’d been there, fought way too many stormtroopers in armed and unarmed combat, including Abraxas Colt Abraxas Colt , and helped take the bridge. “Then, like I said, barely escaped with my life.” He thought for a moment, then added, “My X-Wing wasn’t so lucky. I’ll be sending that bill to you.”

ooc: this assumes this plays out with Jasper and Braze capturing Marlon, which seems to be where that is going.
Bernard was unconscious somewhere in the depths of Coruscant after nearly being killed in his confrontation with a speaking gas cloud and a fishman with two hearts. It was a miracle he survived the fall from the Eclipse in the wounded state they left him in, and even more so that a friendly hermit just so happened to find him and have the right expertise and tools to fix his close-to-death body. He hallucinated some weird things while he was out. Likely from falling into a garbage disposal full of spice.

If I may be so bold, I unfortunately lack the creativity and energy to get all these under one umbrella, so here we go in list form:

Jogon Jogon Isar Isar and Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania had a short exchange but very engaging and read-worthy posts. I'm always in awe of each of their published bits of prose on this site. Would open up a fan club if it wouldn't make interacting with them weird in the future. #SimpForJogon

Same goes to the Opps in Chapter One: Creuat Creuat channeled the best Vader performance since Empire Strikes Back in his fight against Kyric Kyric . The emotional assault was one of the best applications of Dun Möch I've seen on the board, sold excellently by Kyric, and their combat writing was the cherry on top. Veli'ae Ashai Veli'ae Ashai did incredible with writing a highly unique concept for a Dark Sider. For a cloud of gas, that was some incredibly humanizing writing regarding his short comings and envy. I mourn his loss.

Same vein, the duel between Sahar Sahar and Thalia Senn Thalia Senn is GOATed. They wrote an excellent engagement that hit classic Star Wars Jedi vs Sith notes.

I really loved the potrayal we got for Auteme Auteme in this invasion. I think Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis writing really managed to give Auteme the platform to shine bright as the star of the story. The best Auteme duel for sure.

Further, from Chapter Three, we had an incredible, deeply interwoven storyline between Darth Defias Darth Defias (also playing Mars Raynor Mars Raynor ) and Kroeger Kroeger . They did fantastic work showcasing a much more grounded view of the Sith and their flaws. That Defias fella is also one to watch out for in the future, or so I'm told.

We have Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen 's carry performance providing opposition against multiple opponents while maintaining a very busy schedule IRL. He is GOATed for his efforts.

Wedge Draav Wedge Draav and his crew of fighter pilots from Revenant Squadron managed to make starfighter combat fun again, when I had given up hope it ever would be. Each one should be commended, as listed in this excellent proposal.

Then there's also Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus who brought a highly unorthodox plotline into the invasion that was very unexpected to read but brought ideas I'd never seen before to dramatic storytelling in invasions. A real trooper.

I'd highlight more but these are the ones I managed to catch during my read throughs of the invasion. Special mention to Sinestra Sinestra and Romi Jade Romi Jade too. Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce is and remains a goober for sleeping through the entirety of the invasion.

!!!Edit: It has been brought to my attention this was not in the OOC section of the board. I started this before realizing that. I'll just keep it as is until I get reported into oblivion. I am an airhead, this is a known fact.
Edit2: Now there's IC too. My lawyer says we're safe now.
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Kalee’s Shadow

The glow of a datapad was the only source of illumination that accompanied her inside the room, the device having managed to survive the aftermath of Coruscant mostly untouched. It had been almost two whole days now since the invasion began and, aside from the small amount of information that Drifter had shared with Mahsa, she knew almost nothing of how her friends and even her master were doing right then.

Any attempts to communicate had been as useless as the man had warned her, though that still hadn’t stopped Mahsa from trying. She should’ve been asleep right now, but that itself felt like an almost impossible task when her mind was filled with so many unanswered questions, and eventually she had turned to the small device for some comfort.

In it she wrote of all the things she could remember; from the almost imperceptible tune that had guided her steps up countless flights of stairs, to the sickening miasma that had washed over her as she’d neared the rooftops. She wrote of the immense help Master Kaleleon had been then, the young padawan certain she would've remained useless and forgotten in the stairwell if it hadn’t been for his encouraging words and the relief he’d offered through the Force.

She also wrote of all the details she’d been able to catch and remember of the blood sigil Ibaris Varanin had painted onto the rooftop, muddled as her memories were thanks in large part to the unyielding maelstrom that had hindered her view. While the personal visions she’d endured were kept privy to herself, Mahsa still did her best to write down as much as she could of the physical and mental symptoms she’d endured while under the effect of Ibari’s field—hoping that some, if any, of it could be of use once she reunited with her master.

The first of many teardrops to come finally rolled down her cheeks, the datapad now clutched tightly against her chest as the young girl curled up in her bed. Drifter and Alex had been nothing but kind to her so far, with the man himself having gone through extreme risks to revert whatever curse Ibaris had placed on the rooftop before whisking the young padawan into the safety of his ship.

She had been wary of him then, unsure if he’d been a friend of a foe, and the dark energy that radiated from his sword hadn’t made things any clearer at first. The Kazelrrian knew she'd be forever thankful to the unlikely pair for keeping her safe, but she still yearned for the presence of her companions.

Please be okay… Guilt gnawed at her insides due to the unexpected blessings she’d received, manifested into a deep physical ache in her chest that the girl couldn’t rid herself of. She would happily trade all of this away if it meant knowing Ayhan and the others were safe.​
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Kybo Ren

Pirate of the Stars, Knight of Ren


Shipboard TimeRemarks Shipday 15110. Coruscant system (scroll down for more)
00:05Shore Detachment 1 shuttle to Coruscant surface with Cap'n. XO takes helm
00:36Shore Det.s 2&5 shuttle to Coruscant surface with Cap'n. XO takes helm
01:00Situation Normal
01:10Ship enters combat with hostile fighters, battle stations
02:00Battle Stations maintained
02:59Ship enters combat with hostile frigates. Evasive maneuvers
03:00Battle Stations maintained
03:11Signal detected ERROR:unknown_origin at ERROR:invalid_y_coord. Red Alert
03:33Hostile SD in long-range fire, evasive maneuvers
04:55Shore Det. 1 reports succesful retrieval of artefacts
05:24Captain aboard, cast-off confirmed
06:11Entered rear area, stand down from Red Alert. Battle Stations maintained
06:12Exit from system, Battle Stations stand down


Kybo pushed the cart down the shuttle ramp onto the cruiser, trundling along. In it were priceless artefacts- well, mostly. There were priceless Jedi holocrons, ancient texts, Force-attuned artefects... but there were also wall decorations, silverware, doorstoppers... which was all the better to rip some idiot collector off!


Internally, Kybo cursed. That old Jedi Jido Myyse Jido Myyse had put up a good fight, and was, he supposed, a good sport. He wasn't kidding when he said he looked forward to crossing blades again.

"Co-ordinates locked!" came the call from the bridge, and the crash bells ringing around the Stranger Danger.

"Get us outta here, helm! Looks like our team just lost this one..."

It was great dueling Jido Myyse Jido Myyse ! Here's to more great faction war threads

Master Valery Noble Valery Noble ,

After the Enclave invaded Ukatis, I could not fathom what you saw in Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze . Today, I understand.

Alor Kryze and her Nite Owls transcended Mandalorian traditionalism to come to our aid. They were well aware that the cost could be steep - and yet, the stood alongside me in the temple, ready to defend it to the death. A fair few of her countrymen did pay that ultimate price as we intercepted Empire operatives in the west wing.

I am unfortunately familiar with Jogon Jogon after encountering him on Ukatis, but that is a conversation for another time. Alor Kryze fought him with a ferocious elegance, and was on the receiving end of his Sith lightning. Fear not, I was scarcely able to deflect the remainder of it away, and she is alive.

Despite Jogon's unseemly appearance and unmannered disposition, he is clever.

Among the detachment of stormtroopers was a man - Isar Isar - skilled in directing the Force to manipulate memories to the point where one feels as if they're suddenly living in the past. I am uncertain as to how he achieved this, only that it happened. It was a Dark power. Entirely too unpleasant. He seems to be able to alter the details of past recollections, and not for the better.

In short, both of these men are skilled combatants and not to be underestimated in any circumstance. We were able to drive them away from the temple, but barely.

I am recommending Jenn Kryze and her Nite Owls as recipients for the Signet of Fidelity.

Knight von Ascania

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Rating: ☆☆☆☆

As a Jedi Padawan, I've faced countless challenges, but nothing quite like my trip with Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen on "Space Lift".

First off, Marlon didn't even bother to greet me on pick-up. He stayed in the bridge, so I had to navigate my way through a maze of corridors just to find him. A simple "hello" would have been nice, but I guess that's too much to ask.

The journey itself was an unmitigated disaster. Marlon must have mistaken the hyperspace lanes for a demolition derby because he crashed the ship at the end of our trip. Yes, you read that right – he crashed the ship. I'm just glad I have a good relationship with the Force because I needed every bit of it to survive.

And the in-flight entertainment? Instead of a holo-movie or even some calming music, Marlon sent soldiers as our entertainment. They were promptly spaced, leaving us with a view of them floating off into the void. By the Force, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Now, about cleanliness. The ship was a complete mess. It looked like it hadn't been cleaned in years. There was grime on the control panels, and the floor was sticky with who-knows-what. To top it off, one of the staff was incredibly rude, shot at me, and threw some nasty blood on me. That's how I ended up contracting some kind of mysterious virus. Thanks a lot, Marlon.

In conclusion, if you value your sanity, health, and life, avoid Marlon Sularen at all costs. This pilot is an absolute disgrace, a menace to the galaxy, and frankly, a danger to anyone unfortunate enough to board his ship. One star is far too generous for this intergalactic catastrophe.

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