Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction [GA] Chancellor Organa



As the galaxy stands at the precipice of conflict, the Galactic Alliance turns its eyes to the newly appointed Chancellor, Alicio Organa of Alderaan. In a monumental meeting at the Senate Chambers on Fondor, senators, representatives, and leaders of the Alliance will gather to discuss the future under Organa's guidance. Granted emergency powers, the Chancellor faces the daunting task of navigating a war against the Sith, Imperial, and Mandalorian incursions.

Across the galaxy, citizens of the Alliance watch as the news spreads like wildfire — hope, uncertainty, and anticipation ripple through the stars. Holoscreens light up in homes from Coruscant to the Outer Rim, as millions tune in to witness this pivotal moment in Galactic history. The galaxy watches, waits, and wonders: Can Chancellor Organa unite them against the coming storm?

This assembly will not only mark the start of Organa's leadership but will set the course for the Alliance in its darkest hour. The discussions within the chambers will shape the war effort, solidify alliances, and determine the future of freedom across the galaxy.

All eyes are on the Chancellor, and all hopes rest on the strength of the Alliance.


Objective I - Vision
In the heart of the Galactic Alliance's political hub, senators and representatives from across the galaxy gather in the Senate Chambers on Fondor. With Chancellor Alicio Organa Alicio Organa 's recent appointment, the Alliance's future hangs in the balance. The chamber is abuzz with debates on the pressing issues of war, diplomacy, and unity. Senators will voice their concerns, offer solutions, and question the new Chancellor's plans to navigate the galactic crises. This discussion will shape the direction of the Alliance in these turbulent times.


Objective II - Eyes on Organa
As Chancellor Organa's appointment unfolds in the Senate chambers, citizens across the Alliance are glued to their holoscreens. From bustling city streets to quiet homes, people watch with anticipation, hopeful for the future. In some places, spontaneous celebrations break out—cheers, banners, and fireworks fill the skies as the promise of unity and leadership sparks hope. Others gather in quiet reflection, discussing what this new era may bring. Across the galaxy, the Alliance holds its breath, watching their new Chancellor's first steps.


Objective III - Dissidents
Not everyone is pleased with the appointment of a new Chancellor. In shadowy corners of the galaxy, groups opposed to the Alliance meet in secret, plotting their next moves. Some fear that Organa's leadership will strengthen the Alliance's control, and others are preparing to take advantage of the unrest. Some are rioting merely because they lost the vote.

Jedi, law enforcement, and even the military have been dispatched to keep the peace.




Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring

"Yay Alicio!" the triplets chirped in perfect harmony, their excitement bouncing off the walls of the Noble home. Little Eryx, not one to be left out, yanked out his pacifier and tossed it into the air with a giggle, mimicking the joy of his older siblings. Valery, sitting on the couch with the boy in her lap, couldn't help but laugh at their shared energy. Their enthusiasm for their family friend becoming Chancellor was contagious.

She glanced at the holo-screen where Alicio Organa Alicio Organa 's speech was playing, the symbol of the Galactic Alliance prominent behind him. Her heart swelled with pride — she knew this was a significant moment for him and the entire Alliance. Turning toward Kahlil, who seemed just as amused by the scene, she raised an eyebrow.

"Well, I guess Alicio has a fan club here," she teased lightly, her voice laced with warmth. She shifted her position slightly, tucking one leg beneath her on the couch, before resting her hand gently on Kahlil's knee. "But what do you think about all this?" she asked, her tone shifting to something more thoughtful. "Him becoming Chancellor... it's a big step, especially with everything going on. With him also being the king of Alderaan. Think he'll handle it?"

Valery glanced back at the screen, her mind flickering through the implications of Alicio's new role — the challenges, the expectations, the weight of responsibility that came with it. She felt a mix of pride and concern for her friend, but deep down, she believed in his ability to rise to the occasion. Still, it was always good to hear Kahlil's perspective.

She smiled softly as the kids continued to chatter about, their excitement lighting up the room. It was a moment of pure family joy amidst the weighty matters they often dealt with.

Senator of Cato Neimoidia



The Neimoidian entered into the Alliance General Ministry Canton, bringing along several Trade Federation Envoys who were there to provide legal and economic counsel during the upcoming senate conference on the Capital of Fondor. This development followed the announcement from the Office of the Chancellor and the Alliance Election Commission, revealing that King Alicio Organa Alicio Organa had successfully outperformed a diverse array of candidates, including independents, corporatists, and isolationists, to assume the role of the Chancellor of the Alliance, succeeding the former administration led by Auteme Auteme .

The newly established administration had been granted emergency powers by the stonewall bloc, commonly referred to as the complacency party. These senators exhibited a diminished interest in substantive political engagement, prioritizing instead a passive adherence to the Chancellor's directives, often neglecting to voice any objections regarding their respective systems.

Monaray encountered no significant conflict with the King of Alderaan, aside from the failure to settle specific outstanding debts owed to the Trade Federation. However, due to Alicio's humanitarian perspectives, this situation resulted in substantially reduced profits for the Trade Lobby and its affiliated corporations.

" While we must congratulate the emergence of a New Chancellor in this tumultuous election period; however, we must remain vigilant and not let our celebrations or a sense of complacency obscure the reality that we face numerous adversaries, including the Dark Empire, the Sith Order, and the Mandalorian Crusade. Each of these factions pose a considerable risk to the practice of fair and free commerce and trade throughout the hyperspace lanes leading into our territory " Dod explained his points through a series of hand gestures, accompanied by a measured gaze directed at the envoys present alongside him.

Naturally the Trade Federation and the InterGalactic Banking Clan supported the Alliance over the authoritarian powers; however, this endorsement was contingent upon the Alliance's willingness to address the wider implications of commerce and trade that was now under threat by hostile powers.

"How does 'Chancellor' Organa intend to secure our hyperspace lanes and regional hyperspace lanes from privateers and commercial raiders?. It is of extreme importance that we maintain our logistical and financial support infrastructure at full operational capacity, as we cannot effectively launch a major offensive or defensive strategy against three formidable powers without it." He questioned with a firm glance.



Location: Coruscant
Objective: Exercise
Mentions: Valery Noble Valery Noble / Alicio Organa Alicio Organa


In the streets outside of the Jedi temple, the streets were packed and full of activity. Many people had come out for the appointment of Alicio Organa to celebrate and use it as an opportunity to party. Silas on the other hand had used the time to exercise, something which would seem odd to any normal person. It wasn't the wisest idea to go jogging in such a busy environment, but it brought with it an atmosphere that was more vibrant compared to the usual dismal Coruscant feel.

This was something he needed after everything that had been going on.

The disagreement with Valery was a big part of that, as well as the mental exhaustion that had been plaguing him. Another was a growing desire to break free from the shackles that the Jedi had on him. If it wasn't for the ideals Silas had to uphold, he'd probably be half way across the galaxy aimlessly searching for those who did him wrong as a kid. Thoughts like that shouldn't even be considered as a knight of the order. However, it only grew stronger the longer time went by.

A run was a good way of getting his mind off things, especially when they were so fierce.

Steadily turning around the corner into an entertainment sector, a group of citizens were crowded in front of a large screen that showed live footage of Alicio speaking with other senators. He couldn't help but stop behind everyone and look at the new face in charge with curiosity. Silas wasn't too familiar with politicians, Alicio being one of them. Although, there was something different with this one that made him interested to know more about him. One day, they were sure to meet, which on the other hand would be a different story.

Giving one last look, he lightly sighed and continued his journey back to the temple for some hot soup. Tomorrow was a new day, hopefully things would get better with the dawn that came with it.

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Alicio Organa Alicio Organa - The Senate​

First Lady of the Galactic Alliance.

Not a title Amani Serys-Organa ever expected she would bear. Was it odd that the first thing that came to mind was her and Alicio's ongoing joke about their sheer plethora of titles? Add another one to the list, she thought. The weight of the title didn't fully settle in until right about now. Not just her own, but his. Far more so his, in fact.

Alicio was now Chancellor of the Galactic Alliance. The most powerful man in the free galaxy. The face of democracy. It was all his responsibility to bear now. Amani distinctly recalled a time where he had no such aspirations. But it was that sense of responsibility that now propelled him into this position. It's often said that those with no desire to claim great power were often the most fit to have it. Amani didn't doubt that when it came to Alicio. She only hoped the weight of it all wouldn't sink him in the process. At the end of the day those titles were more than just words. They required commitment, attention, and sacrifice. Each one more than the last.

And as the new First Lady, Amani's duty was to support him. She would be the one to keep him afloat. To keep the weight of it all from sinking him.

Such thoughts kept Amain's mind preoccupied as she sat in the back of Alicio's senatorial pod. She wouldn't be present for all such meetings of course, but as the first one of Alicio's tenure, it seemed fitting the First Lady be here to show her support. Amani even considered bringing the kids, but once all the pomp and circumstance was over, all that was left was politics. And there were few things more mind-numbing to an excited child than politics. Thus, they were now at home with one of the Organa's surplus babysitters.

Not that the politics particularly excited Amani either. Especially when she had to bite her tongue in the face of her husband's detractors. Some of which were all too eager to pounce on the spotlight as soon as the opportunity presented itself…
How we do anything is how we do everything.

LOCATION: Coruscant | OBJECTIVE: 1 - Vision | POST #: 1
TAG (ALLIES) : Valery Noble Valery Noble | Alicio Organa Alicio Organa | Silas Westgard Silas Westgard |


The soft hum of the Coruscanti skyline filled the air, a sonic tapestry of chatter, speeder engines, and the distant echoes of the bustling city-planet below. It was a day of celebration as citizens gathered outside the grand Jedi Temple, their excited murmurs blending harmoniously with the bright sun shining over them. Among the throng stood Jedi Master Caltin Vanagor, his tall, robust figure radiating a tranquil aura. He was framed in the golden light of the day, a stark contrast to the hustle and bustle that swirled around him. Beside him, her presence both comforting and vibrant, was his wife, Chrysothemis Atreides-Vanagor—a former Sith Lordess who had navigated the turbulent waters of darkness to find her light.

Caltin's gaze drifted toward the amphitheater showing the holovid where Galactic Alliance Chancellor Alicio Organa would soon make his address. Though his heart was filled with pride for his home planet of Alderaan and its new champion, a subtle unease coiled within him, like a shadow flirting at the edges of perception.

Chrysothemis noticed immediately and checked on him; if he was alright, she would ask, her voice a soft melody that played in sync with the ambient chaos around them. She turned her head slightly, her golden hair catching the sunlight, casting a halo around her features. There was a solidity to her character, born of profound transformation; what had once been a warrior cloaked in darkness was now a beacon of hope, one who inspired all who crossed her path.

Caltin sighed, acknowledging her concern with a nod. Yes, it’s just… something feels different today. I can’t quite put my finger on it.

As the crowd swayed in anticipation, Caltin reflected on their journey. The shadows of their respective pasts forged a bond that was formidable yet fragile—it was a living testament to their choices, their fears, and their resolve to rise above. Caltin, once the steadfast guardian at the Shadow Temple on Kashyyyk, and Chrysothemis, whose previous life had blurred the lines of light and dark, had carved a united path to redemption.

She agreed with him, realizing it was the Force itself, her deep understanding of the energy that bound them both to the galaxy imbuing her words with conviction. She went on with a possible path whispering, guiding them toward something pivotal. they just have to be open to it.

Caltin turned his gaze back to the podium, momentarily distracted by the nearby observers—felicitous Senators, eager journalists, and civilians alike, all gazing toward the same horizon of hope. Whatever the Force is attempting to reveal, may it bring clarity.

Their eyes met, and in that shared look, a myriad of memories cascaded between them—the battles waged, the destinies intertwined, and the triumphs and tribulations of their shared life. It was a bond made potent not only by love but strengthened by sacrifice.

The speakers crackled to life, and the crowd hushed as selections of music filled the air—an orchestration of hope and futurism. Chancellor Organa, was coming soon, the announcer was just preparing them for what will come. Caltin could feel the surge of the crowds, their collective hopes rising like tides around them.

Chrysothemis leaned closer, her voice low enough for only him to hear. Asking him if he believed in fate. In their destinies intertwining with the greater path of the galaxy.

The question stirred something deep within him—a restless energy that reframed his understanding of time and events. I believe that fate is a construct we often try to grasp, but it is fluid, Chrya. I believe we are the navigators of our choices, shaped by their outcomes. Today, however, feels distinct.

Before she could respond, the crowd erupted into applause, their cheers filling the air as the announcer was hyping them up, talking about the previous accolades of the new Chancellor. Caltin forced his attention to the leader’s words, but his mind wandered, contemplating the duality of their paths—light and dark, hope and despair.

Caltin felt something catch in his throat, inspiration clashing with trepidation. This is what they had fought for, he thought—the light emerging from centuries of darkness. Then, a ripple of energy swept through him, an acknowledgment from the Force that neither he nor Chrysothemis could ignore.


Chrysa asked again, what he thought, her concern knitting tightly into her brow.

I think, he began, feeling the weight of his role as both protector and teacher, that the past may be catching up with us in ways we haven’t foreseen. We must be prepared.

And as the final invitation to unity echoed in the air, Caltin and Chrysothemis understood that their pasts, filled with burdens and battles, were inseparable from the present they occupied. Together, they would face whatever the universe was waiting to reveal. Together, with wisdom, strength, and love, they would navigate the shadows looming on the horizon, unconquered and hopeful like the sun breaking through.

… and the Chancellor hadn’t even spoken yet.




| Location | Senate Chambers - Fondor
| Objective | Await the grand entrance

As if Jenn needed more reason to loathe the very concept of Fate, she found herself suddenly wishing to get her hands on Her to strangle the life out of that odious concept. What a wicked sense of humor She had, after all.
Her first meeting with Alicio Organa had seen him become her hostage, in the days of the Mandalorian Enclave's ill-fated warmongering against the Galactic Alliance. Each and every time the pair met afterwards, their respect for one another only seemed to grow... as did their respective titles. She had become the Duchess of the New Mandalorians, and the Alor of a mighty House; he had ascended from a Duke to a King, and now, the visionary whose verity had opened her eyes to the ugly truth of her people's belligerence had ascended to the highest office in the Galactic Alliance.
To say that the news caused a stir within the Kryze Clangrounds on Onderon would be an understatement. Although an aruetii, the man had proven himself in the eyes of the mighty beskar-clad warriors on more than one occasion, and even the most taciturn among them conceded that he was deserving of some recognition. Although still wary of the Galactic Alliance (and, in truth, any type of government beyond their own contented existence), the warrior-heroes celebrated the news nonetheless; such was their respect for him, politician or not. Their voices filled the night sky, and they called out heartily:
Jenn, for her part, was not on Onderon. No, she was - well, she was the first Mandalorian in doubtlessly many years to find herself in the Senate. In truth, she felt like a fish out of water (in more than one way, given her nature). A lot of people were giving her some particularly pointed looks, given her choice of attire as well as her... troubled past. Natasi may have forgiven her for her transgressions, but she somewhat doubted such kindness would be shown by many of her colleagues. Still, Vince Vince 's position as the representative of Onderon allowed him to pick his advisors, and her loyalty to his planet had been shown time and time again. Mandalorian blood had been shed to preserve it, first during the world's liberation from the clutches of the Dark Empire... and later, against the loathsome Neo-Crusaders.
In spite of the discomfort, Jenn felt... a certain touch of awe. Although she was merely present to accompany Vince, there was no denying the importance of a Mandalorian proving that her people were capable of playing nice enough to be within that building as anything other than an invader. Or a war criminal standing trial.
The thought made her smile, her eyes scanning the many pods to try and find Natasi Fortan Natasi Fortan . That woman had won her enmity, first; later her admiration. Eventually, her heart, if for but a time. That much was a secret she had only ever entrusted a single person with-
And that person would soon make his first appearance as Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Alliance.
"Feels odd, finding myself here. I always thought I'd be dragged here in chains, forced out of my armor. Here I am now, a warrior-diplomat. Funny, how life turns out."

Vince Vince

Chancellor Organa hadn't celebrated when he heard the news, like so many across the Alliance had.

Ever since they'd announced the results of the vote, broadcasted across the entirety of the Core, a sharp focus hadn't left his eye. Of course, he spared some time to rib Amani (he was finally getting close to overtaking her title count, if only she would stop gaining them by association), but it was obvious a new weight had appeared on his shoulders. Since the news, he'd been working. Thinking. Drafting.

In his youth, when he was a city planner, Alicio had spent many a sleepless night going over contracts and trade agreements. He wasn't one to leave work on the table. And while the scope of his building projects had expanded, he suspected some part of him would always be that hopeful, overworked young caretaker of Sanctuary City.

That was what brought him here. Taking a stand in the center of the Grand Assembly, long cloak falling like a midnight waterfall over his shoulders, was a man with the eyes of the galaxy watching. He'd been a senator for years. A king for a shorter time. He'd given more speeches than he could ever hope to count... but none had ever held this much weight. The Galactic Alliance looked to him for hope. He, in turn, looked back to Amani for strength, debating the optics of a quick smooch, before thinking better of it. Later.

He thought of his children.

Then, Alicio opened his mouth.

"I have a vision for our Alliance." Alicio didn't call the room to attention. He let the sentence hang, as if suspended in thin air, until the room stilled. Only then did he continue, his voice even, his eyes sharp with thought. "It isn't one I see alone. Billions of us share this vision, whisper it in back rooms, shout it loud from the national stage, or pray in it's name while surrounded on all sides. We argue about it, in these very halls. How best to see our own versions of the same vision come to pass."

"It's a vision of hope. We hope for unity, where we pool our resources, our experiences, into a rewarding social galactic community that builds up and protects it's neighbors. We hope for prosperity, the ability to make a life for ourselves, and see the galaxy thriving in a rich economy that serves it's people. And we hope for peace, for safety from the dogs nipping at our heels, calling each bite a victory, when all it does is cause pain."
That caused another pause. The downtick of the corner of the Chancellor's mouth.

"Hope has held a strong meaning in my family. The name Organa has been synonymous with the word for centuries." His face softened, ever so briefly, before hardening again. "We search for it, we hold onto it, we turn the spark of it into a flame... But I fear the Alliance has sat on hope for so long, that the word itself has become cliché."

Alicio's hands emerged from his cloak, resting on the edges of the podium. "Our enemies call us many things, they broadcast their propaganda proudly for us to hear. They call the Alliance bloated and slow." A rare smirk touched the man's face. "Now, if the best they can do is disparage us for our number of member worlds, and our willingness to listen to all sides of an issue before a decision, I think we're doing something right. But on some level... they're right."

"For too long have we done nothing in these halls to advance our vision. We delay and denigrate, and tell our constituents to sit on their hope for unity, prosperity, and peace. That it will come when the time is right. But it is the mandate of the Senate to make the time right. As it is my mandate to serve you, and the people of this Alliance."

"The purpose of this conference was to share my vision ahead. But I hope you'll find all our visions are one in the same. I hope we will write and pass legislation that unites us in purpose while celebrating our differences, lifts up every citizen through diligent infrastructure, and relies on our greatest strength to safeguard our member worlds; cooperation. I don't see a perfect version of my vision coming to pass in my lifetime. But as Chancellor, I will continue to hope for it. I will help us work toward it, stand and fight for it, claw our way just a little closer. And if when my term is complete, we've taken even a few precious steps towards a better galaxy? Then I will rest easy, knowing we've all created a better Alliance for our children."

Alicio finally paused, letting the fervor from his words die down.

"That is my promise, that I will uphold until the day I'm sworn out. And... if for no other reason than to rest my voice, I open the floor to questions and discussion. Whether you wish to know about my specific policy stances, or if you have ideas to move us forward, I invite you to be heard."
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"I think he'll do fine. He's already been King, Senator, Vice Chancellor. And you know, his other proactive activities. Given how Auteme was at least, he's already going to be quite the leader, mm?" He chuckled lightly, smiling as he glanced to the triplets. To Eryx. They were all so excited for Alicio, as they should be. He was a good man, one the Alliance certainly needed.

Kahlil leaned back comfortably, taking Valery's hand in his own to squeeze.

"I think we'll all do just fine."

Valery Noble Valery Noble



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring

Valery smiled softly at Kahlil's words, feeling the warmth of his hand in hers. "You're right," she murmured, her voice full of trust and belief. "Alicio has always been someone who steps up when needed and I feel like he's immune to burnout." She leaned into Kahlil a little more, the weight of the conversation settling comfortably between them, surrounded by the buzzing excitement of their kids.

Suddenly, a chorus of voices erupted — "Daddy, Daddy, look!" The triplets were tugging at Kahlil's sleeve, bouncing on their toes as if they couldn't contain their excitement any longer. Eryx, still sitting in Valery's lap, let out a squeal, clearly upset about his pacifier now missing in action. His tiny hands flailed as he pointed at where it had landed.

Valery chuckled softly and reached for it, wiping it off before handing it back to him. "There you go, little troublemaker," she said with a grin, planting a kiss on his forehead.

Her gaze then shifted back to Kahlil, her expression softening again. "We'll always have to juggle these heavy responsibilities, but with moments like this..." she paused, looking at their children, "it makes everything worth it, don't you think?"

She smiled and looked down at the child in her lap.

"Do you think we should give Amani Serys Amani Serys a call? Maybe check in and see if we can help out somehow?" She suspected they had plenty of staff to help out with anything they wanted or needed, but a trusted friend would still be welcomed, right?

While Monaray Dod Monaray Dod prattled on about securing hyper lanes, Senator Marya Werdegast sat quietly in her pod, enjoying the chance to make galactic history. How small her past glories seemed in comparison when her vote could contribute to such a momentous decision.

Especially since the choice made was to her benefit.

Alicio Organa, dressed in black finery, took to the Assembly floor and gave a speech. There was nothing overtly controversial about its content. Perhaps that was to its benefit, as it would reassure those who were skeptical or on the fence about the newly elected leader of the free galaxy. Marya listened and clapped where appropriate, showing her solidarity with the new chancellor. Despite the warnings issued by the media and the SIA, she had yet to see or hear any dissidents. It seemed as if the whole Alliance was united in its support of Organa.

When the floor was opened up to questions, Marya was quick to speak up. "Dahrtag speaks. I have two questions, Chancellor Organa. First, do you still intend to represent your homeworld of Alderaan in the Senate while serving as Chancellor? And second, will you instate similar policies regarding refugees throughout the Alliance as you have on Alderaan?"



A feathery voice spoke in the chamber, weathered yet strong. It was a voice increasingly familiar as the voice of Lady Vianca Mecetti, representing Obulette. She stood in her pod.

"Obulette congratulates our new Chancellor, and we find ourselves uplifted by his inspirational speech.

I see the questions for our new Chancellor have already begun. I hope I may add to the chorus."

She smiled- a somewhat rare sight upon her features- though not half as rare as her fallen husband Casteban's smiles.

"As we brighten with gladness at the vigor and wisdom to be found in our new Chancellor- and the promise that such vigor and wisdom offers in difficult times- I must disagree on one point.

I do not aspire to share a common vision with my fellow senators, my fellow member worlds.

This is no surprise- Obulette has frequently disagreed with the more progressive and modern voices in this Senate chamber.

Yet I do not see a multitude of visions as a weakness, but rather a strength. Much like the multitude of roots zig-zagging to and fro from the base of a mighty oak. Many divergent positions. Many angles taken. It may seem like chaos, if one examines a tree from within the soil: A million tethers all competing for ground.

Yet they all combine to support a noble Wroshyr Tree, rising kilometers towards the stars.

All our visions. All our arguments. Many voices. All for the Alliance.

Whatever disagreements the future may hold, dear Chancellor.... and there will be many...

rest assured, you have our support.

I return the floor to other worlds with words of encouragement- and questions- for our new ringmaster."

She chuckled at her little joke which compared the Senate to a Circus, and returned to a seated position.

Alicio Organa Alicio Organa
People of Necropolis People of Necropolis
Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze
Amani Serys Amani Serys
Monaray Dod Monaray Dod

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