90 Suit
Armed With:
Wind and Fire Wheels
Arrived With:
Clone Knights (100)
Old Mercenary Set Replicas
Multi-Shield Generator Belt
Clone Offense Troopers (8000)
Seeker Rail Detonator
Model 9 Armor Piercing Grenade
Assault Battle Droid
TX-130 Tanks
Arrived in:
BWE Corporate Heavy Cruiser (Tears of Kara-Shehr, Corporate Profits, Pragmatism)
Bacta-Works Heavy Cargo Hauler (Heart of Lysandra)
Antony-Class Battle Cruiser (Severed Head of Dooku, Light of Obi-Wan)
It was the first time Bacta-Works had ever truly amassed a fleet.
That said, it was one hell of a fleet.
The Lucrehulk based HCH was the pride of the Company. Glistening white in space. A battle cruiser in all but name.
As it came out of space, massive targets lit up all over the screens of its bridge crew as it approached the world of Tython, two of the fleet's heavy Cruisers and one of it's Antony Class Battle Cruiser splitting off to help the fleet of
Cessair Ideon just as the fleet of
Amelia von Sorenn
also arrived, The HCH transmitting friendly signals as it got closer to Tython, firing on smaller ships that got within range, the final cruiser splitting off to run to the surface, under heavy fire for a while, before the constant fire of both the HCH and some of the Cannons from the Antony Class drew bigger attention.
The Tears of Kara-Shehr sped as fast as it could to the surface heading to a good landing zone outside Kaleth. It was still under heavy fire as it landed.
As soon as it's cargo bay doors opened up. The First that came out was a woman with blazing red hair and a a gold and blue catsuit that reflected everything around it.
This was the infamous Syd Celsius, cursed now with the face of The Amalgam, and at her intense battle cry,
thousands of Clone Troopers began flooding out, along with Tanks, and Droids. Their goal? Lay waste to as many Sith as possible assaulting Kaleth.
The Sorceress, though robbed of a great chunk of her knowledge, was still one of the most powerful Pyrokinesis Users in the Galaxy, and she used it to conjure a series of flame tornados to burn alive the squads of those Empire Soldiers who had been setting up attack positions around the landing warship.
Syd watched as the walls of tanks charged ahead of the Clone Troopers, engaging enemies around the temple, and coming under heavy fire, and sent scores of heavy fire balls at at enemy defensive emplacements, even as the tanks mercilessly showered laser cannon fire on those same positions and any Sith Soldier in front of them in a ruthless blitz attack, the fields around them already awash in flames, bolstered by Clone Offense Trooper Squads providing escort and covering fire, while the Acclamator itself fired it's point defense cannons into the air to try and down the TIE Fighters, Ion Cannons flashing at Sith gunships as they tried to land more on the surface.
And in the midst of all this, she felt his presence,
always filled with totally justified and understandable loathing towards her, stepping out with the troops, disguised in form fitting,
horned black armor, batting aside blaster bolts. Syd felt his power shift in the Force as he teleported to around the immediate area, cutting down stragglers and Marksmen trying to fire at the clones he led. The Clones were aggressive and tenacious, and would keep the pressure up across the battlefield while matters got settled at the temple itself.
Syd descended from the sky, floating towards Nathan, who subtly recoiled in his body language, and she felt his inherent disgust towards her.
Nonetheless, she tried...
"Nathan, we should test the limits of this Bond. Maybe we should see how well we do fight--"
Nathan had already known she would ask due to their Bond, and he
refused to have any of it.
He teleported towards an LAAT filled with Clone Knights on board that had descended to escort him to the main theater of war, got into it, and flew off without a word. She would be left to scour the battlefield outside Kaleth. He would take the Sith to task in it's interior.
Despite being closer to him than any lover, Syd felt utterly alone as she went to fly over a mass of Clone troopers pressuring against the enemy...
Darth Wallgof
Darth Apophion
Detritus Ren
Caltin Vanagor
Darth Solipsis
Kahlil Noble
Valery Noble
Braze Kai'el
Aris Noble
Zark San Tekka