Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion [GA | DE] Operation Shadow Hand | GA Defense of Tython, Empress Teta, & Prakith

Objective 3: Clash at Kaleth
Equipment: Crossguard Lightsaber, Echani Energy Shields, Hydrangea Mooblade (strapped to her thigh under her tasset)
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Tag: Mic Gallagher Mic Gallagher

Breathing in deeply, there was battle cries, organised movements to start evacuating people from the temple. Lily had decided to help others get out of the Temple. Being trapped inside was a bad idea, if an orbital attack struck the temple it could trap them in the temple. Turning the temple into a tomb. To prevent this, it was important to get everyone out and focus on fighting outside, at least, that was the training that Lily had told her would be the best plan forward. Especially since she had to assume this was a surprise attack, otherwise they would have been warned more.

Clashing her blade with bolts being fired at her, Lily deflected the firing away from her. Moving in flowing manner, deflecting against the walls of the hallway, ricocheting several bolts back to the troopers. Lily let the Force flow through her, sensing the dangers all around her, the threats of more powerful beings. Beings connected with the Force, the Dark Side of the Force.

Lily felt the bumps of her skin form again, the idea of Sith being close to her... It was daunting. Lily wanted to fight and demonstrate that she was a capable fighter. A fighter that would some day match the skills of the great Jedi fighters of history and currently. But she was thoroughly aware that right now, her skills were severely lacking.

Turning a corner, Lily spotted another Force User with their blade in hand. "Don't usually see Sith branding anything but the red and purple blades." Lily said with a slight breathlessly from fighting. "Here to help us? Or here to help the Sith?" Lily asked upfront, she refused to jump into a fight.

However, Lily was prepared to defend herself if needed.


Location: Tython, Obj 3
Outfit: Sith Armour
Equipment: Single Lightsaber
Tags: Talon Barova Talon Barova

Wallgof grabbed a Jedi and dominated their weak mind, breaking them with the darkness that was a deep well in him. "Go, find the Sith and slaughter them, little Jedi." Wallgof whispered in dark sinister tones in their ear. The Sith Lord had corrupted them into believing Sith were Jedi and Jedi were Sith. Causing the chaos that would cause division and suffering in the Jedi. To fight friends and only realise the death they cause when it was much too late. This was the standard approach of the Sith Lord of Insanity.

Letting the Jedi kill themselves believing they were still the righteous heroes that they see themselves as.

Before Wallgof could find more Jedi to go insane and kill their own, he entered a room of unconscious Sith and a drunkard. Wallgof sighed disappointedly. It seemed that there were Sith still too weak to even handle a drunkard. Clearly some sort of drunk master styled fighter, it was terrible to see. Wallgof hated drugs, even alcohol. It caused a lack of control over one's body, Wallgof did not care for that since he had already dealt with a lack of control over his body and only recently got full control once again. Thanks to his friend Srina Talon Srina Talon .

"Hm." Wallgof examined the drunk Jedi, "I would say it would not matter, since you are a waste of time." His tone cold, callous.

Raising his hand, Wallgof caused the room the twist and warp before the eyes of the Jedi. Aiming to disorient him more than he already was. Making reality impossible to see. "It looks like you need to rest. Enjoy the drunkness in your dreams. Jedi." His voice seductive in attempts to make the Jedi surrender and give up on attempting to stop Wallgof.

He had plans that no Jedi would stop. Especially not this drunkard.



ENGAGING: Lily Decoria Lily Decoria
GEAR: Armour | Lightsaber | Pistol | Vibroblades | Vibroknife | Grenade loadout




They were coming closer.

From the sounds up ahead, the person Amena had marked was deflecting a hail of fire from some First-Breachers of the Corps. More men and women dying at the hands of the oh-so-righteous Jedi. A never-ending circle. To think, all this started with the cowardice of the Alliance on Ziost, causing more Imperial men and women to die in the pursuit of a better Galaxy.

It had to stop.

Somewhere, the Galaxy had to be united against the tyranny of self-righteousness. If it had to be the Dark Empire to bring that about, then she'd support it, however difficult. So the Inquisitor swept forward, argent blade humming with the retribution it sensed from its wielder, ready to cut down one of the tyrants.

And came face to face with...a child.

The Kandaran's hazel eyes briefly closed along with a sigh. Why did it have to be a child? Even though the thoughts swirled in Amena's head, the blade didn't disengage. She was too much a veteran to ever fall into that trap.

"Don't usually see Sith branding anything but the red and purple blades." Lily said with a slight breathlessly from fighting. "Here to help us? Or here to help the Sith?"
The Viper cocked her head to the side as she regarded the white-haired girl.
"Neither." came the flat reply. "I'm here to bring order. Neither you nor the Sith seek that."

Amena settled into the defensive stance of Shien, only one blade of the double still ignited.
"Are you going to be one who stands in the way of order, or would you rather stand aside and see it come about?" she asked the what was clearly still a Padawan. "I don't particularly fancy taking a life so young, so I'm hoping you choose the latter." It was the truth. The Inquisitor still had lines she wouldn't easily cross in battle. Rather recruit the Echani kid than kill her.

Would she pull her punches when it came to it?

That was something Amena couldn't answer. Not yet. Hopefully the girl was as smart as she looked and it wouldn't be necessary at all. There used to be a time where she trained children like this in the ways of the Jedi. How wrong she was. She had seen sense. Hopefully this girl would too. Hopefully it wouldn't take a Ziost or an Exegol to push her to the truth.

Please make this easier for us both.


Matriarch of the Scar Hounds Tribe
Objective: To try to hunt down Solipsis
Location: Ground, Tython
Equipment: FS-18-UP2 Assault Rifle | 2x Sunfury Pistol | Light Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x Vibrodagger | 2x Riftblades | Promise of Freedom | Ring of Wishes and Dreams || Cloaking Device | 5x ASBF Probe Droid || OPBC-01m
Tags: N/A
"Galactic Basic" | ~ Telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>
Keilara Kala'myr | Mercy | Ziare Dyarron | Freedom


Even if you build a plan from the very first step to the very last, if you can't adapt to the variables as you go, you've already lost before the plan has even started. Many people in my position would probably have been in trouble already, because I managed to hop on a boat that was not going to the place where Solipsis was. Fortunately, back in my Maw days I was used to having to constantly change and adapt to the situation or I would die. Or the units would be lost. That's why I didn't panic about having to change my plan already. In fact, the possibility of boarding a ship without the Emperor on board was quite high. Unfortunately, I was only Force-attuned and not Sensitive.

Because of this, I was not able to track anyone in the Force, nor even detect them. It was just so I could react faster to things and sometimes get lucky in combat. But nothing more. Truth be told, I never regretted that half of me was fulfilled in Freedom and since he was no longer in my mind, I was not a Force user in Netherworld either. Non-Force based telepathy was plenty enough, sometimes even too much. Sometimes even I just wish I was a simple man like Kallan or Asher. Keilara has telepathic abilities too, but she uses or has used them less than I have. I had to do this to keep us all alive.

Maybe that's why I haven't been able to let it all go. Maybe Asher was wrong about me being stronger than he ever was. He was able to live peacefully, I was not. It was more about me being more stubborn than him. It was my stubbornness that kept me alive, not that I was stronger. As I said before, there are wounds that never heal…

… I thought about this and so on until the dropship finally arrived on the planet's surface. I could feel the slight bump and MANIAC was projecting on my retina that we were down on the planet. Since the AI and Dark Empire communications network were my only means of finding Solipsis, I used them. Until everyone got off the dropship, I had to stay on it anyway, so I had time to mentally issue instructions. And within moments, the data started coming in. By the time the dropship was empty, I had the information I wanted. Now I just needed a vehicle to get me to the right place.

When the dropship started to close the doors so that there was no one on board, I quickly got out too, and then, with my head down, still under the beneficial cover of the cloaking device, I took cover. As I looked around, the fighting had already started and both sides had single or multiple occupancy vehicles. I tried to choose one that was fast and manoeuvrable. It didn't bother me if it didn't really have offensive weapons or shields; after all, I wasn't going to war with it. Ironically, I was at war, but I didn't intend to fight it, I just wanted to get from one place to another. However, most places were such that it was difficult to get there.

For a moment I scowled at the possibilities, then I suddenly remembered something. Something that must have made my job a lot easier. Immediately I instructed MANIAC to find a speeder that was HPI make and HPI biochip compatible. If one was available, I could easily, with a thought, call it to me and then head to the right place. Fortunately, the AI soon found several, one of which I was able to join. The speeder soon floated down to where I was…

… the hunt could continue.

Objective 3: Clash at Kaleth
Equipment: Crossguard Lightsaber, Echani Energy Shields, Hydrangea Mooblade (strapped to her thigh under her tasset)
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Tag: Mic Gallagher Mic Gallagher

Tilting her head, Lily listened to what the other woman had to say. She sighed, it did not seem this was someone who was seeking to be an ally. "You seek control, oppression. It is not order when you force others to command your orders. It is tyranny." Lily pointed out, she noted the Shien stance and adopted the Makashi stance, Lily had been training in all the Lightsaber forms evenly, she was holding a good competency in each form but she was not a skilled as those focused in a singular form.

But her ability to adapt and change sufficiently lifted her skills to allow her to compete with those who were more dedicated.

"I refuse to allow you to storm your way in, enforce your tyranny under false pretenses of order and slaughter those who oppose your rules." Lily breathed in deeply, sticking to her morals, "people have a right to choice and a right to live the life they wish. As long as their actions do not harm others. Your actions will harm others, so you must be stopped."

There was sympathy on Lily's face, "I am sorry. I will not be the one dying today."

Lily stood firm and did not go to strike first but made sure to block the path.
Tags: Kali'ka Kali'ka Anthony Gray Sun Anthony Gray Sun

As her master neared Catronia felt a wave of calm wash over her. With her master here there would be much less chance of things going awry. At his command she attuned her senses to the force. One thing she had learned while visiting the Eadu Enclave was how to sense the dark side. Now she could much more easily sense when darkness was near. When she reached out to the force, what came back shook her to her core. Her skin crawled at the sensation of overwhelming darkness that now enveloped her very soul.

The feelings that now crept into Catronia were all the sensations associated with the SIth's teachings. Hate, anger, fear, and pain all assaulted the Jedi's heart. She didn't feel Kali'ka's pain, but an overwhelming sense of her own. The pain of being shunned from her people, all those eyes looking away from her. It made her hate them, why couldn't she be like other Sarkhai, why did the force choose her?! She had to get a handle on these feelings, and fast.

"I sense nothing but darkness Master... Darkness and a tremendous anger... It is if the force itself cries out in a rage!" Tears streamed down the soft hearted girl's face. She didn't know who or what was causing this, but perhaps she and Anthony could help them. A Sith was just a person on the wrong path to Catronia, they could be redeemed. Yes, her mission was to protect the temple, but she wasn't a cold blooded killer. Sith were people, they could be reasoned with!

Catronia pressed onward into the garden she saw something that she couldn't even process. From the vantage of the garden she could see the war in all its fury. Jedi clashing with the Dark Jedi and Sith forces of the Dark Empire. Bodies strewn across a bloody field and war machines stomping forward. She clutched her robes, such a great loss of life, and for what? All the Empire wanted was the temple, surely there were ways to settle this without killing! As emotions swelled inside her like a roiling sea, the air in the gardens began to chill...
Last edited:

The Shopping District
Empress Teta - Cinnagar
Interacting with: Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

"I never intended to propose that night. I fell ass backwards into it."

Casteel's expression spoke volumes of his disbelief and exasperation as they rode the turbo-lift. With an air of refined disdain befitting a nobleman, he cast a pointed glance at Makai, his features twisted in a mix of incredulity and reproach.

"Let me get this straight," Casteel began, his tone laced with incredulity. "You didn't plan to propose that evening? You simply decided to do it on a whim, without even a ring?" The notion of such impromptu action seemed utterly preposterous to a man accustomed to meticulous planning and attention to detail.

Before they could dwell on the matter further, the turbolift shuddered and came to an abrupt halt, plunging them into darkness. Makai's worst fears had materialized -- they were stuck.

Casting a frustrated gaze upward, Casteel's normally composed demeanor cracked slightly, betraying a hint of irritation. "Fuck," he muttered under his breath, the rare curse slipping past his lips for the second time in Makai's presence. Unsure of their next move, Casteel turned to Makai, seeking his expertise in mechanical matters.

"We have a choice,"
he stated, his voice tinged with urgency. "Wait for the lift to restart, or attempt to climb out. What's your call?"

Tags: Vulpesen Vulpesen

Defeat. Overwhelmed by those attending the summit- all eager to put an end to the snake who had slithered in to cause them harm- a relic of a bygone era found herself locked away on Coruscant, where she had slumbered during civil wars through to the Second Great Hyperspace that defined another time. All hopes lost until a fateful day when the prison had been attacked, and the snake had been freed once more...

As Vulpesen entered the room Ayra raised her hands to the cowl of her robe and lowered the hood from her head. Indeed, Ella Nova had changed. The Jedi Knight, who had served as a Knight of the Republic, saw the end of a civilization that had survived the Four-Hundred Year Darkness until one fateful day when the One Sith had risen up and overthrew the Galactic Republic that she had served. At the end of that war, when all hope had been lost, Nova had been captured by Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex and imprisoned in the Black Pyramid: a prison installation Carnifex had built during the reign of the One Sith.

Nova would later be broken out of prison, and in a twist of irony, was brought to Sojourn in the hopes that she could save one of the Sith Lords who had fought to destroy the Republic. Despite the torture and maiming at the hands of Carnifex, Nova had refused to help Ayra and so, in one last gasp bid to survive the Orbalisk infection, the Sith had cast the ancient ritual of Essence Transfer to save herself. In her weakness Nova was eradicated and her flesh came to serve a new host with designs to destroy the Jedi and Sith.

Only to have been stopped by Vulpesen on that fateful day on Alderaan, where Alexandra Feanor had gathered the most rich, and powerful individuals across the Galaxy to discuss peace, only to see her summit transformed into a battle where Sun Guards had been butchered and a Sith Lord had been incarcerated for twenty, long years until the Dark Empire initiated Operation: Absolution that had freed Darth Ayra and the other prisoners being held by the Galactic Alliance.



Found in the left hand of Darth Ayra was the curved Lightsaber blade she had constructed in the image of Darth Bane's legendary weapon. It, and her powers in the dark side of the Force were the only weapons that the Sith Lord had to bring to bear in this duel in Kaleth. As Vulpesen called for her surrender Ayra unfastened the robes that she had been wearing and discarded them to the side before entering a slow, methodical pace around the room as she spoke.

"On Alderaan you had the help," Ayra began as she continued to walk. "But now we are alone to finish what was started on that day. The machinations of the Force have brought us together again, Vulpesen. Victory shall be mine."

As Ayra paced about the room, walking back and force, seething on her rage and hatred, a Force Shield conjured itself around the Sith Lord to protect her from Force techniques.



Turbolift stopped, plunging them into nothing but the dim lighting of the emergency lighting.

"Don't get your panties in a twist Casteel,we're okay."

Makai had already started to formulate his plan before Casteel had even finished thinking and expressing that they had a choice. It was unwise in a war situation to wait for the turbolift to restart. Unless they were at a hospital or military base, there was no auxiliary generator to kick on. If there was, they would have already started to move.

Fingers worked the seam of the turbolift doors, prying them open so he could assess the situation. Shoulder pushed into the door, using his body weight to make the entire process easier. Light filtered into the turbolift and he could see they were close to another floor, problem was he nor Casteel was going to fit through a small one foot gap.

It did tell him they could go through the ceiling and stand on the turbolift and merely push open the doors once topside and continue to get a move on. Simple, but it would take some sheer strength to pull up on the ceiling. He moved his arm experimentally, the exoboar attack over a year ago at this point. He had healed well enough that even Ellie's keen eyes hadn't noticed anything amiss. Makai didn't know if Casteel could jump and pull himself up ; he would offer the man help.

"Nope, didn't even ask like that. When I say I fell ass backwards into the proposal, I fell hard." A small smile. "I can't say no to her, which doesn't help."

Positioning himself under the pop-out grate, Makai weaved his hands together to give Casteel a boost up. Both were taller, but not freakishly tall to merely work without a bit of assistance.

"Alright, I'll help you up. Remove the grate then get on top of the turbolift. I'll follow...we're really close to the next floor so this won't be too difficult to achieve."

Casteel Mer'taal Casteel Mer'taal


Tags: Korr Du Lac Korr Du Lac

Cairan raised his blade to meet that of his foe.

Green blade was met by red with an almost satisfying clashing noise, the tip of the green plasma mere inches from the chest of the darkside user. He met each strike from the Jedi with a systematic block, falling back onto his Soresu training. His time as a Jedi had taught him many things and lightsaber combat was just one of those skills he had retained.

Two blades continued to clash in a flurry of crisom and emerald. Cairan remained on the defensive, his Soresu training and the force guiding his actions. Cairan wasn't willing to let any weaknesses show, wasn't willing to present his foe with a usable vulnerability that he could exploit. The two lightsabers continued to meet and eventually locked together inbetween the Jedi and Sith opponents.

The Knight of Ren used his natural strength to break the saber lock before it was truly locked in, pushing the blade of the Jedi away from himself in an attempt to throw his opponent off balance. He'd follow the move with a simple kick aimed towards the chest of his opponent with the hopes of knocking him either down or continuing to knock him off balance.

"I have no intention of recruiting you" he started, approaching his foe with his weapon primed. He had switched up to a Djem-So stance, his preferred stance. "The light radiates from you like it radiates from the sun. It's damn near toxic" he continued. "If I can turn you I wouldn't keep you, no. Instead, I'd set you upon the galaxy to cause some chaos. So what will it be?"

He brought his blade down on his foe. He had no intention to kill, he wasn't aiming for the killing blow. Instead he was just teasing his opponent, playing with the Jedi. He was throughly enjoying his experience and should his conversation fail, then he would strike the killing blow with ease. Of that much, he was certain. Victory would be his no matter what.


Objective : Ashla's Tears


Finally. After two decades of stagnation the combined forces of Imperialism and the Maw would descend upon the Galactic Alliance now united under one banner, under one new Empire. Where both the Old Empire and the Maw had both separately tried to challenge the Core World-based Superpower and failed, they would succeed under this new unholy union in the form of the Dark Empire, and what better place to begin then the planet where the tides of the Second Great Hyperspace War shifted in the Galactic Alliance, marking the beginning of a series of victories that would cement their place as the galaxy's ultimate superpower, ushering forth their so-called era of Pax Allianca.

It was at Tython that the Alliance secured their place as the leading superpower in the galaxy and it would be at Tython where the beginning of their downfall would be marked and Marlon Sularen, now a Grand Admiral in the Imperial Navy would play a key role in ensuring their proper demise, starting with this specific battle above the Jedi Stronghold of Tython. Already Sularen had made adequate preparations for this battle equipping his flagship, the NIV Predator with new weapons, technologies and systems that would transform it into a true monster on the battlefield, surpassing even the Despot's own Flagship, the NIV Tiberius and rivaled only by the great Star Dreadnoughts fielded by factions such as the Alliance, the Sith Order and the Empire of the lost.

Now he would spearhead the Imperial Armada's great victory at Tython and deliver the greatest defeat the Galactic Alliance Defense Force has ever suffered throughout the it's history. Just like during the Second Great Hyperspace War, those who had deceived and wronged him would learn to once more fear his inevitable return to the Core and the destruction of everything they held on so dearly. It would only be a matter of time before Corellia would be his once more.


Seated on his Command Chair within the bridge of the NIV Predator, Grand Admiral Marlon Sularen watched as the rift leading into the orbit of Tython opened up with Fleet Admiral Cott's flottila soon making their way through. In a few minutes, the small Imperial fleet gathered here would confront the forces of the Galactic Alliance above the Deep Core World of Tython in the first major battle of a new war that would determine the fate of the galaxy. "Sir?" a voice cried out from behind him, which Sularen recognized as coming from his personal aide Colonel Rackham. "We've received a transmission from Lord Ptolomis. He has orders from the Emperor himself to accompany us." Rackham stated. "Tell him he is clear to land and direct him towards Hangar 23." Sularen instructed, directing the Sith Lord towards a one-ship hangar located within the NIV Predator's bridge superstructure.

While having a Sith Lord accompany him somewhat bothered him, it would still serve as a good countermeasure against any boarding party especially from the Jedi considering his ship would serve as the flagship of the Imperial Fleet for this engagement. If there was any vessel that would be targeted by boarding parties it would be his, and this time Sularen had set up enough countermeasures to thwart any boarding parties through his ship and with the addition of Darth Ptolemis, the NIV Predator would be impregnable.

After a while Rackham walked up to the Grand Admiral once more maintaining some distance to Sularen as he delivered more news. "Sir, we've received instructions from the Despot to move into Tython." Rackham said. "Good. It's about time we brought and end to the corrupted stench that is the Galactic Alliance. Prepare to active our stealth systems once Lord Ptolomis has landed and have Captain Baize move the NIV Gladiator to join the rest of Admiral Cott's fleet in order to begin the operation. We will be joining them momentarily" the Grand Admiral ordered. "Oh, and one more thing." Sularen added. "Have Admiral Cott have his forces begin probing the enemy fleet. I want to know the size of their fleet, what ship types they've brought with them. Any information we can get, will bring us one step closer to victory"




As per the instructions of the Grand Admiral, the NIV Gladiator's engines came live as it would enter the growing rift leading into Tython, soon emerging right behind Admiral Cott's Fleet. Standing onboard the bridge was Captain Cora Baize, a rising star within the Imperial Navy who had previously distinguished herself in the Final Dawn's Navy in their anti-piracy campaigns across the Unknown Regions. She was among the new wave of young talented officers that had been brought into the Grand Admiral's growing fleet, ready to serve the Empire and finally defeat their long time enemies in the Galactic Alliance.

"Inform Admiral Cott of our arrival and send a request for any orders." Captain Baize ordered. As she waited for a response from the Admiral, Baize would gaze upon the battlefield up ahead littered with the wrecks of hundreds of starships that had once clashed during the Battle of Tython along with parts of the shattered moon of Ashla. Baize had heard stories of the brutal battle from her father who had partaken in it under the banner of the Final Dawn, stories of how the great fleets of the Maw, and those of a coalition of most of the galaxy's leading powers had clashed above the moon and had triumphed, despite the presence of a Mawite Superweapon, whose wreckage laid among the vast field of shipwrecks and small asteroids

But now she stood here as part of an Imperial Fleet that would smash right through this field of debris, ready to crush any opposition from the Alliance that they would face along the way. Where her father and the rest of the Brotherhood of the Maw had failed over two decades ago, the Dark Empire would succeed and Baize would play a part in this reversal of fate.


Cairan Shannon Cairan Shannon

Infusing each swing with his strength, the air resonated with the clash of his emerald blade against his foe's crimson saber. With each precise arc, Korr sought to drive his opponent back, determined to seize the advantage.

Despite knowing his adversary likely possessed years of combat experience, Korr refused to let that deter him from halting their advance. As their blades neared a pseudo-lock, a sudden boot to his chest caught him off guard, knocking him back and leaving him momentarily winded.

"Glad to know my light might be your downfall," Korr quipped through a wheeze as he recovered his breath.

Transitioning from the aggressive form of Vaapad to the defensive stance of Djem So, Korr deftly maneuvered his blade to parry a downward strike, causing it to narrowly miss its mark. However, in his effort, he felt a slight nick on his arm from the opponent's blade.

"If it's death or succumbing to the Dark Side, I'll choose death," Korr declared, his resolve unwavering. "But not before I ensure you choke on your own hubris."


Equipment: : Varos Cloak and mask, Three Rhak Skuri Gas Grenades, Kits Yelp Bracer(With ten extra belts), his personal lightsaber, three EMP grenades, two Akita grenades, Shadow Fox Amulet, VSF Fennec, Ravenwing Pack
Tags: Alicia Drey Alicia Drey

Vulpesen waited patiently as the sith disrobed and prepared herself for the fight to come. Even in the savagery of combat, he could afford to be civilized, and certain traditions were to be observed. However, he himself required no preparation, the Varos Cloak being designed to be worn easily in combat. As he waited he simply reflected on the happenstance of their meeting. Drey had spent her years on Coruscant, a prisoner in frozen confinement. He had spent it on Veradune, putting his planet together and honing his skills as a wilder. They were both relics of a bygone era, but while they might have both been off the galactic stage, he had been the one offered the chance of constant improvement. It was a chance he had made the most of.

"On Alderaan you took a hostage." He ignited his own saber, matching her blade of white and red with one of black and gold. "Nowhere to hide today." He could sense the currents of the force as they encircled her, creating a barrier against direct influence. Like him, it seemed that she preferred to learn from her mistakes. But now, Vulpesen was not at a summit of peace. He had come prepared for war. "Whatever happens next, remember that I gave you a chance." With a trio of super sonic cracks a set of his daggers launched forward towards the sith's chest.


Location: Tython towards the Kaleth Temple
Allies: NSO, Knights of Ren, Dark Side Elite
Enemies: Jedi: Taam Moghul Taam Moghul Jonyna Si Jonyna Si
Equipment: The Ren (Lightsaber) Orbalisk Armor


Detritus would keep moving towards what he viewed as an abomination on the horizon. Each step he took would the boots cause the very ground to crunch. Was this place always such a desolate wasteland? He would wonder quickly to himself as each step would bring the master of the Knights of Ren ever closer to the Temple in his sights. The Orbalisks had basked in the very nature of this world, as they continued to gnaw into him, teeth biting him, acidic fluid being shot through his very nerves. He felt the constant pain through his very core as he pressed onwards, utilizing the constant pain only to amplify the Dark Side that had enveloped him.

The closer he would get towards the Temple, he could smell the ionized air from lightsabers mixed with the sweetly sick scent of decay. The combination of the two odors had heightened Detritus's own emotions has readied himself for battle. His head was lowered as if constantly in prayer, as the unholy man would continue to make his perilous trek towards the Temple. He could sense various presences all around, dark mixed with light. The Light had firmly gained his attention as he found it to be revolting. He took it upon himself to see to the Temple's destruction, as he found himself getting within view of the Temple's ancient structure.

With the Temple within his sights, he was greeted upon the clash of blades, and the remains of what Sith and Dark Side Elite were scattered upon the ruined surface. He could see more shadowy figures approach, as if death wouldn't deter either of them from seeing the Emperor's commands fulfilled. Unlike the Dark Side Elite would Detritus not fail in his task to bringing the Jedi to heel, for if the Temple fell then nothing would stop the Dark Empire from establishing Imperial rule within the Core. The pained gnawing of the Orbalisks would snap him from his pondering, as his eyes scanned through the visor of his helm for anyone that was a threat.

His attention was then drawn by the dual sound of roars, as he turned his attention close to the entrance. He looked and saw what appeared to his eyes as two Cathars. Not just any ordinary Cathars, but Jedi Knights. A deadly smirk appeared behind the mask that kept the crustaceans at bay. His steps directed towards the Jedi duo, would the two feel fury, and dark side energy within each hollowed stomp he took towards them. His eyes locked on the two Jedi, one wielded what looked to be a Force Sword. Interesting how ancient pieces of the past would collide upon this desolate surface.

He looked to the two letting out an exhale as he felt the Orbalisks feed from his power, and in return grant him pain to feed more into his Dark Side abilities. He looked to the two stopping before them, for he appeared to be in his black robes, some of the Orbalisks clearly seen to have become one with his own torso, the host and the parasites gained from Dxun were one, making for a potent enemy Jedi or Sith alike. Narrowing eyes towards the pair would he advance slowly towards them.

The hilt of his Lightsaber known as the Ren would become visible. The pair able to see a once elegant crossguard lightsaber, now it's metallic surface was cracked, weathered, and it's cracked orange Kyber Crystal would glow. Detritus would begin to address the two Cathar before him. "Jedi Knights, defenders of the false light, behold the reckoning that stands before you. May the echoes of your defeat resound through the galaxy as the symphony of annihilation beckons to glorious rebirth!" Detritus would say his zealotry convictions were ever so present, as what followed his words was the crackled snap of the Ren Lightsaber.

As his unstable, furious blade would ignite it's orange hue brought a glow to the ruined surface. He looked to the two Jedi before him, as he would shed some of his robes that kept his Orbalisks hidden from sight now in full view. He stood before them, his body was covered in the creatures of the Dark Side, as in weeks they had multiplied across his body forming an organic armor across him. There had only been a few that had witnessed such creatures, now the Jedi Knights would have the honor of facing such horrors.

Detritus would point his crackling, fiery blade towards his two foes. His rage was quickly rising into a frenzy by the Orbalisks. He wished to toy with his prey first, as he looked to either Cathar with deadly intent. "Now who dies first?" Detritus would say as a deadly growl followed his words. At last would Detritus have a fight worthy of his time.



Location: Enroute to Tython
Objective: 3
Allies: NSO, Knights of Ren, Dark Side Elite
Equipment: Lightsaber, Stygian Codex
Enemies: Jedi: Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el

Kaleb wasn't sure what happened, all of it had been a blur and happened so fast. He could remember waking up in the middle of the night on Coruscant within the Temple. He sought out the secrets hidden within the Jedi Archives as was hinted by Ibaris Varanin Ibaris Varanin . One thing had led to another from his own curiosity getting the better of him. He had snuck out in the middle of the night, unable to sleep for he had slipped into the Archives Bogan Collection. He had discovered the dark vault along with the Stygian Codex, the rumored lost Holocron of Darth Solipsis. He had succombed to the temptations of the Holocron, for it called to the Jedi Knight who sought greater knowledge, to prove to the New Jedi Order that he could overcome the darkness, for he had read the histories of the Second Great Hyperspace War. He wished to make it a point that a Jedi could overcome the Dark Side and still prevail.... Oh how terribly wrong he might have been.

What transpired was a confrontation with the Master Archivist, and then not long after would everything seem a blur. Kaleb had remembered dueling his way out of the Temple, badly beaten as he had barely escaped in a Jedi Starfighter. Unfortunately, he didn't account that his own starfighter could be tracked by the New Jedi Order. Then he remembered being chased from Coruscant though hyperspace jump, after hyperspace jump to get away from the Jedi that pursued him. He was given every chance to come quietly, but Kaleb had declined to each choice presented to him, now he had been a fugitive on the run from his own Order, as if they didn't wish for history to repeat once again.

Kaleb was quickly snapped out of his trip down his own memory by the proximity alarm of his own fighter. He had constantly been jumping away that he had lost sight where he would have ended up. Before him he could see a world that looked alive from below, but he could feel the Holocron surge in dark energy upon entering the orbit of Tython. He could see what looked to be warships on the horizon and Kaleb wondered what had brought him here? He had been running for so long, was it the Holocron's will, or was it the will of the Force that Kaleb came to what he had learned was a desolate world following the War.

Alarms were blaring, as the fighter neared closer to the world, where the fighter finally gave in to the stress Kaleb had put it through in his attempts to escape. "Blast it!" Kaleb would shout in frustration, as he could barely control the fighter that now drifted towards the surface. He had barely managed to avoid detection, until several TIEs were on his tail. "Sithspit!" He would shout a curse this time as he tried to shake the TIEs off of him, several blast of angry green lasers would the fighter be sent crashing towards the surface.

The descent was rapid, as Kaleb could feel himself loosing complete control of the starfighter. The red glow of the Obsidian Holocron had enveloped the cockpit, as Kaleb could now see the clouds of Tython's atmosphere. His fighter was burning up, as in attempt to save himself would Kaleb put his arms up in front of him, as if to shield himself from the impact. That was the last thing he remembered before darkness took him.

When he came to, his vision was blurred but he could see the rocky, rough terrain of Tython as he used the Force to blast the ruined cockpit away from him, Kaleb would examine himself to find he had emerged unharmed. He breathed a sigh of relief as the crimson glow from the Holocron persisted. Why did it glow this brightly compared to Coruscant? What was at work here.

He could feel a storm through the Force was coming to this harsh world. To the horizon would he see some type of platform, some type of refuge for those seeking escape. Hooking his saber to his belt, along with the Stygian Codex would Kaleb start marching towards the platform. There was a whisper for him to seek revenge, as Kaleb was tired of being hunted. It was time for the Jedi Knight to make a stand, even if he had to embrace the dark side to vanquish his pursuers.

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The Shopping District
Empress Teta - Cinnagar
Interacting with: Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

Casteel didn’t bother to give a response to Makai’s commentary regarding keeping his cool. Instead his focus remained steadfast as he directed his attention to the task at hand. His jaw tightened as he assessed the hatch above.

"You first," he instructed, his voice carrying an air of authority tempered with practicality. "Your mechanical expertise may be needed." Casteel's keen understanding of their respective skill sets guided his decision.

However, Makai's revelation about the additional details regarding his proposal interrupted Casteel's preparations, eliciting a disapproving glare from the Anaxai nobleman. "You didn't plan it?" he queried incredulously, the judgment evident in his piercing gaze.

With a frustrated sigh, Casteel shed his blazer, recognizing the need for unencumbered movement. He deftly undid his cufflinks and rolled up his sleeves, his irritation palpable.

"And you couldn't refuse her? Do not tell me Myra asked you to marry her." he pressed, a hint of incredulous curiosity coloring his tone. Despite his annoyance, Casteel couldn't help but seek further insight into the situation.

Resuming his task, Casteel positioned himself to assist Makai through the hatch, mentally bracing himself to groan at anything Makai would respond with.

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Tags: Korr Du Lac Korr Du Lac

"And if you choose death, so be it"

Cairan was almost wounded, his voice showing the disappointment he felt. He could have turned the Jedi into a chaotic force that could go and destabilse the galaxy even more, leaving even more of an opening for his grand plan. He had no intentions of turning the Jedi and keeping him as an apprentice, he wanted to turn the Jedi and use him as a tool.

However that plan had failed. The Jedi had elected to meet his end and meet his end he would. Cairan noticed his opponents subtle shift into the form of Djem-So. Both of them had elected to use the aggressive form of plasma weapon combat, with the darkside on the attack and the lightside on the defence much like the battle that was ongoing around them.

Reaching out in the force, the manipulator of the darkside pulled free a stone from the wall behind the Jedi and hurled it towards him. At the same time, he pressed the attack with his weapon. The untamed rage within him would be unleashed, fuelled by frustration at the Jedi rejecting his advances and the emotions he kept locked away just for moments like this.

The Knight pressed, hammering rapid fire blows at his opponent all powered by the darkness within him. He hadn't even noticed if his rock trick had been of any use of had a single effect, instead he just pressed the attack against the Jedi hoping to bring a quick end to the battle before the Jedi was even able to get another strike in against him.

"Remember this. I offered you a chance, and you turned it down. Your death has only you to blame"


Location: Tython, Forests around Kaleth
Opponent: Gnost Zym Gnost Zym

Unfortunately not having any eyes was a bit of a hurdle for Ko, but on the other hand all the living energy that surrounded him helped to paint a clearer picture of his surroundings. Also helping him see when something was wrong. Through his metaphysical connections to his surroundings it began to feel like a blight was creeping into these woods. The familiar sinister presence of the other only added to that.

Something was approaching him, crashing through the brush. Ko tightened the grip of his weapon in anticipation, and turned his body to face what was coming. Emerging from the foliage came a botanical beast composed of gnarled roots and branches. It reminded him of the Drengir, beings he held much disdain for given his prior encounters with them. How they tainted the earth, mind and souls of those in their presence. They offered a painful memory of when he was robbed of his sense of sight.

“What have they done to you?” Ko asked, his tone a mixture of sorrow for the tarnished tree and anger and those responsible for it. The Kel Dor held up one of his clawed hands at the sithspawn monster, trying to use plant surge to halt it in place. But its alchemized corruption already ran too deep. Ko could not twist it back into its natural state of being, nor was he sure that he could purify it either. The realization left Ko shocked for a moment and vulnerable as it reached out towards him with a mighty wooden appendage.

Quickly grabbing his weapon in both hands he unsheathed it. Channeling The Force through its blade. Delivering a quick upwards slash all in a fluid, single motion. Severing appendage it attempted to reach him with. Ko began to wonder if this was how the Sith wanted to play. Hiding behind corrupted beasts and turning Ko’s natural allies against him.

Leaping back away from the beast Ko would reach out once more, this time using the surrounding vegetation to lash out and attempt to subdue and bind the sithspawn. Vines, branches and roots springing out into a chaotic mess of entangled vegetation. However, given how the beast seemed to be corrupting its surroundings. It may have been a bad idea for Ko to utilize other vegetation to try and bind it.



Mevia Vizsla.
Death's Hand.
Caesar Kryze Caesar Kryze Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze Shai Maji Shai Maji

Melee WeaponsDavaab'beskad, personal Chiss "Execution" beskad.
Jetii'Kyramud, Soul Sword.
Su'arnr be Tracyn | Dagger of Fire.
Kada'yr, Mandalorian Kal.
RiflesTyatr'geriuvr Plasmag Rifle.
Igradi Light Repeating Rifle.
PistolsDP-02 Class-D Heavy Disruptor Pistol.
RP-05A Ripper Pistol.
HG-88 'Big Iron' Hand Cannon.
OtherM.I. Model 21 Rocket Launchers [2xs].



Crouched and hidden behind a boulder, Mevia Vizsla prepared for the ambush the Galacted Alliance tanks below. A bridge kept two mountains tethered, but it was one bridge. The tanks needed to get from one side to the other, and it was risky. It was a risk the GADF would wish they had not taken... but Mevia would be thrilled watching them burn. The red, mountainous landscape stretched around the squad. It sort of reminded Mevia of a red Mandalore. How were the Mandalorian Protectors faring, restoring their ancestorial home? Despite the tensions between Death's Hand and the Protectors, Mevia was rooting for their efforts. She wanted to see Mandalore as the throne of Mandalorian glory once more someday. The comradery in Caesar's Squad was quite pleasant, in the face of war. Mevia smirked beneath her buy'ce, when Caesar brought up a little challenge on who got the buy dinner tonight. The smirk grew as Mevia gripped the two rocket launchers, holding one in each hand.

<<"Sorry, Caesar.">> She grinned eagerly beneath her visor, standing up, <<"But dinner is going to be on you.">>

When the signal was given, Mevia leaped into action. Her heavy armor thudded as she jumped off the side of a cliff, feeling the freedom of the open her. Her jetpack roared alive, and she flew towards the tanks below. Her auntie, Shai Maji, had died to the Galactic Alliance. Holding Maji Ironworks forged rocket launchers in her hand, she was eager to deliver poetic justice upon the "harbingers of freedom" who only worked to keep Mandalorians under their thumbs. Shai had been the one who had taught Mevia to be as good with a jetpack as she had become. Everything her auntie taught her, everything she forged her into, would be showcased today. The missiles stored in the rockets each had her aunt's name etched on them. I have five shots. Each and every one must count!

Nearing the first tank in view, she activated her Maji Jump Boots for extra control in the skies. She lifted her rocket launcher, holding it on her shoulder mid-air. The rocket launchers were lighter weight, and the kickback was only a tickle. The only worry about this maneuver was how the launchers themselves threw backways upon launch. Thus, she had to hold them in a very specific position, especially when using one hand. Nearing the tank, she remained mid-air as she cooled her jets, entering position and firing her first shot at the tank. The explosion went off beautifully, toppling the tank and killing three units within according to her visor. She let herself flail midair from the punch before lowering her empty launcher and regaining control using her Jumo Boots. She had not been naturally talented with flight at first, but had practiced to such a degree that she was considered a prodigy at it by the time she trained with the Si'kayha of the Enclave. If only the Si'kayha had known how bad she had once been at this.

Hard work could, in fact, trump the natural talent seen in the rest of her family. She was determined to prove it.

Another tank came into view, and Mevia repeated the same process. She once again successfully scored a hit. As she spun backwards, she once again regained control before lowering the second launcher. That training before battle was worth it! And now, the easy part.

She flew towards three other tanks, using her H.U.D. to aim at all three. Guided and with far less kickback, the three missiles on her Pulsar Jetpack were ready for launch. Three missiles soared from the jetpack, hitting all three tanks with ease. She smirked beneath her visor, shifting course and falling back. She soon landed at her old hiding spot, skidding on the ground before throwing open a crate she had stocked with more missiles, all bearing the name Shai Maji on them. She spoke through her comlink, counting the pings on her H.U.D.

<<"Fifteen so far, Caesar. Ready to buy me dinner? I already have this one diner in mind that I like...">>

She finished clicking the last missile into her jetpack and attached it to her backplate. She picked up her launchers, preparing for another strike. Her kill count was about to double.


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Cinnegar, Empress Teta
- Sahar -
Alicio didn't like getting so close to the front lines.

One shift in the battle, and he would be surrounded. One stray shell, and he and the block he stood on would be glass. One minute mistake, and he would be dead, never to see his family again.

But he found he had to. There was a dark presence there, the flame to his moth, that was only confirmed thanks to reports conveyed to him by his guard. Someone was breaking through the defense at these coordinates. Someone had to hold the line.

The Jedi were elsewhere. That responsibility fell on him.

Alicio had been jumping from building to building, the Force propelling his footsteps. With each effortless leap, his cape whipped behind him, each graceful impact bringing him closer to the blasterfire, to the hair-singing explosions. And through his precognition, he finally saw her.

The king paused at the lip of the roof. The Alliance soldiers below were killed, slain in brutal fashion. And amidst the bodies, a woman. The bitter taste of the Dark Side overwhelmed his palate, but Alicio's face remained deadly calm. With a slow surety, he stepped off the roof of the building, falling to the street below. The Force caught his descent, depositing him safely on the ground. He and his opponent were a building length apart, close, but not too close.

He didn't speak, yet. Only regarded the threat for a moment, before igniting his blade, and holding it loosely at his side, his features awash with cold blue and violent black.

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