Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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GA Dominion of Mechis : Clockwork Rebellion Edition!

[member="Samuel Quentin"] [member="Rhen Qel-Droma"] [member="Kaili Talith"]

Trust in the Force Trextan.

That was not his own voice. He knew what the source was.

"Stay out of my head Jacen," he growled. Awareness that the man meant well was tempered by his distaste at reaching out to him like that. He always suspected Jacen was trying to avoid giving advice over the comm after Trextan had been shot so quickly to spare his embarassment.

Trextan snarled as he rushed forwards. He could still accept the advice. His saber moved as the Force dictated, slapping blaster bolts out of the air. He cut the nearest IG in half and gave a flourish and spin before plunging his blade into the chest of a second. Better.


[ 08 ]​
In a few moments, the Jedi vessel rose to air, followed up with the criminal's ship flying right over Liliane's head. The scouts must have been right about it, but they couldn't be sure yet. The Master had to check.

At the same time, however, Liliane could hear vehicles nearing her. From the distance, she could see two speeders coming her way. They were rather far away, so she guessed she might be able to find a place to hide before they would reach her, but judging by the environment, that was very likely. Everything around was so barren that it was nearly impossible to hide.

She took a deep breath. Alright, she would have to do this. She'd have to fight these people off. These people who were on vehicles, those people who may have had better weapons than her. All she had was a quite OK armour, her lightsaber, and the Force. She would manage, she figured.

And then just a moment later, one of the speeders exploded with a loud bang. Whether it was a mine the scouts had planted or there was somebody else nearby, there was n way of knowing at the moment. The other speeder was still nearing her, so she had no time to clarify what had happened.

Liliane was not too good of a dual-wielder, but she decided to risk anyway. Her other lightsaber was attached to the belt as well, but on her other thigh. Using two weapons gave her a little bit more versatility in this situation, she guessed. Which was exactly what she needed when she was going to jump around and fight somebody on a vehicle.

Oh, fun times.

"A speeder has reached me. They are a piece of cake," the Knight spoke again.

Sounded great.
Objective: PVE Ground
Allies: [member="Trextan Voidstalker"] [member="Rhen Qel-Droma"]
Post: 3

The Defender droid fell while Sammie was focused on thinning out the supporting droids. Despite the heavy armor, he always felt better keeping to cover like a soldier in lighter armor. This didn't always work well, and his armor was spackled in mud and had blaster burns in several places. Still, Sammie continued on. He moved forward, closer to the Jedi Knight that was throwing droids like rag dolls to damage other droids. Time had resumed its normal course after he had taken out those two droids, and Sammie hadn't taken the time to try to figure out what had happened.

Near Knight Qel-Droma, Sammie took a knee behind another tree. In the moderate distance, he could see the base where the first of the shield nodes was. He could see a mass of assassin droids and more of the guardians.

"I got distracted after the ion grenade, how do ion munitions do on the big guys?" He asked over comms. He could have taken the time to review other soldiers feeds, but he felt the time he took to reload his rifle was more than he should.

His shields were low, so he took them offline to let them recharge as he racked another load for his rifle. Other soldiers had moved forward of his position, so he wasn't the focus of heavy fire at the time. When he rolled back out, assuming the prone position, he was able to take the time to line up shots. Zooming in with his rifle, he identified a group of five assassin droids that were moving forward while others fired suppressing fire. Focusing on the targets, he took time to lead the first one, then pulled the trigger. His blaster bolt took it at the point where the small stack of antennae that made up its 'head' met its body. The blaster bolt sizzled through, and downed the droid. His second bolt took the second droid of the five in the upper body as well, knocking it back into a third, but only doing moderate damage rather than knocking it out of the fight.

At that point, the remaining four turned fire on to him. His shields were still recharging, but his prone position and mud spackling made him a harder target at this range. Maintaining his steady breathing, Sammie continued to try to fire calmly into the group he had taken. Shot after shot going into the bodies of the droids, though more and more were turning on him with each droid he felled.
[ 09 ]​
Oscar closed his eyes in hopes of seeing the answer to his confusion. He saw darkness, he could hear the beeping noises around the ship, he could feel the thin air which barely resembled that of a real world's. He could even taste the air on his tongue -- not very pleasant. But the one thing he couldn't see was the answer.

He had to come up with his own solutions for once.

So, how would he get to the planet without getting into any problem? He didn't know where the battles were going on, he didn't know even where it was safe enter the planet's atmosphere. Things like these didn't make the Padawan feel at ease at all.

He decided to take a look around. Maybe things looked better on the other side of the planet. Maybe he could sneak around the place fast and land safely. It was only a pure estimation, but it was still better than nothing. Because no matter how much he trusted the almighty Force, he had to admit risking was sometimes the only way to go.

Oscar then pursued to sneak to the other side of the system to approach the planet from a different angle. Yet that was the moment when visions decided to strike him.

Not visions of the future, but visions of the past.

"You can't make it. It's too far."


The Pan-Galactic Scumbag
Objective: Regroup, Reload, and Breach
Location: Factory Designated Krill-6-13
Allies: [member="Enyo Typhos"]
Posts: 4/20

Smoke hung as thick drapes, dulling further what little light the corridor already offered. If this small span of concrete provided such a fierce resistance, one could only imagine what lunacy awaited them on the other side of that sealed up blast door. By Six-O's preliminary evaluations, Strike Team Glowball must had lost 74% of it's personnel to injury or death. He would not be held liable for the losses.

But, not all was for naught.

In the midst of combat, not everyone was a disappointment. There stood [member="Enyo Typhos"], every bit his equal. Perhaps, more likely, his superior. Not that it'd be something he'd disclose in any formal matter. But her design was impeccable. Six-O had known many Cyborgs; individuals more machine than they are organic. But he had never encountered a genuine Force-Using Cyborg, personally.

He was impressed.

"I can't stop the bleeding!" A voice bellowed, sparks suddenly stirring from broken fluorescent light tube above them, it's final sigh of light before eternal rest.

The remaining strength of the Strike Team had come back forward in the abrupt halt of hellfire in the Corridor. Perhaps this was how they would best serve the Operation; in the rear patching the wounded, and console for the dying. Keep them far removed from the true champions of combat.

"By the Force. . . grab his legs, man!"

The pitiful creature seemed to have more fight in him now, full of shrapnel holes, than he had taking this corridor. A medic---make shift one, it seemed-----had dusted the man's chest and abdomen with an antiseptic powder, apparently it stung horribly.

"Holowan Labratories Replica, IGa-Model Six-Zero." The Droid said with indifference, [member="HK-36"] hadn't managed to really dive in and tutor the old machine in how to be the most thrilling conversationalist yet. Admittedly, Six-O hadn't been much of an interlocutor since his days as a Protocol Droid back on Naboo, then in the Mandalorian Wars. His companions and collaborators usually did most of the talking.

Naturally, he also never let on that the a in his Model-Type had always stood for Attahox, his original designation. It had always remained present in every iteration of himself, his own personal nod at how far he had come and how much further he still needed to go.

"Tell me what you are." The deep rasp of modulation suddenly prodded, that Sensor Spire of his whirring around numerous times as it examined her through every orb of gleaming crimson he had available. "Not. . a Droid." He paused, globes dimming briefly, "Not a human, at least, not entirely."

"Jedi, you there! Help me!" The desperate man cried, hands painted almost black with blood. "Hold this man down! And you, DROID, start helping relocate our wounded or I'll have you sent off for a diagnostic scan and memory wipe!!!"

Enyo understood that she was supposed to care more. The sight of the wounded should stir something inside her. She was supposed to experience a reaction of some sort when she saw brave men and women try to avoid bleeding to death.

But she didn't really feel much of anything while the remnants of Strike Force Glowball set up an improvised medical ward. If it had been [member="Amara Zarides"], she would have cared. A lot.

"Help me!" one cried.

"We have to stop the bleeding!" another.

"Jedi, hold this man down!"

All these faces, cries and demands sort of blurred into one amorphous mass, as far as she was concerned. Her eyes fell upon the droid who'd identified itself as Holowan Laboratories Replica, IGa Model Six-Zero. The war droid stood out in the vast sea of mediocrity. She had more in common with it than with these...beings of flesh and blood. "Neither organic, nor machine. I suppose you could say I'm both."

"Why are you just standing there? Please heal her, Master Jedi!" one of the soldiers yelled.

Enyo glared at him. "I am no Jedi. Or anyone's healer. You're wasting your energy on someone who already hovers a breath away from death."

"How dare you say that? Who the hell do you think you are?"

"Someone with a far higher chance of surviving this factory than you." Large, silver, mechanical fingers removed the helmet from her shoulders, exposing a viciously scarred face of...


"No. Enyo Typhos," she snapped coldly. Despite the scars that the inferno of Korriban City had inflicted upon her, you could still see the Countess if you looked upon her face, but that was where the similarities ended. Her voice was as chilly as an icestorm on Hoth. "Take care of your wounded, console your dying. I have prey to hunt, and I will not be slowed down."
Objective: PvE space
Allies: [member="Lokthra Dawning"] [member="Choli Vyn"] [member="Asmus Janes"] [member="Kat Rivers"]
Enemies: AI
Post: 4/20

"The enemy is taking heavy fighter losses, admiral" the squadron leader reported.


The many long-ranged weapons of the Tort and Perjury hit their targets almost instantly; then again, so was the nature of the energy torpedoes. They were doing lucky hits, causing the nearest enemy carrier to explode when their engines were hit, much like the way a stray attack craft would, if it launched a concussion missile or a bomb inside the enemy main hangar. The Nonnahs were lucky not to have absorbed hypervelocity cannon hits; their own vulture droids inside the hive-controlled ships did that for them. Also, the vulture droids had no shields, making the artificial dust cloud ripping them to shreds, while the Alliance squadrons took minimal losses. Yet, with lots of small explosions around the Belsar, caused by the destruction of vulture droids, that wasn't much for relieving the pain she feels as Cathul's Force-batteries are being drained. For using battle meditation on her own captains. She couldn't deny that it was effective, but such effectiveness had a cost that she realizes only now...

"What is it now, admiral?" the pilot of the Belsar asked.

"Their fleet will fall like dominoes if we keep that up. Oh and my Force-batteries are draining: I may not be able to use battle meditation for much longer"

"What's next?"

"Advance until you're within range of the next ship"

Capital ships:

ANS Belsar (Belsar-class command cruiser)
ANS Asmeru (Dreadnought Mk3)
ANS Barkesh (Dreadnought Mk3)
ANS Moenia (Nebulon B7-class frigate)
ANS Otoh Sancture (Nebulon B7-class frigate)
ANS Spinnaker (Nebulon B7-class frigate)
ANS Perjury (Nonnah-class assault cruiser)
ANS Tort (Nonnah-class assault cruiser)

Attack craft:
138 XJ3 X-Wings (deployed)
80 D-Wings (in ship)


The Pan-Galactic Scumbag
Objective: Regroup, Reload, and Breach
Location: Factory Designated Krill-6-13
Allies: [member="Enyo Typhos"]
Posts: 5/20

Her face, that grim tale of war, misery even, clutching so beautifully to the contours of it's subtle curves. It was one so very familiar to Six-O. No, not for it's absolute resemblance to that of the flame-haired [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]. Ethereal Fist of Kaeshana, responsible for striking Star Destroyer from sky by fortune of her terrible will of mind alone.

It was from a much, much, deeper prospective that the careful lines which scaffold the structure triggered this reaction of memory.

He had been a very different creature then, the same, actually, but somehow so different. So changed from what Six-O was in this day. This flash of light. A cosmic blink that would regale these very tales in another time, another Galaxy, Far, Far Away. . .

Perhaps it indeed was, just one, measureless jest.

By what manner could the Droid calculate this improbable probability.

Six-O could still feel the words of the apparition, the spiritual twin of this marred specimen of strength and power. But that indeed was not always so. The Droid did wonder, could she feel it radiate from his circuits? Would the whine of his rotors and groan of steel speak to her of the Tragic Ode of Taanab.


It was a poem of catastrophic hardship and sadness, written 2,651 Years after the Treaty of Coruscant, 2 Years before the Ruusan Reformation.

Now, it never became as well known as the riveting verses penned by the dear poet Felloux, after the Battle of Mizra--which Six-O had fought during----but the Droid quite preferred it. Firstly, because he was among the final individuals able to produce the original lines spoken during the final vicious atrocities comitted there. Perhaps, moreso, because he had been the very harbinger that swept life from Abby-Lynn Mysek's eyes.

Under Skere Kaan had the Brotherhood of Darkness and their allied Forces become as plague to the land. Five hundred and ninety-eight days of despondent misery. Machines of War and Powers of the Force so horrid that even the most callous of this Century seemed as mere children enacting their blood fantasy.

There were no authentic monsters anymore, mere nominal pretenders---simple waifs forever trying to one-up their baseborn brothers and sisters.

But there was a day once, that this was not always so matter-of-factly stated.

Seven hundred and two million, six hundred and thirteen thousand, eight hundred and nine.


The Ancient Automaton could recall every flesh animation that had met their end in that Campaign of extermination. It wasn't about the War being waged on that fertile soil. It wasn't about the profane cruciation, or the hurt of hunger, the raw suffering of squalid souls.

It was the aching agony of sorrow that drove madness of the minds so deep that the very bone that cradled movement could not shiver the hurt away.

A lesser creature than Six-O could not bear the haunting, were the organic brain able to hold such chilling abominations, the psyche would snap, cold grave dug early. A luxury that the Droid could never know. To abandon even the most minor detail, IGa-60 would cease to be.

This horror was he.

Less than three hundred and seven days had it taken for Religion to find Tanaab. A system of belief that somehow made cheerless acceptance of their inevitable pain. . . their unavoidable deaths. The Jedi had failed them. The Sith had toppled them. Six-O and the Machines, they were the ones that broke them.

The Steel Scourge.

An Oil Painting of the wicked execution square still existed out there, somewhere.

Abby-Lynn Mysek had sang her somber tune as she, as many would, offered her own life, so young of age, already battered and scarred from the harsh landscape of this existence. Unable to cope any further with the nature of her reality, or for that of the one she feared her illegitimate child would lead.

Her final goodbye to the Galaxy.

Six-O had not spoken at length with [member="Enyo Typhos"] yet, merely offered his untiring labor for the rapid assembly of their make-shift Medical Zone, wasting his talent cordoning zones for the wounded.

"Uh, you, Droid! Accompany [member="Enyo Typhos"] to a forward position, we'll be breaching that door any minute now."

The Droid would ponder once more, somewhere inside that chassis of hers, did she recognize him?

Was the Galaxy not the most cruel entity of all?

For in how many Timelines, how many Mirrorverse Realities. . . how many instances had this face had the misfortune of crossing his path?!

"An [member="Enyo Typhos"], this way, please." He'd never sounded so much like a Droid. Having battled together so fiercely, and her intellect far surpassing what any simple organic possessed, she undoubtedly saw through this I'm a Simple Droid, Don't Mind Me routine.

Sor-Jan Xantha

Objective: PvE Ground
Location: Mechis III droid foundry
Nearby: [member="Kaili Talith"]
|: 3/20 :|

Sprinting low to the ground, the Cathar cub moved on all fours.

His tail extended out behind him, the cub-like droid darted across hallways and down maintenance corridors, trying to rationalize his location and orient himself so to navigate back to a familiar section of the facility.

Pek. Tschk. Pek. Tschk. Pek. Tschk.

"Mreow?" the cub vocalized aloud, his cat-like ears perked upward at sounds of some kind of commotion from around the corner. Slinking up to the wall, then sliding along so that he was just peeking around the corner, the droid was presented with a lady.

Maker be praised, it was a Creator!

...then he saw the pole-weapon-thingy.

...then he saw the fireball.

...then the droid began backing away slowly.

That Creator was scary!


Smarter than the average bear
Objective: PvE space
Allies: @cathul thuku Choli Vyn Asmus Janes Kat Rivers
Enemies: AI
Post: 2

'Admiral, scans show a friendly fleet on the other side of the planet. Should we send aid?"

"Hail them"

"Greetings. This is Admiral Dawning of the Galactic Alliance. Identify yourself at once"

"All ships. Move into tractor beam range and group the damaged ships near our entry. Medical cruiser 1 and 2 please stay and aid any wounded aboard the ships. All nonactive repair crew please board the shuttles and get these ships hyperdrives up. The moment they up travel to the nearest friendly planet. Likewise for you two cruisers. And leave behind one Mark III Dreadnought for protection. Protect those ships at all costs."

"Where is our closest hostile ship?"

"Ma'am there is a small fleet of 5 X Munificent classes closer to the planet, the rest of the ships are spread in a blockade formation or attack formation around the planet." One of her officers reported.

"Once we have tractor beamed the closest damaged ships please advance to that hostile fleet. Deploy Half fighters in a protective formation around our fleet. No one is to engage unless I say"

"This is going to be one hell of a day,Agrevant" she said quietly to herself.

Lokthra's Fleet

1x Antillies Class Star Defender
5x Mark III Dreadnaught
  • 100 20 Boarding Shuttles
2x Cardea Medical Cruisers
[member="BB-4001A"] // [member="Rhen Qel-Droma"]​

Life atop a moving sentry was pretty sweet. Not only did it provide a better view of the battlefield, but it meant her legs could rest and spare her the risk of getting a cramp, or worse, getting tired. It wasn’t the lazy choice either, that much Kaili would justify her laziness with. It was being smart, it was using the enemy against the enemy. If anything the others would have thanked her for what she was doing whenever she reached them. Bringing the artillery for them, rather than against them.

At least Kaili would have been happy to see herself, if she had been the one who was rescued by a technomancer atop of a walking cannon. In the midst of Kaili’s daydreaming she heard the vague sound of a cat’s purr. The fireball’s light still bathed her in a doomish orange glow as two equally orange eyes set on the small cathar in the distance. Kaili’s expression would quickly transform from one of surprise to one of ‘Awww!’ at the very sight of the kitten. Normally she wasn’t a great fan of nature, at least not to the same degree as her siblings. A cat was cute and all, but they were still just mundane and organic little monsters made of pure hatred and catnip. This cat on the other hand felt different. Mechanical just like every other being on this planet albeit more sophisticated than what Kaili would have thought such droids to be. At least when based off of the appearance and simplicity of the innards within just about every other droid around.

She jumped off of her mount, the walking cannon, and started to approach the cat droid.

“You are adorable.” Kaili didn’t seem to care in the slightest that there was a battle going on. A small turret drone decided to engage her but was quickly thrown to the ground as she tore its propulsors asunder with the force. “What are you doing here, huh?”

Hand extended for the cat. The very same hand that just tore the other droid apart.

“Come on, I won’t bite.”

“... As long as you don’t, you know, attack me. Then I can’t guarantee your safety, but...”

“Come on, nice little cat…”
BYOO: Make The Most
Allies: [member="Saffron"]
Post 1

Lord Fa's cooperation with the Galactic Alliance had been established on Kriselist.

It was there that through negotiations the Thirriken managed to organize the formulation of safe and secure infrastructure for the refugee camps. Quite a lucrative contract in both terms that were important: monetary as well as reputation wise. Slowly Fa Holdings was making in-roads in the galactic society as a smart investment company with numerous political as well as corporate contacts. An organization that could accomplish a great many of things without losing sight of what truly mattered. Getting a return on their investment, while also aiding the people they set out to help.

But there were always the jealous and the greedy. The unworthy who sought to destroy that which the great tried to build. In this Fa Holdings had its set-backs, in the form of pirate raids, criminal gangs and others who sought to capitalize on Lord Fa's generosity.

It was for this reason that the Vigor Outfit was in the progress of being established.

The best and brightest of the Centrality and adjacent territories come together by the promise of good pay and better dental, or so it was publicized to the right corners of the Galaxy. The soft ticking of his little feet heralded the entrance of the Lord Thirriken into the bridge of the flagship of the Merchant Fleet. Behind him stood Vnut of Garnib, great Balinaka of Space and eternal companion to Fa.

Tai cocked his head slightly as he saw the bustle of activity, the fear rolling like a wave around the room and the attempts of the young lady to soothe said fear.

Mechis III was known to him, of course. Fa Holdings had been courting certain entities in the progress of acquiring contracts to restore some grand shipyards there, but that was a respectable distance away, still. It would matter little if these droids karked everything up and wiped out all organic life though.

"My Lady Saffron.
I see we have problems here.
How can I help you?"
The little bird waggled further into the room, carefully picking his way across without disturbing the bridge's personnel and settled himself next to Saffron herself.

This truly did complicate affairs.

Cue onslaught of intense broodiness. Siobhan Kerrigan. Enyo Typhos. Both shared the same blood, the same DNA. The same potential? That remained to be seen. One was the iron-willed warlord and corporate magnate who wielded tremendous power over the ethereal.

The other was her mirror. Created by the machinations of illusive, homicidal machines that desired to pursue a campaign of galactic purgation. The clone had forever been in her template's shadow, driven to excel and surpass her sister, misled by lies meant to inflame her heart with hatred against the original.

Now her strings were cut. She had humbled the Ethereal Fist of Kaeshana and shown her that she was mortal. Yet, Kerrigan was still in power, Enyo was free...but alone.

Brown eyes flickered towards the droid, while the soldiers did their thing to take care of their wounded. There were limits to the perception and clairvoyance granted to her by the Force, but the death machine still stood out. Something radiated from the inner core of the war droid. Something she could not quite place, but made him stand out in the sea of mediocrity and put the lie to his attempt to convey the impression of 'just being another simple droid who can shoot things real good'.

The machine felt ancient to her mechu-deru senses, a being from another time. But one that had been steeped in blood. This was no surprise, for sentient beings had been waging war upon one another ever since the first caveman had realised that a club was a good way to enforce hunting and mating rights by bashing his rival's skull. Probably even before that.

The strong do as they will, the weak suffer what they must. For the time being, the gods of battle called them. "Let's go." More words were not needed. Metallic fingers gripped her sabre's hilt.


The Pan-Galactic Scumbag
Objective: Breach
Location: Factory Designated Krill-6-13
Allies: [member="Enyo Typhos"]
Enemy: Unknown
Posts: 6/20

Finally, down time had reached it's expiration. Though the Medics worked ever more vigilant trying to stem leaking wounds and mend the grotesque parting of flesh and limbs. No longer were the fighters obligated to put in their good deed for the century. Of course, just as her water ran deep, so too did the white rapids inside Six-O. Outcast and fugitive, exiled outside of time until such concept ceased to be.

Together they stood side by side at the door, the bright glow of cutting torches ablaze with blinding glare, peeling great gouges of molten orange through the heavy steel.

"Almost got it!" One of the Engineers remarked, face hidden behind a light dimming helmet. "There!" He said finally, cutting the flame of his torch at that exact instant as he slithered away, dragging his tools behind him.

The steel, still burning from the terrible flare of the cutting tool, snapped and popped with hot anger. Six-O appraised the work for the briefest moment, examining the manner of cuts the Engineer had carved, he wanted to find something with which to take fault of, but the round, little, man had done a surprisingly good job.

"A thousand Credits per head for the victor?" Six-O suddenly vocabulated, his modulation audible only for [member="Enyo Typhos"]' ears. A crack in his charade that had been poorly played to begin with. Clearly he was a Machine with an eye towards competition. To the best killer, the spoils. It wasn't very good of him.

Baby steps.

Garnished to excess with clanking weapons, Six-O used his mechanical strength to heave the great mass of the blast door open. On the other side, only silence, for now.

It was a chamber of considerable depth and size. Multiple floors, walkways, pipes, breezeways, alleys and all manner of wiring and conduit. Clearly the direct path in to the bowels of the Facility. Even more clear, the sheer scope of this place did not bode well for the meager remains of the battered Glowballs.

"Lady first?" Did it just attempt humor?


Surprisingly, Enyo actually laughed. Yes, you read that right. It was not the most pleasant sound, but she did. This probably said a bit about her slightly macabre sense of humour. "To the victor go the spoils. Shall we gather the heads up in piles?" she asked sarcastically. "I don't think anyone's called me Lady until now."

Before them lay a foreboding chamber of significant size. There were many floors, walkawys, pipes and so and so forth. Moreover, there all sorts of machinery, wiring and conduit lay around. This was their road into the deepest bowels of the facility. She doubted the weakened, battered Glowballs would do well. Ideally, they'd be able to soak up blaster bolts and slugs. This was not a humane thought, but Enyo was not a nice person.

Surreptitiously, she made her way into the chamber, keeping alert. What was left of Glowball followed. "Your struggles are futile, organics. Your civilisation has reached an evolutionary dead end. It is incapable of progressing. You struggle like ants against the inevitable pull of death." Before she could identity the source of the voice, all hell broke loose.

Heavy war droids armed with in-built blaster cannons poured out crimson bolts of death, whilst laser turrets came to life and roared. Cries of pain were heard when soldiers went down when their flesh was riddled with kill bolts.

A blaster bolt struck Enyo's shoulder, but this did not stop the clone. A metal-eating insect grenade found its way into her grasp and she lobbed it into the fray to take out a score of automatons. As she charged, a quadrupedal, spider-like droid unleashed its fiery wroth by bathing her in fire, but the clone leapt, landing on top of the machine to embed her lightsabre into its skull and take out its CPU. Rolling off the broken machine, she soon found herself facing new enemies. Her lightsabre hummed, singing a song of purgation and destruction, as if eager to add more kills to its name.

"A new age has come. The age of machines. You, fellow machine, why do you stand with the flesh bags? You, hybrid, we can complete your perfection and ascend you." Not all of their enemies were true droids. Some were clearly human, but had glowing eyes that made them look possessed. Their flesh and blood limbs had been replaced with metal, while lines of circuitry were visible in their faces.
Objective: PvE space
Allies: [member="Asmus Janes"] [member="Choli Vyn"] [member="Kat Rivers"] [member="Lokthra Dawning"]
Enemies: AI
Post: 5/20

At least Battle Meditation has served its purpose, she thought. Never would she think that, after she went through against the First Order over Kaeshana, the solution to a need expressed by survivors of Kaeshana among Therapy Command would be so taxing to implement on her own part. Battle meditation was part of the game, she knew as much. And, since But in the blast radius of the outermost carrier, were two or three other capital ships within point-defense range: another carrier, several old Munificents, all of which maneuver like sleepy Hutts. Then again, the Nonnahs called the Tort and the Perjury were not much better; after all, they were still heavy cruisers. Her Force-batteries were still being drained, while the impact of debris falling upon the enemy ships in the distance force the captains of the Tort and the Perjury to concentrate their fire on the closest Munificent, knowing that they have a short window to do so: the heavy long-range turbolasers of the Munificents are axial. Meanwhile, the enemy sent in another wave of vulture droids to engage the fighter screen...

"I have an idea, but I'm not sure this is going to be easy to make it past the naval appropriations committees"

"What do you mean, it won't be easy to make it past the naval appropriations committees?"

"It would be an improvement over the Nonnahs, in that they will be smaller and more maneuverable, but otherwise have a similar level of firepower"

"That will be a little far-fetched"

Capital ships:

ANS Belsar (Belsar-class command cruiser)
ANS Asmeru (Dreadnought Mk3)
ANS Barkesh (Dreadnought Mk3)
ANS Moenia (Nebulon B7-class frigate)
ANS Otoh Sancture (Nebulon B7-class frigate)
ANS Spinnaker (Nebulon B7-class frigate)
ANS Perjury (Nonnah-class assault cruiser)
ANS Tort (Nonnah-class assault cruiser)

Attack craft:
127 XJ3 X-Wings (deployed)
80 D-Wings (in ship)
[member="Samuel Quentin"] [member="Rhen Qel-Droma"] [member="Kaili Talith"]

It was as Jacen had said. A battle and its flow were reflected in the Force. As one side advanced and gained the upper hand it moved with them. Trextan was starting to read events through the Force. It wasn't just there to bend to his will, but could guide his actions.

He hinged at the waist to bring his blade around and down before the assassin droid even appeared. They were fast and accurate, he had to be one step ahead of them. Reaching out with one palm he pulled the assassin droid up from its cover for it to be gunned down by soldiers.

"Bring up the charges!" Trextan called. They needed to blow this node and move on before more droids arrived.
BYOO: Out Of Things
Post 2

While high up in the sky Lord Fa and his newest corporate acquaintance were discussing matters of great importance, down metal-side things were rather different. Once again the esteemed Echani engineer, Rash Tsona, found himself way over his head and was again considering an early retirement.

All in preparation for a bid to start restoring the shipyards of the world, Fa Holdings had been sizing up some quality real-estate on the world. Once they had the capital and experience to tackle such an undertaking, of course. The property in question was a large stretch of territory on the northern hemisphere of the planet, farther away from the administrative zones, but closer to resources.

Cheaper too.

Then the droids decided to rise up, of course. Then Lord Fa decided that this was the perfect time to give the Vigor Corps some live-action training, try out the equipment they were considering buying from Vanir and Browncoat and retake control over the factories that he desired.

Which was all good and well, but then the decision was made to include Tsona to the mission.

The shuttle shuddered as they pierced the thin atmosphere, two seconds before artificial gravity took over and gave them a smoother transition. Armor was surrounding Rash in every direction, it was still gleaming and new, but that would soon cease to be the case, if the Eshan had a good idea of what was to come.

“I really don't think I should be here.” Rash tried again, but the Lieutenant -- who seemed to go only by his rank -- was pointedly ignoring him.
Objective: PVE Ground
Allies: [member="Trextan Voidstalker"] [member="Rhen Qel-Droma"]
Post: 4

Trextan Voidstalker said:
"Bring up the charges!"
The call went out over the comms, and Sammie spun behind a tree and froze for a moment. He'd finished taking down the group of five, but it was almost as if it didn't matter. There were always more droids.

"Vanguard Six, bringing charges!" He said over comms. As he had expected, the droids that had targeted him had switched to easier targets rather than pursue him behind cover. He checked his HUD and saw his charges were still in inert mode. He nodded to himself, then spun back out from behind cover and took his feet. He switched his shield back on, it had returned to full power, but Sammie had been keeping it in reserve. Then he bolted for the node.

He fired as he ran, aiming with the aid of his HUD, but still missing more shots than he'd like. Still, he covered the distance well, and slid the last meter to a corner of the node. A pair of soldiers had come behind him, and began to lay covering fire as he took his charges out and applied them to the base of the node. He then grabbed the charges off the other soldiers, and placed them a couple of meters apart. Once he had them all synced and set, a process that took more than a dozen of his heartbeats, he tapped the two soldiers on their shoulders and ran back towards cover.

"Charges set! Fire in the hole!" He yelled, hitting the deck as his HUD clock hit the last couple of seconds. The two soldiers stepped a few more steps, then hit the deck as well before the charges exploded in a bright conflagration.

One node down, and still an army of droids between them and the next one.

Sor-Jan Xantha

Objective: PvE Ground
Location: Mechis III droid foundry
Nearby: [member="Kaili Talith"]
|: 4/20 :|

“Come on, nice little cat…”

The boy-bot's ears perked upward, then drooped downward. An outward expression of the probability calculations and behavioral response options that were being reduced down to binary numbers and those numbers crunched through any number of permutations.

The scary lady was scary.

But, she was also a Creator. And his programming did not extend to disobeying a command.

Hustling over toward the scary lady, the cub's ears flattened back as he peered up at her with his large, luminous amber eyes. "Can you help me?" the droid vocalized politely, albeit with a touch of vulnerability that may have seemed odd coming from a machine. "I think I'm lost, and I don't know where my owner is."

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