Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Populate [GA + Friends] Niv Hani Fire Festival | GA Populate of Takodana

Kuhbee Kuhbee Roman Vossari Roman Vossari Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

Makko had been about to choose warming up by the fire, but he was already being pulled along.

He caught up with what had been said. Valery was here with the new baby. The fire could wait.

Makko hadn't been raised properly by his parents. They had been jacked into the holonet and had ignored their only son until they were taken away in a corporate raid. He had known the comaderie of a street gang, but never the true love of a parent. Now he adored small children.

Valery was holding her youngest. Near her the triplets had surrounded a wookie.

"Hey Valery!" Makko called out.

He was still a little stunned that the moment he had spent so much time thinking about had come and passed.
voice of the meek and the damned

This time, Efret smiled despite herself and she briefly considered what to say.

She knew that the Order of Shiraya was trying to keep what happened on Naboo a secret from its citizens, so it would only be natural that they would also be interested in keeping the news from reaching the galaxy at large for as long as possible. That was certainly for the best, and Efret would take appropriate action to keep the secret as well, but it wasn't her place to attempt a Mind Trick on a stranger to insure that she wouldn't visit anytime soon. Instead, Efret would act as if nothing was wrong, like Naboo was a perfectly safe travel destination, as surely the royal planet would be closing its borders for a time until the second Cataclysm could be resolved.

No need in jumping to drastic action.

"It's a beautiful place indeed," replied Efret. "Afford yourself more leisure, my dear."

In the meantime, they reached their destination: the lampmaker's stall. Efret's vision was a halo of refractions of light glinting off the various glass sculptures, some colored, some not. She squinted against them and fixed her eyes on the closest goods. The halo faded and she gingerly ran her hand over the curve of a brown oil lamp's topmost section under her fingers brushed again its brass burner. A reflection in the glossy surface caught her eye, not of one of the lights but of a gold trinket hanging just above. She looked up, straightened, and reached out to caress it also.

As she did the latter action, the shopkeeper turned from interacting with some other customers to Efret and Korra. He said, "That one's a more traditional design." When Efret didn't respond, he shuffled closer to her behind the stall counter.

The master saw him then, and recognized the look of expectation on his face. He had said something and was waiting for some kind of a response. "I'm Deaf," she told him. "Say that again, please."

"That one's a more traditional design," he repeated, pointing at the hanging, two-tiered lamp that Efret was no longer touching.

"It's beautiful. They all are. How much for this one?" Even though Efret's savings were meager, she was ready to spend it all on a gift to remember Elias through—hopefully just until he came home, at which point she could give it to him—call it the generous spirit of the season, or call it intense grief fringing on guilt. He had put so much thought and effort into the gifts he had given her with quite literally with his last few moments connected to this plane. She just knew that he'd appreciate the simplicity, and could see it hanging in his greenhouse like a wind chime.

But the artisan asked only for a reasonable price.

Efret handed the dataries over and received a small bag with the lamp packed carefully inside. With a "Thank you," and a wave, she turned back to Korra. "Thank you too. I would have been looking for this for a long time."

Korra smiled warmly, her tone light yet sincere. "You give me too much credit. I didn't do much—you would have found it eventually, I'm sure." She glanced at the carefully packed lamp in Efret's hands, her expression softening further. "But I'm glad you found something. You had that look about you. Like someone searching for more than just a souvenir."

Her gaze flicked toward the stall and the glowing trinkets.
"Good choice, though. That one's got soul. Sometimes, it's not the fanciest thing that holds the most meaning."

She stepped back, letting Efret have the space she needed to tuck her purchase away.
"Ready to move on? Or should we linger and see if the artisan has anything else hiding back there?"

Efret Farr Efret Farr


Very much like mama. Kahlil didn't say it aloud, but the thought was very much there. He nodded his head in agreement with Valery. Yvaine certainly knew who her favorite was, and he wasn't opposed to it. He was pretty content with watching the group, listening to the conversation. Then Valery was lifted up. For a moment the Jedi Master just blinked in surprise. Then did his best not to erupt into laughter. His calm face was constantly twitching into a smile as he fought it back. Don't laugh, never laugh. Refuse the laughter.

Koboh was just excited. Do. Not. Laugh.

Thankfully Cora and Makko arrived, giving him a reprieve from the burdening laughter in his very soul. He only needed to look once. Makko's almost dazed expression, Corazona's joy. The ring on her finger.

"Congratulations, you two. I was hoping I'd be around to see it."

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Kuhbee Kuhbee | Roman Vossari Roman Vossari | Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania | Makko Vyres Makko Vyres


Outfit: Red Epicanthix Dress | Wedding Ring

Valery blinked in surprise as Kuhbee's furry arms effortlessly hoisted her off the ground. "Oh!" she squeaked, her fiery eyes widening as she dangled for a moment like a child being picked up by an adult. She could feel the triplets' excitement surging around her as they squealed and jumped up and down, clapping their hands.

"Whoa, Mama, he's so strong!" Aeryn shouted, her voice full of awe. Adam tried to imitate Kuhbee by wrapping his little arms around Aurra, attempting to lift her with a grunt of effort, while Aurra just giggled and let him try.

Valery's cheeks flushed pink as Kuhbee set her back down gently. She straightened her dress and smoothed her hair, feeling unexpectedly small all of a sudden. "Well," she said with a soft laugh, glancing up at Kuhbee, "You are very strong, aren't you? Thank you for making them smile."

Any other man picking her up like that would have been struck down by Kahlil, she imagined.

She turned her head to look at Kahlil, catching the subtle twitch of his lips as he fought valiantly not to laugh. Her fiery gaze narrowed, and she shot him a playful death glare. Oh, you are so in trouble, her expression seemed to say.

The triplets swarmed Kuhbee again, bouncing with excitement. "Do it again! Do it again!" they chanted, their little voices echoing through the festival grounds.

Valery left them to their fun and wandered over to Kahlil, planting a light jab into his side with her elbow. "You're in trouble later, sweetheart~" she muttered under her breath, the playful smirk tugging at her lips betraying her tone.

Before Kahlil could respond, Valery's attention snapped to the approaching Cora and Makko. The bright sparkle in Cora's eyes and the unmistakable glow of happiness around them made Valery grin like a proud mom. But when her gaze caught the ring on Cora's finger, she gasped.

"Cora!" Valery squealed, rushing toward her like a Force-driven missile. Without hesitation, she threw her arms around the young woman and lifted her off the ground in a typical Noble hug. "You're getting married!" she exclaimed, spinning Cora in a quick circle before setting her down with a laugh.

The triplets, ever in tune with their mother's energy, immediately swarmed Makko and Cora, peppering them with questions. "You're getting married? Can we come? Will there be snackies?!" the triplets asked.

Aurra stood back slightly, her hands clasped in front of her, but her warm smile showed her excitement. "Are you happy?" she asked softly, her big, inquisitive eyes locked on Cora.



Kuhbee was thankfully not in trouble as the Grandmaster said she appreciated him making her children smile. They swarmed him, wanting more displays of strength so he playfully lifted one of them up to show he could do that too. He laughed with them, a bark like sound that fit right in with the children's giggles and joy.

When they were joined by two other Jedi the triplets swarmed the new Jedi and Kuhbee noticed they were talking about a wedding. Wow! A Jedi wedding would be great to see! Not that he was invited but still he was so happy to see more Jedi finding happiness.

He had never met those Jedi Knights but he was so happy for them. He was almost as energetic as the triplets were. Maybe he'd finally found a match for his youthful cub energy!

[Yay a wedding!]
He jumped up and down in excitement too.

Valery Noble Valery Noble Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Makko Vyres Makko Vyres Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Roman Vossari Roman Vossari


Roman's jaw nearly dropped as Kuhbee effortlessly hoisted Valery into the air. He had suggested a show of strength, yes, but he'd pictured something... different. Maybe a demonstration of a strong arm, or lifting a heavy object. Not lifting their tiny, but mighty Grandmaster like she was a plush toy. He choked back a surprised laugh, his hand flying up to cover his mouth. He didn't want to appear disrespectful, but it was hard not to grin at the sheer absurdity of the situation.

The triplets, on the other hand, were absolutely captivated, bouncing with unbridled joy. It seemed that Kuhbee had instantly won their hearts. A chuckle escaped his lips as the kids swarmed the young Wookiee, asking a barrage of questions. It was pure chaos, but a happy chaos, and that was more than enough for Roman.

Their attention was suddenly diverted, and Roman followed the flurry of movement to see Cora and Makko arrive. The Nobles were swirling around them, their voices full of excited chatter. He peered around to see what the commotion was about, and his eyes landed on Cora's left hand. A small, sparkling ring adorned her finger. It clicked then, and the realization of what this meant brought a wide, almost goofy smile to Roman's face. He looked between Cora and Makko, his blue eyes alight with genuine happiness. Cora deserved every bit of joy life could offer, and it was clear that Makko could help bring that to her.

He patiently let the others have their moment, resisting the urge to swoop in immediately, but as soon as he could, Roman wrapped his arms around Cora in a tight hug, completely disregarding any sense of formality. "Congratulations!" he beamed at her, a warmth flooding his chest.

He pulled back, his smile unwavering, and then extended his hand to Makko. "Roman Vossari," he said, his voice genuine and a little husky. "It's good to finally meet you."

"Oof-" Cora took a half-step back as Valery practically rocketed into her. The young woman was caught between gasping for breath and giggling in delight as she was twirled around.

Valery and Kahlil had been present for her first engagement - one of the most dismal, depressing points in her life - and now they were here to witness one of her most joyful moments.

By the time Roman swept her up in a hug, Cora was able to find her voice more readily. She embraced him back, laughing softly. Roman was quickly becoming like a brother to her - he already was one to Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania , it seemed. She was glad that he was here to share in their glee, and the excitement from Kuhbee was both welcome and infectious.

"Thank you - it just happened!" Cora held her hand out for Valery to inspect the ring, beaming as the Noble triplets inundated the newly engaged couple with questions.

"We're not sure when or where or…how, yet," her voice lowered to a conspiratorial whisper that could be heard by all, even as she bent down slightly towards the children. "But once we do, you'll be the first to know!"

Big, inquisitive eyes and innocent smile accompanied Aurra's question. Ashla, she was so cute that Cora could hardly stand it.

"Yes, my dear. I suppose I am the happiest that I've ever been.”

Almost deliriously so. Her life had been drastically different only a handful of years ago, and it had been hard enough to imagine that she and Makko would find their way back to one another, much less get married.

The Wookiee among them held the same level of energy as the triplets, which prompted Cora to now ask a question of Aurra.

"Who is your new friend, here?"

Makko Vyres Makko Vyres Valery Noble Valery Noble Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Kuhbee Kuhbee Roman Vossari Roman Vossari


Shock and awe!
Objective one: Stop by for a quick visit and enjoy the view!
Tags: Open!


Long had it been since last the commandos under Captain Hillbolt a chance to rest and recover from their field work. Having recently completed a mission nearby and with time to spare, a good portion of the Sanval company made their way for Takodana in hopes of joining into the festivities. Of course, they'd end up arriving far later than the start of the fire festival, but there was something to be said for the fashionably late, and they were sure to make a memorable entrance. Off against the distant horizon, five dots began to form within the sky. Very quickly did those dots grow in size as the company closed upon the festival, showing to be five whole crevettes flying within a wedge formation- At about a thousand meters overhead, their entrance overhead was clearly noticeable, bearing the marks of the Sanval Dragon upon each one. Fly overs by fighters and smaller space craft were common enough, but this little formation had largely served to stroke the captain's ego, and, to a lesser extent, the rest of the companies. And as quickly as the shadow had been cast over the festival did it vanish alongside those corvette along the horizon, off to find a safe place to land out of sight and mind.

A little while longer did the captain and crew make an appearance to the festival, joined by no less than a hundred commandos and navy crewmen combined. Most wore their armor and uniforms, covered in weather appropriate attire such as overcoats and ponchos. Thralrii was no different, an ornate dark blue poncho breaking up his silhouette in the distance and covering the majority of his armor which found no place in such a gentle setting. A hand full of speeder trucks were the companies transport from over the dunes of ice and snow, all come to park just outside the fair grounds out of sight and out of mind.

Funny then, how the first thing Captain Hillbolt sought to was the most peaceful. After having interrupted just about everyone's peace in just recent memory, Thralrii was off from his men who largely found themselves seeking drinks and fine company. No, the captain had many a trouble upon his chest, those that wore heavy upon his body and soul. Perhaps this offered a chance to relax, to take his mind off the worries of the galaxy tearing itself apart. Taking a moment to adjust his hair, the Sephian found himself naturally hiding the tips of his ears within a mess of stands. And soon the captain found himself resting upon an open mat, well within the crowd of those making small talk and silence.

And a quick glance to the confession pyre spoke a simple truth- the captain needed a quill.

Even still, should anyone care to chew out the captain for the brazen display or make small talk, Thralrii had made himself far more approachable than he'd normally be. Maybe it wasn't the worst time to get to know the trooper finally making an appearance upon the stage.

Spitfire Soul, Heart of Gold


Flames Of Connection

Outfit: Fiery Dress | Glove | Right Arm | Talisman
Weapons: Lightsaber (hidden in arm compartment)

Azurine's amethyst-hued gaze shifted to Aadihr's arm, where he still had it wrapped as if to conceal what had been left behind. The guilt that flared through her soul was enough to make her immediately turn away. Maybe it was a good thing in the end how this meeting had gone... and maybe he knew that, too, given how he had been acting the whole time they had been here. Too many in her life had died because of her, and Aadihr's near addition to that long list was a wake-up call. He was better off if she kept her distance moving forward, but she hadn't wanted to go back on her word since she'd asked him to join them long before.

Her eyes clouded a bit, though she kept the smile as big and playful as she possibly could while she grabbed yet another drink from a stall, downing it quicker than she probably should have. By the time they had stopped and Aris pointed out his choice for the best place to enjoy something to eat, she had already had three drinks. Her thoughts were a little fuzzy, but she'd be lying if she said it wasn't welcomed. The smells were amazing, specifically those of the spicier variety. She couldn't easily pick up on sweet smells or tastes—save for things such as cinnamon or stronger ones that were similar—but anything spicy was practically like candy.

"You have to try these!"

Azzie's muddled mind didn't have the reaction time to notice Aadihr had already gone for it until he was holding one out to her. She hadn't expected him to like something as spicy as that; she hadn't met very many who did outside of herself, at least. As she reached out to take it, she had to steady herself a bit, trying not to laugh about it. Faceplanting into a food stall was not exactly on her to-do list, after all.

He was right; it was amazing. She found herself tapping her feet like some excited little Loth Cat.

"Now that's good food! I didn't take you for a spice lover!" She didn't realize the slight slur in her voice, immediately going into laughter and taking the other stick to give to Mahsa to try. "What about you, Mister star of the dance? Anything look good?" She teased, elbowing Aris's arm. There were plenty of other options, and she figured that he would know just what was perfect for him with how good his nose was.

If the tension around them all had lifted a bit, then at least she would be able to cement this in her mind, his excitement, before they parted ways. For now, she could enjoy it and pretend, letting the fear and the pain sit in the background.

Objective II: Market

A Twi’lek girl walked through the snow, bundled up so tightly with a fur-lined jacket you could only see her face, which was the same blue that touched her cold lips.

Ella absolutely hated the cold. Niv Hani was a world completely the opposite of New Cov. And yet she had followed Master Val in, wanting to see what sort of hijinks Jedi get up to when they celebrate.

She rubbed her arms and groaned as her teeth chattered. “Uuuh-uuuh!” She looked back and saw Master Val and the others gathered around the fires talking. She would join them soon, but first…to eat!

She was constantly hungry these days since training and the snow only made it worse. She walked down the aisles of stalls and vendors of food, trying to find a strip of meat that would do just the trick.

“Oh, gosh…” Her breath came out as misty hot air as she trudged on. The choices were overwhelming, but she would find one.

Hmm…that looks really good over there…

Tags: Open
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He pulled back, his smile unwavering, and then extended his hand to Makko. "Roman Vossari," he said, his voice genuine and a little husky. "It's good to finally meet you."

Makko extended his hand to Roman. Cora had spoken very highly of her padawan.

"It's good to meet you too!"

Another time and he might have slipped in some kind of joke about Cora's teaching but not today.

"Yes, my dear. I suppose I am the happiest that I've ever been.”

Almost deliriously so. Her life had been drastically different only a handful of years ago, and it had been hard enough to imagine that she and Makko would find their way back to one another, much less get married.

Makko felt as if he was powered by an effecvescent energy. It rose up and bubbled and swirled around. He had been full of nerves, but to hear those words from Cora in front of everyone made his heart swell.

He couldnt help but remember - protected by the joy of the moment - how small he had been made to feel at Cora's first surprise engagement party. Horace had sneered and td him how inadequate he was, how he had been a fool to think he could ever make Cora happy.

Makko was stronger now. He knew how important their love was. Far stronger than any political bond.

He didn't have much more to say. Makko kept looking from person to person, grinning like a fool.


Outfit: Red Epicanthix Dress | Wedding Ring

Valery crouched down next to little Aurra, brushing a loose strand of hair from her daughter's face as she smiled warmly. "That's Kuhbee," Aurra explained gently. "He's a really cool." Aurra's wide eyes sparkled with wonder as she glanced back at Kuhbee, who was still playfully lifting one of her siblings to the sound of delighted giggles. Aeryn and Adam were in awe, bouncing around the Wookiee like little whirlwinds of energy.

"Do it again! Do it again!" they chanted, clapping their hands.

Even Yvaine, still nestled in Kahlil's arms, seemed captivated by Kuhbee's antics, her tiny hands waving in the air as if trying to join in the fun. Eryx, meanwhile, was toddling after Kuhbee, giggling uncontrollably as he tried to mimic the Wookiee's playful roars.

Valery laughed softly, her heart full as she watched the joyous chaos unfold. She turned her attention back to Cora and Makko, her expression tender and proud as she reached for Cora's hand to admire the ring. "It's beautiful," she said warmly, glancing up at the couple. "But not nearly as beautiful as the happiness you two share."

She straightened and offered one last hug to Cora before stepping back to her husband's side. Her hand naturally found his, and she gave it a light squeeze, her fiery gaze meeting his with a flicker of warmth.

"Congratulations again," Valery said, her voice soft but sincere as she looked between Cora and Makko. "We'll have plenty of time to talk more later, but for now, we're going to go find Azurine and Mahsa. We promised them to show the little ones, too."

Her attention shifted to Kahlil, her smirk returning. "Ready, sweetheart?" she asked as her hand found his, already tugging him gently toward the festival's main area. The triplets followed close behind, their boundless energy fueling their excitement as they babbled about Kuhbee and weddings.

It didn't take long to spot Azurine and Mahsa among the festival crowd, and Valery approached with a bright smile. "There you two are!" she called out, waving her free hand. "Did you see the dance? What did you think?"

Her eyes sparkled with pride as she motioned to the triplets. "And, of course, I brought my little entourage," she teased. Yvaine cooed softly in Kahlil's arms, while Eryx toddled forward and clung to her leg. The triplets quickly turned their attention to Azurine and Mahsa, their curious eyes scanning them.

voice of the meek and the damned

"Thank you," Efret replied to Korra's assessment that she had made a good choice. "I'm an archeologist. Tradition means a lot to me, mine as well as other's." She liked collecting bits of it, responsibly of course, to bring into her spaces. Her temple quarters had an eclectic aesthetic about them which flew in the face of traditional Jedi simplicity, but it wasn't needless indulgence. Surrounding herself with a quarter million stories of the places she'd been and the people she'd seen over the years was key to cultural humility and compassion, and thus to continuing to do her job well.

"No, let's move on. Pick something that catches your eye and I'll follow."

It was a good idea to try and forget a little about her troubles rather than go home immediately to steep in them all over again. There'd be plenty of time for that, and for lighting the lamp.

"I already have something I bought from one of the vendors," Korra answered with a small, warm smile, her fingers instinctively brushing over the pocket where the wooden pendant rested. She thought back to the delicate craftsmanship, the star cluster etched so meticulously into the smooth surface. It had immediately caught her eye, a quiet reminder of the constellations she often admired on sleepless nights.

"But," she added, her tone lighter now, "if something else catches my eye, no harm in getting it." Her gaze drifted to the bustling market ahead, where colorful stalls brimmed with all manner of trinkets, food, and handmade treasures. The air was alive with the hum of conversation and the occasional burst of laughter, mingling with the tantalizing aromas of spiced pastries and roasted meats.

"Anything else you would like to try and get? Or is the lamp it for you?" She asked.

Efret Farr Efret Farr


Kahlil stayed quiet, for the most part, watching the others. Watched Cora, mostly. She'd seen so much wrong in this galaxy, been subjected to it. Seeing her this happy again with Makko, he couldn't help but smile. She deserved to be happy.

"Keep it that way. We all have your back, Cora."

He gave a simple nod to her, then to Makko. To Kuhbee and Roman, before following Valery off to find the pair of Padawan's she'd promised to show off their children to. He flashed a smile to the whole of the group before lifting up Yvaine some more. He was absolutely going to show off his children.

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Kuhbee Kuhbee | Roman Vossari Roman Vossari | Azurine Varek Azurine Varek | Mahsa Mahsa | Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania | Makko Vyres Makko Vyres
Spitfire Soul, Heart of Gold


Flames Of Connection

Outfit: Fiery Dress | Glove | Right Arm | Talisman
Weapons: Lightsaber (hidden in arm compartment)

Azurine’s amethyst eyes flicked from the others toward the approaching family, her mind still swimming in a pleasant, tipsy haze. She wasn’t drunk enough to lose her sharpness entirely, but the festival drinks had softened the edges of her usual guarded demeanor. The sight of Valery, Kahlil, and their children warmed something deep inside her. Families weren’t a concept she’d thought much about considering everything she'd been through, and yet, seeing theirs brought a genuine smile to her face.

"Valery! Kahlil!" she called and waved over to them while also pointing them out to Aadihr, her voice carrying a hint of a slur but brimming with excitement. "The dance! Yeah, I saw it, and it was amazing!” She said with excitement lacing her voice, her mind still stuck on the little ones tugging at their parents' hands.

Her attention shifted to the triplets, who were already circling like curious little kittens. "Hey, kiddos, it's been a little bit!" She knelt to their level, despite doing her best to keep herself steady. "You guys wanna see a fun little trick?" She made a quick decision to entertain them a little bit, raising her hand to let multicolored sparks flare around her fingertips, eventually managing to make it look like the shape of a butterfly. It didn't last too long, quickly turning to smoke, but she hoped it was enough to distract them for a little bit.

As she stood again, her gaze dropped to the smallest of the children, Yvaine, nestled securely in Kahlil’s arms. She leaned forward when the little one waved her tiny hands with wide, innocent eyes fixed on her; it was impossible not to melt. "She's so beautiful." The words slipped out unbidden, and she felt her throat tighten for a moment. "Can I ... hold her?" She finally asked, though her voice was soft and unsure.

In that moment, she let herself forget everything—the guilt, the fear. All that mattered was the laughter of the children, the warmth of the family around her, and the small, fleeting joy she could find in being part of it, even if just for a little while.



Interacting with: Aris Noble Aris Noble Azurine Varek Azurine Varek Aadihr Lidos Aadihr Lidos Ayhan Ayhan

Wearing: Dress

The mention of spice immediately made Zaiya give a slight wince, the grimace barely enhanced by the faint ripple of uneasy remembrance of the ombre of color tones that painted her rosy golden skin.

It seemed Aris was also not keen on the idea, and the Lovalla squeezed the Epicanthix's hand in solidarity, especially when Azurine and Aadihr seemed to be really looking forward to trying the Spicer options.

"I'll pass. Last time, I went straight to the spiciest option, and it did not agree with me." Zaiya replied, although she did frown at the slight slur in Azzies' voice. Aris likely picked up on it better than she did.

"Oh, looks like there are some stuffed dumplings!" she pointed out towards another stand, that had various sauce options. "We can try some of those." Zaiya offered a different option to those who would prefer it.

At least, until the sound of the Grandmaster's voice and her husband perked the Lovalla's ear. The triplets were ahead of the family, and Zaiya gave a bright, welcoming smile. One that widened when she saw that Valery held a new baby.

"Oh! Is that your new sister?" She asked Aris quietly with avid warmth, watching as Azzie asked Kahlil to hold her.

Almost pointedly, Ayhan stayed a pace or two behind the newcomer as he followed the others towards the food stalls, hands still grasping Mahsa's legs to keep her steady on his shoulders as they walked. He kept his eyes on the Miraluka letting nothing distract him...except for the scent of the food. His eyes couldn't help but flick towards the delicious smelling buns as they approached, and his mouth began to salivate.

Everyone began to find something to eat, the Miraluka apparently enjoying one of the spicy sticks of something before offering to share it with others. While Azurine accepted the Miraluka's offer, Ayhan picked up two sticks and handed one up to Mahsa before taking a bite himself.

He looked confused.

A second bite.

"It doesn't take like much," he said, staring at the thing with a raised brow. "But my mouth burns." He took another bite anyways.

The appearance of two more figures, one who rivalled Aris in height approached, and Ayhan nodded to them both. The Epicanthix, Ayhan's gaze drifted over, and held. He recognized him from the space station, but that had only been a brief encounter. Something about him was familiar, but Ayhan could quite put his finger on what it was...

Oh well, probably just the spice. The Firronthix finished his skewer.
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The tension that had lingered around them seemed to slowly dissipate as their attention turned to the various stalls. Good food always had a way to bring people together, and it was a large part as to why Mahsa enjoyed learning and experimenting with new things in the kitchen whenever possible.

"T-Thanks…!!" One of the skewers Aadihr had been drawn to found its way when Ayhan offered it up to her, the savory scent of the meat drawing most of her focus as she took a bite.

For a fraction of a moment her mouth was a symphony of flavors and texture, a delighted hum escaping the Kazelrrian as she munched, but that harmony was quickly set ablaze once the spiciness kicked in…

She barely managed to swallow that first bite before a coughing fit took hold, causing her eyes to water as her free hand covered her mouth. The tingling feeling over her lips and the burning sensation that flooded her mouth were levels above anything Mahsa had experienced before, and she held down the rest of the skewer for Ayhan to take.

Valery’s voice reached them just as the fire that swept over her taste buds finally lessened into an acceptable level of a lesson, varying shades of yellow blooming across her hair as she spotted the rest of the Noble family approaching.

"M-Master Valery, Master Kahlil—" Another cough slipped in as Mahsa waved to them, before the Kazelrrian let out an excited squeal as Kahlil lifted their newest addition to the family a bit higher in his arms. "The baby’s finally here!"


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