Blade of Selvaris
She hesitated as the neo-crusader's blue eye peeked out from the broken visor. Ran watched as the blood rushed in and replaced the whites of his eyes under her fists. This level of violence was barbaric, but necessary in the moment. Anything less would be a spit in the face to the warrior culture, and too small a response to the threat they posed. Violence continued to pour out of them both as they continued their exchange of blows.
The neo-crusader corrected her. "Mandalorian!" He yelled with what Ran believed was pride. Despite their current engagement Ran had respect for him and his people, and would call him what he wanted going forward. But she wouldn't stop antagonizing him. "Who cares?" She yelled in response before he rammed his head into hers.
He cares. He cares a lot. Never say that again, Ran. She thought as her brain rattled. Her nose was broken, bloodied, and bruising a dark purple before long. She sniffed suffocating on open floodgates of blood. She choked. She didn't think she'd ever been hit harder. Tears welled in her eyes but were immediately taken by the rushing winds.
In a divebomb, the drexl flew next to the fighters. Ran could see what it saw. While she was focused on the mandalorian, it had its eyes on the city below. The city grew larger and larger. The more they fell, the closer it became, until it was too late. She wouldn't let it get to that point.
Still grappling with the mandalorian she switched her focus on evasion. Evasion of his blows and evasion of death by fall. Through the force Ran manipulated the duo's trajectory, bringing them closer to the drexl, close enough for it to shift in the sky and become a platform for them to rest, or continue their battle.
"Release me, Mandalorian, before we begin falling again!" She demanded as they tumbled along the drexel's back.
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