Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mission [GA] Rebellion of Lohopa II

I'm scarier with my mask off.
I learned from my mother and father, but I am not them!

[Any text in brackets signifies comm-link usage and not face to face conversation]
SECTOR: Lohopa
TAGS: Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

That took a lot out of him. Sure, Father could use this skill quite easily, but he had been using the skill for years. Frankly it brought out more respect in Connell that he had for the big man after working to get this fire under control. By the time Cora had approached him, he was doubled over, breathing heavily.

My Fath…Ma… My Father taught me the skill… First time… using it.. in a situation… like this.

Slowly standing erect, though the effort was labored, he met her gaze. The refugees okay? Then he saw them, not the refugees, but more rioters, busting into and looting a grocery store. All he could do was sigh and shake his head.

Such a shame.

Getting populace to safety while preparing to play “Racoon tag”.


Lohopa II
Senate Meeting Room, Undisclosed Location
- Corrine de Montaigne Corrine de Montaigne - Sycorax Laveaux Sycorax Laveaux - Casteban Mecetti Casteban Mecetti - Und'a Ka'ar Und'a Ka'ar - Jace colis -

Alicio's intense calm only grew more intense, as the room voiced it's agreement. They were willing to try, too.

Jace seemed a little less eager to step in front of the microphone. All Alicio could do was nod alongside Corrine's encouragement, sending the Had Abbadonian a miniscule smirk. Each new perspective was a chance to reach someone different. They were a humanitarian, a soldier, and a businessman, senators all. Three sides to the coin that was the GA.

They could do this.

"You may all speak from broadcasting room here, and your voices will be heard across our planet. Make your case, and do your best, but be careful with making promises. If you do, the Alliance can't break them again."

The Alderaanian senator dipped his head in a single, understanding nod. "Understood." With a quick sigh of a breath, the Count followed Und'a Ka'ar, sentence structures floating into place.

He knew what he had to say. Not just to Lohopa II, but to the entire Alliance.


"I know you're frightened. I am, too."

A calm voice began to leak out of cracked holoprojectors and comm systems across the planet. It was only background noise to the riots outside, but rang clear in the homes of families tuned into the net, gathered and waiting for the storm to blow over. Perhaps it touched the ears of a few looters, at the edges of the violence. Surely, most would upturn their noses, but maybe one would stop, listen to a few words.

"My name is Alicio. Before I was born, my family was forced from our home by war, pursued by enemies. I grew up hiding, never knowing a home for more than a few years, hearing constantly from my father that the only way we could survive was to keep our heads down. To stay low." The voice got a little quieter. "So, I know what it's like. To be frightened."

Then, it sharpened. "They want us to feel that way, you know. That's why they hit us, when we stood up to them, told them 'no' when they massacred the Rodians, subjugated Ryloth. That's why we're still pulling bodies from the rubble on Yag'Dhul, on Kiffu, on Ukatis. They can attack anywhere they please, kill anyone they like, so stay out of it. Stay low."

"I don't accept that. My father was wrong. They're wrong."

"When the Maw dove into our heart, reaching for the throat of the whole galaxy, it wasn't one person, one army, one planet, who stood in their way. It was all of us, standing together. Standing tall. Because we had no choice. We still have no choice."

"If the Alliance falls apart now, we give the Mandalorians permission to continue their pillaging crusade. Then the Sith are poised to sweep into the Core once more, and destroy all of us. We abandon hope in the Alliance, and we abandon every world, every family that relies on it for support."
An unspoken challenge filled the voice of the speaker.

"I'm standing. And I hope you'll stand with me. For your allies across the stars. For Yag'Dhul, for Kiffu, for Ukatis. For your friends. For your survival. If you're scared, stand scared."

"Because an Alliance that stands together is unbreakable."
Sycorax had finished about half of her popcorn when they wheeled in the comms so that the Senators could give speeches to the people of Lohopa II. Alicio was the first to speak. It was a very good speech. She watched and listened, before taking the stand.

"I will not refute what you know in your hearts to be true. The Alliance cannot protect you. But having allies is better than standing alone. The Mandalorians attacked Ukatis, destroyed its capital, but they were ultimately driven out by the combined strength of the Ukatians and the Alliance. They survived, and they will rebuild.

"This is possible for Lohopa as well. No one can guarantee your world's safety from any threat, but you can at least be sure that you aren't alone in the fight. Planetary defense is one of the few things this Alliance is good for.

"I've developed an admiration for the spirit of the Lohopan people. You've proven to me today that you're more than capable of sticking up for yourself, that you won't back down or bend the knee even when times are hard and the future is uncertain. But I must advise you to pick your battles. Save the protests and the rioting for when the imperialism of Coruscant creeps in, seeking to exploit you. Preserve your strength for the Mandalorians, and anyone else who dares to challenge your world's right to freedom from tyranny.

"Now is the time for a show of unity against a horde of faceless buckethead sheeple who give up their individualism in the name of conquest for conquest's sake. It is the time to prepare for war against the Mandalorians, though I hope for their sake it never comes to that. No one will remember which identical T-visor helmets the Mandos wore or which goofy clan with the same name of a dog breed they belonged to. But I'm sure that they'll never forget you, Lohopa, if they're ever stupid enough to try and take you. Be sure to give them one hell of a fight.

Makko Vyres Makko Vyres

Just like that, huh? Carve a hole and move based on a map that Colette dreamt up in the force? She admired his faith in her ability but even she had to admit that it felt perhaps a bit much. But then, it was also a sign that he believed she could do it, so…

The kid let in a deep breath and closed her eyes. Right beneath them there was a small office. It was isolated, but not the only one of its kind. There were several identical offices that were almost identical in both size and layout. Beyond that was a hallway and a small cafeteria. Nothing of note, probably, although ther seemed to be some kind of water structure placed at the middle. A bubble occasionally rippled through to the surface to cause a mild disturbance on the water's surface.

Beyond the cafeteria there was a set of stairs leading down but there was no immediate signs of life on that floor. At least none that she could discern.

"The floor below is empty." She whispered to Makko. "The one below that floor might also be empty, I can't sense much except for where we are now."

When Casteban Mecetti went to speak, there was surely some trepidation about what the cantankerous Senator might say. Everyone had given good patriotic speeches that could move hearts and minds. But what would this wrinkled old husk of a recently disgraced noble house add?

Anyone who had heard him speak earlier might well wish that he would say nothing, now.

"Divide and Conquer."

He let those words hang in the air for a moment.

"That is the ploy of our enemies. That is why they bypassed targets along their border.

That is why they reached deep into Alliance space.

That is why they committed murder and mayhem in the heart of our territories.

They cannot find victory in blaster bolts and warships. They can only find their victory within you.

Within your hearts.

Will you be ruled by fear? Will you tear a nation into pieces with a frightened vote?

Worse, will you succumb to violent thoughts? Burn your neighbor's house down? Steal from the corner store? Shoot strangers in the streets?

If so, then you have planted the flag of Enclave victory onto your own hearts, conquering a territory on their behalf that they could not otherwise aspire to.

Nobody wants to die. To consider terrible circumstance. Or to contemplate great sacrifice.

Prosperity is the yearning of every heart. Peace and Prosperity.

But such ends require bravery. Such ends require sacrifice. And such ends require the patient toil of a steady mind.

As an Alliance representative, a member of the Senate, I can promise you this much: If the Enclave comes here, then we will come here. If you are wounded, we will bind your wounds. And if you are brave, then we will stand bravely beside you.

And what does the Alliance want in return?

Only your constant friendship. In troubled times. In prosperous times. In all times.

The alternative? Surrender the territory of your heart to the piercing of an Enclave flag.

Surrender the contents of your mind to Enclave propaganda.

Surrender the substance of your body as an Enclave slave.

I can not speak for you. But I will tell you what the Tapani Sector is doing.

We are putting our shoulders into our shovels. We are gritting our teeth. We are marching on.

We will not buckle to armored tyrants wearing rockets.

We will show them resolve. We will show them steel to match their own. And we will have victory.

What will you do?

I think I know.

Come, friends. Let us stand together. Let us win together. Let us prosper together.

We are waiting for you.

Join us."

Alicio Organa Alicio Organa
Und'a Ka'ar Und'a Ka'ar
Casteban Mecetti Casteban Mecetti
Jace colis
Corrine de Montaigne Corrine de Montaigne Sycorax Laveaux Sycorax Laveaux
"The floor below is empty." She whispered to Makko. "The one below that floor might also be empty, I can't sense much except for where we are now."

"The Force always flows through people," he told her. "Follow the flow of the Force. Picture them in your head. We can tell the difference between a hostage and a terrorist quickly."

Rather than cut another hole, he kept his head down and rushed towards an access hatch. He slid it open carefully and stepped down onto the floor below. He hoped the Embassy had secured their internal camera systems or else they would have eyes everywhere.

He advanced down the corridor making barely a sound. A month as an assassin for a Denon gang had taught him lessons the wrong way. He slowed as he approached the cafeteria. There was no go signal so he could wait a moment and talk once he was certain there was noone in earshot.

"Try and tell the difference. We don't want to kill anyone but if it comes down to the last second know that I will kill one of them if its that or the hostages. I won't let that happen if I can help it."

It turned out that Makko could find his center as a teacher when the stakes were at their very highest.
Corrine following after Mecetti was not what she would have wanted, but her annoyance would have to wait. She stepped up to speak, and was the only one that actively looked as if they had military experience to her knowledge. That may well play to her benefit. "War very rarely offers a moral high-ground to the combatants. On the battlefield, people are not thinking about the morality of their government. It is a fight for survival, first and foremost. Even as we apply tactics and strategy, war is survival before anything else. The Mandalorian Enclave knows this, and they are culturally inclined toward it. They train from childhood for war. What they lack, however, is something that the Alliance relies on. Volunteers. Those of us who have volunteered for the GADF, did so because it was what we wanted to do, not because it was expected of us from birth. Even though battlefields are killing grounds, in the end, I believe that the Alliance has the upper hand because we are built on a foundation of cooperation."

She paused momentarily, "That is why I ask today that you set aside your grievances, and stand against the Mandalorian Enclave. We all wish to survive, but our chances are much greater if we work together to drive the Mandalorians back to their war camps. Lohopa II will not fall to the Enclave, even if it feels the fires of war brought to it. The Alliance stands with Lohopa II, and I now ask that you stand with the Alliance." she finished, stepping away from the podium.

Jace colis Und'a Ka'ar Und'a Ka'ar Alicio Organa Alicio Organa Sycorax Laveaux Sycorax Laveaux Casteban Mecetti Casteban Mecetti
Obj II
Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor

Cora placed a hand at Connell’s back, giving him the space to breathe and collect himself.

"Thank Ashla you did." She glanced to the building, finding that the fire simmered slowly instead of spreading. "They're alright." Cora took a step back as the Knight rose to his full height. She'd seen the Masters Noble conjure both fire and ice during combative situations, but she was fascinated by Connell’s ability to manipulate the atmosphere.

The sound of shattering glass shifted their attention to. A nearby grocery store that was being raided. "We should-"

A familiar voice emanated from the comm system of the grocer. Cora's eyes narrowed as she tried to pin a face to the sound. Was that… Alicio Organa Alicio Organa ? A few of the looters paused, glancing up to the holoscreen, fleetingly curious.

Alicio was not the only one - after his words ended, other Senators pled to the citizens of Lohopa, citing the pain they've gone through, the realities of war, and the strength of the Alliance.

“The Mandalorians attacked Ukatis, destroyed its capital, but they were ultimately driven out by the combined strength of the Ukatians and the Alliance. They survived, and they will rebuild.”

For a few moments, Cora felt as if she couldn't take a breath. Ukatis was her homeworld, and at one point, it had been her heart and soul. It still was, in many ways. The devastation of Axilla had taken over her life, but Senator Laveaux made a point that Cora hadn't yet been able to see over the mountains of rubble and civilian casualties.

Ukatis was a mess, but they'd ultimately driven the Mandalorians back. Her people were no strangers to war and hardship; they were enduring and resilient. They would rebuild, given time and resources.

Almost as if she were in a trance, Cora wiped a tear from her eye.
I'm scarier with my mask off.
I learned from my mother and father, but I am not them!

[Any text in brackets signifies comm-link usage and not face to face conversation]
SECTOR: Lohopa
TAGS: Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

Slowly getting back to normal, Connell’s attention was caught by the Senator’s words as well. It was disheartening to hear what the Mandalorians had done, but that was the circular nature of war, and sentient nature as a whole. Now it was his turn to put a hand on her back, and offer some level of comfort, something he was not used to doing, but was taking cues from what his mother would do.

I’ll give you a minute.

Unfortunately not all of the rioters were calming down, there was a group of about twelve who were armed with bats, clubs, and a couple of blasters. They were rocking a constable’s speeder, the young officer was scared out of his wits inside. Running at them, he was not happy, but was reluctant to go “Full Jedi” and pull his lightsaber just yet.

The kid is just doing his job, leave him alone!

Getting populace to safety while preparing to play “Racoon tag”.

Lt. Bren Alazar

You know those types you don't want to meet in a dark alley?


BLUE TEAM - Michael,
Michael,Seraphim Talis(Zabrak) - assault, Cren(Human) - Heavy weapon, Speedo(Rodian) - Sniper/Overwatch

[Any text in brackets signifies comm-link usage and not face to face conversation]

From the look of it, especially since Cren was waving for them to look forward, the conversation was moot. It was time to move and move now. The extremists were getting more and more unpredictable, two of them holding up an older woman, it was almost as if they w… yes… they were dragging her towards a window.

Tapping his throat mic, Bren contacted Makko Vyres Makko Vyres and Colette Colette . [No time, we’re going. Grasping his rifle and setting the “stun” setting, Bren looked back at the rest of the Marines. Flashbangs!

Throwing one, and a second in, he jumped to his feet and moved in with Cren and Talis behind him. Their target was the immediate threat of the older hostage about to be made an example of. Bren would focus on them, the others can focus on the rest. ALLIANCE FORCES! WEAPONS DOWN! PUT YOUR WEAPONS DOWN!

This was standard “breach” procedure, go in hard and fast, confuse and intimidate those who would do harm and do not give them time to catch their wits about them.

TAG Marine: Alexander Hayes Alexander Hayes / Aiden Rennek Aiden Rennek / Vitiion Daivik Vitiion Daivik /
TAG Jedi: @Makjo Vyres / @Collette
... yeah, I scare them.

Makko Vyres Makko Vyres

"I know it does." Colette hissed and closed her eyes again with a sigh. "I'll try again."

The soldiers were two floors beneath, she could sense that much. There were a handful of souls in that room, but it was hard to tell who was who in that particular melting pot of both fear and anger. What Colette could distinguished however were the ones on the floor directly beneath her and Makko.

"They have back up in the floor beneath us." She said and pointed at the stairs. "Four soldiers, no hostages."

Loud bangs rocked from down below. The marines were charging in on their targets. Colette's eyes went wide open as the four souls on the floor beneath them seemed to move straight into action.

"Move, move!" She hissed at Makko and made for the stairs to intercept the reinforcements. "Disarm and disable."

At least that was her plan. Unlike, say, an attack from disorganized and desperate pirates on a refugee camp, this was actually a bunch of trained men with a clear agenda of hurting others. If Makko went for the more permanent solution she wouldn't hold it against him. Obviously she sort of would, but not to the same extent.

Her lightsaber ignited as she made her presence known to those that were heading straight toward her on the level below.

Makko nodded as Colette ran to intercept them on their trajectory.

Two of his drones dropped from his bag and slipped down the corridor to his right. The surface of his armour shifted into a reactive camouflage, patterns of silver and grey blending him in with the shadows.

For all the set up of stealth he ran for the window as the first blaster bolts lanced out towards Colette on the stairs. Two of them rushed at her, firing wildly and trying to overwhelm her saber work. The other two moved to take cover. He could sense them through the Force, absorb their feelings, understand their intentions. He could also see through his drones, rushing towards another set of stairs.

Makko launched himself through the window. Telekentic energy shattering the reinforced glass. For just a moment he was in the cold night air, weightless. The grappling line attached to the left wrist of his armour flicked out and tethered him to the wall and he swung towards the window.

The dark windows ahead flashed with the red of blaster bolts before he closed his eyes and tucked himself into a ball.

He smashed through the windows behind the group. The two at the back turned and fired. He brought up his left arm, the shield shimmering into life to deflect the bolts. He let his split focus draw in the drones. The two heavy objects kept their weaponry contained and used their own weight as weapons. Two thuds range out as they struck the men from behind.

Not only did Makko have the adaptive camouflage but he called on the lesson from Jend-Ro. Deactivating his shield he darted into the shadows on his left. He manipulated luck. Rushing towards the nearest gunman, blaster bolts flew through the air all around him, but not one struck him.

Makko's lightsaber flared to life. The violet blade swung up and deflected a bolt, then down again the shear the blaster in two. He stepped in close and his left elbow swung around and caught the man at the temple. He dropped like a stone.

Makko lifted his right arm. A silvery thread from the paddle-beamer on his right lashed out. It swung upwards, cutting right through the second gunman. He was left completely unharmed, but entirely incapacitated.

Less than ten seconds and Makko was stood in the glittering remains of the window between two unconscious extremists. If the soldiers were coming out on top the entire operation would be done within a minute or two. There was no time to spare when the hostages were at stake.
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Makko Vyres Makko Vyres
They tried to overwhelm her saberwork, but that didn't mean they succeeded. Deflection and blocking had been at the very top of her curriculum ever since she had accidentally taken a life because of her sloppy handiwork while utilizing it.

Colette was despite what some might have thought nothing if not studious when it came to her studies as a Jedi. The ability to use the force was something she saw as a gift and something that meant that she owed it to those around her to use it in service for them. The biggest disservice she had provided anyone at this point was a swift but undignified death.

So, blaster bolts came her way and she kept them away with surprising ease until Makko joined the assault in a surprise maneuver from behind. As he made his way through the back half of the quartet, Colette pushed forward towards those in the front. She pulled their guns from their hands, sliced them in two much like she always did, and then threw one of them firmly into a wall to keep them busy as she cuffed the other one in a set of durasteel manacles attached to her belt.

She tightened them behind the thug's back before she went over to the second one, kicked him in the gut to get him down on the ground again, and then proceeded to cuff him in much the same way too.

"Nice work." The kid said and took a few deep breaths as she looked over at Makko. "You got yours covered?"

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