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Junction [GA/SO] Convergence — Junction of Naalol and Eiattu 6



The Galaxy is on the brink of a monumental conflict as the Galactic Alliance and the Sith Order draw dangerously close to one another. The once-distant factions are now separated by only a few strategic systems, with their borders poised to collide in a struggle for dominance. This impending clash is set to unfold on two crucial planets: Naalol and Eiattu 6, where the outcome of the battles could reshape the balance of power in the galaxy.

The Sith Order, driven by their insatiable hunger for control, has successfully conquered Sullust, a vital stronghold that strengthens their grip on key Hyperlane routes. Their next target is Naalol, a mountainous planet strategically positioned near the new border. As the Sith forces prepare to take over, the Galactic Alliance, ever vigilant and determined to thwart the Sith's ambitions, readies its defenses to protect Naalol from falling into the hands of darkness.

Simultaneously, the Galactic Alliance is making its own move to bring Eiattu 6 into their fold. This lush, resource-abundant world lies on the cusp of the Sith's expanding frontier. By securing Eiattu 6, the Alliance aims to split the enemy's advance, preventing the Sith from establishing a formidable border that would impede Alliance movements and threaten countless other systems.

The stakes are high, and the fate of these two planets will play a pivotal role in the broader conflict between light and dark.


Objective I — Eiattu 6
While the Sith Order solidifies its grip on Sullust and focuses on taking over Naahol and Eiattu 6, the Alliance rapidly amasses its fleets and armies to prevent this. If both Naahol and Eiattu 6 were to fall, the Sith Order would have a stable border against the Alliance, further strengthened by the strategic position of Sullust along two converging Hyperlanes.

The planet can not be allowed to fall.

On the surface of Eiattu 6, the GADF has already secured the former Imperial Citadel, as well as the Eiattu royal palace, and awaits the impending Sith army. The New Jedi Order, on order of the Council, deploys its revered Jedi Knights to stand together against the dark forces of the Sith Order.


Objective II — Naalol
Naalol, once the site of a great campaign of the Confederate of Independent Systems, built prosperously under its discerning watch, lay in ruins in its absence. The thin veil between nature and creature, beast and field, had reopened. Devastation followed. Those unspeakable horrors that had remained locked in the cavern, held by the power of the Mandragora, breeches the magiks and roamed free to consume and lay waste to everything within their path. Word of the rampant destruction reached the Dark Council and the attention of Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner .

Upon the order of the Dark Council, Sith forces were dispatched upon the world to eliminate the threat and build a stage for the looming war waiting to break out between the Sith Order and the Galactic Alliance. But the Sith takeover is not without resistance. An Alliance Task Force is sent for the planet, meant to target key points to cripple the enemy infrastructure and weaken it to be liberated.

But some resistance has also appeared from an unexpected source.

Battle locations:

  • The Veil: The realm of the dead and living collide in the caves and fields that lay outside of them. From the belly of the caverns comes the stench and heat of death. Beasts and other Nether monsters swarm the surface, so any attempt to control the planet relies on controlling the caves.​
  • The High Tower: An old bastion from a war long passed still stands, albeit in ruins. Beasts overrun the fortress preventing the Sith Order from using it as a staging area for their war. But with continued efforts, they threaten to retake the fortress. The Alliance must prevent the Sith from taking it.​

-Big Thanks to Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner for co-writing this objective


Objective III — Sullust Run
Located on the intersection between the Rimma Trade Route and the Silvestri Trace, Sullust has historically always been a major hub for trade in the Galaxy. With important exports such as ships, computers, hyperdrives, and droids, it has much to offer to any faction that lays claim to the Volcano Planet. Furthermore, it may easily serve as a staging ground to launch fleets down the merging hyperlanes, and supply said fleets from its advantageous logistical position. For this very reason, the Sith Order turned its focus to the planet and recently took control, further threatening Alliance space.

In response, alongside a much larger front on Eiattu 6 and Naahol, the Galactic Alliance sends a Task Force of strike vessels to Sullust in an attempt to cripple its infrastructure. The priority targets are important space stations, the Sullustan Orbital Shipyard, and other crucial structures that facilitate the Sith fleets currently in orbit of the planet, awaiting orders to potentially pierce into Alliance territory.

The Sith will fight hard to maintain their grip on the planet, and with their fleets positioned in orbit, it's no easy task to target infrastructure. Only the most bold and experienced pilots are sent on this mission.

If the abyss stares at you, don't blink

LOCATION : Naalol (Objective 2) | OBJECTIVE : Tale out the veil and the Hightower
TAG (FRIENDLY) : Allyson Locke Allyson Locke / Jedi | TAG (FOE) : Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner


Repli Implants that would be for the limbs
Bonemer enhancements to strengthen structure of the body
Muscle enhancements.
Hemo enhancements for blood flow
Hawkeye implants for eyes
Advanced Medical Implant

"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"

Objective II — Naalol

Battle locations:
The Veil: The realm of the dead and living collide in the caves and fields that lay outside of them. From the belly of the caverns comes the stench and heat of death. Beasts and other Nether monsters swarm the surface, so any attempt to control the planet relies on controlling the caves.
The High Tower: An old bastion from a war long passed still stands, albeit in ruins. Beasts overrun the fortress preventing the Sith Order from using it as a staging area for their war. But with continued efforts, they threaten to retake the fortress. The Alliance must prevent the Sith from taking it.

Connel was walking through the streets on his way up around the High Tower. This was a rare moment of clarity for him. He did not know much about the planet previously, so he asked his parents about it when enroute. This was an “odd” planet, strategically insignificant, yet the Sith Order wanted it. Turns out that this was a planet once held by an old Confederacy and the original owner of his combat shield, one “Karki Eusith, was a part of it. He cogitated on the subject, trying to understand why this planet was so significant. He knew he had to find out, so he decided to investigate further. He resolved to uncover the truth, even if Connel did not like what he would find..

As Connel approached the Tower itself, he could feel the dark presence of the Sith Order looming in the distance. Now, as Connel prepared for battle, he knew that the fate of Naalol hung in the balance, this planet may not have meant much of anything to him but it meant something to those living on it and that was good enough to be here. Especially since the Sith Order wanted something out of it. The Sith were relentless in their pursuit of power, and they would stop at nothing to destroy the Jedi and claim the planet for themselves. But Connel was determined to stand his ground, to take down the Citadel and all that it stood for. The thought of such violence was slowly beginning to bring a smile to his face.

As Vanagor looked for the Veil, he was greeted by his fellow Jedi, all of them ready to fight alongside him and drive those who would manipulate this land off to parts unknown. They had trained for this moment, honing their skills and mastering the ways of the Force in preparation for the battle that lay ahead. Connel had faith in his comrades and was sure that they would succeed in their mission. He was determined to make things right and take a stand against the forces of the SIth, they had gotten lucky lately, that luck was running out. Resolute in his resolve, Connel stood overlooking the forest nearby..

Vanagor stood at the edge of the dense forest on the planet Naalol, his combat shield raised in front of him as he prepared to assault the grounds of the Citadel. The air was thick with the stench of death and decay, and the sounds of battle echoed through the trees. He took a deep breath and stepped forward, ready to take on the Sith forces. He was determined to protect the planet and its people, no matter the cost. Done with the notion of simply fighting to push away, Connel was going to show the Sith Order that “Jedi Weakness” was a myth, even more than father did, that would make the patriarch proud..

Then he found the Citadel

As the young Jedi Knight followed the scent of the Darkness he had been chasing for a while now, he moved slowly until certain of the direction and destination he needed to set on. Several of his fellow Jedi were already entrenched in combat with opposing forces, they fought bravely, their lightsabers flashing in the darkness as they pushed back the enemy with all their will. The battle was fierce and intense, but the Jedi remained steadfast, drawing on the power of the Force to guide their actions and protect them from harm. Vanagor stood with them on the battlefield, his combat shield leveled and fighting both Sith Acolyte (always sending in the pawns first, right?) and beast alike.

As he stepped into the clearing, Connel was immediately set upon by yet another pack of feral beasts, their eyes glowing with malice as they lunged at him. With a swift movement of his shield, he deflected their attacks, the energy field crackling with power as it repelled their claws and teeth. They were defending their land, and acting on instinct, Connel could not fault that. However, he was also stuck in the middle of a fight and was determined to continue his mission as a part of the Task Force that was initially sent here. So the young Jedi Knight reacted and fought the creatures off, not maliciously, but with the desire to not be someone’s lunch. He was prepared for whatever lay ahead, and would not be deterred. He was a beacon of hope, a light in the darkness that would guide the galaxy to safety.

But the beasts were not the only threat on Naalol. Sithspawn creatures emerged from the shadows, their twisted forms and dark powers making them formidable opponents. Connel fought with all his abilities, his combat shield emitting a clanging sound as he cut down his would-be predators decisively. No matter what, he never backed down from a fight for what he believed in. Even in the face of overwhelming odds, he never wavered. The more he fought, the more he felt the visage of a “Guardian” and how he was feeling more and more like one. He was enjoying this.

This was not good.

As he pushed deeper into the enemy territory, Connel could more and more feel the presence of the Sith, and their alchemized wards of destruction, the more he felt, the more he wanted to take them down. This was what it meant to be a “Jedi Guardian”, not simply “talking it out”. Connel knew where the Sith were now, good for him and bad for them. Their dark energy pulsed through the air, filling him with a sense of dread and foreboding. There was no shame in waiting, but Connel would press on, the Sith Order would not gain their prize today. . Connel did not think of, or about his fellow Jedi, they could handle themselves, no, he was going to draw out the deeper cause of this. He knew there was one. Connel could feel that familiar dark presence nearby, toying with him, playing with his psyche.

The ground shook beneath his feet as a massive Sithspawn creature emerged from the earth, its massive claws tearing through the soil as it advanced towards him. Connel raised his shield, bracing himself for the impact as the creature charged at him with a deafening roar. The animal was as enormous as its base intellect was basic, that was not a negative reflection on the animal, just how basic its instincts were. Connel was clearly being targeted because of his connection to the Force.

With a mighty effort, Connel pushed back against the creature, his shield glowing with energy as he held his ground. The beast snarled and thrashed, but Connel stood firm, his determination unwavering as he fought against the darkness that threatened to consume him. It was bad enough, the hordes of feral beasts that were overrunning the planet, beasts that did not look indigenous to Naalol, but these too? This would prove disastrous for the planet if left unchecked.

Finally, with a final burst of strength, Connel struck a decisive blow, his upgraded shield slicing through the creature's hide with a burst of light. The beast fell to the ground, its dark energy dissipating into the air as Connel stood victorious. But his victory was short-lived, for the Sith Lords had gathered their forces and were advancing towards him, their red lightsabers glowing with malevolent power. Caltin knew he faced a formidable foe, but he stood ready, his combat shield raised in defiance as he prepared to face the ultimate test of his skills as a Jedi Knight.

As the Sith Lords moved in closer, Connel unleashed a flurry of attacks, he did not see them but even more stupid Acolytes trying to impress their Masters. Dumb, they would not, Connel would not give them the chance to.. His shield deflected their blows as he fought with all his own power, some of those watching might actually be impressed, but Connel cared nothing for the opinion of Sith. The air crackled with energy as lightsabers clashed and the ground trembled beneath their feet. They attacked high, he threw his solid shield. They attacked low, he slashed with his energy shield, Connel had an answer, but there were more and more questions adding almost exponentially. Not that it mattered, those attacking him had no idea of the mistake that they were making.

With a final, decisive strike, he defeated the Sith Lords… no… they were not Lords… or Dark Knights, or Acolytes, or whatever they were, their dark energy fading into the air as he stood victorious on the grounds of Naalol. It didn’t matter who this Sith Lord was that was withdrawing, none of them did. To him, they were Darth Kizash Darth Kizash , and he would have his day against that Dark Lord one day. Connel would bring his foul to justice, “Justice”, not “Vengeance”. That would drive the side of him that just wanted to “be a good boy” nuts. He had work to do and would drag the weaker side of him “kicking and screaming” into the reality of what it means to be a “Guardian”. This isn’t his father’s “Jedi”.

As he looked out over the battlefield, Connel knew that his mission was far from over. The Sith still lurked in the shadows, waiting to strike again. But he was ready, armed only with his combat shield and his unwavering resolve to protect the galaxy from the darkness that threatened to consume it. With a sense of purpose and determination, Connel Vanagor prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that he would always stand strong in the face of evil.

As more Sith moved around, Connel could feel the dark energy emanating from them, a stark contrast to the light side of the Force that he and his comrades wielded. The Sith were ruthless and relentless, their red lightsabers glowing ominously in the darkness. They were stupid. For all of the proposed “cunning” and “power” they wanted you to believe, they were “one note” and that would easily be exploited.

This was infuriating to Connel though.. He had trained for this moment, honing his skills and mastering the ways of the Force. He was naturally powerful and his education in the Force was outmatched by few, it was time to remind himself... his weaker side as to why. It was also time to remind the Dark Side that the name “Vanagor” was alive and well. The Sith Order were not going to threaten that, not if he had something to say about it.

Connel was banging his combat shield as he looked around for another Sith to take on. His upgraded model was used sparingly only in close quarters. He was a fighter, he was strong and wanted to show the Sith what it was like to be hunted, but he was not dumb enough to play all of his cards too soon.

Then he sensed him, a Sith that was well known and even more relentless than he was. They seemed to have an endless supply of troops, each one more powerful and skilled than the last, but Connel knew that his fellow Jedi would engage them and fight bravely, the fact that they were outnumbered and outmatched would not matter. The young Jedi Knight knew that this was his chance, so Connel moved sprightly. He activated the upgraded model shield and ran straight for the Sith he once faced not that long ago. Back then, @Gerwalkd Lechner was looking for something and seemed ill concerned with him. That would be a mistake that the Lord Commander would learn to regret.

The young Jedi Knight knew that he was more than potentially outmatched, just like last time, only this time the thought of defeating him was glorious and Connel knew how his father felt about this. He did not know that his father had never truly enjoyed fighting in the manner that Connel did, but Caltin used his skills and natural ability to every advantage he could.

As the battle raged on, Connel could feel his frustration growing. The Sith seemed to be toying with them, their taunts and jeers echoing in his ears. It was infuriating to see the dark side of the Force being used in such a destructive and malicious way. Connel was filled with rage and hatred, knowing that he had to do something to put an end to this madness. However his fight was in front of him, not behind, the other Jedi would hold the line and follow their own paths. He had his. It was almost a shame how easy it was to take these villains down. They were not Dark Knights, they were not Lords, they were Acolytes, they were little to no threat to them, they were too easy. He did not want “easy”. They had no idea what they were simply involved in, they were simply fighting.

Connel refused to give up. He knew that the fate of the galaxy depended on their victory, and he would not let the Sith Order prevail. Yes, Naalol was one planet, but the Sith Order had taken Tython, which emboldened them to attack Coruscant. What would happen if they took Naalol? Sullust? Where would they attack next? With a renewed sense of determination, he fought on, his shield cutting through the darkness with a fierce resolve.

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That light at the end of the tunnel leads to Hell

You know that light that flashes before your eyes before you die?
That's our targeting reticles.

For anyone that wants to read it, The Angellus family history to this point Is here.
Angellus "Ewan Isaacs - CAG/SCAR Teams CO", LCaptain Halpern "Celestial City CO", Captain Zev Tantor "Silver City" CO, Captain Rojuh Pouil "Valhalla" CO, Captain Scott Pouil - Flight Director 5th Fleet, Chief Gribbs - NCOIC 5th Fleet.

SECTOR: [URL’’]Sullust[/URL]

ORDERS: Nullify or outright destroy Orbital shipyards

A crackle in space.

A snap of light…

… and one by one the ships of the GADF 5th Reactionary Fleet dropped out of hyperspace. Only they dropped just outside the sector so as not to fall into an ambush that would counter theirs. Immediately, starfighters began to form up by squadrons having jumped in. Those who did not have hyperdrives were launching, and awaiting orders.

The 5th fleet cut through the darkness of space like a knife, their ships glinting in the distant starlight as they moved in formation towards the Sith Order controlled shipyards of Sullust. The tension on board each vessel was palpable, the crew members bracing themselves for the impending battle that would determine the fate of not only the planet itself, but the Sith Order’s hold over it, and the future as a whole..

As they drew closer to their targets, the hum of the engines grew louder, the anticipation building with each passing moment. The Galactic Alliance had been planning this attack for months, gathering intelligence, strategizing their every move, and now the time had come to strike.

Admiral Angellus stood on the bridge of his flagship, the carrier “Celestial City” at his command table, Line Captain Halpern, the Commanding Officer of the flagship itself at his side. His jaw clenched in determination as he surveyed the enemy ships looming in the distance. This was their chance to cripple the Sith's production capabilities, to strike a blow that would weaken their grip on the galaxy.

Sound General Quarters. Admiral Angellus ordered, his voice steady and commanding. We will not rest until the shipyards of Sullust are in ruins and the Sith's hold on this sector is broken.

The Command Staff stood in shimmering blue light on his command table, each nodding and responding with a “Aye…”


Aye… presses “all call” button All hands this is the con!




Aye sir.

The crew of the flagship sprang into action, just like each ship and starfighter, their training kicking in as they readied their weapons and shields for the impending fight. The tension on board was thick, but so too was the determination to see this mission through to the end.

As the Rebel Alliance fleet closed in on the shipyards of Sullust, the capital ships, under orders, were slowed to provide long range fire support as the starfighters moved in at attack speed. Leading the way were NC-1000 X-Wing fighters. Their balance of firepower, speed and maneuverability made them a powerful lead. They also provided a good distraction for the faster, but less protected Jackal Class Starfighters piloted by the Black Ops SCAR Group. They had orders to either board and either commandeer or destroy as many docked ships as they could, but they had to get by the outer defenses first. The Elysian class Strike fighter x12 Squadrons used their stealth capabilities to not only assist the X-wings, but they were to move on and harass the inner defenses. The starfighters with the biggest responsibility also carried the most firepower, the Seraphim Class Long Range Heavy Interceptors used their cannons to assist in taking out the outer and inner defenses, but they were to engage defensive capital ships directly. The sound of blaster fire and explosions filled the void of space, a symphony of chaos and destruction that would echo through the galaxy for years to come. The battle had begun, and the fate of the rebellion hung in the balance.

The Sith Order had been a thorn in the side of the Galactic Alliance for far too long, using their advanced technology and dark powers to terrorize the galaxy. But now, Admiral Angellus and his fleet were determined to put an end to their reign of terror once and for all.

As the fleet closed in on the shipyards, the automated defenses sprang to life, unleashing a barrage of laser fire and missiles at the Alliance ships. But the fighters of the 103rd tactical fighter wing were well prepared, they were highly trained for this moment and they quickly maneuvered to evade enemy fire.

Fire all cannons! Admiral Angellus commanded, and the Alliance ships responded in kind, unleashing a devastating barrage of firepower on the enemy defenses. The sky lit up with explosions as the Alliance ships tore through the enemy's automated defenses, clearing a path for the fleet to advance.

But the Sith Order was not going to go down without a fight. As the Alliance ships pushed deeper into the shipyards, they were met with wave after wave of enemy fighters and capital ships. The battle raged on, with both sides taking heavy casualties.

Admiral Angellus knew that they needed to strike fast and hard if they were going to have any chance of victory. He ordered his fleet to concentrate their fire on the enemy's command ship, hoping to cripple their leadership and turn the tide of the battle.

An odd thing though… the Warpig Close air Supports were holding back and defending the ships, preparing for Marine Deployment. The thing is, they were not the only starfighters not involved in the attack. Where were the Carcharodon Strike Fighters?

The 5th Fleet is starting the attack on the Sullust Shipyards by taking out the automated defenses, before moving further.
X-wings lead the way hitting the outer automated defenses and providing backup afterwards.
Elysian Stealth Strike Fighters were harassing inner defenses.
Jackal Fighters moved right on by as SCAR group is ordered to board and either commandeer or destroy as many docked ships as they can.
Warpigs are holding back for special orders.
Seraphim Heavy Interceptors engage Defensive ships directly.
Carcharodon Stealth Strike Fighters are moving to engage and destroy the shipyards.
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Objective II — Naalol
: Open

The humid air of Naalol hung heavy with the scent of decay and the distant echoes of beasts stirring within the shadowy depths of the caverns. Talsin Lota stood at the edge of the encampment, his eyes scanning the ruined landscape. This was no ordinary mission. The planet's surface was scarred by the past and haunted by creatures from the Nether. The young Jedi Padawan could feel the tension in the air, a palpable mix of fear and determination among the Galactic Alliance forces.

Talsin's grip tightened around his lightsaber hilt. He had been sent to Naalol not just to fight the Sith, but to face his own inner demons. The loss of his parents weighed heavily on his mind, the memory of their assassination driving him to push beyond his limits. His parents had never wanted him to become a Jedi. They had only wished for him to train his skills and master them, preparing him for his role as the heir of House Lota. But now, with them gone, the weight of becoming the next Duke was a burden he was desperately trying to escape.

"Remember, our primary objective is to secure the caverns," the Alliance officer briefed the assembled task force. "We need to control The Veil to ensure we can stage a proper defense and eventually drive the Sith back. Watch each other's backs, and may the Force be with us."

Talsin nodded, taking a deep breath. The officer's words echoed the importance of unity and vigilance. As the group moved out, he found himself at the forefront, a position that both exhilarated and terrified him. The darkened caverns ahead seemed to whisper his name, calling him to face the darkness both within and without.

The entry to The Veil was a gaping maw, exuding a chilling aura. As they ventured inside, the temperature dropped, and the light from the outside world became a distant memory. Talsin ignited his lightsaber, the blue blade casting an eerie glow on the jagged walls. The flickering light revealed ancient markings, remnants of a time when the Mandragora had held these creatures at bay.

"Stay close," he instructed the soldiers and fellow Jedi around him. "We don't know what we're going to encounter in here."

As they delved deeper, the first of the Nether beasts emerged, eyes glowing with a malevolent light. Talsin moved instinctively, his lightsaber humming through the air as he deflected a strike. The creature roared, a sound that seemed to shake the very foundation of the cavern.

In the midst of battle, Talsin's mind drifted to his parents. He channeled the pain of their loss into his movements, each strike precise and fueled by a desire to honor their memory. He had failed them once by not being there, but he vowed not to fail the Alliance now.

With every step forward, Talsin felt the strain of his past failure fighting against his attempt at redemption. He was here, fighting not just for the Alliance, but for himself, to find a purpose amid the chaos and to avoid the responsibilities that awaited him back home. It was hard to stay focused. Not to linger his thoughts on his parents and so he threw himself into the fray. In this he sought solace in the fight, hoping to help in a different way, far from the expectations and burdens of House Lota.

The battle for Naalol had just begun, and Talsin Lota was ready to face whatever darkness awaited.


Objective I — Eiattu 6
Location: Outside the Royal Palace
Unit Comp: The Hellstompers
Tag: Sara Roche Sara Roche Sentapoth Findos Sentapoth Findos
First the Imperials, now the Sith.

They were all the same, at the end of the day. Freaks who wanted total control over everything. Power hungry warmongers.

They were about to hit a brick wall.

The 34th had been stationed at the southern flank of the palace, the other cardinal directions covered by other portions of the GADF. Twin ten story walkers loomed over the south, as Gress set his men into a bold formation. To the south east, set up in a low swamp, forward of his position, Gress had set up Thunderstorm. The cougars had once more been traded out for Panthacs, and the Wildcats for Pumas. Even with the lighter loadout, they still had the range to engage anything they might need. To the southwest, Gress had entrusted Sara Roche Sara Roche and the Helldivers to hold the pincer open. It was a favorite of Gress. Both of the jaws of death hidden by thick swamp foliage.

And finally, in the rear, the exposed trap. The men of Firestorm, Thundercats and Tigers, looming in the shadow of the Sphinxes. Raven zooming about. Pumas and Lynxes behind them on higher ground.

All the while, far back within the palace, the Screaming Falcons waited for orders.

A symphony, waiting to start.

"Demon to Roach. How are the Helldivers setting in?" The now Corporal asked over the radio. "Remember what we said back at base. You know the plan."



Location: Eiattu 6
Objective: I
Tag: Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax


Ko was surprised that a rather ancient structure was still standing here on Eiattu 6. Being built up from the Old Empire long before his own time. Back during his Master’s heyday, Jonyna Si Jonyna Si . The Kel Dor found it ironic that a citadel built by a Sith Empire, was being used to defend against another Sith Empire and occupied by the successors of a Republic.

In over 900 years of fighting, loss and conquest it can make everything feel a bit trivial. Enough to fill someone full of doubt. But not Ko. He didn’t care if he wasn’t going to achieve some victory in a cosmic game between good and evil. Darkness, villainy, suffering, all the bad in the galaxy was something Ko would refuse to compromise with, to entertain, and to give an inch too. He would not give quarter any excuse, any lie for why darkness must be allowed to exist or be tolerated.

He would fight against Sith tyranny much like his ancestors did centuries ago, and not allow the taint of the Sith to corrupt the Imperial dream he and countless others have shared. His enemies today might call themselves an empire, but Ko saw them for what they were. Despotism, Nepotism, Hedonism. Villains that have hijacked what it means to be an Imperial just like the traitorous turn coats of Dark Empire. Ko would remind this Sith Order the fury of a true imperial, just like the ones that crushed their nation years ago at the Braxant Run.

But Ko knew that he would not throw his life away in battle against the Sith here. He had to live, he had a young one to look after now and to be an example for. To build up into a proud and kind Jedi. So Ko had a responsibility here to not be reckless in his fight against the Sith Order.
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge

Objective: Capture the Citadel
Equipment: Lightsaber, Sword, Dagger, Robes
Tags: Jarek Voss Jarek Voss / Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

:"The Final Hours are here.":

At long last the borders of the Sith had stretched across systems and sectors to reach the first outlying worlds of the Galactic Alliance. The gates were in sight, all they had to do was begin knocking upon them. But as ever the tenacity of the Alliance came to the forefront and it seemed as though the first real battles of the war to come would be held upon Eiattu 6 and Naalol.

:"Our foe lies within reach, they stretch out their arms to capture the last few worlds that they can. To use them to delay our advance into their heart.":

Even as the battle for control of Eiattu 6's orbit reigned above, scores of drop pods and even more shuttles would descend upon the surface of the world. However two locations in particular would serve as the focus of the Sith assault. The Royal Palace and the old Imperial Citadel, both of which were commanding positions which would serve as excellent footholds if either of them were taken.

:"Here lies the foe that ousted us from our homes and the last Sith Empire so long ago. Now they have come to subjugate neutral worlds all in an attempt to stop our righteous retribution. Have no mercy for the Alliance nor for their Jedi, for they granted none to us last time.":

The Lord Inquisitor, Darth Strosius, had volunteered to lead the assault on the Citadel and secure it for the Sith. To this end the shuttles that streaked alongside his own towards the towering building were full of his Sith Troopers, spurred into action by the words of their masked leader filtering in through the communications devices of the shuttles and the promises of revenge.

Of course it wouldn't be only the Lord Inquisitor's forces in the fray this day but he seemed very intent on himself and his forces being the ones to secure a first victory over the Alliance. A matter of pride perhaps but it was hard to tell with one such as he. Regardless shuttles full of Sith and soldiers were making a beeline for the Citadel, weaving through fire coming at them from almost all angles as they sped towards it.

:"Strike with the fury of the Dark Side itself and our victory is assured! Long live the Sith! Death to the Alliance and the Core!":

With that final resounding call the shuttles and drop pods intent on the Citadel's capture began their landings. The drop pods that survived and made it through the webs of interlaced anti-air fire from the ground did their best to cluster together at the foot of the Citadel, finding courtyards and alleys that they could make a stand in as they marked landing zones for the shuttles to deposit their soldiers and even lighter vehicles at.

Darth Strosius himself however led a far bolder group of shuttles towards the ring of hangar bays that sat just above the main defenses around the base of the Citadel, losing more than one in the swift maneuver. Losses that he intended to repay thrice fold. Their objective was to land and push right to whatever control center they could find to turn the defenses of the Citadel against the Jedi and the Alliance forces, an incursion that started with contested and brutal landings in the hangars.

in the footsteps of a stranger

WITH: Noah Corek Noah Corek +
security detail + two members of her
archeological crew

The gunship swayed as it descended through Eiattu 6's atmosphere. Since the airspace over the planet's capital was relatively safe and secure, having been in Alliance hands for some time now, evasive maneuvers weren't necessary, but their path was fraught with turbulence of the natural sort.

Toric, a kessurian Jedi archeologist assigned to the Coruscant Temple Museum's team that she now officially lead, reached out from where he stood beside Efret to link his arm around hers.

She glanced up from the floor at him. "Thank you." As she signed, the small interpretation unit clipped to the neckline of her tunic spoke for her. She stepped her feet closer together from the wide elephant stance she had taken in hopes of steadying herself.

"Better?" he asked.

She nodded her head, letting that motion speak for itself.

The other archeologist that Efret had brought along for this mission, Kili, a rodian, looked from her datapad and across the aisle at her colleagues. "What's happened?"

Efret signed a reply with both hands, although they were not at the same level. "I have some trouble with balance." A joking smile spread across her face. "It turns out ears are important for more than hearing." Or, specifically, the vestibulocochlear nerve was. "But a stumble or two is a small price to pay for establishing a little more order in the Mid Rim."

Toric grinned back. "I'd sure say," he agreed. "Pushing into Sith space is an opportunity to recover lost and corrupted artifacts that we'd be crazy to pass up."

"Exactly. Field Camp Nu will be an integral part of our liberation efforts."



TAG: Darth Strosius Darth Strosius Jarek Voss Jarek Voss

Eye of the Storm.

That was the name she had given herself, earned during the battle of Coruscant.

Sentinel of Harmony.

The rank she had been given. Formerly the rank of Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el .

She still felt like both were big shoes to fill. Both held a meaning to her.

The storm rolled in once more. Light rain began to fall on the outer walls of the former Imperial Citadel. It was slightly surreal, guarding a building built by the people who had once genocided her own, from the masters who had given that order. She gripped Liz and Lucy. Her mother, and the wolf who had always been at her side since she came out of the ice. The blade that Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble had helped her forge, to usher her into a new age. The blade that had been originally designed to fight off sith. Now, after all this time, it would serve it's intended purpose. After all this time of proding skirmishes, war had finally come.

She stood at the gate, living up to her name as the lone sentinel between dark and light. She knew she had others at her back, but to her, this was her duty. The two names she had taken on, they clashed at times. But in moments like this, but indeed lived in harmony. The Storm, the Sentinel.

She watched as the sith troopers piled out of their transports. Her mind returned to the scene on Coruscant. The lightning striking down the transports as they came in.

Instead, she watched as GADF artillery came down on them. Raining hellfire on the position of the sith troops as they spread out looking for cover.

One might ask if she had sympathy for them. She often had a hard time finding such. They were troops of darkness. Coming to follow the order to slaughter and maim.

Instead, her focus shifted to the darkness ahead of her. She could feel it. Like a swirl of evil.

A feeling she had felt before. Back on Odacer-Faustin...



Objective: I - Eiattu 6
Equipment|loadout: [
Activity: Observing the Citadel
TAG: Open

Eiattu 6, a place which always had some meaning to the one who lorded over the brilliant pieces of machinery making their way to the surface. It had seen itself nearly being torn apart in wars, switching hands quite often over a period of a century to the point that any of the architecture it had was nothing but a hotchpotch of different styles and different eras, each depicting a different Lord, a different ruler, a different empire.

As the small vessel lowered itself several clicks away from the Citadel where the strategic insight had fortold and the scans had confirmed the bulk of the Galactic Alliance's forces would be. It was after all a strategically important and easily defendable location, only a fool would not take up position in such an advantagous spot. Yet, where the Galactic Alliance had their battle-honed jedi, their wise sages and their soldiers, the Sith had dread, horror and terror. They had monsters that would melt the mind of the wise, liquify the hearts of the couragous and freeze the veins of the hotblooded.

The metal men descending from the Legiones-I class Raider Interceptor fell into that category of being; monsters that would terrify even the most levelheaded person with their presence. They were droids, machines, yes...but they were drenched in darkness, overladen with sith alchemy, and though they seemed to only be lightly armed with but a verpine handcannon, and a few grenades and smoke bombs, they each also carried a large and heavy black blade that hummed with energy and dread.

There were five of them this time, each in connection through the holonet and datalink network with the KRONOS AI which effectively would lead and command them through their internal network. It was after all a test, a test to see how well these droids would fair against those dogmatic, stubborn jedi, how well they'd perform against regular military troops and most importantly: against how many regular soldiers these droids would stack up.

"Keep a close eye on the Citadel," The metallic voice rung through the comms of the five Sceleratis, ordering them to take their positions and to observe, engaging their cloaking devices as they neared the massive building which seemed to span a large part of the capital city. It was rather impressive how these hunter-killer droids with their large sizes and frames managed to slink around in the ruined city streets. However, they noticed the presence of Jedi, the fighting had begun and the first wave of sith and their soldiers had been unleashed. There was no telling who'd win this war so early on, but one thing was clear...there were indeed jedi present and quite a lot of them even.

"That one...follow that one." Like a blur, the Droids started to move, their heavy frames running surprisingly lightly through the streets, their scanners picking up on a large battalion of Sith Troopers following the command of a masked Sith.
"The files read this person as Darth Strosius Darth Strosius ... try to flank his troops and follow them."

Accepting their commands, the sceleratis disengaged their cloaking devices, held on to their Verpine handcannons and started to move in unison over rooftops and through alleyways in parallel with the Sith Troopers, keeping some distance, but shadowing them until new orders would be given.

Location: Eiattu Royal palace
Objective 1: Defend the Royal Palace.
Allies: Jedi (Open)
Enemies: Sith (Open)

War. He'd heard of it. On his home world, he had even studied it. Zorrens were expected to be soldiers, even in their most pacifistic of professions. They were the guard dogs of the galaxy. The sith were the ultimate threat to Life, Freedom, and Unity int he galaxy, and Wulrenkit like all of his house before him, had bee raised to beat them back into the farthest reaches of space where they dare not show their face to any civilized nation. He had been bred for war. He still hated it.

He worried that his saber would slip from his sweat slicked palm as he paced pack and forth within the Royal Palace. War included fighting. He hated fighting. But the jedi needed help and talent did not always take into account what one actually desired. Wulrenkit hated violence. But there was no denying that he had a gift for it. "Let 'em come," he sighed as he started towards the doors, ready to greet Eiattu's unwelcome guests. "Lets git it over with.

Objective II — Naalol
The Veil

Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin Aris Noble Aris Noble Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti

Jhyrack strode through the entrance into the caves. He had faced the trials of his own home world, of the terrors that claimed the surface between his cities.

He needed to go beyond the confines of his world. There were no challenges left for him there. He had outgrown that world.

The small human nearby was one of the Sith Order. Pureblood sith had tried to colonise his world thousands of years ago, their culture leaving a lasting impact.

They warred with a great threat known as the Jedi. If they were fighting the sith order then they would be worth fighting.

Something stirred ahead of them.

Two great round eyes opened, reflecting the light from behind them.

"I will deal with," Jhyrack grunted, stepping forwards. His grasp of common was still not complete. A variation of the original sith language had spread across his home.

The beast charged down towards them. A four-legged creature of fangs and teeth. Jhyrack did not draw his saber. At the last moment he drew the Force around himself.

It was a technique Quinn would have seen before. Used by the great Ashin Varanin to turn her own body into an almost indestructible living weapon.

Jhyrack extended both arms, snapping his hand around the beast's maw and driving it's head into the roof of the cave with such force that skull and rock cracked together.

He tossed the beast aside as if it had weighed less than a child.

Jhyrack scoffed.

There was a shift. Not in the air. In the Force.

"That. That, is it Jedi?" he asked.

Location: The Veil
Objective II — Naalol
Jedi: Talsin Lota Talsin Lota

"Stay close," he instructed the soldiers and fellow Jedi around him. "We don't know what we're going to encounter in here."

Voices tend to carry in the dark. Cries, moans, utterings and words. Drifting alone further into the abyss. Some found residence in the ears of creatures too alien or strange to look at, others wasted away in muffling silence and then there were the times when the darkness listened and answered back.

A deep resonate growl emitted from deep within the cavern. The pitch far too deep to sound anything other than primal. Then the steps could be heard. No. Not steps, the thumps. Heavy stomps accompanied by slight tremors.

Closer and closer. Dirt and dry bones broke under foot and yet the darkness revealed nothing to be seen, swallowing all light like the blackhole it was. The Veil had been trespassed and there were more concerning things past the threshold than beasts and creatures.

The lumbering stomps ceased and was replaced by two crimson suns that bore down a straight passage way and into the approaching group. Men and women with lightsabers. Spearheading the group was a young man with a blue blade. His force presence tainted by pain and loss.

He would find no comfort in here.

Dead ahead, Roughly six meters into the jedi's passage way, two miniature suns blazed to life. Their brilliance pierced the darkness, casting a sinister glow that seemed to warp the very air. The intensity alone incited something primal and raw, a uncontrollable bloodlust that clawed at the edges of ones sanity. It was as if those eyes could see into the darkest corners of your soul, awakening a dormant fury that surged to the surface. A consuming essence.

Then the darkness spoke through a voice that was alien, deep and angry.



Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Factory Judge
Objective: 1
With: Efret Farr Efret Farr
Gear: Armor - Recce Rifle - 2x Sidearms

Field Camp Nu

One might have found it odd that Noah Corek of all people was currently at an archaeological dig site instead of partaking in combat but that was what he had been paid to do. With the Galactic Alliance spread thin on various different fronts they had not been able to spare a security detail for the archeologists from the NJO. It was with that in mind that they had reached out to Noah and his PMC, the Galactic Foreign Legion.

He had originally thought that the sum of credits he had quoted the NJO would put them off to hiring the contractors but either fate had smiled on him or some of his friends in the Order sung his praises because the sum had been agreed to and Noah had been quick to muster two Legion Rifle Squads to provide security for the field camp.

Noah was currently surveying the perimeter of the site to gauge a wide variety of security concerns that might arise, eyes scanning possible ingress routes for attackers, egress routes in case they needed to evacuate the archaeologists, places that could be fortified rather quickly so they could dig in and a range of tactical situations that could occur filtered through the man's mind.

“Sir, the gunship carrying the VIP’s is two mikes out.” The voice of Platoon Sergeant Marcus Demtrius, a Epicanthix member of the Legion, came through his comm piece. The transmission needed no response, they had already gone over the whole process of receiving the team in the briefing and Noah simply sent a ping in response.

Swiftly making his way over to the landing zone that had been cleared by the combat engineers Noah waited for the gunship to arrive, helmet clipped to his belt by his left side. He raised his arm to shield his eyes when the gunship did arrive before lowering it once it finished setting down. When the ramp lowered he stepped forward and addressed the leader that he knew from reading her file.

“Master Jedi Farr, it’s an honor to meet the Order’s Chief Curator. I’m Commandant Noah Corek of the Galactic Foreign Legion, I’ll be leading your security detail for the time being.” The words communicated were not just spoken but also signed in perfect Galactic Standard Sign Language, having learned from her file that she was deaf he had made an effort to be inclusive and as such communicated to her in her preferred form.


Equipment | In Bio

Location | Objective II - The Veil

Tag | Rik Perris Rik Perris

Another conquest, another day of fighting. Considering her mastery over the veil, it only made sense for the occultist to be placed here. The plan being for her to either banish the restless dead and demonic beings.. Or bend them to her will.

All about was nothing but chaos, both sides fighting both one another and the beasts that crawled out from the womb of hell.

But alas, in a deep section of the cavern it remained silent compared to the other places. Several beasts and undead stayed still as a statue, a swarm of shadowy tendrils wrapped gently around each one as they all appeared to be sleeping? Perhaps in a daze?

Despite the silence there was something more at play here, the oppressive weight of darkness was heavy, the very silence being a warning all on its own.

Focus, see with your very eyes how their energy was being siphoned into a door that stood in the middle of the room.

You were being watched by forces you couldn't see, the light you carry within you not welcome.

It was illogical to stay, but this door.. Black as night. Be it some trick or your own curiosity, it pulled you, daring you to open it despite each step closer to it stabbing a foul feeling within your guts. Fear, in its rawest and most primal form. It sank heavily into your mind as the most core part of yourself screamed to not go near whatever this was, a survival instinct is what they called it.. Butterflies in the stomach.

But you had a sense of duty did you not? So go forth little light... The nightmare welcomes you today.


Command Center // :
Mobile One| CIS Mobile Command Center | Renegade Headquarters

Artillery Compliment //:
HAG-M | x5 Units | Medium Artillery Support
J1 Proton Cannon |x10 Units | Anti-Air Support
Heavy Artillery Gun |x4 Units | Heavy Artillery Support

Main Army Compliment //:
Armored Multi-Functional |x7 Units | Advanced Forward Armor
X4-86H Repulsortank |x12 Units | Infantry Support Armor
G40 Series Armored Assault Tank |x6 Units |
C-9979 landing craft (10)
Single Trooper Aerial Platforms
Troop carriers (500)
Multi-Troop Transports (550)
Armored Assault Tanks (650)
B1-Series battle droids (over 329,600)
B2-A Super Battle Droids (over 200,500)

Q-Series Droidekas (500)

Support Compliment//:
HMP Droid Gunships |x8 Units | Gunship Support

Imperial Phlac-Arphocc Vulture Droid Starfighter (x100)
Imperial Phlac-Arphocc Hyena Tactical Bomber (x8)
They had arrived on board the rarely deployed Tambor Pattern Lucrehulk Class III Battleship 'Desolation' a short while after the Sith Order's Military Legions conducted a full-scale invasion of the Planet of Eiattu 6 with the intention of bolstering their offensive campaign into the Core Region with unrestricted access to the intersection of two important hyperspace lanes.

Recognizing the significant strength of the Alliance Defenders and their Planetary Allies after making landfall, the Sith Emperor requested an additional force from the Trade Federation through their ambassador on Jutrand to act as a distraction while the main vanguard moved ahead to capture both the former Imperial Citadel, as well as the Eiattu royal palace.

The force known as the 'Trade Renegades' led by General Sentapoth Findos, positioned themselves on the southern side of the palace. Situated in the marshy environment, they set up a CIS Mobile Command Center using a C-9979 landing craft, giving them a strategic defensive location in the dense muddy landscape.

"You must assist me, Tactical Droid Zhom. I have no actual military experience. They will crush us for sure, crush us I say !!!." The Neimoidian said with apprehension, glancing over to the GRX Super Tactical Droid stationed nearby.

"It is imperative to maintain composure, General, as the extent of the enemy garrison near this side of the palace remains unknown. The most effective course of action would involve sending out a Reconnaissance team to survey the swamps surrounding us for any concealed enemy forces. By utilizing long-range artillery fire as a distraction, we can provide cover for our scouts, forcing the enemy to adjust their own defensive line." Zhom elucidated with his hands clasped together, fully aware that the opposing force must be formidable if they were seeking military aid from an organization as influential as the Federation. Reconnaissance was a crucial aspect of any military confrontation, and it was a strategy they intended to employ.

The Neimoidian was compelled to acquiesce, transmitting the command signal from the portable command center to the Artillery Line and a reconnaissance team stationed behind the Fortress. The 4 Units of Heavy Artillery Guns would commence firing towards the palace, their projectiles evidently lacking a specific target.

A scout team of 12 Single Trooper Aerial Platforms were dispatched from the stronghold and began to survey the area surrounding the swamps, with instructions to withdraw if they encountered an opposing military unit.

Last edited:

The Veil
Objective II
Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Allies Aris Noble Aris Noble | Enemies: Jhyrack Jhyrack


The scorching scent of burnt fur and flesh was an acrid flow in Zaiya's nostrils, prompting a disgusted grimace and a flutter of lime-green color over her mottled spots. She wasn't sure what sort of creature had lunged at them while they were exploring The Veil's cavern systems to secure them. None the less, it was nasty.

"Ugh, what are these things?" Zaiya asked Aris, unsure, having never seen a Nethermonster before. While Aris had issued the deadly strike to kill it, it had been Zaiya who had done her best to support the Epicanthix when the beast did it's best to attack him with secondary moves. Her hand came up, a bright pale glow illuminating her palm as she summoned the Force to cast a soft orb of light. Under the illumination, the Netherbeasts's skin was pitch black, and it had sharp fangs, a deadly scorpion-looking tail, and a powerful musculature that reminded the Lovalla teenager of Corellian Kathhounds.

"It feels...wrong." The Force would sludge around it, as if it shouldn't be at all within this plane. Honestly, she would never cease to be amazed at the type of surreal sights she got to see in these missions they were deployed to.

Aris and Zaiya had been tasked, along with other Jedi, to secure these caverns and tunnels from the Sith. While the briefing indicated the presence of beasts, it had taken Zaiya completely by surprised that there were creatures from the Netherworld as well. Just how many of these things are -- Suddenly, Zaiya froze. The tiny hairs at the nape of her neck stood on end, and the alarm would rush through her body in tune with the silvery and pale yellow color shift in concern.

"Uhh... we are not alone anymore." It had that sick, nauseated feeling. Powerful and predatory. Wild. A savage surge of the Force immediately alerted her that this was someone who could use the Force. The Darkside at that.

"I can't... tell if it is a person... or another creature. But the Darkside is seeping from that direction. Big. Strong... verryy icky."


The shuttle shook has it entered the atmosphere of Eiattu 6. Jarek stood in the midst of other Sith, and heavily armored troopers, but the young acolyte's attention was focused on one being, Darth Strosius. Jarek had been privileged to accompany the Lord Inquisitor's landing party. It was a series of firsts for Jarek. Watching the Sith Order's forces gather, it's fleets assemble, and now invading a planet with a powerful Sith Lord's forces. The thrill of fear caused his heart beat to fill his ears, causing him to breathe faster, and feel a little bit nauseous. He had accompanied other Sith before on missions, but this was different. This was War. War against the Galatic Alliance, and the contemptible Jedi.

Jarek snapped back to attention as Darth Strosius spoke, and the outside explosions of anti-air fire. Jarek felt alive when Darth Strosius spoke, his words causing Jarek's fear turn into anger and hate.

"Death to the Alliance, and the Jedi!"

Jarek yelled back to the Lord Inquisitor's resounding call to action. The shuttle began a quick menuvar, causing Jarek to nearly lose his footing. The shuttle's was jarring, and the door opened quickly. Jarek ran out with the others, taking in his surroundings. The Citadel was massive. Jarek saw others shuttles landing, and Sith troops running out of each. Jarek turned around from their landing, watching the air filled with anti-air fire, shuttles, and pods... and explosions. The young acolyte took in the chaos.

"Where are the Je..!"

Before Jarek could finish his sentence, he felt a strong shift in the Force, casuing him to quickly scan the area where their main forces where at.

"My Lord Inquisitor, artillery!", Jarek yelled out as the thundering hellfire rained down.

Blackened Valkyrie — The 14th Wife
Factory Judge

Objective: Obj I - Break the Front Lines
Allies: Starweird Shock Jumper Company, Black Bane Spider Company
Enemies: Ko Vuto Ko Vuto

23rd Blackened Valkyrie Regiment​
Ko was surprised that a rather ancient structure was still standing here on Eiattu 6. Being built up from the Old Empire long before his own time. Back during his Master’s heyday,Jonyna Si. The Kel Dor found it ironic that a citadel built by a Sith Empire, was being used to defend against another Sith Empire and occupied by the successors of a Republic.

In over 900 years of fighting, loss and conquest it can make everything feel a bit trivial. Enough to fill someone full of doubt. But not Ko. He didn’t care if he wasn’t going to achieve some victory in a cosmic game between good and evil. Darkness, villainy, suffering, all the bad in the galaxy was something Ko would refuse to compromise with, to entertain, and to give an inch too. He would not give quarter any excuse, any lie for why darkness must be allowed to exist or be tolerated.

He would fight against Sith tyranny much like his ancestors did centuries ago, and not allow the taint of the Sith to corrupt the Imperial dream he and countless others have shared. His enemies today might call themselves an empire, but Ko saw them for what they were. Despotism, Nepotism, Hedonism. Villains that have hijacked what it means to be an Imperial just like the traitorous turn coats of Dark Empire. Ko would remind this Sith Order the fury of a true imperial, just like the ones that crushed their nation years ago at the Braxant Run.

But Ko knew that he would not throw his life away in battle against the Sith here. He had to live, he had a young one to look after now and to be an example for. To build up into a proud and kind Jedi. So Ko had a responsibility here to not be reckless in his fight against the Sith Order.

Eyes glanced up towards Teresa, who stood atop the lead AT-LST. Three rows of walkers stood eerily still along the silent highway she'd chosen for the approach. Shock Jumpers filled the spaces between the vehicles within their individual units. While others looked towards her, the Valkyrie neither acknowledged them nor offered any grandiose speech.

Her wings were splayed high for all behind to see as she waited. Teresa's golden-orange eyes pierced the distance toward the target. It was no surprise that the objective was filling many with varying levels of anxiety or excitement. Of course, she felt the latter, eager to start; for her, this was nothing more than a perfectly presented playground. She had no care or interest in what this place meant for either side.

Her eyes flicked up as if something had caught her attention, making her smirk happily. In a quick motion, the Valkyrie's wings dropped hard, sending a gust downward. The same sound echoed from each vehicle, except the one she stood atop, as their barrels began to aim. A few moments later, the first volley fired off in multiple directions toward the buildings ahead, causing rubble to collapse along their route. More volleys followed, leaving no time for the dust to settle.

"ADVANCE!" the Valkyrie commanded with a booming voice.

The soldiers with their specialized jump packs were the first to move, a roar of thrusters igniting in stages as they leaped forward. Once clear of potentially stepping on allies, the Black Bane Spider Company followed. All she could hear was the sound of mechanical legs skittering across the ground. It was her first time riding atop one of these, having only seen them in action from a distance.

She was impressed by their speed and agility, finding it amusing how willing these soldiers were to enter what she considered nothing more than metal coffins. "Little warriors certainly enjoyed their machines that laid waste en masse; these troops were no different. After all, what better tools were there for breaking a defensive line?" she thought.

As her forces moved with speed, Teresa kicked off and beat her wings against the air. She quickly increased her altitude to stay clear of the moving fire and bounding troops. Knowing the devious plan her officers had cooked up, Teresa advanced ahead, flying overhead at a distance. Though she flew high, she never rose above the tallest buildings to avoid being seen against the skyline.

This was Teresa's chance to personally scope out the defenses and find where she would have the most fun. At first glance, there were many great spots to choose from; she was spoiled for choice. There was time for another pass before the forces were in position to begin breaking the defense. As the Valkyrie searched for her attack point, the rows of walkers dispersed into smaller groups. Some climbed and burrowed into buildings, moving into position unseen.

Others moved to run interference and provide closer support. During this time, Teresa waited for her forces to make the first move. The Shock Jumpers began to leap from behind rubble cover, no longer concealed by dust. At that moment, the Valkyrie swooped down, igniting several lightsabers and releasing them into her telekinetic grasp. Red, purple, white, green, yellow—seven blades moved in a fast streak.

Hearing the roar of battle, Teresa laughed ecstatically as she landed with speed. She ran forward as soldiers clashed, perhaps closer than the enemy had originally anticipated. Despite this, Teresa felt their hateful gazes burning into her. Standing at seven foot four, with large black wings tipped in red, she was an imposing figure. The Blackened Valkyrie Insignia, though new, still bore the symbol of the Kainite.

In her charge, the seven blades seemed to move independently of one another. Confidence gleamed in her eyes. There was no challenge in small fries, but when she personally slaughtered enough, something fun always came her way.

Senator of Vaklin, 1st Siskeeni Advisor

Objective: 1
Allies: Galactic Alliance & Friends
Enemies: SO
Tags: Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax I Jarek Voss Jarek Voss I Sentapoth Findos Sentapoth Findos I Noah Corek Noah Corek I Wulrenkit Claymus Wulrenkit Claymus I Credius Nargath Credius Nargath I Jonyna Si Jonyna Si I Efret Farr Efret Farr I Darth Strosius Darth Strosius I Ko Vuto Ko Vuto I Gress D'ran Gress D'ran I @

The stone floor was hard and cold. Barren walls were rough hewn with traces of chaotic force signature etched deep. The citadel had a storied history. One could read through ancient and modern documents and intellectually understand. But feeling it through the force was like living small snippets of memory. Derek Dib did not delve too far into it. You don’t need to get burned to know the fire was hot. And he knew this place bled in the force due to the past.

He sat cross legged on the ground with arms resting on his thighs. Slow breath in, slow breath out. Meditative and focused. No sooner had he joined Vaklin and the Galactic Alliance that he found himself on a distant world preparing for conflict. Again. It was a cycle. Good and evil clashed. Sometimes the scales would tip in one direction or another but inevitably they balanced. Yesterday there was balance. Today would be a tipping of the scales. He did not know what the outcome would be. Easily, he could have sat this conflict out. However, if he chose to do nothing then it was a choice of not giving aid to a righteous cause. And hence, his inactivity would support the evil in the galaxy.

This was something Derek Dib could never do.

His eyes opened, darkly glowing crimson orbs. Not from the Darkside but a family trait that represented his lineage’s greatest force power. The ability to create and control fire. The common trope of the eyes being the window to the soul found a semblance of truth with the Dib bloodline. Once the bloodline was sequestered away. Content to work from the edges of perception. But this generation of Dibs went to the center of the fray. They were prepared to place their blood, sweat, and tears on the line to impact and change the galaxy. He was no different. And while some of the family burned bright, they also burned out and died. Yet Derek remained. He would burn as a balance and a staunch defender of the innocent. Even if it meant his life flamed out too.

His furrowed brow eased and the tension drained from his shoulders. There it was. The peace he sought. A determination to place himself in the path of darkness and to bring the light of justice, of hope, of life. It was his calling. And he was willing to answer the call.

He rose smoothly and roved his hands across his plate armor. Each matte black piece was secured to his form. The enforcer pistol lay snug under his left arm in a shoulder holster. The beskar kal, a knife, sheathed under his right arm. At the small of his back rested a silver cylinder. Not a lightsaber but the collapsible force imbued bo staff sharpened at either end. Across his chest lay a bandolier of grenades and extra mags for his blaster rifle which he slung across his back. At the belt around his waist hung a medkit, canteen, and another cylinder. This one was a lightsaber forged by his uncle as a gift.

The comlink embedded in his jawbone chirped. The enemy had finally arrived.

He left the room and entered the hall which bustled with activity. On his exit his hand snagged the retrofitted mon cal blaster spear. Slimmed down into appearing as a simple spear, the bladed rifle stock and trigger guard removed to give the wielder a less cumbersome weapon. The turbolifts in the citadel whined with frantic activity. Instead of waiting, Derek descended down the circular stairwell headed for the first floor. Where the battle would first be joined.

War and battle were things he did not cherish. He did not wish for glory paid for with the lives of others. Even if it was the lives of the enemy. Derek did not take joy in large scale death. If it could be avoided and an acceptable compromise could be found then he would have advocated for it. But sometimes there was no other choice but to fight. To cross blades with the enemy. And to cut them down.

No. Derek did not enjoy death. However he was never one to shirk his duties, to abandon his responsibilities, or to run from a fight that needed fighting. It was an act he took no pride in yet he knew it was something he was gifted at. His brother once said a thing similar. If you are good at something, never do it for free. This wasn’t free. There was a price that would be paid with blood and death. All Derek hoped for was that the price wouldn’t be too steep.

He paused on both the second and third floors to check on the troopers assigned there. They manned the windows and kept a line of fire that cleared their allies. He spoke a few words of encouragement and clapped several on their shoulders before continuing to the ground floor and outside near several of the quickly built barricades. In the distance he watched as a being controlled several lightsabers through telekinesis. An impressive display. For a moment he wondered if it was too late to find a different solution to war.

Then the battle was joined and he pushed peace and civility from his mind. The time for speeches and talk was over. It was now time for action.

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