Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction [GA/SO] Convergence — Junction of Naalol and Eiattu 6


Major Sara "Roach" Roche
34th Walker Battalion, "Helldivers" Marine Detachment

Objective: OBJ I - Eiattu
Equipment: GAVA Starwolf Marine Armour, GALMG Beak, GAHP Roundhouse, C-11 "Nastirci" Combat Knife, REC-VC/01 Tactical Visor; Starship Model
Tags: Gress D'ran Gress D'ran Sentapoth Findos Sentapoth Findos

Sara settled into the muck.

The majority of the Marines of the 34th Walker, almost an entire company, were more than a hundred Marines, their armour with tropicalised attachments to keep the humidity and moisture out. They had taken up position in the southwest swamp, awaiting the approach of the enemy. With the expected size of the force, and the plan, everyone Marine who could was in the ambush force, including their commander.

"Demon to Roach. How are the Helldivers setting in?" The now Corporal asked over the radio. "Remember what we said back at base. You know the plan."
Sara pulled the datapad from the mud beside her- it was hooked into the data-link with the Raven drones that remained closeby, scouting the perimeter of the swamp. The map on the datapad was pre-grided and ranged from the previous days of preparation. All they needed was to draw the enemy northward into the killzone, then rain fire on them through the Marines' uplink data.

<<Roach to Demon, we are settling nicely. All accounted for and ready.>>

Before Sara could send off the force disposition report, the signals unit set up in a tree stump nearby motioned for her. <<Pronto to Roach, we got a problem.>> The Lieutenant radioed to Sara. She moved over, pulling out the hardline wire to plug into the signals unit

<<zzzzzzzzzzzzz Scuttle-1 to Roach, do you copy?>>

<<Loud and clear. Sitrep.>> Scuttle-1 was one of three scouting squads at the edge of the swamp, overlooking the enemy approach. On the signals unit, she received an updated feed from one of the drones attached to Scuttle-1, which was hiding amidst the foliage, though slightly elevated. Sara cursed as she saw it.

A scout team of 12 Single Trooper Aerial Platforms were dispatched from the stronghold and began to survey the area surrounding the swamps, with instructions to withdraw if they encountered an opposing military unit.

<<Enemy STAPs approaching our swamp, as well as Thunderstorm's locale.>>

Sara weighed the options- their objective was to draw the enemy in, so contact with the STAPs were out of the question, lest the enemy realise the trap and simply began shelling them. The big guns were already opening up, bombarding the palace. If they turned their sights on the swamp...

<<Scuttle-1, pull back. Do not make contact with their recon, repeat, do not make contact. Make like ghosts and disappear.>>

<<Affirmative. Scuttle-1 going dark.>>

Sara motioned to the Lieutenant, who switched the channels again.

<<Roach to Demon, we have a situation. Outer recon reports approach of enemy force- a dozen or so STAPs approaching our swamps. Main body still some distance away. Helldivers are withdrawing deeper into the swamp to avoid contact- suggest Thunderstorm do the same.>> Not an easy task for them, to be sure. Infantry could easily vanish in the swamp, water and foilage, but Thunderstorm's heavy vehicles were something else. At best, they could try to destroy the STAPs before they reported anything back, but their absence would still raise the alarm of the enemy.
Objective: 3: approaching Sith Space Station
Enemies: Open
Allies: Naomi Carolina Naomi Carolina GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd.

Su Rov was already in the cockpit of her A-Wing checking the systems onboard. For the occasion the craft was now newly painted with black stripes and an Sullustan symbol near the canopy. Given the mission's destination it was completely fitting. The young pilot just flipped a switch before she stopped before looking out to the space outside the hangar.

I never grew up on Sullust nor even visited it for that matter. Yet still means so much to me and to my…

"Family." Su whispered to herself before bowing her head for a moment. This is personal, no way around it.

Tin beeped and clicked behind the cockpit in his seat causing Su to raise her head and smile.

"Don't worry buddy I'm going to be okay but thanks."

The astromech chirped in what seemed to be a projection of boldness and his partner couldn't help but nod in agreement. Hearing her squadron leader's question on the comm, Su turned to Naomi's X-Wing adjacent to her A-Wing. With a determined glint in her black eyes she replied.

"Copy that boss. I got your back."

With the engines already activated, Su with the flight controls pulled the A-Wing upwards and the landing gear closed up. Subsequently she followed Naomi's craft and they sped out the hangar into the battle already raging. Time to fight!
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Flight Lieutenant Shar 'Skids' Sieu
Revenant Squadron, 10th Sector Armada
Location: Sullust High Orbit
Objective: Patrol
Alliance-Blue X-wing Starfighter
Callsign: Revenant Four

ALLIES: This Fight: Reima Vitalis Reima Vitalis
Rest of Revenant: Wedge Draav Wedge Draav Addison Porte Addison Porte Kelly T. Perris Kelly T. Perris
ENEMIES: This Fight: Seela Leini Seela Leini

Attached to the Fifth Reaction Fleet and the Task Force, Shar dropped out of hyperspace into the battle.

Within minutes, battle was joined and the squadron deployed.

However, it was only then that she recorded a few faint blips on her sensors, kicking her instincts into high alert. There was something else coming, as well.

On the edge of the enemy formation were arrayed fighters and strike craft, right in range of Revenant.

<<Targets of opportunity sighted and ranged- look sharp, Revenant, they're onto us.>> His fingers ran across the console- transferring power from hyperdrives into combat components, powering up sublight engines, shields, and cannons. He felt the thump as the S-foils splayed open, ready for war.
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Misfit Squadron
Flight Officer Floyd "Bob" Bobronnas

Tag: Naomi Carolina Naomi Carolina Desmond Cartyom Su Rov Su Rov Phineas Karr Ebaba Muchomacho "Coin"
Objective III - Sullust
Bob double-checked his targeting computer again, trying to keep his cool as the sensors showed a tidal wave of hostile markings all over the battlespace. This wasn't a simulation or practice run- this was real, in the thick of it.

<<This is, uh, Bob, bringing up the rear. Loaded up with heavy armament on this Y-Wing- awaiting strike command.>> He radioed to Naomi Carolina Naomi Carolina and Su Rov Su Rov . The X-Wings and A-Wing fighters would be much better suited to dogfighting, hopefully opening a path for Bob and his Y-Wing to launch missiles and torpedoes at the larger targets.

He took a deep breath and focused- Bob did not know it but the Battle Meditation was helping, but more importantly he thought beyond just the immediate situation. A tidal wave of friendly contacts were also on the screen- an entire armada ready to strike, of which Bob was only one part of it. And he couldn't imagine how it felt to Su Rov to see her homeworld under occupation- well, his home had been raided before, but this was something else. And despite it, Su Rov was still focused on the mission at hand. Compared to that, how could Bob bear to disappoint his squadron?


Dark Thaumaturge, Loremaster of the Sith

Location: Cavens of Naalol
Tags: Vulpesen Vulpesen

The abyss beckoned.

A dark figure floated along the ruins, the mementos of the hubris of the reborn CIS, a state so scattered amongst the stellar winds that in the decades hence none even claimed succession to it.

It was fitting that here, the veil between the living and the dead were so thin. And it was fitting that the Revenant Lord was here.

In the mind that called itself Kalzok, he remembered. He remembered the past few decades in the waking world. The half-living Sith Lord had continued to work in the shadows, for the Tsis'Kaar, to better understand his own condition. But always, there was some barrier, something missing, an insurmountable, unmoving Force that kept the undying Thaumaturge in place, unable to make progress, to change, to become stronger.

So Kalzok was here- one of few places where the barrier was thin. Not on behest of the Order. For himself. There were many such places in this wounded Galaxy, but here was different- here dwelt some malevolent power.

Nether beasts stalked the area- and as Kalzok continued closer, some attempted to strike at him. All were batted aside by the lightsabers floating around him like a curtain of death.

The abyss backoned, and Kalzok floated into the deep, dark caverns.
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Location: Sullustan Orbital Shipyards - Sullust High Orbit
Objective: III - Sullust Run
Call Sign: Nexu - Bloodstripe One
Craft:Star Interceptor Mk. II
On Objective: Kurayami Bloodborn Kurayami Bloodborn Addison Porte Addison Porte Wedge Draav Wedge Draav Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. Naomi Carolina Naomi Carolina Seela Leini Seela Leini

"Copy that, Fragile Dancer! Bloodstripe squadron, Besh formation! Stay close to your wingman! Wingmen Pairings, draw enemies into the fire line of other pairings! Fly Flat Scissors and no Rope-A-Dope unless you have advantage!"

The small, incredible fast ship of Lord Tooka rolled around the sleek fighter of Seela and took position beside her. A deadly pairing of space superiority fighter and interceptor.
The MK II was in the tradition of the Jedi and Sith ships of old. A normal human pilot could not use the full potential of this tiny craft, but for a force sensitive one it was like a lightsaber, an extension of the will and body.

"Yarni, extend the sensor range!", she commanded.
Ball-of-Yarn, as her personal BB-astromech was called by her squadron, bleeped affirmative.
Like so many Sith and Jedi pilots before her Lord Tooka saw in the machine a trusted friend and not a tool. A friend she could rely on to relieve her of the technical stuff so she could concentrate on flying and fighting.

This would be a funny game! So many mice to play with!


"The fresher the body, the better. As the body starts to decompose, a lot of what makes it possible to hold together is lost. Reanimation is it's own skill that I'm not too good at myself. I'm best with just, hmm.. Reusing and repurposing, you know?"

Firrerreo motioned to one of the bodies he was currently 'working on' with a rather excited smile. It wasn't often he got to talk shop, especially now that he was in school. The Academy in Jutrund had taught him so much, far more than he expected right away. His experimentations were -encouraged-. It's why he was here now. A battlefield was by far the largest place to get his choice of subject.

Mix that with the dark nature of this field? The Netherbeasts? So many things for him to study and use.

He was teeming with joy.

The teenager's golden eyes flashed as he scanned through the crowed. Netherbeasts and Alliance fighters, it seemed. Whoever survived this fight had pressed on. Given the few actually eaten corpses, he figured the Alliance were the victors, if barely. How many had actually survived? Didn't matter in truth, since his eyes fell upon one corpse.

Except it wasn't a corpse yet. His smile widened to a giddy degree as he rushed to the side. The white masklike face of his familiar split then and there as he reached up into the empty nothingness that laid beneath, and from it, he brought a red sphere. "This one will do nicely! Hold still, mm? This one will work." The last time he'd tried this, he'd killed the body first.

Not this time. His smile widened as he looked down at the wounded soldier and pressed the seething orb into their chest. Pain came next, the kind that didn't even give a chance for a scream. The body contorted and shattered, reforming under Firrerreo's watchful gaze. Limbs elongated, thickened as the body writhed. Then, as it came to a still, the monstrous creature the soldier had become rose. Thickened, elongated arms that ended in spikes. A distorted torso. A head that was more akin to a neck with a face.

It was horrible.

And yet, Firrerreo couldn't be happier. The sad expression of the figure looked to him before he nodded once.

"Go. Make some friends. Oh, this is going to be good."

Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el | Toby Perris Toby Perris | Adean Castor Adean Castor

The Jedi had seen their approach, and moved to stop them. Fleets left hyperspace in vain hopes to break the Sith war machine before it could breach the secured alliance space - but it would mean nothing to the Mors Mon. Over Sullust, it would sit as a beacon of the Dark Side, and aboard it lay still the sleeping legion of Empyrean. In the coming weeks, it would awaken to satiate its thirst on the blood of the Alliance. Today, however, they would just have to deal with bloodying the nose of the enemy.​
Empyrean hadn't worried when reports came in of the attacking Jedi, he had expected to make a move sooner or later. Others perhaps wished for the Sith to strike first, but there would be no difference in the end. Empyrean would march on the Core, and unlike the Dark Empire, he wouldn't let his armies break on desperate defenses. If the Alliance wished to have a Last Stand, he would give them the heroic death they sought.​
But for that, he would need to weaken them by his strength alone. Surgically, the Emperor would tenderize durasteel walls so his armies could break through them. Already his efforts had begun, as his vision expanded over the entire battles that consumed his border worlds. He watched thousands march and fight, as the artifacts that had become his eyes had allowed, but it was in the movements of the enemy that he began to see coordination not possibly by mere radio contact.​
No, they were being guided as one, motivated as a whole, pushed as a single entity. Trails of the Force tied them together, and their effectiveness grew by the second. What could be an overextended assault of their fleets could turn disastrous, so Empyrean trailed those metaphysical strings back to their source. The Jedi, Valery Noble Valery Noble sat guiding them - drawing attention onto herself in the distant isolated orbit of Tshrindal.​
She knew she was not hiding, Empyrean wasn't a fool, but hubris still drew him forward. If the Jedi could make an ambush that could stop him, he wanted to see what they had planned. If they couldn't and Valery thought she could kill him twice, he would simply show her how wrong she was. So the folds of reality broke at his will, and the Emperor of the Sith walked from the Mors Mon onto Starlyte Station, only a dozen meters from the two jedi before him.​
"Call and I will answer.", he mused in the tones of a corpse, his body broken beyond repair as the dead man walked into their senses, his body torn in twain by one of the two Jedi that sat before him. What was left was not the dead man she left behind, but something that had grown in its place. What walked was not a man any longer, but an abborration, that stuck to the force like a leech.​
"Are there more, or shall I kill just you two?"​


Objective II — Naalol
The Veil

Quinn Varanin Aris Noble Aris Noble Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti

The flickering red glow of Jhyrack's unstable lightsaber would emerge from one of the winding tunnels. Then came the shadow. Over eight feet in height, nearly six feet across the shoulder and horns visible against the red flickering light.

Jhyrack stepped into the light of Zaiya's summoned orb.

He was humanoid at least. The weight of four men, fangs and horns, but still the reassuringly regular features of a typical humanoid.

His expression was quite normal, even if a look of pure disappointment did not match the situation. His lightsaber was extinguished.


His voice resonated through the chest, deep and loud. He looked over his shoulder.

"They are just...ack what is your word...younglings. I will deal with them."

He turned back to Zaiya and Aris. He clipped his lightsaber to his belt.

"Lord Jhyrack," he said, pressing his palm to his broad chest.

"You choose. Die quickly or a lesson. Quick will be less painful."

He shrugged. The gesture took time as a small hull of muscles worked together. Were the Jedi strong enough to suffer to grow? He knew so little of their ways. It was a chance for him to learn about the wider Galaxy.

He had a preference, but they deserved a choice.
Naalol - The Veil
x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Allies: Aris Noble Aris Noble
Enemies: Jhyrack Jhyrack


Pale yellow concern flickered through her bioluminescent spots. A poison sack? Something to scan once the main threat was over, but for now, she had to stay focused. Who knew what other beasts lurked in this place?

Zaiya's iridescent blue eyes widened as the Force brought her a flood of information about their approaching enemy. Her heart skipped a beat as the Force's insight confirmed her suspicions. Only users of the Darkside made her feel as if her skin was crawling; the more powerful the user or area, the more her stomach twisted in response.

"Oh yeah. Sith," she muttered, then adjusted her stance beside Aris, her willowy frame settling into a neutral position, ready to move and support him as needed.

"Think this one will talk a lot or just dive in and fight?" Zaiya asked, amusement rippling in teal tones over her mottled spots. Their encounters with the Sith had varied widely: some had launched into grandiose monologues, while others had attacked without a word.

As she glanced at Aris, her fellow Jedi Padawan and best friend, she couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and trepidation. The Sith always brought danger, but facing it together made her feel confident. She watched the shadows ahead, ready for whatever came next.

They didn't have to wait long.

He was big.

If Zaiya had considered Aris tall, this one was certainly taller and those arms were like tree trunks themselves.


Although mild amused annoyance would immediately ripple lavender shades over Zaiya’s mottled spots and stripes at the disdained dismissal the massive horned Sith Lord gave them when he uttered that Aris and her were just younglings.

Oh, so we are dealing with one that believes us to just be kids? Impish delight danced in a kaleidoscopic display of colors over her rosy golden skin.

This was going to be good. While amused, Zaiya knew well what sort of power a Lord of the Sith could display. He would be dangerous.

At least he didn’t immediately lash out. Maybe he could be reasoned with. Shan had taught her to try that route first. Show reason, attempt to sway matters without violence, but remain vigilant and at attention.

He did also introduce himself. A polite Sith. How curious. Even if the Darkside seeping off him made her skin crawl.

"You choose. Die quickly or a lesson. Quick will be less painful."

“Greetings, my name is Zaiya. This is Aris.” No sense on being rude. The Lovalla stretched out her senses, searching to see if there was anyone else near. So far, he was the only presence.

“Is there a reason why anyone has to die? There is no need to fight. There are plenty of beasts here that will take up both of our attentions to secure these tunnels.” Zaiya calmly asked, dropping her hand and letting the glow of the Force within her palm fade away. Her hand gently came to rest by her hip, where her prototype blaster-lightsaber she had crafted for herself was clipped. As she wasn't the best bladesman, she decided to experiment with a design that could be versatile, allowing her close combat as well as a ranged weapon with stun settings.

Not to mention, incapacitation would work just as well and allow them to secure the section of these tunnels. If she had to Force flash him right away to blind him, she would.


Captain Darion Kithero, 15th Fleet.
Objective III - Sullust Run
Aboard the Inquiry in Orbit.
Allies: Seela Leini Seela Leini , Lord Tooka Lord Tooka
Opponents: Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce , GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd.

The day he had been expecting for some time now had finally arrived. Darion had envisioned himself many-a-time aboard one of these war-ready Star Destroyers, staring out of the viewport with crew bustling all about him. It was difficult not to wonder what it was like, standing in the center of all that chaos, and being the one to bring it to order. Now here he was, charged to do that very thing. The Captain, newly-christened Director, didn’t know whether to feel grateful, or worried. His eyes were closed, a serene icon amidst the hustle and bustle of the bridge. His position here was a temporary assignment for the war effort, but it was his intent to eventually make it a permanent one.

“We have signatures dropping from hyperspace.”

And so they opened, Darion giving an inhale, and a metallic exhale. “So begins conflict anew.” Murmured softly under his breath, before barking aloud; Battlestations! Batteries forward, deploy our fighters, and prepare for engagement.

As soon as those commands rang out and were accomplished in short order, the opponent presented themselves from the shimmering lights.

“Battlegroup Vex, maintain position and ensure their primary Capitals are occupied. Fighters are to move to engage and screen the opposition. That meager craftsmanship will not fare well in a prolonged engagement..” Several orders were given in swift succession with a calm and confident voice of metal. The Captain took the very short calm before the storm to observe the enemy’s fleet with a keen eye.

It wasn’t a fleet large enough for an invasion, he noted. Brows furrowed together as the turbolasers opened fire upon the enemy, the ship vibrating with deep 'booms' from their power. The fleet he had been charged with had been prepared for such an aforementioned invasion, not a raid - and even still, it was comparatively 'smaller' to others due to his rank. Unfortunate, but he will make do. He’d have to. The Director doubted the smaller craft would be able to cause significant damage, regardless.

Alas, the battle progressed, it became clear the Alliance’s Carrier Division had created a zone of fighter superiority nearing the shipyards. That would not do - the emphasis on swarm tactics supplemented by the automated defenses clearly wasn’t sufficing. The priority alerts rang out from the facilities, and he growled lowly in annoyance. “Vanguard Division, deploy to reinforce the Shipyards, I want these fighters dealt with immediately. Withhold deploying fighter complement until close enough.” Was a stern order, his visage growing a tad more concerned. He was forced to divert some of his own Anti-fighter protection, with the automated defenses unable to protect the shipyards further. “Battlegroup Vex, concentrate forward firepower to provide cover.”

“Sir, Bloodstripes One and Three have moved to engage!” Called a comms officer from one of the pits. The Director’s demeanor relaxed by the barest amount. “Excellent. Some experienced pilots will do us well.” Stated with satisfaction, before he swiftly pointed a finger backwards towards the crew. “Relay them targeting information, I want the priority to be placed upon the strike fighters if they can manage it. If the enemy is not here to invade, they are here to cripple us. We will not allow them to.”

The easy part of the enemy’s attack run was now over. With hands folded behind his back, Darion watched as several ships in the defensive formation peeled off to divert towards the shipyards. As the Vanguard fleet approached, heavier and less maneuverable starfighters would no doubt struggle with the hail of fire that began to streak across the chaotic space, shredding gunships and bombers alike.

  • Battlegroup Vex, consisting of two Khan Star Destroyers and several Harrow-V Heavy Cruisers, with limited support ships, maintain defensive formation and engage the Kyprin Renegade’s fleet.
  • Vanguard Division deployed to reinforce the shipyard consisting of several SF-13 Legion Star Frigates, and two Drommund Heavy Cruisers, to provide flak and point defense cover against fighters. Not yet in ideal range, heavier fighters are beginning to be suppressed and torn apart from long-range flak.
  • Seela Leini Seela Leini and Lord Tooka Lord Tooka have been given a priority alert to target the strike fighters and bombers, if they can manage it amidst their other engagements.
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voice of the meek and the damned

Efret listened to everything he had to say and then nodded. "Where there's a will, there's a way," she recounted a common saying. It was a bit cliché but held true. "We're not here to excavate, though. I hope that eases your mind some. We're setting up a camp to receive artifacts that are collected in future skirmishes. I'm expecting that artifacts will be uncovered on the many battlefields ahead, or even on this one. Many of the artifacts will be either of Sith origin or corrupted by their presence. I felt it was important to be ready to neutralize and catalog them."

She glanced behind her at where Toric and Kili had accumulated the archeologists' gear in part of the market square, then back to Noah. "I'm going to help pitch the tent. Your hands would be appreciated," she smiled, "but not necessary."

Objective II: Tunnels of Naalol

Encountering Rosalia Aros Rosalia Aros

What better way to show friendship and commitment than to be here, side by side with the Alliance during a time of duress and critical strategic importance? There were probably a number of more balanced options but this was the one the young Onderonian Ambassador had chosen.

All things had not gone according to plan, however. The original intent had been for the Onderonian team to play a supportive role in sweeping the upper levels of the caves for local fauna, whether native or otherwise. Unfortunately, they had been separated during a particularly vicious attack by a pack of Nether Monsters. Although likely breaching a few protocols, the Prince and his Guard had agreed to proceed slowly and carefully. They did not know the caves well and nobody would be better off by rushing into an ambush.

A deep scratchmark could be found across the Royal's chest plate and the right shoulder pad had been removed since the damage to it had been enough to render it ineffective. Still, Vince pushed on into the caves with his rifle drawn and the flashlight attached to its barrel turned on. It was only a matter of time before he would reach a larger hub where he would hopefully be able to rendezvous with his fellow Onderonians.

Despite the pistol, officer's sabre, rope and spare flashlight all hanging by his belt, the Prince moved with remarkable silence as he pushed farther into the cave. From time to time, a small crevices and cracks among the massive rocks and boulders that the ceiling was composed of allowed small slivers of light in - but in the grand scheme of things, it was far from enough to offer enough light without aids.

Vince quickly turned the barrel mounted flashlight off upon approaching a sharp turn. With careful steps, he approached until being able to turn the corner. At first, he did not see a single thing: Then, he turned the flashback on. For the briefest of moments, he squinted before letting out a commanding "Hold! Identify yourself"

Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

"It has been too long."

Valery's eyes opened when she felt the sudden, unnatural swirl of the Dark Side that preceded his arrival. She had felt it twice before — when they first met, and that one day she had gotten close to finishing things for good. But his survival during their last encounter had brought forth an immense change. He was no longer the man he was before she struck him down and that ritual was completed.

He was a Monster now.

"It's just us."

Valery turned her gaze away from him and briefly looked at her former Padawan. She had asked Cora to join her, knowing she'd be able to tune in easily enough and reach out to as many other Jedi and soldiers as they could. It was no easy skill and it could be very demanding, but their bond allowed them to connect without strain. And like their past as Mentor and student, they'd just as easily stand together against another source of great evil.

"I don't suppose you'll make this easy and surrender?" She flashed a grin and already kept her hand near the hilt of her weapon. Of all Sith she could encounter, she knew she stood before one that was far beyond Redemption.



Hakon Fett



In reply to Hakon's own question in return, he peered away from the macrobinocs as blaster fire rung out in the distance, Sith vessels veering their way toward the Citadel as artillery rounds continued to thud against the fortifcations, the true symphony of battle slowly rumbling to a crescendo in the distance as he mulled over the question.

Slowly, he pulled his helmet off, setting is aside to reveal the one hole balaclava concealing most of his face, showing only the pale skin around his eyes before he pulled it down some, showing the stubble around his face when he brought his canteen to his lips, drinking down a swig of the water.

<"Alliance...I think."> He admitted, setting the water back into the dedicated pouch on his pack before he turned back toward the battle. <"The Sith are strong, undoubtedly...but shortsighted."> He said, levying a finger toward another Sith shuttle barreling toward the Citadel's hangar. <"There...I guarantee you those are Sith. Not troopers, the cloaks themselves."> An old Imperial slang for force user.

<"No siege weapons, hardly enough artillery...the problem with the Sith is that they want the thrill themselves. Back when I was in the Imp Army, even in the sorry state it was a machine, every piece had its place. The Alliance are similar...but they rely on Jedi all the same. The Sith...they want the charge of glory, to sever the head from the snake themselves."> He explained, peering down his macrobinocs again.

<"They're not leaders or generals...they're warriors...and the Jedi are hardly in any better straits. The war could be lost around them, they'd have no idea- too fixated on the clash of blades to know."> He said, peering back toward Hakon. <"Can't make the same mistake. When the time comes that we field a host against the Sith...or the Alliance, you can't fixated on Sith Lords or Jedi Masters...they aren't the battle. The troopers, artillery, supply...that's the battle."> He explained.
Hope infused | Revenant Six


GA 10th Sector Armada
Revenant Six - Tinks

Flying Two-tone Blue X-wing w/ R9 unit Gizmo
Patrolling w/ Wedge Draav Wedge Draav Rev One, Shar Sieu Shar Sieu Rev Four
Kelly T. Perris Kelly T. Perris Rev Nine, Reima Vitalis Reima Vitalis Rev Twelve et al


Addison's eyes fluttered open as the nav-computer proximity alarm went off and Gizmo beeped at her to wake up sleeping beauty.

She sat up straight on the pilot couch, then rolled her helmeted head around her shoulders. While traveling through hyperspace the benefits of being a Jedi were helpful as a light meditative trance always helped to keep Addy fresh. She didn't know how other pilots managed space travel.

"I wasn't sleeping just resting my eyes, silly... Let's just be ready for anything, hmm? We don't know what the sitrep is like on the other side," Tinks warned her R9 unit, then watched with anticipation the computer timer count down to zero before pulling back the hyperdrive lever.
Revenant Squadron reverted to realspace at the edge of the space theater over Sullust one by one in tandem; Revenant Six dropping out of hyperspace behind Four's X-wing with her own.

There were multiple capital ships and their complements of starfighters from various factions allied with either the Sith Order or the Galactic Alliance. Addison quickly tagged the friendly and enemy fighters and vessels on the snubfighter's Combat Multiview Display (CMD) as the Howling's S-foils opened and locked into their attack position. This was going to get real in a second or three.

And, that is when the Jedi Knight felt Grandmaster Valery Noble Valery Noble start to employ Battle Mediation to strengthen the hopes of their allies and demoralize the enemy. Addison gladly let the warmth of the Light fill her up inside, and then she pushed that hopefulness out in the Force to her fellow squadmates to help bolster and inspire them as well.

<<Targets of opportunity sighted and ranged- look sharp, Revenant, they're onto us.>>

<<Copy that, Skids... Let's show them how it's done, Revs. May the Force be with you.>>

Gizmo gave his flygirl a side-eye beep.

"I know, I know. He won't like it but too bad. We are going to need all the help we can get as skill and luck just may not be enough today for all."


Enemies: Bloodstripe Squadron Kurayami Bloodborn Kurayami Bloodborn , Lord Tooka Lord Tooka , Seela Leini Seela Leini

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Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Objective: 1
With: Efret Farr Efret Farr
Gear: Armor-Recce Rifle-2x

He smiled and nodded to the Jedi when she expertly summarized his words into a rather well known cliche, Noah wasn’t mad or angry that she had done that, it was a common thing to do and cliches were well ingrained in society for a reason. “Exactly and it is my opinion that the Alliance has much more will than any other of the factions currently fighting against it.”

When he was corrected about the actual purpose of their camp being set up here. “Ah forgive my ignorance then Master Jedi, I took many classes in college and while archaeology was indeed one of them I’m afraid I didn’t pay too much attention to it. I naturally assume any time archaeologists are involved it comes to digging.”

Noah had seen first hand the perils and dangers that could befall someone when Sith artifacts were involved so he understood the need to contain and neutralize them. “It’s a good goal. Sith artifacts are no joke and I’ll be sure to keep any of my Legionnaires away from the artifacts that come through the camp.”

When the topic of setting up the camp's tents was broached he gave a nod to her and smiled. “Of course I’ll help, my wives would have my head if they knew I didn’t help a lady in need.”

Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. Revenant Squadron
Darion Kithero Darion Kithero Seela Leini Seela Leini Lord Tooka Lord Tooka

Deep under Sullust's toxic surface, the former director of an intergalactic megacorporation tore off the leg of a roasted lizard with his teeth. Miel was lucky not to be rotting in some Sith Lord's dungeon after the fall of his world. Even as their occupation force descended to pacify widspread labor riots he'd made a daring escape from the SoroSuub Centroplex in a mole miner while his fellow loyalists collapsed the tunnels behind them.

"These are confirmed Alliance transmissions?" the sullustan asked between bites.

Eager pates bobbed up and down with exuberance typical for their kind. Director Tevv studied their soot-stained faces. Just days ago, his life had been the envy of kings. Now he was hiding in a dark cave from his own people and the new dark masters who reigned over this place. Sullust had trusted him to protect them from such a grim fate. This is what total failure looked like.

"Never forget the sacrifices made for our people's freedom."

Miel activated the cloaked beacon with a solemn frown, aware he was signing the death warrant of every sullustan pioneer in orbit still loyal to the Jedi. Critical systems were firmly under Sith control but they still needed some natives to keep the yards running. It was very likely none of them would survive the acts of sabotage meant to bring down Sullust's automated defense network.

"Prepare my ship."

Sullustan technicians hurried to plug fuel lines into the experimental blockade runner. While the Sith dealt with coordinated acts of terrorism, it was Miel's hope they would be too distracted to intercept his strike team before they reached the planet's shield gate. Before he stepped on board the SoroSuub prototype, Director Tevv vowed that when he returned it would be to see the starbird flag raised once more on his homeworld.


Objective: I - Eiattu 6
Equipment|loadout: [
Activity: Observing the Citadel
TAG: Open

So many dead, so many young children snuffed out before they'd even reach their prime, their true potential. If anyone else would be looking at this, they'd feel pity for both the Jedi who sent these children in battle and for the sith who valued the strength of their acolytes, at the cost of their lives if necessary, but the Sceleratii did not care in the slightest, they were unfeeling, unburdened by these petty emotions and distractions. However, they were not meant to simply stand around and do nothing all the time, especially now that this was a prime opportunity to finally unleash these fifty year old droids to their full potential. Some would call them relics of a different time, others a horror people would've been glad for they had not been used to their true potential before.

As the droids drew closer to the citadel, flanking the increasing numbers of sith troopers who hounded their enemy with everything they got, one of the Sceleratii suddenly jumped backwards when a lightsaber suddenly pierced through a ruined wall they had been posting next, the four other members of the Sceleratii engaged their cloaking devices and slinked back into the shadows, while the one who had made noise by jumping back unveiled himself completely when a couple of what seemed to be overeager padawans emerged from the corner of the alley next to the ruined building, their lightsabers at the ready, these two padawans made it clear their only intention was to take down the droid and as such, this lone Scelerati answered in kind by raising one of his arms lightningfast, firing down one forcebreaker round after another towards the two padawan, who when they realized the dangerous ammunition the droid was using jumped back and split up with the intention of flanking the lone Sceleratii.

In response to this tactical maneuvre made by the overeager padawans, the droid reached for the hilt of his Ebony Fang and held steady, calculating his opponents' next moves and anticipating their actions thanks to the communication it had with the highly advanced KRONOS system. As soon as the first of the two padawans, a young Siskeeni female jumped up towards the droid with the intent to aggressively hammer down their lightsaber upon him, the second of the two padawans managed to roll around and position themselves perfectly on the opposite end.

Alas, the droid's frame, allowing for full 360 degree individual movement of its limbs and torso, switched their position in a heartbeat, firing off the forcebreaker rounds from their Verpine handcannon in the surprised siskeeni female's chst before she could reach him, while a swift downwards swing of the ebony fang was enough to force the other padawan on the defensive, with their lightsaber engaged, feeling the full weight of the droid's blade pressing on their own as they were still crouched in an unfavorable position.

While the first padawan fell onto the dustladen ground with a thud, eyes open in shock and surprise, the second padawan; a El Kor male attempted to use their free hand to utilize the force in order to pull their comrade's lightsaber to them. However, when the deactivated lightsaber shot through the air, to the young and unfortunate padawan's surprise, a metallic hand seemed to reach out of nowhere, grabbing the lightsaber in mid air and displaying so much raw strength that it practically shattered the hilt of the blade in its grasp and the jyber crystal within.

A gasp of air left the young padawan, when from behind, two black blades managed to pierce through their battle armor like a knife through butter, before he was being ripped into pieces as the droids who revealed themselves swung their blades sidewards. Looking down at the Jedi padawans, one of the droids grabbed the remaining lightsaber and seemed to observe it for a moment, before it too was crushed and shattered.

"Wonderful work...advance on position B4," The voice of KRONOS resonated within the droid's hololink transeivers, orders they instantly followed as they once again engaged their cloaking veils and moved onwards towards the location where the majority of the sith forces were clashing with the jedis. "Scanning area, facial recognition engaged..."

It took some time for KRONOS to find a suitable target, but at long last the scanning seemed to pull up a good result which seemed rather ironic and yet deliciously satisfying. A former CIS operative seemed to be in the area and it appeared they were standing by the Jedis. " Derek Dib Derek Dib , senator...acknowledged force user...terminate."

"Acknowledged" The droids would respond, with one of them decloaking and moving ahead, with the other four keeping on their cloaking veils and following at a very short distance of the lead Sceleratis.


"I know fella, I know. There's some real spooky stuff happenin' 'round here"

Knee by knee, the girl crawled forward, one hand out for balance and the other outstretched to encourage companionship with the best.

Stupidity and bravery often went hand in hand with anything the twins did. Presently, Tansu's actions erred to the former.

They'd touched down well before any fight. The first time Tansu hadn't dropped from the stars into an active light fight. It seemed boring, dull, but Talsin had assured her it "was necessary reconnaissance to be prepared". Despite not fully buying it, the farm girl obliged. Long story short, she'd been separated. A distressed shepherd who's Valdeer herd had been tormented and separated by a creature unknown. Like nothing the shepherd had ever seen in all his decades of shepherding!

She had to help! She was training to be a Jedi, and by Concord's Dawn, it was her duty to assist those in need.

Equipped with tracking tricks taught by Kyric Kyric , a few psychometric touches drew the hunt to a face-to-face conclusion.

And boy was the critter downright ugly. Eerie mounds stretched around its face, long teeth gnarled out and downward, and portions of its flesh peeled away without any scabbing.

"Yer one of 'em spooky things yerself, ya know?" She stayed low, concentrating everything on establishing some familiarity with the best. Agitation, disruption, hunger, mutation, fear. Something unholy had made it changed. She felt that, and it felt that. She felt its fear, recognized it, and stretched out to assuage it. Calm, peace, understanding, seeking connection all projected from the girl's ethereal core.

"But that's ok, you're only spooky 'til you're known. Gonna let me know ya?" Another few inches of distance closed. If this worked, this would be the most hideous cayuse Tansu'd ever saddle.

The inching forward and pleading routine went on longer than Tansu would have liked to admit. And the first time the beast let her get close enough, she rushed to stick the landing. The instant her leg was halfway over its back she'd been bucked. This happened three more times.

But determination outweighed defeat.

"Okay," she huffed, dusting herself off for the final time. "You're still not flyin' away. You're just as obsessed with this concept as I am. Let's just.. do it okay? Just a few meters at least pal. You can buck me once we're up there if you hate it I promise."

She really hoped that wouldn't happen. Her Force cushioning techniques were not the greatest, and that sounded like the quickest promise for a smashed skull.

At odds with one another, Tansu exhaled and reclaimed her calm; forcing out stubborn frustration. There'd been a stallion like this back at the homestead once. How had her bother finally calmed it? She remembered Vyrin just..standing there. Palm out, inviting. Nothing forceful. Letting the creature decide. In theory, this shouldn't be different. Aside from the otherworldly hideousness of the creature.

Standing there, hands out, she radiated her understanding of the creature's needs. The desire to return from whence it came and how that coincidentally overlapped with Tansu's needs. To get to her friends where the creature came from.

It took forever.

But when she felt a snout press against her palm, massive and scaly, she released a breath she didn't realize she'd held. Everything after that was slow, gentle, and patient. One leg over, leaning forward, testing for trust, and finally, they had liftoff.

With each powerful beat of the creature's flesh-stretched wings, Tansu whooped energetically. The initial holler disrupted the beast, and it shifted, and Tan nearly slipped right off, far above the initial mountain ledge. But years of riding things that inherently didn't want to be ridden meant her grip kept her on the things back.

Shared mental imagery of the caverns unified their trajectory, and Tansu leaned closer to the creature to prevent wind from stealing her hat.

Their image blurred. The cave's shape flattened and turned jagged, more like another cliffside than a hole in the planet's crust. Tan popped up, dared a look over the edge of the creature, and tut-tut her tongue.

"No, no, no! C'mon." She grunted and pointed her knees into the creature's upper rib cage where it met the spine. "I know that looks mighty tasty but do NOT."

It took massive effort to get the cursed beast not to deviate from their path and enjoy Ran Serys Ran Serys ' Valdeer for lunch. Once they overcame that obstacle, it was a clear shot to the caverns.

"Yuck," Tansu recoiled and pressed herself lower. "Smells like we're gettin' close."

It was enough to kick the creature into an enthusiastic turbo-gear that Tan wasn't prepared for. She yawped and wrapped her arms around whatever she could to keep from sailing off as the massive, scaled shape made itself like a bullet. Her scream of terror turned into one of glee.

Overhead and narrowly missing the tops of Jedi and Alliance personnel piercing the veil, Tansu yeeeehew'd out her glee.

But the creature showed no signs of stopping. While it had allowed Tansu permission to board, it clearly had no intention of a landing and cavalier dismount. The little Jedi wannabe on its back understood that, and when the mutated connection didn't register her pleas to slow down, and the air chilled and curled around them, Tansu took the cue.

It was unglamorous and dangerous. The velocity she travelled was nearly break-neck, and if she didn't cocoon herself in The Force to protect her desperate leap-and-roll from the back of the aberration, she'd be a pile of bones in a skin case.

The free-fall was short. The bouncing on the ground and rolling through chilly air and dirt was meters long, and she thud-thud-thudded until sliding to a stop where she was all groans and coughs and a poodoo-eating grin of pride just a few feet from the cluster Talsin worked with.

"Didja see that." She wheezed and rolled onto her back. "Did anyone see that."

Another tally on the Talin Treicolt Talin Treicolt -is-going-to-be-so-jealous scoreboard.
OBJ II — Naalol | Caverns | The Veil
GOODY: Talsin Lota Talsin Lota
BADDY: Mr. Hate Mr. Hate

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