Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction [GA/SO] Unhallowed Front | GA/SO Junction of Yvara & Epica


Unhallowed Front

An unholy nightmare spreads across the stars.

Following the awakening of an ancient terror on Odacer-Faustin, hordes of undead have been sighted in the sector, commanded by forces of The Sith Order. Entire planets have suddenly gone dark, sending ripples through the Force and screams for help and mercy across the Holonet. An emergency council was formed in response to this growing threat, and determined the path of the spreading plague.

Celanon and Yavin, both planets located near or right on top of Hyperspace junctions, have been chosen as target-planets to stop the undead and their Sith overlords. Should these planets fall, there will be no way to stop the Sith's army of beasts from consuming the sector, and potentially reaching the borders of Alliance space in the process.

The Galactic Alliance Defense Force and the New Jedi Order have been tasked to defend these planets.


Objective I - Yavin IV

The famous moon of Yavin IV, one with immense history for both the Jedi an Sith, becomes a battleground for the two ancient orders once again. Dropships and freighters filled with undead have been sent for the moon, defended and led by the Sith themselves. Jedi and GADF forces have already set up their defenses within the jungles, around Yavin IV's ancient structures, and even in space to shoot down as many of the imminent horde as they can.

The future of the sector relies on this battle.


Objective II - Celanon

Celanon, known for its important spaceport situated along the convergence of two Hyperspace lanes, is a planet much like the crime moon Nar Shaddaa. With blinding lights and neon signs that color the atmosphere, it offers an almost welcoming message to the imminent invaders. Much like Yavin, the planet offers easier access across the sector via the hyperspace lanes, but unlike the ancient jungle moon, Celanon is far more densely populated. This creates additional challenges for the defenders, who must ensure that civilians aren't caught by the undead to strengthen their numbers.

The people of Celanon, the sector, and the Alliance relies on a successful defense of this planet.


Objective III - Evacuation

While the Military and Jedi have sent their numbers to Celanon and Yavin IV to stop the Sith advance, the Defense Council has also decided to start evacuation neighboring worlds. Raydonia and Vjun have been chosen as first targets to be evacuated. Its people will be brought closer to Alliance borders, but it's an immense undertaking. Military, Jedi and even civilians from the Alliance and beyond are coming together to lend aid to those who might otherwise be consumed.

Offer your help to these people because if Celanon and Yavin IV are to fall, the people of Raydonia and Vjun will be next. But be aware, for not all people are willing to go, and those with ill intent might seek to take advantage of these evacuation efforts.

Do you have other ideas with this story? Write it!

Remain steadfast and you are never without hope


EQUIPPED: 25x L4Vele Series Deployable Defense turrets.
Amenediel Shuttle Mk II
103rd Tactical Starfighter Wing "Angel of Death Squadron"


[*]Super Archangel class Multi-Role Fighter/Interceptor (10 Squadrons)

[*]Elysian class Strike fighter (10 Squadrons)

181st Tactical Starfighter Wing “Voodoo Wing”


[*]NC-1000 X-Wing (10 Squadrons)
Capital A-Wing (4 Squadrons)


[*]"AMF" Y-wing Bomber (6 Squadrons)
Sovereignty Class Heavy/Assault Fighter (5 Squadrons)

78th Support Air Division “Ares Wing


[*]Cherub Gunship (2 Squadrons)
[*]Cherub Transport (2 Squadrons)

SCARs use the Jackal Fighter for its balance of speed and maneuverability as well as its remote capabilities. This allows the elite pilot/operators to"bail" and operate in zero-G often a tactic in boarding capital ships.

[*]Jackal Class Starfighter (1 Squadron)
For anyone that wants to read it, The Angellus family history to this point Is here.
Angellus "Ewan Isaacs - CAG/SCAR Teams CO"

ORDERS: Defend the system
WINGMATES: @Gress D’ran


Objective I - Yavin IV

With a snap of light, “The Celestial City” dropped out of hyperspace. The mammoth fleet carrier moved quickly over the Northern Pole and settled into position deploying floating defensive turrets. The bridge was as busy as always, only now there were several others around the command table, not just the Admiral. Captain Ewan “Raider” Isaacs was as well, they were the only normal crew and staff up here. The surprising thing was that Angellus was in his flightsuit as well as Isaacs.

“CONN SENSORS, we are in position.”

Tactical… arm weapons, bring up defensive systems. Operations… prep the Well Decks, the Transport Drops and the Launch Bays. Looking around at the invited guests. If you are planning to go down to the planet, now is your chance, I’m about to sound “General Quarters” and lock down the bridge.

I’ll escort you if you wish, I’m going that way anyway.

Liram was speaking with his department heads at this point. He was planning on taking an active role in this fight.
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Location: Yavin IV
Objective: Lead assault on temple
Tags: Nir Si Nir Si
Gear: in bio

Wearing: this but with her hat


"Oh my stars you guys fucking stink" the young Sith said to one of the soldiers crammed in here. "Uuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"

"Don't give me that, just because you died, doesn't you can't hop in a sonic shower once in a while." she laughed at the zombie who stared at her blankly, he wanted to get out of here as much as she did. He was hungry, very hungry, the marks where his restraints held him away from her pink and zeltron scented flesh showed how eager he was for today's action. She fiddled with the amulet under her top that ensured she would not be first choice for dinner once there were other foes.

She sent a quick holomessage to Rayth Rayth <<Just landing babe. If I ever tell you you smell like death remind me about today yeah? #showertime>>

She slipped it away just as the drop ship rocked, slamming through the canopy and onto the sacred ground below, three dropships, sixty undead soldiers a ship, probably more than enough to clear out the small temple complex she had been tasked with. "Come on then guys, this is it" she shouted as the large bay doors opened and all the restraints simultaneously unlocked. OK, the masters were having a bit of fun with her, she thought as she swung herself out of the way of the warriors and onto the support strut of the dropship, not really enjoying being the first thing the dead saw when their restraints unlocked.

The warriors were surprisingly sapient and began running out and advancing with their guns drawn, fairly inaccurate, but they made up for that in volume of unrelenting fire, soaking up return fire without a care for injuries that might slay a mortal soldier. This was fun. Annika dropped back down and joined the advance now that her warriors had someone else to think about. She had been warned to watch out for light siders as their force light could cause problems for the undead hordes, she had not fought a jedi beyond training so far, so this would be a new experience.

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Objective II | Celanon | Myra Elspeth Arceneau Myra Elspeth Arceneau
Working together wasn't exactly a new experience for them. Both companies had a long standing business partnership, with goods and services flowing between the two for nearly two decades now.

What was different was the fact this was a joint venture for the blossoming power couple.

Plans for a massive space station, complete with mineral refinery and tibanna gas processing, warehousing space for Arceneau Trade, and naturally, a Yum Bunnies restaurant. With the convergence of two hyperlanes, it was prime real estate and a prime business opportunity for both Arceneau Trade Company and Salacia Consolidated.

On a personal level, it was a chance to spend quiet stretches alone together. Since the death of Alric Kuhn, Makai and Ellie had been living on the Farm, dealing with much of the fallout while supporting the Arceneau matriarch in her time of grief.

He had only been out for the Naboo Gala and a contracted asteroid mining job, ensuring the new venture was running smoothly before returning.

Currently the pair were negotiating the terms and conditions of the space station. Invited into a conference room with a group of officials, Makai ensured Ellie was seated before sitting, unbuttoning his blue suit jacket
and taking position next to the Trade Heiress.

"Thank you for meeting with us. While we are pleased to see the approval for the space station and its location in Celanon's orbit, there are concerns of air traffic. Assurances of waving our associated vessels through traffic control would be needed."

"Mister Dashiell, that is putting a heavy risk on security. What of terrorists? Those who would use your vessels for harm?"

"Salacia is willing to allow sector authorities space in the hangers if security is a concern, to allow for inspection of vessels on site."
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Location: Yavin IV
Objective: Hold the Line
Unit Loadout:
See Here
Tag: Liram Angellus Liram Angellus
Engaging: Open for anyone up to warposting

Yavin 4. Once home to the Rebel Command Center that took down the great Death Star. Now, once again under attack by forces of sith origin. The Hellstompers, normally an assault unit, had been tasked with holding a vital command structure that held not only historical significance, but also acted as the GA's forward command post for the system. Normally, the jungle would act as a rebel's best friend. But for Gress, it was probably his worst enemy. Too much cover for an assault, too many points of failure.

Gress knew that if they wanted a solid defense ring, they'd need to clear the trees. The lucky for them, the assault was forthcoming. The Sith weren't exactly planning the stealth route, and thus Gress had a few days to prepare. The first job was clearing the immediate area, and flattening the terrain to act as a killing ground. The second task was trenches. Thank the gods for Si tech and their new tac tool. The inner ring was the first set up, Gress's twin Sphinxs and the new Lynx APCs were set up, with the Hellstompers' new Artillery Platoon also setting up their Screaming Falcons inside of the trench line. While it was designed as a long range arty platform, it would do wonders here as a direct fire support weapon here. Part of him knew the brass probably wouldn't be happy with turning the surrounding jungle of this historical sight into a wasteland of arty fire, but Gress knew that it would be worth it. Deep trenches acted as lifelines for the Sphinxs and Artillery Walkers, while the Lynxs were set up with a custom made turret, designed to shoot at not enemy zombies, but rather enemy air strikes.

The Second line, connected with thinner connective trenches, was set up with pillboxes and heavy tank ditches, just large enough for the Thundercats to sit in and hide their legs, as well as the Wildcats. A ring of connected tank ditches and pillboxes with Boar Blasters set up, doubled up with Spot Snipers, while the Support Company set up within the deep trenches within.

The Outer Most Ring, lined with shorter trenches, were instead built for marines and tanks. The new Bobcat walker and Cougar tank acted as the bulwark of the ring, ditches dug to hide exposed legs and cabins, while the marines set up fortified Warthog blaster cannon nests that would allow them to keep crossing lines of fire.

All of this had been dug ahead of time, and now was the day of the assault. Onboard the Celestial City, Gress had gone over the plans four times now, and still he felt a little antsy about it. His unit had never seen real combat, and yet he had drilled them about as hard he one could without crossing boundaries, and probably had a few times. Maybe he was stressing over nothing.

As he looked over the plans once more, he knew it was only a matter of Baptism by Fire.

He let out one last sigh, before he boarded the Roc, letting his men prove themselves once and for all.

OOC Defensive Description:
Outer Most Ring: Marines and Light Tanks/Walkers
Second Ring: Heavy Walkers and Tanks + Support Companies + Heavy Pillboxes
Inner Most Ring: Sphinx Siege Walker, Lynx APC with Anti-air turrets equipped, Screaming Falcon Arty Walker
Rock and Roll MotherFluffers



Location: Yavin IV
Objective: Killin' Zambies and Sith
Tag: Annika Starfire Annika Starfire

Any sane soldier would be wielding something. Not Nir. He didn't seem to even bother with a lightsaber, instead walking out into the field unarmed. The moment the zombies came though, firing blinding at the men he had been tasked with protecting, a saber appeared in a flash of light into his right hand. Blue in color, Nir got to work deflecting bolts as fast as he could. The wind began to stir as the saber pinged blaster bolts off it, a slow rhythm ringing through the jungle as the boy approached the horde, coming from the saber. Just as the first zombie approached him, another flash of light, and the blade was replaced with a blaster, a flurry of stun rounds firing at the zombie, stopping him just long enough for Nir to summon his blade once more, slashing the zombie in half.

Without a master, Nir had spent the last 6 months doing pretty much nothing more than combat drills. He hoped it would pay off. At the very least, he felt at home in the jungle.




It had been a long time since His feet had graced the surface of Yavin IV, that ancient moon filled with so much history. Under the Sith Empire, it had been the headquarters of the Saaraishash; the Empire's own intelligence agency. Before that it was a unremarkable backwater, and it returned to that when the Saaraishash packed up and left. But, the moon still held some grandeur. Weathered limestone formations were scattered out in every direction, spaced amidst a bountiful rainforest with towering trees and thick foliage.

They've moved a carrier to the north pole and dug defensive positions around one of the great temples." The Imperial officer was looking through a modified pair of quadnoculars. The device had been wirelessly rigged to small observation satellites drifting in the planet's lower atmosphere, and through them they could see multiple sites across the globe simultaneously. "Typical forces are being deposited, the landers are encroaching on heavy flak. Atypical commando units are being dispersed as per protocol." The officer pulled the quadnocs away for a moment, blinking as their eyes adjusting to natural light.

Wrapped around their head was a slick black and gold cyborg construct, seamlessly implanted amidst featureless synth-flesh. The officer's eyes looked back and forth as they mumbled indistinctly under their breath. "
Calculations favor optimal parameters, as expected. It does not appear they've spotted this encampment, their comm chatter has not breached irregular rhythms." They turned to look at the towering man only a few meters away, their muscular body clad in black runic armor and draped with a shawl of interlocking metallic scales.

At His side was a small host of winged warriors, all of them female and clad in similar dark armor. The Vorpal Valkyries waited in silence, eager to hear their Lord's commandments and to exercise His will. The Dark Lord of the Sith looked towards the sky, which was distantly marked by the explosions of flak and the splinter-thin shape of transports. "
No, it appears they do not." His voice carried weight, power. His movements were no less authoritative, nothing was done without purpose; every step was meaningful.

He walked to a two and a half meter tall plinth, upon which an orb caked in runic iconography had been set in a half-spherical depression. He placed His hand upon the orb, which lit up at His touch. Beyond that was an arched gateway, large enough for an entire battalion of soldiers to pass through in parade formation. It had been meticulously crafted, slowly assembled over many days and weeks in total silence and secrecy. Now that it had been completed, and the enemy in position, it could finally be utilized.

Dark power flowed from within the Dark Lord and into the orb, which in turn siphoned that power through the plinth, into channels buried beneath the very rock at their feet, and up into the archway. Lightning danced and spiraled within the confines of the archway, taking shape and form until it was a singular mass of swirling chaotic energies. From that chaos emerged the first of the undead, a shambler of grotesque proportions and protruding crystal mass. Then another, and another, and more and more as a thick horde of unthinking creatures began to pour forth like water from a broken pipe. They tumbled over the raised plateau, crashing into the jungle below, but continuing on despite injury.

Darth Carnifex pulled His hand away from the orb slowly, the ritual now self-sustaining. More undead streaked forth, passing to either side of Him like a rushing river. As He walked through the mass, they instinctively avoided Him, flowing around Him before filling the emptiness His passage left. He then stood before the Valkyries, and their leader Darth Pellax. "
My Valkyries, I send you now into battle against the enemy. Ensure that the tide of death does not deviate, it must wash over this world and consume all therein. Darth Pellax, tip of the spear, you shall lead the vanguard. Bring me their weapons."

With those orders given, the Dark Lord again moved. His son was nearby, the Wolf Prince, and the woman he'd taken for his own. "
I sense the strands of fate bending, curling towards a focus point. We shall investigate and see what is uncovered." Carnifex smiled toothily, a hungry predator ready to be set loose.


Lord Blepharon the Complacent

Objective II - Celanon

There had been little discussion amongst the Sith Order when the vision to use an undead horde from Odacer-Faustin was first proposed, as such a threat would surely overwhelm the nearby sectors and systems in order to add them into their growing dominion across the stars. Naturally their plan had provoked a full response force from the Galactic Alliance and the Knights of the New Jedi Order as starships and troop transports touched down on two vital systems.

The Planet of Yavin IV and the Planet of Celanon, each of them if conquered would prove a suitable fortress for further campaigns but they would not be easy to capture even with the assistance of an undead army.

The sheer amount of resistance reported was
overwhelming to say the least to all but the most calculated of tactical minds, most had assumed that the Alliance was bogged down with the Mandalorian Wars and could not afford to send even a sizeable force anywhere else without jeopardizing the security of the Core Worlds and the Galactic Capital of Coruscant.

The Sith-Imperial Banker had predicted such an unlikely scenario and was dispatched to the system of Celanon to led a force of undead in the capture of the Main City that dominated the landscape.

While the World of Yavin IV was jungle and mostly
uninhabited, Celanon City was ripe for the taking and could add to the growing horde. A thousand calculations ran through the mind of the Givin as hollow eye sockets glanced down at the settlement from high above on a nearby cliff. Taking a moment to take in the city architecture and layout by sending Sith Trooper scouts ahead of the main army, a crude map and holographic image was the only option available to the invasion operation.

"Advance all forward companies, we need to take the city before more reinforcements arrive."

The command was given as the undead moved towards the city itself to engage the nearby native defenders.

Meanwhile the Givin himself would be on top of a Ungrum-Class Mobile Fortress as it advanced very slowly down the hillsides.

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Obj: 1 Yavin IV
Location: Circling the Air above the battlefield
Tags: Gress D'ran Gress D'ran Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Lina Zambrano Lina Zambrano Sarlow Zambrano Sarlow Zambrano Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka Teresa Pelles | Darth Pellax Teresa Pelles | Darth Pellax
Equipment: : Varos Cloak and mask, Three Rhak Skuri Gas cannisters, Kits Yelp Bracer(With ten extra belts), his personal lightsaber, three EMP grenades, two frag grenades, Shadow Fox Amulet, VSF Fennec, Ravenwing Pack

It was a lurch in his gut, strong and powerful. It was a feeling he missed. Mandalorians were fine foes, but nothing compared to the ancestral enemy, the people that had tried to taint his soul and had destroyed the galaxy with every resurgence. The force had called him once more to fight the sith. His tail flicked in anticipation and his grin was wide enough to reveal the pointed fangs of his race. "Boss? You okay? You look like you've spotted a fat arlusk." Garlan for his part, was inspecting his wild dog launcher as he listened to various battle ready reports streaming into his ears.

"Do you have any idea how long its been since I fought the sith at a major battle? I'm not talking some border skirmish in the forest. A real battle, defending fortifications and charging into the heart of darkness." The excitement in Vulpesen's voice was palpable, like that of a pup on life day eve.

"Right. Listen boss, I'm barely paid enough to fight zombies. Now you want me to fight the walking thunderstorms with red glowsticks?"

The valde leaned forward to peer out the viewport of the ship studying the lay of the battlefield. "I'm seeing a lovely little trench line you can help shore up."

"I'll do that. Have fun boss, call if you need help!" He clicked on his com system, barking his orders to the rest of the Valde's company. [Trident! We're joining the Hellstompers! Trident Actual to Hellstomper command, if you need a QRF, you've got it. Trident company stands ready to move where you need us!]


Youthful joy now filled the flowery garden of the King and his Queen as children and grandchildren had come to stay for the Midsummer Grand Festival, the most celebrated holiday of all within Valkyri culture. On a planet so utterly ruled by the harshest winter imaginable, these precious few weeks of green and relative warmth each year were considered a blessing from the Sun God Himself. Too long had the lodge of Heavenshield stood without children’s laughter so intricate to the patriarch’s very essence, applauding as his grandson Thyri demonstrated his burgeoning archery skills. At his side was his lifelong companion and partner, so beautiful and gracefully aged in appearance that she appeared to him to have remained frozen in time these last decades.

Time itself, it seemed to him, had slowed to a noticeable crawl. Voices and laughter turned into faint echoes.

There stood Uncle Bors, hunched over as he offered instructions to the lad in between arrows fired, some of which seemed to aid him in his endeavour more than others. Thurion saw the next arrow hit the bullseye, prompting a roar of excitement and cheer from the family. He watched his wife stride forth to embrace her grandson, but it was all a blur to the High King as if it were a cherished dream or memory.

Then he heard it. A lone horn sounded in the distance, yet it only drew his attention. It was joined by another, and then another, until a whole choir of horns beckoned. They were summoning him, and him alone. Taking one last look at his family and the pride and joy they instilled in him, the King turned away to stride towards the clarion call. Strong winds howled as snow fell from a cloudless sky, wrapping themselves around him while leaving no traces on the world around him. Onwards he walked as the familiar turned into a wintry path through a snow-covered forest, feeling the sheer power of the Force at work. He followed a light at the end of the road, gleaming with gold, and as the horns kept blasting in the distance, he recognised them. He was being summoned to war.

His stride increased, eventually turning into a sprint as he sought the light at the end, invigorated by the call to arms he alone must heed. Spirits stalked the woods, observing him from behind the tall white trees, silently urging him ever onwards. Ghosts of the Force, once cruelly imprisoned within the dreaded blade of Derriphan and recently freed by the hand of Thurion, had come to bid their champion to do battle with the Black Iron Tyrant once more.

To Thurion, this was a chance to atone for his failure to lay the Great Enemy low.

Yavin IV

Thurion threw himself into the golden light, his purpose now clear. The wintry forest faded, replaced with a green jungle as Yavin IV presented itself. There he strode forth, appearing like a legend of old bathed in golden light, bedecked in royal panoply while gripping his sword in his right and with his shield strapped to his left. Distant horns announced his arrival, the same ones beckoning him to begin with, as snowflakes whirled in the air where he’d appeared - the first to ever grace the jungle-covered moon.

The Lion had taken the field, the resplendence of his arrival alone causing the nearby undead to burst into white flames and turn into ashen husks upon the jungle floor. With a wide-swinging arc of his sword, Anarion cut a clean swathe through the enemy horde even as more filled their ranks. A Force-imbued shield bash sent scores crashing through the trees as little more than ripped flesh and broken bone.


Objective II
Location: Streets of Celanon

Marcus had by now developed a healthy dislike of zombies. They had their uses, sure, but for the most part he found them to be a nuisance.

They swarmed ahead of him as he stepped off the shuttle, gurgling and lurching around the city. Seeking living flesh to devour, they terrorized the civilian population. Marcus sighed. Who were the Sith going to rule over, if they killed or zombified all the people on the planets they conquered? Zombies were no fun to boss around. They just did whatever you told them to.

A local militia force made up of members of the Celanon Organized Protectorate and trained and armed Nalroni citizens began firing upon the Sith, steadfastly defending their world. Taking cover behind a stone wall, Marcus dominated the maggot-filled minds of a nearby group of ghouls, directing them to target the fighters. They descended upon the militia en masse, ripping and tearing and biting. As their screams filled the night air, Marcus left cover and walked at an almost casual pace past them. He had no particular goal in mind, save find ways to stave off boredom.

Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge


Objective: Scourge Celanon
Equipment: Lightsaber, Sword, Dagger, Robes
Tags: Open!

Shuttles streamed alongside the first wave of drop pods towards one of Celanon's famous cities, one that held quite the population within its neon streets. Normally Darth Strosius was not one for playing along with Kainite plots such as this army of the undead, but even he had to admit that it was quite ingenious at its core. An army that could recruit from its enemies, tireless and without the need for supply, sent to overwhelm populated worlds and break down stalwart defenses under sheer weight of numbers. A shame that it was being wasted with such a simple path of destruction when the Core Worlds themselves could be put under siege by the threat if it were more subtle.

If reports were to be believed then they'd have to deal with Jedi regardless after all. "They really can't help pretending to care do they?" The masked man mused as he observed some of the evacuation efforts from his shuttle's viewport. "Any excuse to get in the way of the Sith I suppose." He muttered with a sigh before nodding to one of the recently evacuated plaza areas, the pilot veering in that direction and making the rest of the shuttles follow suit. "Set us down there, I'd rather not be swamped in the hordes right out the gate."

"Of course my lord." Darth Strosius unhooked himself from his seat and made his way to the rear of the shuttle, passing by his troopers as they did their last checks over their equipment before the landing began. :"Remember my faithful, we're here for one reason and one reason only. To slay any Jedi or distinct resistance points that we find. Leave the rest to the undead.": He spoke into his commlink as the shuttle's ramp lowered right before the ship itself touched the ground, providing a perfect view as the first drop pods full of the undead hit the streets and buildings of the city.

We will either find a way, or make one.
An eye for an eye only ends with the whole world blind.

[Any text in brackets signifies comm-link usage and not face to face conversation]
SECTOR: Yavin IV Obj I
MISSION: Defend Defend Defend
TAGS - ALLIES: Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield | Vulpesen Vulpesen | Nir Si Nir Si | @Gress D’ran
TAGS - FOES: Darth Amarok Darth Amarok

Objective I - Yavin IV

Connel had his ship on the carrier, but chose to ride down with the Forces setting up to defend the planet Yavin. The Sith were said to be attacking several sectors, and this is where the Force was calling him to go to. He had his choice of assignments as the New Jedi Order was going to be spread out, almost too thin in this case. As everyone offloaded from the transports, there were several Jedi who were already off and on their assigned positioning and missions. Connel was going to hang back for a moment or two to ensure that the walkers and tanks were in place.

“Probe Droid!” Shouted one of the scouts.

As several sharpshooters got into position, all they would see through their scopes was the floating droid shake, crinkle, and crumple until it was nothing more than a ball and fell to the ground. Connel was just a little bit faster. He had no time to look around and marvel at this history behind the planet, Connel had the Force calling him out further.

The Dark Side had always been said to permeate the planet, but this was different. There was not some flooded feeling, but several distinct points that he was feeling out there. Almost like waypoints on a map. Most of them were gathered, but there was one specific one that was moving, moving in a dangerous manner that needed to be intercepted. Vanagor was not strong enough to go with Master Heavenshield (“Uncle Thurion”) or Vulpesen, but he could intercept this presence.

This was almost calling to him specifically, almost daring him. Every instinct was telling Connel that this was a trap, but his conscience would not let him stand idly by and not seek this darkness out and shine the light on it.

Heading out to find the source of the Dark Presence.
Obj: 2 Celanon - PVE!
Location: In the thick of things
Equipment: : Lightsaber and Blaster

This was far from anything Shan had expected. Undead Ghouls didn't exactly react the way someone would expect a person to react to being shot or slashed at with a lightsaber. Of course, that was to Shan's benefit. He didn't like the concept of hurting living beings that could feel pain or emotions. But luckily, the Padawan didn't have that issue with the undead. There was something that felt revolting about raising his blaster and firing off lethal shots but he just had to remind himself. These creatures were already dead. If anything, he was putting them to peace. Even if a part of Shan did feel like that was a terrible excuse to justify himself.

Of course, he couldn't just stay in one position as the Mirialan ran through the streets. It felt like home. It looked like home, but it certainly did not sound like home nor smell like it. The stench of the fiends was strong in the air. Shan had dealt with worse smells at the end of the day though. He wasn't the best cook at the end of the day.

The city was already in chaos from the onslaught. Civilians seeing their loved ones being devoured, militia members being torn apart. There was only so much Shan would be able to do but he was going to do it all the same. For now, he was sticking to his blaster as he fired various crimson bolts around him, trying to make a small dent in the horde. It was better for him to stay on the move than to stay with a group of civilians or the militia. They'd just be painting a target on their back, whereas at least this way, he could keep their focus on him whilst he kept moving. Climbing, clambering or leaping over what he could to keep the ghouls on him.
will you sink down to me?

Damsy sat on the rooftop, cradling her inactivated trident-saber and kindling rage. In certain ways, she was undoubtedly Sith: a bled kyber crystal and unbridled anger. What was different about her, however, that went deeper than her propensity to wear blue as she did now, was her hesitance to use either.

"This is fethed," she sighed, not purposely addressing her brother not asking for further comment, though what she said next did. "I was all riled up on the ride over, an'-an' I still am, but I dunno if I can do this."

Both the cityscape and circumstances reminded her of Atrisia in their own ways. She had been infected with the Blackwing virus then and left for dead, not that she blamed any of her then-comrades for doing it. No one could have known that she had survived, changed in skin and sensitivity. She still didn't exactly understand it, but what happened had something to do with how the Sith Alchemy used to synthesize the pathogen had interacted with the Sith Alchemy used to synthesize her DNA. The result was a new face—her current one—and a Darkness that she knew had begotten her but had never before felt.

It had been scary for a long time. It would never stop being scary no matter how much control of herself she amassed. Parts of her yearned for the old version of Damsy Callat.

"Sorry to drag you out here, cos."

Cordelia 'Cori' Eldoris Cordelia 'Cori' Eldoris Rann Thress Rann Thress
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S I T H _ O R D E R



T H E _ C H A I N S A W



The Starfortress hung in the far upper exosphere of Celanon, just enough to gently glide through space with the assistance of the planet’s own rotation. Through the main viewport, Andragnath saw Sith Order starfighters dancing with the GADF’s dogged response. Laserbolts boomed through the darkness of space, streaks of light against the void, before slamming into hunks of durasteel and sending them spiraling into conflagrations of plasma and flame. The debris kept their propulsion into the endless night. Forgotten by their hunters as they broke off to engage the various other bandits bound to be aliting their sensors.

The silence of exobattles unnerved Adragnath. Conflict within atmosphere sounded like something- there was weight and viscera to the searing of flesh and soulslaying, there was substance to the murder- enough to remind you what you were engaging in. Dogfighting was clinical, and the wailing of battleships even more so. Salvos of turbolasers slamming into shields, occasionally there would be a breach and a handful of shots would score home. Untold hundreds meeting their demise on the whims of a droid assisted calculation.

A statistic.

She held a can of fizzyglug in her hand as she stood from her captain’s seat and moved through the hallways of the ship. Thankfully, she thought as she knocked back another sip of the cola, the planetary defense cannons and invading forces had more concerning things than an ancient, low powered, bomber hanging in the atmosphere. Another swig of the drink, she stood there in the moment, a hand on the ladder leading down to the bomb-bay. She savored the taste of the cola on her tongue. The bubbling of the drink. The sharp acidic tang. Sugar, way too much sugar, but that was why she drank it to begin with. Her sweettooth would kill her one day.

It was more dangerous than any lightsaber or blaster.

She crushed the can and tossed it off into an ever growing pile in the corner of the room. She should clean that one day.

She descended down the bomb-bay. No longer intended to jettison munitions onto a target, it had been modified to carry a two-way transit evacpod- allowing the Starfortress to remain in orbit as she operated on planets below.

She spared a look down at the planet.

“The Sith are loud.” She spoke to herself.

Gathering herself, she popped the hatch on the evacpod and found home in the cockpit.

Three, two, one…

The tethers released, and the artificial gravity of the podbay sent her plummeting down to the world below.
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Trade Consortium
Objective II | Interacting with Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell


To anyone else, Myra indicated outwardly cordial calm and pleasant consideration. On the inside, however, Myra told herself she just had to remember to breathe and the pitch. The illusion of a steady businesswoman she gave was merely the careful creation of Saffron's persistent Companion training.

She was seated, leaning forward, elbows on the table, fingerpads steepled lightly together as she considered the concerns by the Celanon officials regarding security and the potential use of their trade traffic for terrorists.

Myra's burnished mahogany hair was gently combed back away from her face, elegantly highlighted with just the right amount of makeup to enhance the natural beauty of her wide gray eyes, alabaster skin, and coral lips. She wore a chic navy blue button-up dress, the collars perfectly pressed to frame the modest button-up bodice and a-line skirt that enhanced her willowy frame. Short heels of the same hue and the young woman radiated every inch of a conglomerate trade business heiress.

"Security is understandably a concern," Myra began, her head slightly canting to the right to offer a nod of seeming understanding.

"However, MaraTibx is connected to the vast intergalactic network of Arceneau Trade Company. I believe, gentlebeings, that our reputation for the last four decades speaks for itself in regards to neutrality, working amicably across several factions, and maintaining any infractions or potential threats with the utmost care and a rapid response. We will also be willing to allow sector authorities in the trade station to monitor for concerns. Still, I insist that our internal security through Arceneau Trade and Saeva is the final determination for handling disputes. " The last thing they needed was a severe inspection audit that was processed on the willy nilly.

"Ensuring the safety of Celanon is a fair request; potentially stalling our trade network and flow for overzealous inspections is not. " glancing down at the datapad on the table, a lone finger came down and gave a quick swipe motion to submit the statistics world economies similar to Celanon. The holographic screen provided detailed databased metrics and analysis of a boost of the economy after the arrival of an Arceneau Trade Station or any of its affiliates compared to before. Vast numbers of credits are pouring in, not just from travelers looking for another ATC station but also from the job security of an influx of jobs that will be needed in construction, maintenance, and overall daily needs.

"As you can see, similar guidelines allowed these worlds a substantial economic increase. Not only through the station but the connections and networking, it would allow for other like-minded companies to piggyback on our offices and open satellite offices. Imagine the crime rate that would decrease with increased security, ensuring no harm to MaraTibx or Salacia employees and assets."

The officials were peered at one another, murmuring low. Seeing a few nods, Myra gave an internal sigh of relief. It wasn't set in stone, but it was a start.

"You do provide valid points, Miz. Arceneau. We will review and get back to --"

At that moment, the doors to the conference chamber suddenly slid open with a distinct hiss. Myra swung her head sharply towards the entrance, confused as El-Three and Thirty-Seven strode over to their direction with undeterred purposes.

"What is the meaning of this?" a cry from one of the officials came, the rest titering in confusion.

"El-Three, what is going --"

[ We must evacuate the premises immediately. ] El-Three cut Myra off - he never did that - walking past Makai towards her chair while Thirty-Seven stopped beside Makai. It was good that the heiress had swung her seat towards the protocol droid as he quickly took her hand and brought her to her feet.

At that moment, the terrifying blast of warning klaxons surged through the building.

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Master Zark opened his eyes.

A disturbance in the Force intruded upon meditation. Duraplast armor scraped against ancient stone when the old Jedi stood causing echoes throughout these sacred grounds. Temples built by massassi hands yet defiled and reconsecrated many times during the crusades. He felt close to the Force here like he could almost touch fallen comrades. Lingering a few moments San Tekka kissed his crossguard lightsaber while murmuring benedictions.

When he emerged from the ruin an X-Wing buzzed low over the Alliance encampment. Two columns of marines in full kit marched past double time while others ranged on patrol. Zark marched under a starbird flag towards the motor pool. Repulsor engines whined loud enough that the Jedi Master needed to shout.

"I need to borrow one of your mounts!" he pointed, "Jedi business!"

Zark swung his leg over the bike and revved its throttle. He took a few seconds to familiarize himself with the controls before kicking it into high acceleration and tearing off into the jungle.


Dense terrain hurtled past the Jedi Master at terrifying speeds. On his flanks a squad of marines riding the same kind of speeder bike were fanned out. He'd almost given up on the feeling and turned back when a golden beacon flared not far from their position. Weaving aside of a fallen tree just in time, Zark altered course to intercept.

Cobalt plasma burned into the brand of a blade. The Jedi Master held his lightsaber aloft in a signal to charge. It descended upon withered flesh, cutting down the walking dead while they surged at the Heavenshield in another grisly tide of rotting bones.

Objective II
Outside the City Spaceport

They looked professional.

And they were.

Elite planetary security. Arrayed in dark armor and carrying deadly blasters. They were rapid-fire, high-power models. Denn didn't know the model name. He didn't need to. He knew war weapons when he saw them, though he wished deeply that he did not.

Jedi were never meant to be warriors. He was sure of that. And yet they were.

An arm of the Galactic Alliance military, though they would quickly protest otherwise. They were peacekeepers. Defenders. Allies and partners to the GA, but not military members.

And yet every war, time and again, the Jedi were at the front lines.

A mysterious place for civilian peacekeepers to be.

But the Jedi weren't civilians, despite insisting that they were not in the military.

They were Knights. They'd chosen the moniker of the warrior, and served the role of the warrior.

Even the Consulars were Knights. Even the Consulars went to war.

And so Denn Verdan was here, standing in the streets near the spaceport, tasked with keeping the final escape open for the population of the city.

He was a Healer. But like all Jedi, he carried a sword.

At least today his role was unambiguously necessary. You could not negotiate with a zombie. You could not reason with a half-living horde. Denn wanted to believe that the people in thrall to this strange perversion of life could be freed from it, but he did not know how it might be done.

Well... he knew one way.

"You ever fight these things before?" Captain Nemorra asked. His accent was thick, his words modulated by his helmet.

Denn shook his head, "Not personally. But the Jedi have had the misfortune of encountering them with increasing frequency of late. I've been briefed on how to stop them."

"How's that, then," Nemorra asked.

"The nervous system can be destroyed at its source," Denn said, "or the body can be so heavily damaged that it cannot continue effectively."

"So... shoot it a lot," Nemorra asked.

Denn nodded, "Shoot it a lot. Hopefully, the perimeter team will hold. If not, we must hold them here. Should the spaceport fall, evacuation will become next to impossible for much of the city and outlying provinces."

"We know the stakes better than you do," Nemorra said gruffly.

Denn nodded, "Of course you do. I did not mean to imply otherwise. Rest assured, I will stand on this line alongside you all, for as long as it takes."

Nemorra's face couldn't be discerned with his helmet on, but he nodded back. "Having a Jedi on the line with us means a lot to the squad."

Denn smiled a bit sadly, then turned his attention to the perimeter.

Shots were already being fired at the outer walls of the city.

The hordes had arrived.
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Objective I - Yavin IV

Something was drawing Darth Amarok here to Yavin IV. What, he did not yet know. But it was there, like an itch that wouldn't subside. He had asked Lady Venge to accompany him, but she had politely refused, stating that a persistent vision had revealed to her that Darth Empyrean and the Emperor's Wrath, Gerwald Lechner would be there. As far as Venge knew, she was still a marked woman, for having insulted Empyrean, and the Emperor's Wrath still had his orders to deal with her.

"You cannot hide from them forever, Venge," Darth Amarok informed her. "Sooner or later, the past catches up to you. It always does."

"I'll face them when I am good and ready," Venge had answered. "I will not be caught in a situation that favors the outcome they desire."

Taking his leave of Lady Venge, who had graciously loaned him the use of her ship, the Punworcca 116-class interstellar sloop known as The Dark Embrace, Darth Amarok traveled to Yavin IV in order to discover what was drawing him there.
Reflecting on what bit he knew of Yavin IV, Darth Amarok recalled that the mighty Sith Lord Naga Sadow, had subjugated the native Massassi. The Massassi, despite Sadow's mistreatment of them, revered him as a god, and erected massive temples to him and the Sith on the jungle world before ultimately going extinct millenia before the Battle Of Yavin.

Arriving on Yavin IV, Amarok discovered that the Sith Order was preparing some sort of an invasion with legions of undead soldiers. So be it, he would lend his assistance to the Order in any way he could.

"This would be right up milady's alley, her being a Sorcerer and alchemist," he mused to himself. "Pity that her dread of Empyrean and The Emperor's Wrath kept her from accompanying me."

Lady Venge and her problems with the Sith hierarchy was an issue for another time, Amarok decided at last. He wanted to find out why he felt compelled to be here in this place, at this very instant.

TAG- Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor

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