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Approved NPC Gabe Hartman

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  • Intent: To bring another satirical face to the streets of Coruscant
  • ​Image Credit: FanPop
  • Role: Police Sergeant
  • Links: N/A
  • Age: 38
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User
  • Species: Human
  • Appearance: Hartman is a mustachioed officer of the law, towering over many of his peers. As he works in a more aquatic environment, both him and other officers in marine units are permitted special uniform alterations, which promote ease of movement, ventilation, and faster drying than conventional uniforms one would wear on the street.
  • Name: Gabe Hartman
  • Loyalties: Coruscant Security Force
  • Wealth: Hartman makes the average salary of a police sergeant. He is a more frivolous spender though and exhibits less restraint when shopping. His most notable purchase is the same that landed him in considerable debt: a pair of genuine Calibop boots.
  • Notable Possessions: Genuine Calibop boots
  • Skills: Hartman's command is largely hands off, entrusting his subordinates to do their job. Many suspect it's because he's more disinterested than trusting, a theory shared by his superiors which has inhibited his professional growth.
  • Personality: Hartman is a numbers guy. He's no mathematician, but his sole goal in his precinct is reducing crime numbers. How it is done, he doesn't care, as long as it's done. Officers under his command enjoy the freedom, while others hold his blatant disregard for police procedure in low regard.
  • Weapon of Choice: N/A
  • Combat Function: Gabe's sole purpose in a combat scenario is disseminating information to those under his command. Though found not guilty in a civilian tribunal, an internal investigation revealed that he had used his service weapon negligently when at a casino in the Uscru Entertainment District. While he was allowed to keep his job, he is no longer permitted to handle weapons while in uniform or on the job.
SGT Gabe Hartman began service with the Coruscant Security Force at the rank of Probationary Peace Officer (PPO). After eight months of training, SGT Hartman graduated from the academy and was promoted to the rank of Police Constable (PC), and received a corresponding pay grade increase.

He served four years in the Industrial Precinct as a constable, specializing in customs and immigration. He was responsible for the inspection of imported goods and routine immigration checkpoints, as well as spaceport security.

He was then transferred to the Fosobi Precinct, where he served as a Vessel Commander for the precinct's Marine Patrol Detachment. He leads a ship and frequently participates in search-and-rescue operations, as well as auxiliary support for public events.
[member="Feeto Chivaro"]

It is suitable for my intended purpose. As an officer in a marine unit, he works in an aquatic environment in which swimwear would be an appropriate part of the uniform. I've edited the Appearance field to better convey the appropriateness of the uniform alterations.
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