Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Gabe's place for things...


Name: Katarn's Homestead (Refurbished)

Classification: Farm/Home

Location: Located on an open rolling field of plains and small hills. The homestead itself rests on the peak of a small hill, allowing 360 degree view of the surrounding area. Surrounding land use is entirely devoted to agriculture, though up until recently, the land was not viable due to failure of the aquaducts.

Affiliation: Currently owned by Gabriel Sionoma, given to him for services rendered to the local law enforcement on the moon of Sulon. Property is thus affiliated with the Galactic Alliance.

Description: The Katarn Homestead existed once as a humble and meager farm for the Katarn family. However, as the structure changed hands, wading between foreclosures and absentee ownership, the homestead fell nearly into ruin while being obtained by the authorities. Ownership transferred to the bank, it was given to Gabriel Sionoma as a means of payment for future services and assistance with local law enforcement.

The structure of the homestead, after removal of overgrown vegetation and vines, was restored to resembled a rustic villa style. This includes the use of natural stone (sandstone, slate, limestone, granite, travertine) for overall construction. Wiring was entirely refurbished, internal piping corroded and repaired with copper replacement, and every room was restored with care.

The house itself comes with a good deal of rooms, meant to house a rather large family or even numerous families. The kitchen and the family room exist above ground, in multiple iterations (2 kitches, 3 family rooms), that allow for proper socialization as well as cooking and preparation of food. The house is powered by fuel, delivered from fuel city, and heating is mostly natural gas and supplemented by wood burning fire places.

Tunnels beneath the house, leading out into the hill side, were renovated to included multiple tactical structures. This includes a communication room, supplemented with a holo wall, and an armory. Both facilities were provided for by the Galactic Alliance and equipment were provided by local law enforcement. The communication room is capable of allowing communication across the galaxy, holonet connections, and simulations of planets (comes standard with real time experiences of Arkania, Mirial, and Kiffu).

Outside facilities include a patio, constructed in the same manner as the house with additional cooking amenities. As well as this, a therapeutic sand garden exists on the southern facing side of the house, allowing for early morning activities. Adjacent to the house, but in a separate facility, a state of the art training facility allows for physical therapy, fitness, and combat training, which can include the use of weapons. Fitness facility comes with a standard medical bay.

Extending out as far as the eye can see, the property comes with over 1000 acres of unused fields and timber woods. On the back lot, as the woods push into a canyon, a Tap Tree runs water to the fields and house. Duracrete ducts were repaired, with the assistance of local businesses, to re-instate water supply to the Homestead.

While the house appears as a homestead, equipped with art and decorations resembling a marriage of Mirialan, Arkanian, and Kiffar heritage, the house is built with numerous safety devices. This includes motion sensors on property, cameras and recordings that link back to the communication room, as well as evacuation tunnels beneath the house and an emergency shuttle. The house comes equipped with multiple speeders for transport back and forth to the major cities.

History: The Katarn Homestead has a history spanning back to the original Katarn Family, 1 BBY. Over the many centuries, the location has been owned by numerous families and entities who have either had to foreclose upon the location or have died in ownership, without any proper heir. The property was offered to Gabriel, prior to leaving the academy of Sullust, by the local banking entities in Baron's Hed in return for assistance to law enforcement in dealing with special cases. Due to his more meager means, any equipment that couldn't be provided by the Galactic Alliance was obtained through a bartering of services or agricultural leans from local distributors. Repairs to the homestead were excessive, including complete gutting of inner piping and wires, rebuilding of new rooms and reconstruction of facilities, as well as foundation repair. On top of this, subterranean water ways had worn down or been disrupted by vegetation growth, requiring complete re-installation to the Tap Tree.

Intent: To provide a home for Gabriel's children, Destin and Armaud. Along with this, will provide a location for the adoptive parents to care for the children and allow for the raising of the children in a relatively non violent area. Should Sullust ever be attacked, as it's the capital of the Galactic Alliance, the slightly removed location will allow for additional time for evacuation.

Links (Please use hoverzoom for ease of viewing imagery):

-Sand Garden
-Training Facility
-Communication Room, comes with a working full spectrum Holo Wall
-Family Room

Intent: To create a unique lightsaber for Chevu Visz

Development Thread (s):
For Lightsaber construction: If needed
For Obtainment of VT-Disruptor Lens: A piece of this puzzle.

Manufacturer: Gabriel Sionoma [[member="The Revenant"]]

Model: The Forelorn Hope - separates into Ardor and Gelu

Affiliation: Chevu Visz, Galactic Alliance

Modularity: N/a

Production: Unique

- Refined blackened Turadium
- Lightsaber components
- VT-Disruptor Lens (2)
- Lava Crystal
- Permafrost Crystal

Classification: Double Bladed Lightsaber

Size: One handed dual wielding, or two handed.

Length: Hilt is 48 cms, each blade is 80 cm. Total length is 208 cm

Weight: 1 kg

Special Features:
-Built without Dimetris circuits within the activation loop
-Internal components sealed with gaskets for improved water resistance, allowing use even under water.
-Blade Power Adjustment Knob - Ardor and Gelu both have separate knobs
-Discharge Energy Cells - Used primarily in Ardor to help contain the blade, though can be utilized in Gelu to enhance powerful strikes.
-Adjoining tongue and groove coupling allows quick disconnect of Ardor and Gelu, in the case of Jar'kai.
-Blade Length adjustment knob, both sabers.
-Dual Phased for a quick shift from two different lengths, both sabers. Can be preset by the wielder.

Description: Gabriel, when given time for his own thoughts on Sulon, set out to create a weapon for Chevu Visz. Prone to bouts of poetic tendencies, he decided to create her weapon that might illustrate the characteristics of their relationship. Taking a lava crystal from Sullust and a permafrost crystal (pillaged from what remained in the Star Viper when he originally arrived at Sullust), he began building a double bladed lightsaber with the intent of capabilities to perform as separate sabers if the desire arises.

He started the process by first contacting Alric Kuhn, in regards to the production of VT-Disruptor Lens. Due to the likelihood that Chevu would fight against the Yuuzhan Vong horde in the near future, this was a requirement of the weapon. After that, he focused on condensing the hilt and removing the susceptibility to cortosis via extraction of Dimetris circuits within the activation loop. On top of this, internal components were locked within conductive gaskets that water sealed the components.

The body hilt itself is composed of refined Turadium, blackened to prevent corrosion, erosion, acid damage, and rust. The parts were fabricated in Barons hed, by a vendor that owed Gabriel a favor. A matter of a daughter being hassled, something Gabriel had swiftly dealt with. The hilt includes symmetrical controls for each beam, including manual blade power adjustment, discharge energy cells, blade length adjustment knobs, and the ability to preset two specific lengths for dual-phase transition in the middle of a fight. The joining hilts have no pommel, and thus no spare battery, and lock together with tongue and groove slides. As such, maintenance is required to keep the ends clean or the hilts could stick together, preventing separation. The hilt comes with a standard set of activator switches which can be pressed physically, locked in place, or manipulated via the force.

The most impressive characteristics of the saber are the varying color of the two beams. Due to the difference in the crystals, Ardor glows with the characteristics of molten lava. Gelu glows a frosty blue and is tuned specifically to the force signature of Chevu Visz.

With the exception of the inclusion of the VT-Disruptor Lens and the removal of the dimetris circuits in the activation loop, the lightsaber is inherently standard in all but cosmetics. In many schools of thought, the saber staff is a weakened weapon, compared to the standard counterpart, as the use requires excess energy and reduced efficacy, especially against single opponents. While the interlocking component and ability to separate may mitigate this, the fact remains that the utilization requires extra training and experience. It's simply not a weapon that can be picked up and used without previous experience, even by those experienced with a standard lightsaber.

Primary Source: N/a

Intent: A set of rings (5) created for Gabriel Sionoma for his family/friends

Development Thread: Soon

Manufacturer: Gabriel Sionoma [[member="The Revenant"]]

Model: Annulum Ignis

Affiliation: Closed (Given only by Gabriel Sionoma)

Modularity: No

Production: Semi-Unique (5)

- Outer band: 40% Turadium, 40% Meteorite, 20% coarse Kasha shards (tuned)
- Inner band: 18 k gold
- Gem: Small Heart of Fire

Description: Given to an abundance of time, Gabriel has learned to dive deep into idle tasks. Especially when passing time between fights, prone to serious injury, idle tasks provide him their own form of therapy. In seeking of therapy, as well as acquiring a cache of ores and stones from a recent venture off planet, Gabriel began working on a new craft. Alongside building and fabricating lightsabers, he began to reach into the concept of jewelry crafting and gemology. Within the particular cache, among other stones, was a plate of Kasha and multiple "Heart of Fire" gem. So he began his work.

The first step was to fabricate the inner band. This was when he took to holonet for ordering of a particular grade of gold. First he looked for gold ingots from Arkania. Given the desire to always tie things back to something meaningful, that was his first leaning. However, after seeing a listing for gold from Mirial, he made the order and charged it to the precinct. The intent of the rings, specifically when he used them, would help to improve his efficacy, especially in hostile situations. He was sure someone owed him anyway. Within the cache, however, there was a large piece of meteorite. With an abundance of Turadium, he had the established setting for the ring.

Combining equal parts Turadium with Meteorite Gibeon in a crucible, he had the base for the outer band. Using the force to tune the Kasha shards to carry the natural properties of the original lightsaber crystal, he set the shards atop the outer band material and super heated it. Allowing for natural convection mixing, the mold was cast and the bands were set against the inner band of 18 karat gold. Thus, allowing the use of precious metals while also producing a ring with exceptional durability inherent in typical Turadium.

The stone placed in the dimpled setting of the ring is the Heart of Fire, a stone naturally formed on Kiffu. With the force, he transplanted into the stones thoughts of snow falling in Arkania. Something the wearers can access with the use of psychometry. Before setting the stone, and before the Turadium alloy was cooled, the Adasca family crest was etched into the surface. Thus, if someone were to inspect the stone closely, they might see the semblance of the crest beneath.The outer band has been treated with drying alcohol and permanently sealed with a form of oil, preventing corrosion or rust due to salt or high humidity. However, care is still needed to prevent the need for a wire brush and intense elbow grease.

Due to the nature of the Kasha crystal, and thus shards, the ring has a mild ability to improve the thoughtfulness of the wearer. In the moments of distress, they might find that their thoughts are clearer than normal and that they can address a situation objectively, somewhat free of emotion.

Primary Source: N/a
[member="The Revenant"] - DO I get one, Dad? Y'know... Since you kinda missed every birthday and destroyed my family and life and drove me into a psychotic break to where I had to go hide on Yavin IV in seclusion?

Intent: To create a unique ring, assisting with offsetting the potential for darkside corruption.

Development Thread: If needed

Manufacturer: Gabriel Sionoma [[member="The Revenant"]]

Model: Ring of Kiidk'yaas

Affiliation: Galactic Alliance

Modularity: No

Production: Unique

- Outer band: 45% Steelstone (for texture), 55% Turadium (for strength and endurance)
- Inner band: Ankarres Wood

Description: Provided to Gabriel Sionoma, pro bono for a benevolent cause, Ankarres wood is the major and significant component of this ring. Taking several days to simply watch the wood, to understand it, Gabriel immediately understood the complexity of the material, the power that lied beneath the grain, and the respect it demanded for proper crafting and shaping. Having only just recently taken to the patience and tutelage of Jal Shey imbuement, Gabriel approached this quest as something of a learning process. Having the inability to touch the darkside of the force, and a leveled temper towards things that would tempt corruption, he felt confident in the crafting of this item.

The first step was to simply craft the inner ring of the Ankarres wood. Methodical and patient to a near fault, he carved away a ring, careful to not penetrate inner veins of Kasha stone and other inlaid stones of healing. He did this first with a stamping tool followed by a mending process, somewhere between sanding and carving. Slow and steady won this race, prudence and mindfulness the tool of the trade.

He had never experience the sort of presence that emanated from the wood, particularly in the calling towards healing. Even during the crafting, he felt wounds sustained from Taloraan begin to mend. As he worked on the item, he partook in the ease of the Jal Shey imbuement for this specific substance. His intent to simply create a mindset of perseverance, even in the darkest and gloomy of days. He imparted ideas of hope, temperance and pragmatism, as well as foresight towards the consequences of plummeting into the darkside. He used his experiences, as a portion of the Wrath, as a foil to what could be gained by remaining true and forthright in the allure of the force. That in all things, the lightside would inevitably prevail. It was in this long term stance that immediate improvements in perception could manifest.

His favorite material to work with, for an outerband, is Turadium alloy. This stems from the inherent strength of the alloy along with the simple fact that it's easier to obtain than other, stronger materials. Along with this, it blends nicely into tertiary alloys within crucible. This was especially important for this ring as the Ankarres wood has no inherent strengths, physical, beyond the normal wood. Combining it with almost equal parts stonesteel, he built in the texture via injection of chromium and silver. After creation of the initial billet, the outer band was formed through smithing and folded around the Ankarres wood, which was treated to prevent burning and damage during the setting process.

The ring itself has multiple inherent capabilities, natural inclined from the materials of the Ankarres wood:
- Powdered Kasha stone presents a mindfulness to the wearer, allowing them to objectively approach a situation, even in the midst of battle.
- Ankarres wood acts as a slow healing agent. A small wound that might heal over a week may be expedited towards healing in a matter days.
- Imbuement towards the Ankarres wood equips it with a variant of Curato Salva. This particular subset of the power focuses on mental wellness and stirring motivation and drive to combat the influence of the darkside. While the power isn't enough to deter direct powers, via a Sith, it has enough potency to offset the draw of the darkside that might encumber the use of lightsaber Form VII. It would also assist warriors who feel too strongly towards the call of battle.
- In most cases, the power of the ring isn't obvious. It's meant entirely to react when the wearer needs it most, adding supplemental focus in the time of need, but lying dormant in most other cases.

Primary Source: N/a

Intent: A unique modification to the VT-Jedi Vanguard Armor

Development Thread:
-For Construction: If needed
-For Cortosis Obtainment: Cloudy with a Chance of Sith (The Revenant vs Darth Vornskr)

Manufacturer: Vanir Technologies, [[member="The Revenant"]]

Model: Procursatores Armor

Affiliation: Galactic Alliance

Modularity: N/a

Production: Unique

Material: Shark Skin, Kinetic Impact Gel, Dallorian Alloy Plating, Cortosis

Classification: Multipurpose

Weight: 10 kg

Quality: 9

Special Features:
-VT-Grav Glove
-VT-Shark Skin
-VT-Kinetic Impact Gel
-Jal Shey Imbuement

Description: The Procusatores Armor is largely an aesthetic modification to the original VT-Jedi Vanguard Armor. Finding very little to improve upon the original concept, Gabriel set out to merge the genius of the original concept with the extra bit of oomph that might set it apart from the original design. The first being the addition of Cortosis trim. Along portions of the suit that don't require flexibility, the lightsaber shorting material was molded into the suit concept. Forearms, shins, upper bicep, thigh, abdomen, shoulders, and chest. The cortosis was weaved against the armor in similar construction to lamellar armor, though the material was fastened in a way to be less free hanging while maintaining the desired capacity for movement. Due to Gabriel's experience with combat, particularly in saber combat, he was able to mold the cortosis into the suit efficiently at primary points of contact without weighing down the suit entirely. That being said, the added metal does increase the weight slightly.

Jal Shey imbuement was included in the modification of suit for multiple effects. The first being a capability to withstand the perils of combat, particularly in reference to the hunger for war. As a wearer of the Vanguard armor, it's often implied that the wearer is meant for the brunt of the fight. Charging in, drawing fire with the capabilities of the suit, one must always be weary of the temptations inherent in such combat. As such, the suit illicits an intellectual appeal, a capacity for the wearer to fully understand the benefits of the lightside and the consequences of the darkside. Thus, it allows them to combat their inner turmoil and persist when others, weak of mind, might falter. In the moments were it is needed the most, that is when the Procusatores Armor prevails.

Secondly, the suit has inherent fibers of concentration poured within the plates of dallorian alloy and cortosis. Particularly focused on the piloting of vehicles, be it shuttles or speeders or starfighters, the suit allows the individual to center themselves on the task at hand. Allowing entrance into a cognitive state of meditation, the suit allows the wearer to understand their surroundings and the inclement dangers of their situation. In doing so, a pilot may gain what the laymen might interpret as a high degree of luck. But in the end, it is simply the nature of the suit and the Jal Shey imbuing process.

The suit is powder coated in white and gloss, resistant to damage inherent in the original design plus anti-acid and corrosion. The coloring sets it apart from other suits, a beacon of the lightside and the Galactic Alliance. But such an aesthetic change also draws attention to the wearer, an intended artifact of the modification.

Suggested Pairing: A robe or cloak.

Primary Source: VT-Jedi Vanguard Armor

Intent: To create a unique ring, primary purpose for allowing improved concentration and enhancement of particular latent abilities.

Development Thread:
Development Thread: If needed
Ankarres Wood Obtainment: [x]
Other Materials: [x]

Manufacturer: [member="Gabriel Sionoma"]

Model: Ring of Konshi

Affiliation: Galactic Alliance

Modularity: No

Production: Unique

Band Billet: Turadium (40%), Electrum (25%), Steelstone (25%), Powdered Kasha Stone (10%)
Setting: Electrum
Stone: Foundation disk (Ankarres Wood), Upari Cut Stone, Flame Gem

Description: Following his defeat and crucifixion on Lujo by Darth Vornskr, Gabriel returned to Sulon wounded both physically and mentally. Reminded that idle task, in it's own way, was a substantial form of therapy, Gabriel took to jewel crafting as a past time and means of improving his use of what was fashionably being called lightside alchemy. This, of course, took the form of physical therapy for his ability to regain use of the tendons in the hands and forearms.

While meteorite is often his favored form of material to use for primary banding, particular in constructing jewelry with the intent of imbueing it with his ever increasing mastery of Jal Shey imbuement, he was having difficulty obtaining the proper nugget for billet formation. From his stores, there wasn't quite the proper balance between nickel and iron for formation and crafting. As such, he used metals and jewels that he received from a cache obtained from Ord Vaug.

The first step to this crafting involved creation of a proportional billet, one that aesthetically would meet his satisfaction. Experimenting with multiple sets, he came up with the proportion of 4:2.5:2.5 of turadium, electrum, and steelstone. For the remaining portions, powdered Kasha stone fragments filled the gaps and, in the future, would assist with the calming and focused nature that comes standard with his jewelry. Of course, nothing turns out right the first time, so the billet was formed over-sized to allow for additional cuttings and rollings and restarting when needed. About ten rings later, he crafted what he thought was a suitable piece to meld the electrum setting against.

At the base of the setting, a nearly inconceivably small sample of Ankarres wood was placed and adhered to the metal. Above that, an upari cut stone from Kashyyyk (received through cache and not imbued). Modifying that setting, a sub setting was placed within the inset of the Upari stone composed of electrum and flame gem. The flame gem, of course, provides a natural lighting that resonates around the ring, even glowing in the dark.

The reason for the design of the ring is in part due to the visualization Gabriel requires for embuement. Similar to meteorite gibeon, or other textured styles of forging such as damascus, the rings forged contain groves and micro canyons that allow the alchemist to impart a finger print of their own essence and power, to be used by another. In terms of thought processes, Gabriel has always viewed it as flooding a canyon, leaving water there for others to use. As such, he began with the band, including the Kasha fragments, and worked his way to the Ankarres wood and the gems set within the electrum.

- Durability: While the ring is not lightsaber proof, the addition of turadium and steelstone, historically used for blast door construction, imparts a particular resilience that will prevent the ring from bending in most circumstances.

- Well Being: Ankarres wood was developed to naturally sooth, calm, and put at ease those lightsiders who wear it. Along with this, it can improve the capacity to heal both body and mind. For instance, a wound that may take a week may naturally heal within days in the presence of Ankarres wood. In the same vein, the material improves the users abilities to ward off the influence of the dark side, particularly where temper and anger might influence the user.

- Thoughtfulness: The Kasha stone fragments, when imbued additionally with Jal Shey, improve the mental well being of the wielder. In times of distress or when logic may seem fleeting, the stones activate to allow the wearer the ability to approach circumstances objectively and free of emotions. This was further strengthened through the carving of the Ankarres wood with Geseril carving, or a form of such, in which Gabriel practiced prolonged meditation to impart a strong calming nature and attachment to the force to the grains of the wood. This practice was self serving, as it provided him a means to retouch the force after being tainted on Lujo.

- Bolstering Pyschometry: A power particularly near and dear to his heart, Gabriel used the entire extent of the rings surface to improve the latent powers of the wielder in using Pyschometry. While this improves the power of those wearing it, it does not in of itself produce the ability. Those incapable of using psychometry would see no added benefit from this ring.

-Glows in the Dark: Good in certain circumstances, but naturally adds flare to the ring. This quality makes it difficult to hide in almost any circumstance.

Primary Source: N/a. Format of crafting is Japanese molding called Mokume-gane and refers to the appearance of metal molded to resemble wood.

Intent: To provide a consumable material for holistic health products, being highly modular.

Development Thread: If needed

Manufacturer: [member="Gabriel Sionoma"], Katarn Homestead Apiary

Model: Ankarres Honey

Affiliation: Galactic Alliance, Circle of Healers on Sulon

Modularity: Yes. Honey can be used for an extensive number of products (consumable as is, used for mead, used for quick sealing of wounds, etc.). Along with that, susceptibility to Jal Shey Imbuement will allow numerous variations to be produced.

Production: Limited

-Ankarres Wood nectar and pollen
-Water from the Tap Tree
-Supplemental Sugar Water
-Wooden frames
-Native Sulon Bees (bee saliva)

Description: Honey begins it's life simply as nectar. Field bees, who have ascended beyond hive duties, spend the remaining portion of their life searching for nectar and pollen, suitable for continued hive construction, health of the hive, and food (the average bee gets roughly 500 miles of flight time before dying). Departing the hive, the bee begins its day with a singular species of plant and will work that one species for the remainder of the day. Consuming just enough honey and/or sugar water for flight and return, the bee leaves to venture out. Consuming nectar, this substance is stored within the honey stomach of the bee, allowing for them to return with half their body weight in nectar and pollen.

Once allowed back into the hive, given access by presence of returning with goods and actually belonging to said hive, the bee effectively regurgitates the nectar, which is then picked up by a worker bee. This is then transported and worked by the worker bee, involving a series of regurgitation and evaporation through heating, allowing for moisture to be whisked away. This provides the consistency that we all have come to love with our honey. However, honey comes in differing varieties and differing qualities, all based on the origins of the honey.

Gabriel originally planted hives near the Ankarres grove because he found that they favored the location, due to the production of swarms throughout. As such, it seemed natural for placement. However, he immediately noticed changes in the honey that were not typical to normal honey production.

First and foremost, the calming and healing aura that is inherent with Ankarres wood. At first, Gabriel assumed that this was simply due to proximity to the grove. However, with transport of the honey back to the homestead, for filtering, he quickly realized that this was not the case. While simply being around the honey isn't enough to truly appreciate the effect, consumption of the honey is similar to wearing weakly imbued ankarres wood, until the sugars are digested by the body. This allows for a similar healing property, where a wound that might take a week to heal could simply be healed through daily consumption of the honey, over the course of a few days.

Because the honey is extracted from uncorrupted ankarres wood, surrounded by a particularly lightsided orientation of the circle of healers, the honey produced can not be impacted by imbuement of inherently darksided powers. This differs largely from the ankarres wood but is similar in that it instills a natural inclination away from the darkside. As such, it has similar potency to the original wood in treating sith alchemy based wounds and alterations, particularly in regression to former self and reduction in instilled aggression, anger, and indoctrination. Of course, this isn't something that can be used for immediate corrections. But in conjunction with other applications of healing, it can be very suitable towards reversal of sith alchemy on living beings.

The honey is capable of being imbued through Jal Shey imbuement. However, it takes a particular mastery of imbuement to properly ingrain the honey with force powers capable of being used by non force sensitives. This is for a few reasons. First, the mental concept of imbuing a consumable provides an immediate block to the notion of permanently impacting the honey, which must be overcome with either substantial practice or a clear mindedness typically indicative of mastery. Novice attempts at imbuing the honey can drain the user of energy, similar to attempting to permanently imbue a weapon or article of clothing. Second, while solid substances can be handled during the process of imbuement, the honey cannot, as it can compromise the natural sterility of the honey and introduce bacteria capable of growing from the inherent protein and sugars. Plus, sticky fingers are aggravating. Imbuement can provide healing similar to bacta, though diminished resources will prevent it's usage as such.

The honey has a naturally darker tone to it, caused by the translation of the nectar which can be seen across the comb construction. The honey can be consumed as is or used for other products, such as mead. Along with this, it can be applied to gauze and used to quickly sterilize and seal wounds. This isn't a permanent fix but can come in handy in crucial circumstances. Along with this, with imbuement, the honey can immediately get to work on disinfecting and healing the wound at a faster rate than what occurs naturally with Ankarres wood.

Due to the small population of ankarres that occurs on Sulon, the production of this honey is extremely limited. However, as the grove increases in size through soil treatment and natural succession, stores will increase. That being said, any slump in natural production of pollen will cause a required supplement of sugar water, which will produce honey that is not reflective of the Ankarres wood properties. With this in mind, the Ankarres honey will not be sold and will only be provided on an as needed basis, particularly for the Circle of Healers, the Galactic Alliance, and those living at the Katarn Homestead.

Primary Source: No current canon source. However, alteration of Honey properties and other bee products based on the Mad Honey, which is form of honey that's nectar originates from a toxic rhododendron. By using said pollen, the bees create a form of honey with psychedelic and healing properties.
Name: Katarn Healing Apiary

Image Source: N/a

Classification: A collective framed hive. A slowly growing apiary for the harvest of honey and its by products.

Location: The Apiary is located deep in the heart of a budding grove of Ankarres and Baffor trees, located near the Katarn Homestead on Sulon.

Affiliation: Currently owned by Gabriel Sionoma and Avalore Eden, affiliated with the Galactic Alliance and the Circle of Healers.

Description: The apiary consists of two types of bee hives, held in increasing amalgamation. Horizontal top-bar hives and typical multi body hives (langstroth hives). Materials of the hive consist of wooden boxes, wood frames, durasteel screening for separate portions of the hive (such as the queen excluder and top feeder), and wax foundation for hive formation. Hives are placed sporadically through the growing grove, near the Katarn Homestead, with a particular emphasis placed on availability of light and availability of a working water source (Tap Tree).

History: One of the first tasks that Gabriel completed, upon inheriting the homestead, was improving the aquaduct systems for Tap Trees, as a means of improving the depleting agricultural business surrounding Baron's Hed. Once this was finalized, he began to notice an increase in swarms of bee populations, which followed suit with renewed availability of pollen and nectar carrying plant species. Swarms are natural occurrences for when a hive outgrows it's shelter and thus splinters, producing an additional queen that then finds another area to build a new hive. In a sense, an increase in swarms is an indication of a thriving bee population and an indication of improving ecosystem health (we judge the health of the environment based on the viability and survival of native members of said environment).

Noticing this, as well as their propensity for producing swarms in Ankarre and Baffor tree groves, Gabriel decided to try and capture these hives for production of honey as a food source and bartering item. Not knowing at the time that the honey and other by products of honey production would carry on the unique powers of the plants from which the nectar originates. Thus, he began constructing his own hives, ordering the screen and foundation from small business owners in Baron's Hed. With that, he began slowly incorporating artificial hives across his property. This not only serves as a means of honey production, but also a means of improving the growth and spread of those rare and unique plant species.

Sulon is a unique planet in that it lacks a distinct transition into winter. As such, honey production plateaus and stays as such, instead of dying back near winter time when pollen and nectar normally decrease. Because of this, the Apiary requires substantial bursts of manpower to maintain, particularly as it grows in number of frames. It's for this reason that Gabriel has used this as a means of training force connection to aspiring sensitives within the Baron's Hed province. Due to the sentient nature of the Baffor, the healing properties of the Ankarres, and the naturally docile relationship one can have with a Honey Bee: this is a suitable environment for learning about ones connection to the force and nature.

Intent: I intend to explore the possibility of producing new healing substances from the production of honey from rare and exotic plants. This includes the Ankarres tree, Baffor tree, and the Tap Tree. This will include eventual production of beeswax, propolis, and royal jelly as healing and nutrient agents. Particularly, this will serve as a means for the Galactic Alliance and Circle of Healers to improve their capabilities for small measure healing in combat situations.

Links: Ankarres Wood
[member="Gabriel Sionoma"] - Somewhere I have a rather intensive OOC notebook from Kyra Sol on here about medicinal herbs, plants, and tech... I will have to get that to you. As I assume you know from that *awesome* sub, what the bees draw nectar from influences the honey, so one could say you could use fields or such of medicinal herbs to infuse the honey, so to speak.

Very unique idea, I like it.

Intent: A personal relic used to find lost things

Development Thread: If needed

Manufacturer: [member="Gabriel Sionoma"]

Model: Commemoro Compass

Affiliation: [member="Gabriel Sionoma"]

Modularity: No

Production: Unique

-Mineral Magnetite
-Ankarres Wood

Description: In less than capable hands, this item is simply a vintage looking compass that can be used for tracking, navigating, and dead reckoning. The body is composed of a durable alloy of zinc and copper (brass) with an attached chain, allowing the wearing of the compass like a necklace when not in use. Despite its tarnished appearance, the metal has been treated thoroughly to prevent further oxidation and corrosion, giving it the appearance of a flash in time.

To the more capable, this item is an amplifier of the more intimate natures of the force. Within the glass body of the compass, the original magnetic needle has been replaced with a carved Ankarres wood arrow underlayed by mineral magnetite (which gives it the capability to function as a standard compass when not empowered). In the hands of a strong and focused force user, the compass allows the user to find items, persons, or things that they perceive as personally valuable or of nature akin to what one might force bond. This was completed through Jal Shey imbuement, particularly difficult given the size of the Ankarres strip. Because of this, the power is semi limited.

For the use of the compass, items simply of monetary value cannot be tracked with the compass. Along with this, the items or things that are being tracked must be something the wielder has actually experienced in the flesh. For instance, Gabriel used the compass to track a ring he created for his son. However, he wouldn't be able to use the compass for a piece of jewelry he had never seen or felt before.

The compass has distance limitations that are determined by the power of the user, the attachment to the item, and their focus. Without significant preparation and concentration, the needle will simply spin in response to a mental response for tracking. This is the default response of the compass to any number of reasons that an item cannot be found (out of distance, not enough focus, force user not powerful enough, no connection to the item or thing, etc.).

Beyond the imbuement to temporarily form a perceived force bond with particular items or thing or person, the compass can also act as an amplifier for a momentary force call. While Gabriel has not used it for this purpose, beyond what some might perceive as a whisper, he suspects that a powerful force user would likely break the compass in using it for this purpose. As such, he perceives a true emergency force call through the compass as a one time event. This force call can span much further distances than the force bond, allowing a call to be placed over distances that span planets.

Because of the nature of the Ankarres, being cultivated in a lightside setting, the compass is also limited by the wielders intent. If the purpose of tracking said item or thing or person is for ill intent, the compass will provide the same spinning response and not allow for tracking. This can include but is not limited to intent of harm or theft. This is a weakness of the compass that can not be overcome and attempts to corrupt the ankarres will null and void the imbuement attached to the grain.

Primary Source: None

Force Bond
Force Call

Name: Katarn Homestead Morodins (SAMARANDAMERKINE "Maranda," KAMARADERIC "Eric," and SELTAZEE "Sel")

Loyalties: Sulon Law Enforcement Expeditionary Group, [member="Gabriel Sionoma"], [member="Avalore Eden"] by extension

Role: Agriculture caretakers and tenders to the Katarn Apiary vegetation

Development Threads: Baffor you go, leaf the bees, Unexpected guests in the deep deep woods

Age: 58, 67, and 42, respectively.

Species: Morodin

Force Sensitivity: Yes, though entirely aura and sensing based with no combat function (Apprentice level)

Appearance: Beyond the appearance provided by canon and imagery above, the three vary only in size. Maranda being the largest, than Eric, and then Sel. Morodins are rather larger herbivores, often considered a mix between lizards and slugs. Possessing six short legs and two short forearms, they had an awkward appearance about them. Though this had no impact on their ability to navigate otherwise treacherous terrain, one couldn't deny their odd appearance.

-Maranda: The brutish and biggest of the three, he is quite boisterous and excitable. However, he's also arguable the most gentle and kind of heart. He considers the health of the planet as something of a duty, whether that be his home planet or upon Sulon.
-Eric: The most reserved of the group and the oldest. He often spends his time in contemplation, plotting the narrative of interactions between animals, plants, and the world around them. He's not likely to provide answers when questioned. Instead, he enjoys the prospect of teaching others how to solve their own problems through guided logic.
-Sel: The most openly warm of the three and kindest in expression. While she may not carry as large a heart as Maranda, she shares more of her thoughts and feelings than the other two combined. Almost to the point of being motherly, Sel is often concerned about the well being of all those around her.

Weapon of Choice: None

Wealth: Life

Combat Function: None

-Inherent intuition: Despite being utterly incapable of combat, the Morodin have a slight sensitivity to the force. Gabe suspected it was birthed from the strife of their life, being taken from their planet in the dark of night. This allows them to perceive more than what might be considered common, even feeling vibrations of the force. This is particularly the case in respect to prospects of life.
-Nutrient rich sludge: The Morodin are capable of forcing mutation through a right sludge, excreted from the underbelly. Due to the changes in their diet, the content in this sludge is constantly changing, but can often be focused towards a result such as improved yield, improved fitness, or even new flora altogether.

Notable Possessions: None

Other Notes:

Originating from Varonat, the Morodin immigrated to Sulon through somewhat unseemly means. During early colonization, the Morodin had been victims to what the more sophisticated simply called a safari hunt. However, the true purpose was to conceal the harvesting of a particular plant. Jumping forward to present time, a particular baroness caught wind of this Safari and was interested in replicating the hunt on Sulon. Madame Higgins, a wealthy proprietor of a large estate, concealed her attempts to support slavery through shipment and customs. Unknown to Gabe, at the time, was that Madame Higgins was pursuing this activity at the behest of her son - who was turning 18 at the turn of the month. Discovering the simpler components of this plot, Gabe established an estate for the Morodin, adjacent to the Katarn Homestead on Sulon.

After taking them to the estate, the set right in to helping establish the lot and improve crop yields. Given their capacity for producing a nutrient rich plant changing sludge, they quickly made head way with great success. Improvements included reducing predation on prominent wheat grass, improving pollen and nectar outflow of Ankarres Trees, and improving animal and plant interactions between native beetles and the Baffor trees. Maranda has taken to establishing fertilization trails through the croplands, including areas of the Katarn Homestead, while Eric has taken to studying the effects of the presence on the planet - keeping tedious logs that he stores within the confines of the homestead, within the bunker.

Sel, interested in the homestead as much as the area around it, takes out time to watch the interactions of the children and her adoptive mother, Avalore Eden. While she rarely interacts, except in rare occasions such as S'vora's birth, she is highly intuitive towards what she considers the plight of humanity. The struggles between living and simply existing are not lost on her and occupy much of her thoughts. Gabe will often find the three either in the fields or the Apiary, working diligently on the prospects of growth and improvement. He reports to the commissioner of Baron's Hed on a monthly basis, reporting nothing but fruitful results.

Intent: To provide additional NPC's for the homestead, though these have particular influence over the Ankarres Honey production and the health of the Katarn Apiary.

Image Source

Intent: A new form of consumable, based on transformation of Ankarres Honey

Development Thread: If needed

Manufacturer: Katarn Apiary [[member="Gabriel Sionoma"]]

Model: Ankarres Spiced Mead

Affiliation: Galactic Alliance, Circle of Healers, Katarn Homestead

Modularity: This mead is a tad bit stronger in taste than most meads. Pairs quite well with heavily flavored meats, on the side of spicy, and does well with fishes and swine.

Production: Given the limited nature of Ankarres Honey, mead produced from the honey cannot exceed Limited production.

-Ankarres Honey: 6.8 kg for initial development, 1.3 additional kgs through racking (yields 19 liters)
-Toydarian Yeast, nutrient, and yeast energizer: Often used for bread or cake, the yeast has been modified through Morodin assistance to be capable of converting sugar to alcohol at an efficient rate
-Redwood tree tips: Bittering hop agents, traded from Endor
-Bothan pepper seeds: Added for a bit of zing
-Vanilla: For mellowing
-Water from the Tap Tree
-Glass carboy(s) and mead processing kit

[+] Carries the imbuement of the ankarres honey into the Mead
[+] Can be imbued, but only by absolute masters of the process. Knowledge of the mead production process, in terms of biology, helps aid in visualization of the imbuement. Only mead originating from non-imbued honey can be imbued after production (no stacking of imbuement).
[+] High alcohol content: Roughly 18% alcohol content, it has been noted that consumption of the mead tends to yield the results of imbuement at a higher rate than simply consuming honey.
[+] Same healing properties as the Honey, including resistance to the darkside. Additionally, the product can be used for antibiotics purposes, anti-oxidants, and natural restorative purposes.
[+] Healing darkside wounds: Beyond the above, this alcohol is exceptionally potent at healing the wounds or injuries that have been caused by the Darkside or Sith Alchemy. Noting that the process is extremely painful in this instance, it is suggested that those seeking such healing measures should consume the mead in excess.

[-] Can only be consumed once. Increased consumption will not increase imbuement.
[-] Limited and heavily controlled by production of Honey, which is only developed on Sulon.
[-] Effects of imbuement are fleeting: It has been noted that the effects of imbuement tend to wear off at a faster rate, compared to the honey.
[-] Bulk Imbuement: Should the mead originate from imbued honey, all mead bottled from that batch will carry the imbued properties - meaning less diversity and flexibility with imbuement. This is contrast to the Ankarres Honey, which can be imbued by bottle.
[-] Bottled in fragile ceramic bottles: Should the bottle break or be opened, the mead must be consumed or the alcohol will spoil with exposure to air.
[-] Hidden Recipe: Process, including time and sanitation, is closely guarded. Not only is the main ingredient difficult to come by, but the process itself is closely guarded and would be difficult to reverse engineer. Chemical analysis would yield the presence of alcohol, water, sugars (honey), and other base elements and compounds.
[-] Lightside oriented: Due to the nature of the development of the Ankarres Honey, negative or otherwise malicious imbuements cannot be imparted on the Mead.


Following the offering of Ankarres Trees to the Katarn Homestead, it was noted rather quickly the preference of local bees towards the pollen and nectar of the alchemically modified plant. Gabe, using what little knowledge he had on the subject, built multiple hives to begin providing shelter for the honey producing insects. This would eventually become what he referred to as the Katarn Apiary, located on the back lot of the Katarn Homestead. Almost immediately, the bees took to the Bafforr and Ankarres trees and began constructing hives from the products rendered. However, going into this, he quickly realized that honey produced from the Ankarres tree would be low, in yield, due in part to the low production of nectar and pollen. This was further compounded by the fact that the population of trees was rather low on Sulon.

However, this quickly changed after the Morodin arrived on the Homestead. Due to their particular abilities to refine plant properties, they quickly got to work improving agriculturally related plants. This included the Ankarres and the Baffor and dealt in large with with manipulation of the animal-plant interaction. In short, the yield of pollen and nectar from the Ankarres was significantly increased through a artificial stimulation. In laymen terms, they convinced the plant, through nutrient sludge, that ecological fitness would improve through reproductive yield.

Because of this forced adaptation, the bees were able to sustain an increased flow of honey originating from the Ankarres Tree. And given Gabe's proclivities towards making mead, it was obvious where this road would eventually lead.

Mead starts out as water. Water is boiled in a stainless steel pot. Once properly boiled and sterilized, the yeast nutrient, 3.4 kg of honey, and yeast energizer are added and swirled around (this mixture is often called must). Once this is mixed thoroughly, the solution is heated to a boil and the bitterness agents are added (optional and only needed if the mead is being hopped). In this circumstance, Redwood tree tips (the green growth) were added for 15 minutes of the boil, in cheese cloth baggies. Following proper development of slight bitterness, the heat was removed and the must was cooled. The hopping bags were removed and the remaining 3.4 kg of honey were added. Once chilled appropriately (32 c), the yeast is pitched (added) and the mead is stirred vigorously and capped. Fermentation begins in about 2 days and following three weeks, the mead is transferred to a glass carboy (racked). Once another two weeks have passed, mead is racked once more, to remove sediment, and the bothan pepper seeds (cheese cloth bags) and vanilla (crushed sticks) are added for flavoring. The mead then ages over the course of 4-8 months, with an additional 3 racks that each introduce an additional 0.45 kg of honey (for sweetening). The finalized product has a pristine clarity and that trademark amber color, originating from the dark tones of the Ankarres Tree pollen.

Because of his preference for bartering, Gabe took to Baron's Hed for the bottling process. He found an older immigrant who was quite good with pottery and ceramic. For a barter of 1 bottle per 20 - 750 ml ceramic bottles, Gabe struck a permanent deal. His only requirement is that only she ingest the mead. He would later inform her, over a glass or two, of her ailments and the benefits the mead would have on her.

The mead has several characteristics that run in line with the honey from which it originates. The first and foremost is the natural healing properties and resistance to the darkside. Additionally, the mead carries the imbuement of the honey over, though it's affects are not as long lasting compared to the consumption of the honey. While it can also be imbued, assuming no residual properties linger from the original honey - though Gabe has noted that it is even more difficult to imbue, compared to the honey. Those who have tested the mead have noted that while the affects might not last as long, it tends to hit the consumer faster - Gabe hypothesizes that this is a result of the high alcohol content, but he has no true basis for this theory.

Primary Source:
-Ankarres Honey
-Ankarres Wood

Name: Elzeban Dicanthal, The Ceramic Gypsy of Baron's Hed. Nickname: Ms. El, Mother, Old Hag.

Loyalties: Baron's Hed Commerce, [member="Gabriel Sionoma"]

Role: A simple vendor who sales wears dealing with pottery, jewelry, and other finery.

Development Threads: If needed

Age: 89

Species: (Ornery) Human

Force Sensitivity: No

Appearance: [Any distinguishing marks? Do they show their age? What do they usually wear? For droid characters, link to their production model, either on Wookieepedia or as an approved tech submission.]

Personality: [Acerbic? Friendly? Ditzy? Annoyingly calm and superior? What about mannerisms?]

Weapon of Choice: [Military blaster rifle? Toy lightsabre? Bioweapons? Wits? The Force?]

Wealth: [Please keep this reasonable, or be prepared to have a very good reason for exceptions. How wealthy are they? Where does that wealth come from? Are they stakeholders in existing corporations? If so, link to them.]

Combat Function: She's been known to throw bowls or otherwise failed pottery, when fired up.

Skills: [For Force users if they have any special abilities that are rare list them here. If they are skilled with a blade, for Non Force users have they been trained by special groups?]

Notable Possessions: Owns a small shop in Baron's Hed marketplace. Often referred to as the Centersquare Gypsy, she holds a particularly well nested piece of equity that receives unofficial favoritism from the Sulon Law Enforcement Expeditionary Group

Other Notes: [Include anything relevant here if it doesn't fit in the categories above. Notes on personal history would be appropriate here.]

Intent: An NPC who will serve a pivotal role in bartering with the Katarn Homestead, the favored form of economy on Sulon
Image Source: N/a

Intent: To provide an obvious derivative for a properly growing Ankarres Tree

Development Thread: If necessary

Manufacturer: Katarn Apiary, [member="Gabriel Sionoma"]

Model: Ankarres Wood Varnish

Affiliation: Lightside, Galactic Alliance

Modularity: Yes. Paan tree produces the primary sap used in the development of this varnish. Following production of the varnish, Ankarres Tree sap is added though never truly forms a homogeneous solution. That being said, additional pigments may be added from various tree species and origins, allowing for a wide array of colors. These range from natural to cherry to walnut and on into midnight black.

Production: Limited

  • Ankarres Tree Sap
  • Turpentine distilled from Paan Tree resin
  • Various varnish materials required for production (seed based oil for darkening and polyurethane)
  • Pigments from assorted trees (for adding additional resins or turpentine)

[+] Carries similar abilities for imbuement to the ankarres wood, though at a weakened capacity similar to Ankarres Honey
[+] Restorative properties when applied to wood, including natural mending of cracks and heightened colorization. This extends to the user, in similar potency to Ankarres Wood, notably in treating the affliction of Sith Alchemy or darkside based wounds.
[+] Creates a durable coating on applied wood, penetrating the pores and strengthening the hardiness of the surface (nothing comparable to metal - it's still wood). This helps prevent scratching or dinging of the wood and helps to resist breaking and splintering.

[-] Can only be imbued prior to being added to the turpentine. Once the sap reaches the point of being considered varnish, it becomes immune to alchemic modification.
[-] Limited supply of trees naturally limits the supply of the sap. Particularly in this circumstance, where collecting sap requires surface wounds upon the tree.
[-] Due to the affinity of it's imbuer and primary harvester, as well as the natural inclination of the Ankarres Tree, the varnish mixture can never be equipped with malicious intent or darksided based powers.
[-] The porous nature of varnish requires a wooden application. This cannot be applied to any other material without the potential for damage or lack of adhesion.

Description: It would be a lie to say that Ankarres sap is a formative component of this varnish. In truth, one could take all the components of this mixture and create an entirely suitable varnish, without Ankarres Trees, and it would perform appropriately as a stain and concealer. However, it is with the Ankarres Sap that this becomes a worthwhile endeavor.

The Ankarres trees, nestled deep within the backlot of Katarn Homestead, are critical components of a diverse and thriving ecosystem. Already, Gabe has overseen the production of numerous consumable products that are derived from the Ankarres Trees and highlight the restorative properties of the mystical tree. And in the end, there is always Ankarres wood to rely on. However, all of these components are limited by the activity of the tree and the forced harvesting of the tree, particularly for wood components for staves, hilts, and the like. So Gabe set out to make what he would later jokingly refer to as "The Poor Man's Ankarres Wood."

He knew immediately how he would go about this process. After all, varnish originates from trees - it was no great leap in thought processes to land on such. However, he quickly realized that the sap of the Ankarres was an inappropriate agent for creating turpentine - as it didn't purify properly during distillation. Though, through his studies, he was aware that other trees could be used to pigment varnish, turning it into more of a wood stain. So he settled with batches of tar, derived from the Paan Tree, as the origins of the turpentine. After acquiring the necessary oils and polyurethane additions, it was simply a matter of mixing and timing. And he settled on a ratio of 1:1:1:0.25, with Ankarres being the smallest component. Any more and the varnishing properties of the mixture were eroded beyond measure. Any less, and the value of the Ankarres sap went unnoticed.

A ratio of 4:1, turpentine and Ankarres Sap, provided the perfect combination to not only illustrate the imbued power of the sap, but also the medical value of combining the elixir of turpentine with Ankarres. The process involves adding Ankarres during the final stages of mixing, just prior to application as a varnish. Because of the heterogeneous nature of the mixture, the stain is never truly cohesive. Some have noted it's tendency to coat in swirls or abstract forms, even deriving shapes akin to electric currents.

The imbuement process, though not as drastic as the Honey and Mead, is taxing and difficult, even for those that claim themselves masters of lightside oriented crafting. It requires a mind for the more esoteric, the concept of forming a bond with the byproduct of a vast array of biological and chemical processes. Once the ability properly manifests itself, it still has the potential to drain the user. As such, these imbuement processes tend to be done in large batches that focus on a singular enhancement.

Of course, because this is a wood varnish, it can't be used on metals or plastics or non porous surfaces. It is, obviously, only suitable for treating natural and untreated wood. This can include things as small as the pommel of a hilt all the way up to a staff or bow. The nature of the imbuement, unlike the Honey or Mead, is permanent. However, holding true to it's colloquial name, it's affect is not as potent as the original timber.

Primary Source:
Ankarres Honey
Ankarres Wood
Ankarres Mead
[Do you think, if they would have known what we knew, that they would have bothered? To sacrifice everything...for nothing?] - Jommaykkuakopi
Intent: To create a crafting material for those who stood strong against the One Sith...and continue to. To celebrate the valiant effort of those who defended against the One Sith on the fateful day on Kashyyyk.

Development Thread:

Manufacturer: Katarn Apiary, [member="Gabriel Sionoma"] and GLF Inc.

Model: Yugwaaargh wood, A.k.a. Flesh of the Wroshyr

Affiliation: Jedi of the Galactic Republic and/or those who once called such place Home.

Modularity: Anything wood can do this can do better.

Production: Limited to select PC's.


[+] Jal Shey Imbuement: Using the memories of the past as foundation, the treated wood provides the wielder with the capability to use Force Valor and passive Inspiration.
[+] Restorative: Due to the nature of the Ankarres Wood Varnish, the wood naturally provides mild restorative capabilities to the wielder and the wood.
[+/-] In for a penny, in for a pound: Changing the amount of wood does not increase or diminish the powers of the imbuement. Whether the pommel of a saber or the entirety of a walking stave, the power remains the same.

[-] Just wood: Beyond the strength of the varnish and the natural tenacity of the wood to resist damage, there is no additional vigor added through the treatment or imbuement.
[-] Restricted use: Despite the abundance of Wroshyr tree timber as a primary export from Kashyyyk, this specific branding is only available to current or former members of the Galactic Republic. In fact, by principle, the creator of this wood is incapable of using it. This is largely due to the power residing within the memories of the tree.
[-/+] Lightside restricted: Those fallen Jedi, once members of the Galactic Republic, will find no value in this wood. Due to the nature of the Ankarres and the imbuer, only those of lightside affinity can wield this wood in any meaningful way.

Description: The skies of Kashyyyk opened up, one fateful day, to reveal the beast as it descended upon the land. The invasion of Kashyyyk, following the One Sith's victory of Manaan, would mark one of the last moves within this theater of war before the great disappearance that brought the war machine to a temporary, yet grinding, halt. As the deafening forces swelled within the horizon to claim the land below, above, Star Carriers waged war through the enlistment of squadrons and fleets. It was no secret, as it now, that the One Sith had never truly been competitive in the sky. Abandoning their forces in space against the superiority of the Galactic Republic fleet, the One Sith and their various commanders rushed upon the planet like water against cemented sand. Standing fortified, they could only resist the erosion for so long.

The forces of the invasion dispersed between two main goals. The first component dictated total destruction of a stronghold, formerly constructed for assistance in protection of the planet beneath the domain of the Galactic Republic. The second component involved either the destruction or capture of the coastal city, Kachirho.

For the longest time, Gabe saw the invasion through the eye of his captor and twin, Reverance. The Hand of the Dark Lord, who would later claim the mantle of Wrath, enlisted the forces of the Legion Yun'Do (components of the Hrosha-Gul) to help overcome the defenses of the great stronghold. Additionally, assistance for the destruction of the stronghold was brought by Vrag, commanding a contingent of forces, Darth Carnifex, commanding his legendary Blackblades, and Balaya Praelior, commanding an impressive horde of her own. Those who didn't' take to commanding forces assisted in their own ways. Matsu Xiangu fought against the Wookiees and stronghold with her infamous Sith Sorcery, Cryax Bane and Xenia Nastassia went to work on dismantling the turreted defenses from within, Keira Ticon defended them, and Darth Adekos participated in what some would later claim was the "Greatest Fight in the History of Ever." When it was all said and done, the Yuuzhan Vong decimated the interior of the stronghold through the use of fast moving mounts and well placed singularity mines, despite all the efforts made by the defending forces. This event was a pivoting point for the One Sith, allowing them to divert their attention to capturing the final objective, Kachirho. And this was the nature of the fight for Reverance, and thus Gabe, as the Hand waged personal combat against Kana Truden and Flint Dexen. It was during this fight that Flint Dexen lost his life, an act that weighs heavily upon Gabes shoulders.

With the memories of this event buried within, Gabe pressed on through his story of redemption, attempting to make the best of his situation. This all seemed to unravel when he met Jommaykkuakopi, whom he and the rest of the homestead residents would later come to know as Opi. Prior to her taking over as nanny for Avalore Eden's adopted children, Gabe discovered the origin of Opi's misfortune. Her family had served at Yugwaaargh during the invasion and perished upon those broken limbs. Originally, Gabe's plan for redemption ended at bringing her back to the homestead to live and retake her life. But upon further thought and meditation, the memories of that invasion couldn't be erased or muffled. So he set out to return that place of war, one final time.

Deep in the shadowlands of Kashyyyk, the splinters, broken bark, and dried cork wood still rested in slow decay beneath the once great stronghold. Immediately upon touching those pieces of wood, he was immersed in the memories of that day through psychometry. But no longer were they the memories of his brother. They were the memories of Sochi Ru and Kian Kaar, their valiant acts of heroism and courage on full display. They were memories of Dak Canton, fighting the greatest fight of all time, and Rain, amassing the largest army of wookiees to ever emerge from the shadowlands. Memories that showed Aaralyn Rekali, in constant meditation to empower her allies, and Seraphina Shel'tah and her endeavor to protect the northeastern bridge. He saw images of Book and his battle against the future hand of the One Sith and how Shule Windspeaker not only fought against Darth Carnifex upon the wide bridge, but managed to destroy it entirely. He watched as Taheera Sollo combated the Sith, Randial, and Meeristali Peradun defended the narrow eastern bridge. A simple beggar (Seamus Valik) engaged the Vong armies with no thought towards his own well being. Gabe saw so much in such a small period of time, he felt overwhelmed. As quick as the memories came, so did they leave, only to replenish with every brief touch of the wood. More pronounced then even these visions was the impact and simple realization...

The Sith fought for themselves. The Jedi fought for everyone else.

The blood and sacrifice, of those fallen, saturated the forest floor. So he began collecting. He collected timber, he collected shreds of wood, and he collected the seed stock of the once great Wroshyr Trees. Because, as a certain Zelosian once told him, within the grains and fibers of every plant, memories are stored. With everything he needed to begin his project and keep it running, he headed back to the Katarn Homestead of Sulon. It was here where he worked to clear a portion of the woods, relatively close to the planted Ankarres Trees, and made a vegetation plot for uprooted seed stock. And while he waited for the seeds to take hold, to begin their mighty ascent, he worked with the salvaged material of the broken stronghold.

The treatment was relatively straightforward. Everything that would be needed to empower the wood rested deep within the grains. The memories of those who fought beyond their means to protect what they held dear. Taking that into mind, Gabe looked to coat this wood with Ankarres Wood Varnish, treated to mimic force valor. Drawing on the memories of those who sacrificed, as well as his own reckless tendency to push his body beyond its means, the imbuement was a relatively easy process with all things considered. A side effect of the process is that it also produced a slight impression of gusto, allowing the wielder of this material to inspire those around them in their time of need. Of course, because of the limited supply of this wood, it can't be used to craft anything much larger than a stave. Though using smaller portions for things such as pommels or outer coverings of lightsaber hilts does produce the same effect.

Because this power is derived from the potency of the Ankarres Wood varnish, the imbuement cannot be modified except in the event of destroying the wood - which isn't difficult considering that it is simply wood. That being said, the wood is made available for all those who call or once called the Galactic Republic home. Shapes and/or purposes for the wood are requested prior to ordering as once the varnish sets, the shape can't be changed or modified without destroying the imbuement. The wood can be ordered directly from the Katarn Homestead or through Marrow and Illskins shops.

Possible Uses: Utility of this wood is quite evident. Below are just a few recomendations, though the options are endless.
  • A walking cane/stick/stave
  • Pommel of a lightsaber or hilt of a melee weapon
  • Components of an archaic bow
  • Jewelry (such as a carved ring or bangle)
  • A talisman or artifact
Primary Source:

-Ankarres Wood Varnish


Intent: To craft a new lightsaber crystal oriented towards lightsiders and healers in particular
Image Source: Zach Sharts, Artstation
Restricted Missions: N/a
Primary Source: N/a


Name: Ankarres Crystal
Manufacturer: The Hammer and Honey Workshop
Homeworld (optional): Sulon
Production: Semi-Unique
Affiliation: Closed, only distributed personally by Gabriel Sionoma
Modularity: The only modularity comes in the color, which can vary between light blue, violet blue, green, and yellow.


Classification: Crystal, [Zoisite]
Weight: 0.2 kg
Quality: N/a
Color: Yes. Light Blue, Violet Blue, Green, and Yellow.

  • Light saber crystal capable of enhancing users healing abilities and aura of tranquility, impacting those around them.
  • A meditation crystal that allows the user to center themselves and draw on the healing energies around them, significantly improving healing powers.
  • In either form of use, the stone cannot be utilized by darksiders. In some cases, it may even cause them discomfort.

  • Healing Ability: Drawing on the teachings of the Ankarres Tree and Sapphire, the Ankarres Crystal provides a potent means for the user to enhance their own abilities to provide healing aid to their patients. While not as potent as the original Sapphire, the power and time put into this process allows a measure of power that is similar to it's predecessor.
  • Aura of Tranquility: The Ankarres Crystal constantly releases an aura of serenity and peace, serving as a beacon for lightsiders to gather and fortify. This can aid them in repelling the temptations of the darkside or can aid them in unifying against a common foe. This aura is persistent and cannot be silenced.
  • Meditation: In similar vein as mass meditation, the stone can serve as a fulcrum for introspection and development. For instances where a difficult mental obstacle reveals itself, the Ankarres Crystal might provide the path to the necessary steps to overcome it.
  • Darkside resilience: As all things crafted or modified by Gabriel Sionoma, this crystal is inherently untouchable by the darkide or those who wield it. For those who pick up a lightsaber containing this crystal, they might feel discomfort when further tempted by their inherent sickness and greed. Within the crystal, the desire to help others is the foundation in which Jal Shey is adhered.


[+] Healing Aura and concentration: Magnifying the healing abilities of the user, this crystal not only improves the users abilities, but grants them a modicum of additional concentration.
[+] Calming Beacon: Aura of tranquility allows the wielder to reach a measured level of calm, exuding that to those around them.
[+] Darkside deterrent: Like all things crafted by Gabe, this cannot be used by a darksider. Additionally, attempt to use by a darksider may result in anxiety or discomfort that comes with having the foundation of one's persona disrupted.


[-] Brittle: The crystal is naturally brittle and chipping, after Imbuement, will destroy the imbuement.
[-] Power Hungry: Use of the crystal is intense on the lighsaber, requiring modifications to the energetic components.
[-] Specific to user: While the initial imbuement of the stone is not specific, once a healer or wielder uses the crystal to amplify their abilities, it forms a spiritual conduit. Following that, their presence is required for the crystal to properly work for saber or meditation.
[+/-] Susceptible to heat damage: The natural untreated color of this crystal is either light blue, green, or yellow. However, should the lightsaber be exposed to high heat for too long, the chemical bonds will deform and the color will shift to deep violet blue.


The nature of this crystal is that, in its natural form, it's a relatively common stone. Often considered a poor mans version of Sapphire, the chemical properties of the crystal rarely allow for any form of color purity. While working on Sulon and tending to the backlot of various forests and canyons, Gabe discovered a cavern repository of these such stones. Similar to how he treated the cache originally found on Ord Vaug, Gabe used a sustainable form of harvest that involved picking a choosing those crystals which showed the highest form of clarity. Based on his knowledge of gemology, he knew that the reasoning for such appearance was either due to a reduction in chemical imperfections or stress during formation. Either way, with eyes filled with blues and yellows and greens, he got underway.

While he has never laid eyes on the Ankarres Sapphire, he has worked extensively with the Ankarres Trees and the various derivatives. Setting his mind towards replicating the original and legendary stone, Gabe got to work with the basic properties of Jal Shey Imbuement. With the lattice structure of the Zoisite crystals, it was evident that while his bar was set high for the imbuing process, this would be a more profound imbuement than what he was used to with wood grains, honey, or even meteorite gibeon. As such, he set out to instill certain and necessary healing properties to aid those who leaned towards the lightside. Because of the nature of the Galactic Alliance, being often militarized and carrying the more passionate forms of Jedi, Gabe sought to purposely instill a sense of tranquility while he was at it.

The first step was to craft a replicated sense of healing, pulled from his experience with Ankarres Wood, Relit Vandal, and Avalore Eden. The idea wasn't to give the ability for healing but more magnify the users natural or learned ability. In that way, he was able to bypass the limitations of his knowledge, in regards to healing. This came from personal experiences, ingrained into the crystal. Following that, he instilled the calming sense of tranquility that he so often puts into his many crafts. However, because of the nature of the stone to be malleable in regards to imbuement, this ability transcends the user and disperss around them. Similar to a beacon or aura, the wielder not only finds themselves focused by a warm sense of peace, but they press that upon those around them.

While the stone is intended to be used in a lightsaber, it can also be used as a centering or focus stone similar to the Kasha stones. In that way, it serves as a point of tuning and centralization that can be used by an individual or a small group.

The limits of the crystal are self evident upon initial use. First and foremost, the crystal is brittle and without proper protection within the lightsaber, even blunt impact against the cylinder can shear the lattice structure. Because of the potency of this crystal, the lightsaber requires additional modifications to the diatium power cell. Alternatively, the user can just adjust to requiring occasional replacement of the traditional component. And once the crystal has been used as force conduit, it becomes specific to the user and requires their presence for future activation.

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