Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Gaikokujin Interests (Aleph)

Location: Akachōchin, Coruscant Underworld.
Territory: The Tsukasa Gokudō.

Business was steadily growing within the Gokudō territories, especially since having ironed out an agreement between [member="Ivory Stroud"], an associate of The Family or otherwise known as La Cosa Nostra whom had recently decided to involve themselves in the core world's criminal takings; Fortunately with respect given to the Oyabun and agreements having been settled first to save any unnecessary violence and misunderstanding. Even better were the earnings that the Gokudō received as part of the mutual treaty, an annual ten percent of all the Family earned through their Coruscanti takings.

Kyūshū's efforts over the years had finally started to level out and his Legacy was seeing the first year of great profit; all their former expenses paid both in credits and in blood had been slated. The law in the lower levels of Coruscant being paid to ignore certain actions where smaller persons or rival organizations sought to over-step their means, yet all in all, business was good and the Oyabun now had the luxury of taking his eyes away from the 'right now' to instead look into the future and question the future of his people, his family and criminal empire.

One day, his business would span worlds. Kyūshū Tsukasa had looked to the stars in his first days upon the City World, a refugee looking to the skies for freedom and prosperity following the long ago war that had taken his family and so many others that now stood in the upper echelon of the Organization. Those stars, distant world's with untold stories just waiting to be written, and while the Oyabun had the means to travel from one world to another, his priorities were forever placed ahead of his ambitions, least he lose focus and sight on what was important.

Tonight was like so many others of late, the Oyabun sat at a booth within the 'Red Lantern' listening to his men drink and talk around him. Akio Takara sat upon the Oyabun's right side, listening and watching the crowded first floor as occupants came and went, some rougher than others yet all respecting the establishment and the reputation behind it. All knowing who's grounds they tread.

Leaning back into his chair, Kyūshū exhaled a slow plume of smoke from his cigarro and watched as it drifted out to get mixed up within the warm air soon disturbed by the movements of his men and the toasts they were making to the Organizations recent successes. Some of them looked to him and shouted Kyūshū's name in praise while others dreamed of what would come over the following weeks for Coruscant yet all the while the Oyabun kept his composure with naught but a curious smirk to himself.
The Last Son
There was a time and place for everything. On Courscant, there have been talks of quite a few people teaming up with this Family that I have been... shall we say loosely acquainted with. Yes they were growing, but their expanse wouldn't be the kind of work I needed. I wanted something that was kept close to the chest. Something that I could keep away from the prying eyes of the rest of the galaxy, yet still be able to work with them. There were rumors I had heard of with another group of people naming themselves the Gokudo. A separate group from the family that operated on Courscant. They were people that I had slowly been looking into. Growing from small roots and garnering the attention of the Family.

I had to seek them out. See these people for myself. If they had work, then I was their woman. That is, if I was really a woman. Ever since I have woken up from whatever kind of stasis I was in, I always questioned the idea of being a man who was plugged into a female body. However, I had to push that aside for now. Entering the estate of the "Red Lantern." I dressed to impress.

Showing up with my two blasters, I felt the need to carry them. Why? To show I was willing to get my hands dirty, and properly hand them over to their exchange to signify that I could be trusted and not stingy with keeping them under wraps. Secondly, if it really did get dirty inside a party that was being rigorously patrolled and eyed by various bouncers and men that worked for such a group, I had my advanced body, plus whatever this Force was that I had slowly been learning of. I had garnered some form of usage for it, but not much. Maybe enough to get by.

Of course after the whole entry process was done, I was given a ticket to return to the exchange to receive my blasters back at the end of the night, and a stamp on my left hand. One that showed I paid to get in, and that I could drink as I was "of age" presented buy a false Identification Card I had scrounged up. Even I didn't know my real name. So a false identity of "Jarael Insen" would let me pass. Moving further into the Lantern's estates, I could see many of the surrounding ambiance likened to the Atrisian culture, mixed with Courscant flair, and mixes of people who came from all walks of life. It was unique but also the same at every other bar. Some culture it was based on, only to be flipped on it's head by people who ventured forth.

I looked around as I sat down at the bar. Taking a seat on the stool and ordering a drink that I couldn't truly partake in. At best, I would feel liquid going through my system, only to be filtered out with no effect upon me. Taking small sips of the drink was all that I needed. My glances found the man I was looking or. How could I know? Well the copious amounts of guards around him, mean looking men, as well as another man who sat down with a missing eye it seemed. My vision zoomed in to see the two. The injured man looking about the place with quite the suspicious look at everyone.

Why wait?

Standing up, I kept my drink with me and sauntered to the presence of the two men. Oh yes the looks I received were well taken catalog of. As custom of the culture for the Atrisian culture, I bowed rather deeply at the man when I indicated the seat.

"Would you mind the company of someone other than a body guard?"

[member="Kyūshū Tsukasa"],
"Would you mind the company of someone other than a body guard?".
One of the Oyabun' Shategashira moved to stand in the way of [member="Aleph"], lifting a hand with an open palm to discourage her from coming any further. "No" he said simply though harboring authority within his voice whilst Akio Takara leaned in to whisper to Kyūshū Tsukasa quietly, the leader of the Tsukasa Gokudō lifting his gaze to the back of the lieutenant, his right hand moving beneath the table to place his Pistol sideways atop his lap, the safety removed as a precaution.

"Let her through" Kyūshū spoke up, the instruction being received without dispute as the Shategashira stepped aside, exposing the woman's figure to the Oyabun's gaze whilst the would-be sentient wall removed his hand from the sidearm holstered at his side, wishing not to displease the Kumicho. The movement at Kyūshū's side caused his gaze to falter to the surface of the table as he listened to Mr. Takara's suit sliding against the side, removing himself from the booth and seeking to give the Oyabun some privacy, soon taking the place of the lieutenant at the door and instructing the men around them to disperse further into the establishment.

Lifting his left hand, a cigarro between his fingers, he soon gestured to the seat beside him in open invitation; his eyes returning to meet with the woman's own and noticing an intriguing glint beneath the reflection of the low lit room. There was an air of technology around this one if he understood the manner of the color behind her eyes, his head lifting in a half nod of silent thought, soon raising one leg over the other beneath the table while he sought to relax, yet his right hand remaining on the side-arm hidden beneath.

"Tell me, miss...?" He paused that she might offer her name to him, before continuing to ask his first question; "What can I do for you?".
The Last Son
I will say, the guards seemed to have the idea down pat. Stopping me and not allowing me to really get a good glimpse of the man hidden in the back. They were body guards for a reason. A wall of flesh and bone to prevent people from attacking their leader or Oyabun. At least, that was the term I think the man would prefer he call himself too. I smiled as the guards seemed to make their presence scarce. While they would be close, it was by his order that they were to allow some privacy between the two of us. My small smile opened into more of a grin in a welcoming show to the man as he motioned for me to sit.

Doing so, a question of my name, and the business of which he could do for me sprung up. I knew as much would take place, but his knowing gaze allowed me to understand he knew I was here for a purpose other than to play around and flirt. Which was true. I was... pleased that I wouldn't have to attempt to convince someone else to do something for me because of my "body" or to give them "pleasure." This man wasn't of that kind. He had a caliber to him that required much more to sedate his palate.

"Aleph. And I feel as though the question should be answered with its own."

Sitting down and crossing my legs over one another, my thighs were up against one another and one knee overhanging the other as I sat. One hand holding the other as they sat upon the table quite relaxed just as the man was. He wanted to show he was open to the conversation, and likewise, so was I.

"What can I do for you, and the Gokudo?"

He was a smart man. He knew from my appearance that I was clearly adept at machinery, or at the very least, filled to the brim with technological advancements. I opened my hand and removed the glove that covered my skin. Slowly, the fingers began to display lockpicks, a scalpel, utility tools such as screw drivers, picks, and even a dataspike that would allow me to interface with other machinery. I showed him some of the truth that was I. He could see my potential.

"I am in need of stability, and from what I can tell, you have a severe lack of feminine taste in your structure."

I indicated with a head nudge into the direction of one of the guards he had, being all male and rather brute force for their tactics. However, I was on a different level. Considering I had escaped most of the police forces on Coruscant, and kept myself out of the light from other people, I thought working for a crime syndicate such as the Gokudo, and their ties to the Family from rumors, would allow me to make my way somewhere in this life cycle of mine.

[member="Kyushu Tsukasa"],
Traditionally, organizations such as the Gokudō did not put a great deal of faith in their women, nor did they allow the opposite sex to take up roles or positions of influence for it was often seen that they could become a distraction for the men. Families were discouraged as the Organization was to be their only family following the day their loyalty was given. This was however, an old habit that had been brought up from distant times, not meant for the changing societies that filled the Galaxy around them. Kyushu Tsukasa was not a sexist man, such pride in ones on gender only gave rise to arrogance and arrogance was blinding, limiting possibilities that could otherwise prove invaluable.

"I'm going to be honest with you..." he answered [member="Aleph"], and he was being genuine despite the fact that he rarely did such a thing before his own people. For a Woman to enter into the Gokudō, she would both encourage change yet too find certain difficulties in earning the others trust and confidence. "Should I accept your request, you would be the worst female to be allowed to enter my Organization" he gestured to her briefly before doing so in the direction of the sliding entrance she had come through, suggesting the male presence to which she had pointed out.

"Clearly there are skills that would make you of value to me...-However, the loyalty of my men has been given of their own free-will and while they too have their own strengths, their honor and their adherence to the needs of the Gokudō are what make them such an asset to this 'Family'..." Kyushu soon gestured with the same hand back to the changing shape of her own as he sought to elaborate; "You have shown that you are indeed capable, perhaps even superior to some of my people. Perhaps not" he gave pause, his gaze meeting with her own and again seeing that hint of technology behind her eyes.

"What I seek most are the attributes that make a binding relationship. Honor, loyalty, faith. Credits can be earned everywhere...-But family...-Belonging, even in my business is rare. I could hire the greatest assassin in the Galaxy, yet how am I to know they won't eventually target me one day, hm?" he smiled, a knowing look in his gaze that would speak from personal experience. "Loyalty to the Gokudō is everything. All ties you have had before entering into this life are forfeit when weighed before the needs of our Organization. Our family...-Are you certain that this is something you are looking for? Do you understand the price that is paid, should you be accepted".

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