Moonage Daydream
Nemo Ven was making his way through the military compound on Sullust. With the bustle going on with the recent meeting that brought in a few different folk from a few different walks of life, he was starting to feel the… dare he say it, excitement, revolving around the formation of this Alliance. It wasn’t since his first few posts with the Galactic Republic that he felt this sort of excitement. The tide was turning, and for a Mon Calamari, that was an appropriate analogy. There were a few things he needed to stamp off on, but first things were first. The new members of the Alliance were showing up, and he knew that Coren Starchaser and Prex Kreelan were bringing in a variety of people to this unit.
He understood the need for the Jedi, but he understood that sometimes their religion interfered. Lucky for him, the Grand Marshal was set up on a different mind set than most Jedi that he worked with. Good. For now, he was going to leave training of Force-users in his military to an advanced team built from the Pyre and several other groups that have pledged their allegiance to the Alliance.
There was a gathering for the military, recruitment drive. He was going to make his appearance, shake hands, and greet the newcomers, and help teach the way the Alliance was looking at things to people who had previously served. Still, too new for him to have an assistant, Supreme Commander coming down to mingle. Welcome to the Alliance.
He understood the need for the Jedi, but he understood that sometimes their religion interfered. Lucky for him, the Grand Marshal was set up on a different mind set than most Jedi that he worked with. Good. For now, he was going to leave training of Force-users in his military to an advanced team built from the Pyre and several other groups that have pledged their allegiance to the Alliance.
There was a gathering for the military, recruitment drive. He was going to make his appearance, shake hands, and greet the newcomers, and help teach the way the Alliance was looking at things to people who had previously served. Still, too new for him to have an assistant, Supreme Commander coming down to mingle. Welcome to the Alliance.