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Galactic Equipment And Robotics

[member="La'kuus Quelin"]

Unfortunately the SL-1 is a limited production item, therefore I can only allow 1 sale per person.

4 GE-AOL: 20,000c
1 GE-SL1: 72,000c

Total: 92,000c

Approved. Thank you!

[member="Nico Minuro Ike"]

1 GE-PES: 30,000c

Total: 30,000c

Approved. Thank you!
[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]

  • 500 x GE-RTD - 4,500c - Miniature topography droids capable of accurate 3D mapping of large scale areas with remote data transfer.
For Browncoat Industrial and Mara Tibx & Fuels Survey teams.

And an invitation to join the upcoming Southern Systems Business Expo with complimentary SSB membership and all applicable discounts.
Dear GEaR Sales Representative

Mandal Hypernautics would like to acquire a pair of each of the following products for assessment evaluation of their performance and viability within future Mandal Hypernautics products; contracts available pending review. All appropriate fees and service charges included, as well as copyright infringement and non-compete agreements. extra power packs)
[member="Captain Larraq"]

SSB Expo Discount Applied (25% off storefront price)
1 GE-EXO: 48,750
1 GE-TTT: 1,875

Total: 50,625c

Approved. If in the future you wish to pursue a contract agreement please feel free to reach out!
Seraphina Shel'tah said:
GE-MRD - 4,500c - Tiny recon droids capable of recording audio & visual. Remote transfer of data. Installed infrared vision mode.

Seraphina Shel'tah said:
GE-EMD - 27,000c - Small, lightweight droids capable of releasing devastating EMP charges within a 50m radius.

Seraphina Shel'tah said:
GE-MSD - 3,000c - A drone capable of producing a holographic representation of a variety of starships with false magnetic signature to throw off would-be trackers.

Seraphina Shel'tah said:
GE-MMP - 27,500c - A mobile medical pod capable of performing highly advanced, life-saving operations.

Seraphina Shel'tah said:
GE-RTD - 4,500c - Miniature topography droids capable of accurate 3D mapping of large scale areas with remote data transfer. GE-TTT - 2,500c - Handheld thermal torch, reaches 2,760 degrees celsius for rapid thermal breaching. Cuts through thick layers of durasteel with ease.

All of the following !

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