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Public Galactic Exhibition on Skako Minor

Raphael Lacoste on Twitter: Great Hall - early concept for Jupiter  Ascending. Which Version do you prefer ? / Twitter

The Galactic Expo
Liin Terallo Liin Terallo Amanda braska Lukan Rath Darth Temerant Darth Temerant Wendell Mortimer Glolmark Wendell Mortimer Glolmark



The World of Skako Minor had always played an important if controversial role since the Clone Wars with it being controlled by the Trade Federation for a considerable time before the illegal occupation occurred by the Galactic Republic and subsequent occupation by the Galactic Empire. However since the fall of the Galactic Empire at the Battle of Endor and the rise of the Galactic Alliance within the core worlds, it has been under the direct control of the Resurging Trade Federation who have invested heavily into the system in order to insure that it is not directly invaded by an outside power during the Second Great Hyperspace War.

However with the closure of the Second Great Hyperspace War with the Brotherhood of the Maw, The First Galactic Exhibition hosted by the Trade Federation can be conducted safely without worry of mawite attacks. The main idea of the event is to allow engineers and inventors from across the galaxy to showcase their recently made products to the general public and military officials from various factions with the hope of securing a purchase or future investment. The Grand Hall within New Purkoll was chosen due to its rather scenic views across the landscape of Skako Minor and its secure location within a heavily defended mountainous region.

With the event going on in the background, it also provides an ample opportunity for the well connected and wealthy to scheme and mingle amongst each other without fear of betrayal or leaks to the Alliance Marshals. The Senator of Skako Rulonom Laborr will also be in attendance as the main host of the event, promoting a wide range of New Federation Products recently developed for market purchases. For those up and coming political contenders, having a powerful senator within pocket will increase your chances of success within the political world.

While there is a wide range of products being shown at this event. The main attraction will be the Interlocking Agricultural Platform and the Artificial Habitation Ring which will revolutionize planets once launch is completed at the event.

"Sir, The guest have started to arrive." Came the voice of an ancient b1 battle droid which would provide assistance at the event in the form of his personal butler.
"Good, Good. Let us not keep them waiting any longer." Senator Laborr replied in his typical montone.

The event would increase profit margins by a hundred fold should it be successful.


Vehlous Ademar



The Galactic Expo
Location: Skako Minor
Objective: Corruption, Lobbyism, Generic Politician things.
Tags: Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr (Open)
The Draconian Web, the personal starship of Senator Ademar would land on the pad outside the Great Hall of New Purkoll; the color was a dark black color, the hull bearing the marking of the Keladan Federal-Government. The shuttle's door would slowly open as the air breached the suffocating aircraft and out came the Senator, one hand holding his robes and the other scratching his face. The senator was being escorted by a group of Senate Guards with 1 Koorivar assistant.

"Excellency, I'm have been reviewing your Holo-Mail and as of lately during the legislative-periods of the 1st quarter and we have been getting invitations to discuss alliances. These include the Labor Party, Conservative Conglomerate, Nationalist Bloc, and the Military Oligarchs; in terms of policy, the Labor party is too left, nationalist is too odd, conservatives are too conservative, leaving us with the Military Oligarchs." The aid said speaking galactic basic. Apparently Ademar's Party was able to slide some policy through however was having enough trouble in which groups were reaching out to form a coalition government; quite troubling news for a politician, more problems mean less votes.

<<"This is troubling news; the military-oligarchs are the worse of them all, ally ourselves with them and we could risk being labeled Imperial or Fascist in addition to being the worst group economically. Please, have the Whip get some votes and the Attorney-General look through whichever Federal-Book is needed to ensure supremacy; my benefactors will have my head if their chest of credits are confiscated under the horrid ideal of 'taxation'. Also find where Senator Laborr is.">> The Koorivar said in his native language; being a true capitalist he wished to always conduct himself independent and free of favors, if he committed to a coalition he could risk being disposed and replaced by someone uncapitalist

The aid nodding as the duo made themselves further into the hall, his entourage of guards stopping with only the Commander of his Security-Force following. Spotting a holographic simulation of Trade Federation wares including the Artificial Habitation Ring which he was intrigued by.


Vehlous Ademar (Open)



There was a short pause as the automatic door of his personal office clicked opened and allowed him to swiftly exit with his ancient b1 unit close behind him. It was on this rather short journey through the winding corridors of the upper spire of New Purkoll before the senator was intercepted by his Skakoan Legal Advisors who wanted to speak to him regarding recent legal troubles brewing for the Alliance Branch of the Trade Federation. Laborr silently lambasted his predecessor, Gat Tambor for choosing to align the main organization with the Fel Empire which promptly collapsed before the Closure of the Second Great Hyperspace War. He was facing undue scrutiny as the distraction of the war had allowed him to conduct rather unsubtle affairs within his proclaimed area of influence.

Rebuilding the trade federation's influence within the core would take time, which was often short. The fact of the matter is that this event was merely a chance for him to gather pieces for the political chess board.
"Are we facing any political fallout at this current time, Legal Deputy?" Laborr spoke as the group made there way towards the Grand Hall for the event. "There are some potential ramifications which need our full attention. The Strategic Intelligence Agency is no doubt reviewing files on the Senators within the Senate now that they aren't distracted with the Brotherhood of the Maw and the Fel Empire. Our 'investments' would be at a considerable risk if information was exposed." The Skakoan Legal Deputy said clutching a datapad within his hand as he read off the list. Laborr was acutely aware which is why he had begun building up a considerable war chest should he need to secure his holdings on Skako and Skako Minor from the Galactic Alliance.

Although he seriously doubted that any evidence uncovered by the Agency would lead to his indictment. "Begin moving our assets slowly into the Grenonine System, our current stronghold within the Galactic Alliance. Should they move against the Trade Federation we can have a safe haven to withdraw too." Laborr said as the Legal Deputy bowed and departed up a secret staircase to the communication's room.

Having finally arrived within the Grand Hall of New Purkoll as the Galactic Expo was beginning to ramp up as more delegations arrived. He particularly spotted fellow Senator Vehlous Ademar amongst them due to his large entourage. Laborr had many things to discuss with the Senator behind closed doors but perhaps they would be given an opportunity to converse without suspicion.

Moving down the ramp to the upper story into the event down below.


Vehlous Ademar



The Galactic Expo
Location: Skako Minor
Objective: Corruption, Lobbyism, Generic Politician things.
Tags: Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr (Open)

10 Minutes Ago
"The Guild of Keladan Commercial Shipwrights are thankful for your political contributions to the advancement of the working-class. It has been noticeable that Social-Services are quite the negative for the average individual; the worker exchanges loyalty and labor for services superior to those provided by the National-Government is how it should go, hopefully some day the tyranny of anti-capitalist revolutionaries comes to an end." A unspecified corporate executive said addressing the Senator. He was speaking in an almost sarcastic tone, as though the proletariat was simply an organism in the hive mind of for-profit bureaucracy; pure bluntness, no peeping around the bush, the way of the white-collar premier.

"I am a servant of the people, my measures will allow for the working-class to rise; it is might I say detrimental for a nation to keep the Free-Market chained. And regarding your commentary in relation to social-services, hopefully we can continue lower National-funding, perhaps we can get rid of this free universal health care. Now excuse me." The senator said in response, his words meeting the eager ears of the corpo-rep. Deep down the Koorivar felt bad for the average individual, Kelada was becoming increasingly horrid for the middle & lower-class though his monthly corporate donations annihilated such feelings in the long run.

The Koorivar then sent his aide out to search for Senator Laborr, an individual which he considered somewhat short of a pure sychophant for the Trade Federation though potentially a long-term accomplice to lining his pockets or 'friend-for-profit'. As for Ademar, well he was busy being gregarious with the invitees.

"Senator Laborr, I am senatorial incumbent Vehlous Ademar aide. The Honorable Ademar wishes to discuss financial intrigue with you alongside potential governmental contracting." The Aide said in a bland tone after waiting for the right moment to approach the Skakoan, attempting to sweeten the bureaucrat up.

Ademar was planning on potentially selling his planet out and shifting into an open corporatocracy or republic controlled by private interest groups though these plans could shift in a moments notice.


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