Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Galaxy Map

[member="Tharn Gor"] Yep, sure am. So I can pretty much convert to whatever format is required. I know what you mean about trying to find things, it is one of the annoying downfalls of an image map. I am doing the political borders for the map now. When I do finish it it will not be a "final" version as I am sure there will be some parts that the factions/site will want changed.
[member="Captain Jordan"]
Unfortunately no.

Without going into detail or naming names, was in discussion with staff ages ago but rather than go with the pdf map I suggested they wanted to go another way. Discussion on the matter died.

Anyways, my offer for redoing the sites map is still up if the staff wants to take it up. Yo can see examples of the map in my above posts.

There are some issues with doing this of course:
  • Star Wars systems have to be placed in there correct place. (Some of them are minor movements but some are plain I nthe wrong part of the galaxy)
  • Co-ordinate system of the star wars universe does not support the hexs used in the map (This isn't really much of an issue since it is easy for me to do either or for the map)

I would be willing to change the style to whatever the staff feels more fits with the site but just let me know. Also, since my last update I have updated my own private map with hyperlanes that weren't on my older maps but are in the star wars universe.

I don't know if this was already brought up, but why not get an unedited version of the currently used Chaos Map and just work on placing the minor Hyperlanes and Nebulous on that?

It might take a lot of time and such, but every time a planet is added you can modify just adding the planet instead of changing the whole thing. If you need any help just modifying some stuff I really wont be of any help, but there are a lot of great artist on the forum that can help adding the little details.

Sorry if I'm not being helpful, just adding my two creds.
[member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"]

First up, thanks for the idea. Here are my thoughts on that:

The problem with that is problem A. Because systems are not in the right place you will have hyperlanes doing some pretty crazy things. Some systems are not that dispalced but others are in the wrong section of the galaxy entirely. That means if a hyperlane jumps from point A to point B you could see a hyperlane go from 1 side of the map to the other.

Edit: Also, it is hard to know the location of anything on the chaos map because it doesn't have the co-ordinate overlay. This isn't so much of an issue though since I know the map that the chaos map is based on. (one of my faves but unfortunately long since out of date and wrong)

EDIT2: this problem could also show issues for some nebulaes which contain multiple systems.

Ya so there will have to be a bit of modifications, but the galaxy is 3-dimensional so having a hyperlane pass near of by a planet doesn't mean that it will interfere, just that the planet is close by and new hyperlanes would need to be added. This could add a whole new aspect of the forum. Explorers could have Minor Hyperlanes named after them and such.

The Forum Staff would have to regulate this some how, but I think it could be fun and really make it your own map. I mean there are planets in the Unknown Region now so how do ships travel out there with out navigated lanes. Again, this isn't my idea so you can do what you like, just suggesting. :)
[member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"]
I like the idea in general but that is def something more for that staff and not really to do with a map rework(necessarily). We can do the idea with either map types though so that is not a limitation in itself.

Also if we represent nebulaes we could show player made nebulaes much like the map shows player made systems now.

This woulds require a lot of work from an artist stand point and would need to stay on top of it. It would just be a lot of work to add the nebula's that players made cus you would have to look them up and read what trails were available, for hyperlanes to travel through.

I have a minor issue with your maps. I can't view any of them on my phone. My cellphone is my only means of accessing the internet, so if the maps your going to make can't be at least viewed by a phone, it's not going to help me.
[member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"]
I am not sure what you are saying, I have all the nebulaes mapped out in my latest map.

[member="Zenva Vrotoa"]
That is a good thing to keep in mind. It is strange that you can't view the maps now though as they are only .jpg images. If PDF was in use, which was always my plan for a new map, you can scale it to any level without issues and it also gives searchabilty via text.
[member="Zenva Vrotoa"]
Do you use a specific app to view the site or just through the browser on your phone? Do you know what browser if you use that?

Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden
*chews on chips and looks at map*​
Hmm this looks nice....​
*looks for his planet of Gratos*​
[member="Darth Vulcanus"]
Lol, probably the method I used to add the new systems, copy a previous system layer, move system, rename, and repeat.

Though maybe people in the neighbouring system were also called Gratos, purely by coincidence. Thus sparking off an inter-system war over which system is the real Gratos. I guess we will never know :D

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