Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Game Masters

One thing that could be handy, but isn't necessary, is a dice roll plugin. Frankly, it's not needed or required and for many games, random rolls might never be used. But it adds a bit of variety, if you want it.

I'm not saying to negate the medium in which we play. And defiantly no stats. But if a player writes really well and does everything right all the time, a dice roll of 1 might make them not hit the target perfectly or miss entirely for once. Or just because.

I'm just saying this as an example, but I wouldn't actually attach these as rules to the dice. In the end, it would be up to the GM as to if they use dice rolls and how they use them. Frankly, as it is, I'll probably roll my d20 on my desk if I feel like something could go either way, at the very least. xP

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