Despite his longing to comfort Loomi with affectionate gestures, Tirin understood that addressing her concerns required a more thoughtful approach, one that would allow her to comprehend the world around her. He knew he needed to explain, to help her see the intricate layers of human nature and the principles that guided their actions.
"Well," Tirin began gently, his tone inviting a deeper understanding, "being part of the Jedi Order grants us a unique perspective. We are fortunate to follow a path that emphasizes compassion for all forms of life. It's a principle we hold dear. However, not everyone outside the Order shares this perspective. In the wider world, there exist individuals who may not have been raised to value the sanctity of life or to understand its significance."
His words held a contemplative quality, as if he were peeling back layers to reveal a greater truth. "Unfortunately, some people harbor cruelty and a disposition to inflict pain on others. Their motivations can vary – some find a sense of power in causing suffering, and for them, it becomes almost like a drug, providing a high they crave."
Tirin's explanation grew more introspective as he delved into the intricacies of human emotions. "Our emotions are tied to intricate chemical reactions within our bodies. They can amplify our feelings, making us experience them more intensely. Extreme sorrow can affect our physical well-being, while the bond between mothers and newborns is a testament to the potency of these reactions."
Leaning in slightly, Tirin's gaze met Loomi's, his intent to convey the depth of his words. "As Jedi, we believe in preserving life and fostering understanding. We aim to bridge the gaps between people, especially during times of conflict. By doing so, we hope to enable more fulfilled lives for everyone involved."
He touched upon the concept of choice and circumstance, drawing a clear distinction between those who may not know better and those who knowingly engage in malicious behavior. "It's important to note that not everyone can be helped, and that's a harsh reality. Some individuals may be unkind due to unfortunate circumstances that shaped them, while others, despite having the chance for a decent life, consciously choose to harm others."
A trace of determination entered his voice as he continued, highlighting his personal mission. "My focus is on finding those who could benefit from assistance, from guidance, and helping them choose a better path. Equally important is limiting the impact of those who intentionally cause harm. By taking these actions, I align myself with my beliefs, seeking to make a positive impact on the lives of others."
Tirin's gaze softened as he concluded, the sincerity in his words evident. "It's a complex journey, Loomi. But remember, all living beings are deserving of a chance at a satisfactory life, and that's what we strive to uphold."