Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Garden Party

Maka Sumoto said:
The white ones were always my favorites.

[member="Tiger and Lili"] [member="Benedali Serrus"] [member="Orron Thrask"]
(Might wanna rephrase that lol.)

Lili feel into a light sleep.

Tiger was a bit annoyed by being manhandled like this, but now he was recompensated with turkey. He batted it for a few minutes, then licked it to make sure it wasn't lethal, then decided to eat it. Happily fed, Tiger went into a more passive state, though he dared the weak one to pet him.

Orron Thrask

More Man than Machine
Orron had complied in letting Meka take the cat back, seeing that he had a preety decent handle with the little creature. After that he turned back to Benedali as she commented on having mental abilites similar to the force in order to help with political issues.

Orron huffed a smirk again before saying "With all due respect, Benedali, I've been taught the force should only be used for less self-less actions. Using it otherwise makes you more like a Sith. Though I don't sense any darker side to you, if I may be so bold."

Upon hearing what he said Orron was actually suprised at how well spoken he was. He figured it was the air of nobility and high authority about the party and setting that had managed to take effect on him. Either that or he was realzing a more asstute side to himself he wasn't aware of. Either way it was helping his image in front of Benadali.

And there he went again, thinking about her like she was a common flirt. Orron cursed himself in his mind for thinking that way about her. He was a Jedi and had to be more respectful towards someone with authority and lineage as the duchess.

Trying to take his mind off things he said "Perhaps I'll fetch these little ones some milk or food." before walking off.

[member="Maka Sumoto"] [member="Tiger and Lili"] [member="Benedali Serrus"]
Maka looked over at Benedali, and smiled, stepping over to her. She seemed a little bit engrossed with the half-sleeping kitten. Stroking the more aggressive one in my arms again, he smiled even wider. He looked back at her, and commented, "You look so at home in this beautiful garden. It reminds me of my home... The kittens, and the plants, and the random people walking around."

Maka had to stop himself from crying. This sort of thing was why he hadn't visited the garden before. He was afraid to simply cry about his mother dying, and his home getting burned down. Instead, he focused on the kitten. He gave the furball another piece of jerky, and managed to keep his eyes from watering.

He sat down on a bench, and watched the cat eat his treat.

[member='Benedali Serrus']

Arick Serrus

The Duchess' Captain
Arick streaked through the air. 'Feth, Ive allowed Benedali to be alone with these people this long?' He thought to himself as he passed one of the many large clocks. He swooped down, and silent as a mouse, landed behind [member="Maka Sumoto"], he stumbled, fell, and crashed into the poor guy. "Argh! Sorry Maka!" he muttered, stood up, and helped him to his feet. 'Bloody assassins...' his mind ragged, and he glanced down to his newly bandaged leg. "Duchess. There was another assassin sneaking around, are you sure you want to keep this party going?" he asked, standing at attention. He glanced around, and realized how the appearance of an armored captain with wings had either stunned, or startled anyone who hadn't seen him coming. "Captain Arick Serrus." He said with a nod to the group.

[member="Orron Thrask"]
[member="Tiger and Lili"]
[member="Orron Thrask"] [member="Tiger and Lili"] [member="Maka Sumoto"] [member="Arick Serrus"]

"Oh, okay..." Benedali was bewildered by Orrus's sudden departure, but quickly composed herself. As the Jedi left, she resumed her fawning on the kitten in her arms, who looked like it was in absolute bliss.

She looked up at Maka when he paid her the compliment. The Duchess blushed lightly when she realized that it wasn't in the nesting way that normally was swapped between the two. "Why, thank you Maka," she said with a soft smile. "The garden was -- is -- my favorite part of the whole estate." She was about to join him when her brother came crashing in and bowling over Maka.

She raised an eyebrow at Arick's ungraceful landing. "Unless the world begins to burn, this party will continue. One measly assassin won't shut it down; besides, I was unaware that we even had any unwanted guests, so you and the guards must be doing their jobs."

Benedali gave a small cry of distress, however, when her eyes caught sight of the fresh bandage. "Oh, and you're hurt! Do you have any kolto patches on there?" She shifted the kitten to one arm in order to free the one with the comlink. "I'll contact Beru, have him prep the infirmary for you."

The infirmary was actually just a small room with medical supplies in it in case of something major, but it looked close enough to a genuine hospital room that no one bothered to call it anything else.

Orron Thrask

More Man than Machine
Once he was out of sight Orron took a moment to rub his forehead while cursing himself again. He was acting rediculous and he didn't understand why. Yes, the duchess was a very fine young woman but he knew better than to act like a fool in front of her. He was representing the Jedi order after all, and to come off the way he did was probably looking like an embaressing statement.

Perhaps it was more worry about her reaction if she'd seen how far his cyborg impantations went. He wasn't sure anymore. He only knew that it had to stop, otherwise he would need to rethink his composure about being part of these types of assignments anymore.

After recovering himself from that Orron walked to the kitchens, asked for saucers of milk, and eventually made his way out while carrying them in both hands. Given how big his were he was able to keep them within his large, robotic palms while manuvering past the other guests and keeping them steady with his fingers. Once he'd arrived back to the duchess he placed them on the closest table for the kittens before noticing the arrival of the duchess' brother.

His first instinct was to bow before him, since he was royalty as much as she was, before hearing him tell of an assassin he'd stopped. Orron was curious about this before hearing the duchess wave off the attempts and saying how they would still contuine the party despite this.

Feeling there was no poijt to argue Orron side while saying "If you so chose, duchess. Uh, I mean Benedali. However. for your own safty, I think I'll keeping a closer eye out and my sense more open." he finished with a quick glance over his shoulder.

[member="Benedali Serrus"] [member="Arick Serrus"] [member="Maka Sumoto"] [member="Tiger and Lili"]
Lili is currently napping in Bendali's arms.

Tiger was still sitting in the weak one's hands when another human had accidentally crashed into him. Tiger casually jumped off of Maka to avoid any collision with the floor, and after determining he was safe, decided to lick himself. The new one had something weird about him, some wings pertruding from his back, they softly swayed in the wind, and they seemed a certain oddity to Tiger. Tiger began poking at them with one of his front paws to determine if they were real, he concluded they were. The metal man had placed down some white liquid in a plate for Tiger and his sister. Tiger looked at Lili, but she was fast asleep if the pretty one's arms. Tiger quickly hopped up some chairs and then onto the table and then began to drink from the dish.

(Just call them whatever you want)

Arick Serrus

The Duchess' Captain
[member="Tiger and Lili"]/[member="Orron Thrask"]/[member="Benedali Serrus"]

"Nonsense Duchess. Im fine." Arick said, even as the white bandage turned a deep scarlet. He turned to Orron -who he hadn't actually met- and shook his head. "No, this is a party, you are a guest, and I am a guard, you leave the fighting to me. Don't worry about the Duchess, if anything happens, Ill be at her side in seconds, isn't that right?" he said with a grin as she looked away.

"Do you need anything? I have a bit before another guard comes calling for me..." he said, the air about him was heavily joking, he was obviously relieved that Benedali had not been hurt. "Who are these rascals?" he asked, motioning to the fuzzball lying in Benedali's arms, and of course, the one drinking from a dish.

He grimaced, and for a moment he reconsidered going to the medical ward -aka a spare bedroom- But there was never any time to relax... He took the pain, even though blood was now slowly dripping through the cloth.
[member="Arick Serrus"] [member="Tiger and Lili"] [member="Orron Thrask"]

Benedali gave the Jedi a warm grin. Even if it was standard protocol for Jedi to offer themselves as protection, she was still touched. "Like my brother said, if anything happens he'll be at my side in an instant. And if not him, someone else." This last bit was accented by a slight eye-roll.

The Duchess shook her head at the bandage. Ignoring Arick's attempt at changing the subject, she said, "And Captain, you're going to the infirmary whether you like it or not. I can't have you bleeding all over my guests, now can I?" Even as she was cracking this joke -- an attempt to mask her worry over his leg, since it looked serious to her -- Benedali was activating her comm, issuing orders for someone to come and escort her brother to the infirmary. "And bring an extra person," she added, eyeing Maka. "Just in case."
Maka smiled lightly at the whole conversation, and undid the belt with the decorative knife. In its place, he strapped on his silver-blue lightsaber, with its leather holster and belt. He looked innocently at the duchess and her brother, and raised an eyebrow, saying, "You expected me to go unarmed, knowing there were assassins about? I'm sorry you both think so little of me."

He then nodded to the Jedi, gesturing towards the walls around the garden, "Stand watch with me, Master Jedi. Our problems are your problems, I'd say. Two swords are better than one, for lack of a better term."

[member="Benedali Serrus"] [member="Arick Serrus"] [member="Tiger and Lili"] [member="Orron Thrask"]

Orron Thrask

More Man than Machine
Seeing Benedali's gesture and remark Orron's cheek went a little pink. There he went again thinking so oddly of the duchess that he berated himself internally. Thankfully her attention was drawn away from him, making the padawan sigh with relief before hearing [member="Maka Sumoto"] give his proposal of sticking with him while gaurding the duchess.

With a nod he replied "Agreed." before turning himself to face Meka fully. "If you have as much force training as you claim, then we best both keep our sense up and alert. If there's anymore attempts on the duchess' life, it'll be helpful if we can forsee it before it happens."

[member="Benedali Serrus"] [member="Arick Serrus"] [member="Tiger and Lili"]
Renowned psychiatrist Doctor Robert Zendu didn't generally go to parties. But he'd been invited to a garden party being held at the residence of a Duchess of Alderaan and he didn't like to turn down the generosity of nobility. Nobles were especially notorious for mental disorders, and better yet had the credits to pay for the best therapy the galaxy could offer. It was an excellent networking opportunity.

Dressed in a spiffy white suit, Doctor Zendu meandered around the well-attended garden, stopping to admire a few botanical specimens here and there. He didn't know anyone and certainly hadn't had time to get a date. He was content to have a few drinks on his own and then go back to his home office and his mounds of paperwork, but it would be ideal to make some light conversation with someone before the night was through.

[member="Maka Sumoto"]
[member="Maka Sumoto"] [member="Doctor Zendu"] [member="Orron Thrask"] [member="Arick Serrus"] [member="Tiger and Lili"]

Benedali patted the cyborg's arm with her free hand, careful not to wake up the napping kitten. "You three are so sweet, but honestly, I'm not completely defenceless." She rewarded the gentlemen with a dazzling smile. "I'm sure I could charm any assassin who tried to take me out."

Out of the corner of her eye, the Duchess caught sight of a new gentleman in a white suit. Appalled that she had been slacking in her hostess duties, Benedali gave the other members of the group a little wave. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to greet a new guest. It wouldn't do for people to say that I never talk at my own parties." With a wink, she added, "But don't worry, I'll be back."

With a perfect flip of her hair, she gave the kitten drinking milk a tender scratch behind the ears before waltzing over to the newcomer. Cuddling the kitten in her arms, Benedali gave the white-suited man her "welcome" smile. "Hello there. I don't believe we've met. I hope your evening's been well so far?"
[member="Benedali Serrus"] [member="Doctor Zendu"] [member="Orron Thrask"] [member="Maka Sumoto"] [member="Arick Serrus"] [member="Tiger and Lili"]

Sky slowly made her way to the party, how she got invited she wont sure, won't like she was some kinda noble. Maybe it was some kinda mess up with the invitation or something, but she figured she would find out though she was dressed in a sleeveless black top with fingerless black gloves, the only black skirt she had. Though the feathers she always had in her hair still hung there, her earrings as well and the necklace. She was not really sure if she wanted to go or not. but figured she best go, maybe being around some people for a change would help her calm down from the nervous state she always seemed to be in. She looked quietly around as she got there.
Robert Zendu had just gotten himself a glass of champagne when he noticed a very lavishly-dressed redhead heading his way. He gave the woman a toothy grin and offered his hand, although she seemed to have them full of cat. From her manners and her dress he guessed that she was the Duchess.

"It's nice to meet you, I'm Robert Zendu, the psychiatrist." He didn't think their hostess had heard of him all the way out here on Alderaan but maybe his reputation preceded him. He thought he'd venture an educated guess at her identity.

"And you must be the Duchess?"

[member="Benedali Serrus"]
Lili still asleep. Fun Fact cats spend anywhere from half to two-thirds of the day sleeping.

Tiger jumped out of the nerd's hands when he saw the woman walking away with his sister, he was responsible for her. He saw the woman stop and talk to nerd b, who might have been trying to take Lili. So with great swiftness, he climbed up the doctor very quickly, maybe cutting him a bit, but that wasn't Tiger's problem. He got up to the doctor's shoulder and sat there, staring at the good doctor. Just to let this man know he meant business, Tiger brutally batted his glasses with his paw. (More of a light tap really)

[member="Doctor Zendu"] [member="Benedali Serrus"]
[member="Tiger and Lili"] [member="Doctor Zendu"] [member="Benedali Serrus"]

" aww thats the most adorable cat i have ever seen " Sky said walking over to the small group. She had a soft spot for cute animals especially cats. " But anyway.. Hello" She said greeting the two.
[member="Doctor Zendu"] [member="Tiger and Lili"] [member="Sky"]

Shaking the doctor's hand, Benedali offered another smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Robert." First a Jedi, then two kittens, and now a psychiatrist. This was getting to be an interesting party! "And yes, I am indeed the Duchess; but please, call me Benedali. Titles are only for formal settings -- rather, settings more formal than this."

The Duchess shook her head when the second kitten scrambled up the psychiatrist's leg in order to sit on his shoulder. "Oh, come here, you," she scolded lightly. Benedali held out her free arm to the kitten. "Don't be using our guests as climbing posts." She smiled apologetically at Robert. "I'm sorry; this kitten is immensely protective of his sister." She gestured at the other kitten in her arms. "I only just found them today, really."

Benedali turned as yet another new guest walked up. The Duchess gave the other woman a warm grin. "Hello there. What's your name?"


The multiple personality droid
G12-B was wondering into the party area, he thought the invatation had been miss posted but it would be rude not to attend.

His sniper rife was strapped to his back while he walked. When he tried to enter the guard made a huge hassle.

[member="Arick Serrus"]

Carlos Castillo

Carlos made his appearance with gusto, garbed in a simple black tunic and matching boots. A dark crimson cloak was fastened to his shoulders whilst a ceremonial saber took up space on his left hip. It was ceremonial of course and would probably snap if he ever so decided that it was time to play swords with anyone. Rather, he left his choice weapon of preference tucked away within the folds of his tunic - his Sith lightsaber. Carlos didn't exactly plan on using the thing but it was a necessary precaution when treading in unfriendly territory.

"You, peasant," he jabbed a commanding finger at a patron, "Where is the hostess?"

A rather impolite frown was set upon her features and she merely whipped her head to the side, nose in the air, and strode off. Meanwhile, Mister Castillo was having quite the giggle-fit. Cobalt eyes fluttered over the crowd before selecting the closest person. Perhaps he'd be a little more polite this time.

"Excuse me, ma'am, but where's the hostess at?"

This woman was so much more pleasant, friendly too. "Over there," her gaze went to a red-haired woman shaking hands with a bespectacled man, "Talking to that man."

"Thank you."

And with that, the half-blood Umbaran was off in full stride. His elegant gait swayed easily from side to side, saber swaying slightly, before coming to an abrupt halt before the hostess and her guest. Addressing the man with a curt nod, he turned to the redhead.

"Lady Serrus, I presume." He bowed smartly, his eyes never leaving hers. "I am Carlos Castillo of Umbara. It's a pleasure."

[member="Doctor Zendu"], [member="Benedali Serrus"]

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