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AurumJe'daii Crash Site
So plans were in motion, and moving at a rather rapid pace. In truth this was good, however there were many pieces of the puzzle to slot into place before they could completely begin. There were still certain individuals that she wished to ... acquire, but before then she decided it was about time to formalize the place which would be of much requirement; a base of operations, away from the throws and cares of the Galaxy. Politics was infectious, and thus their destination had been outside of all influence, on a planet which could act as a clean slate. Kära had come across such a planet years before, with the only signs of life being a crash site and a cave complex. The former could be salvaged from, the latter could be kept as a reminder of the planet's history. Je'daii, from the markings on the wall and what few texts were left behind. A shame. Yet the technology was far too new for it to be the original Je'daii. Funny how certain things just wouldn't stay dead.
Kära had landed her own ship down in the very heart of a mountain range, beside the crash site. Climbing outside she utilized a minor tapas to keep herself warm and ventured forth. While the mountains would prove a cold area, it would also be the least likely place targeted should civilisation appear upon the planet; that is, civilisation outside of her own plans. She would have to mark the co-ordinates for Jorus Merrill to glance over. For now, however, there was more to be done here. This region of the planet had to be scoured. Waiting for her fellow travellers to come down from the ship, the woman glanced off into the distance. The sky was a perfect shade, a slight tint streak to it due to the atmosphere of the planet. In the sky the solitary moon lingered, enticing her curiosity. It was a beautiful planet, holding much potential, and she would not see it ruined. Nor would she see it go to waste.