Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Gatekeeper [ASK]

Waiting at the crash site was a woman. With the cowl of her Sith robe over her head, the only visage one could see beneath the blackened fabric were the pale nose, lips and chin of her face, which were all white and symmertical, giving off the vibe that the person underneath was indeed of the female variety and had the distungishing features of being Sith, for those whom followed the dark side of the Force always had the discoluration in their skin after a time of degradation into the Force.

Strange then, that her garments were so light considering the enviornment that she found herself in, but Darth Ayra needed not any warm winter clothes for Aurum, as the Force flowed through her and provided an energy that such garments could not provide. She was comfortable in the icy wind and snow filled landscape; and was waiting for the arrival of a certain Lady Kyros and her entourage after they planned a meeting. Much like the One Sith of Prakith to the League of Sith on board Darth Voracitos's barge, the Girth of Gluttony, more of her kindred had begun to reveal themselves, at least, to the underground Sith community. An new Sith Order was about to be born or so which was promised. She had been taught by her Sith Master to follow the guide of the dark side and it told her that any and all new rising factions that were of a Sith orientation should be joined and utilized, for although the Sith Empire had collapased, the Sith who survived were still a dangerous lot that could help her and subsequently themseleves in the Grand Plan: the destruction of the Jedi Order, the toppling of the Galactic Republic and the rule of the Sith throughout the cosmos.

Such grand things had tiny beginnings, as it always had been within the history of the Sith. Turning her gaze to observe the crash site, she would continue to wait for Kyros and her entourage to arrive, humming under her breath to pass the time.
Once at the crashsite, Thyrian turned to the others who had followed in his footsteps down the mountainside. There was another at the site already, someone he did not know. A woman by the looks of it. His master had said that there would be someone waiting for them at the site, but not who it was. As such, he did not take action against her as they arrived - her buisness here was with his master, not himself - and instead sent a nod of respect her way before turning to face the acolytes. "Secure the area. Scan for any anomalies and deal with anything likely to pose a threat as you see fit. Do not stray too far - keep in sight. The last thing we need is to send out a search party your way." Lifting his gaze up to the apparently late figure that was @[member="Tye Kelly"], the Ashborn spoke up so that he would hear his words. "You!" he barked while pointing at the man. "Who are you, boy? This is a private matter. No-one is allowed in this area without the consent of @[member="Lady Kyros"]. Identify yourself. Now." He offered a stern warning in the form of words. The next would be in the form of... unpleasantness. While he did not believe the stranger would act hostile towards the group - doing so would mark him the most dim-witted soon-to-be-dead person currently alive - Thyrian kept his guard up while gesturing for the acolytes surrounding him to go about their buisness. Should things go violent, he would handle it himself without having to look after these youngsters in a fight. There's only so much the Ashborn can do to stay the fires laying dormant within him.

@[member="Xavier Vi'dreya"] @[member="Asterion"] @[member="Daegan Xoruan"] @[member="Hakan Venttuss"] @[member="Darth Ayra"]
| @[member="Tye Kelly"] | @[member="Lady Kyros"] | @[member="Xavier Vi'dreya"] | @[member="Asterion"] | @[member="Daegan Xoruan"] | @[member="Hakan Venttuss"] |
| @[member="Thyrian Ashborn"] |

Ayra turned her gaze and ceased her humming when she heard the snow beneath Thyrian Ashborn's feet begin to break and move to the sides. Soon, more crunching of snow and feet were apparent and as the Sith turned, she saw the towering man, walking beside a much smaller, petite woman, nod towards her, before turning to the others surrounding him and the lady center to them all, beginning to issue orders.

As Thyrian began to speak to another, Ayra lifted her slender fingers to the tip of her hood and begun to lower it from the top to the back of her, resting it neatly along the top of her back. Her pale, blonde hair whipped up in a breeze before dropping to the sides. As she lifted her fingers to tuck the strands of hair that had fallen into her face and back behind her eyes, it would be quite noticeable that a long, black, contrasting tattoo from the base of her chin all the way along her cheek to the corner of her left eye was there to be seen. Descriptively, the marking of her face was like a rising flame and it was of an old, ancient, deceased language known as Sith'ise. If anyone in the modern age could translate it into Basic, then the closest interpretation of the scripture translated as slave.

Turning her yellow, sulfuric eyes to Thyrian, she would gaze upon him silently for a long time, briefly averting them to look at the others in the group and the other new comer, before sliding back to him, listening and learning.

Stephanie Swail

Asterion formed a solid wall with the others behind the brute Thyrian, already barking out orders to them in front of the mysterious strangers before them. For a second he hated his position; what was he, a slave? A minion? He didn't follow suit to be treated like one and wouldn't stand it if this was how the pecking order was to continue.

He crossed his arms as he waited and watched the meeting unfold before them.

The best thing he could do was to spread out just as ordered. Nodding to himself, he raised the cowl on his rob covering the Acolyte armour and decided to take a walk around the crash site from the left, taking a full circle. Yes, he would g out of sight for a moment, but he would do a proper job. If his Master needed him, she would get him, not Thryian and all his bawling and rage.

Moving away with a steady pace, showing no sign of intimidation of fear, Asterion walked forward but kept his eyes on the two figures who greeted them. Passing by, the blonde girl certainly looked liked she meant business and her tattoo struck in Asterion's mind as he saw it. The other figure was dark, menacing and looked like a guard, but he couldn't be sure.

He continued to walk along the way of the crash site, taking in the mystifying planet around him, looking up the mountains that stretched around them reaching to the stars in the misty sky.

@[member="Tye Kelly"] | @[member="Lady Kyros"] | @[member="Xavier Vi'dreya"] | @[member="Daegan Xoruan"] | @[member="Hakan Venttuss"] | @[member="Thyrian Ashborn"] | @[member="Darth Ayra"]
Xavier nodded in appreciation to @[member="Lady Kyros"] as she walked away, he was surprised by the gift, so he didn't hold out any hope for some kind of sibling bonding. Both of them had grown to cold for that. At least on most levels. The minuscule beast looked at Xavier and cocked it's head to the side in curiosity. Xavier returned the gesture, tilting his head to the side as he examined the small reptile, his hand coming up and pulling away his mask. For a moment not a sound was made, the two simply examined each other, but then for the first time in years, a small smile crawled across his face as he put his mask into his left hand and raised his right hand calmly and stroked the creature gently.

"Strix, how does that sound for a name?" He questioned, chuckling slightly at the act of immaturity, the beast wouldn't resp-well, it might not have said anything, but something on the infant dragon's face seemed to approve the choice. With that it leaped up from his shoulder and flew up into the air, encircling Xavier impatiently. It wanted to go out, and see the reason the group of darksiders were here. Xavier sighed and placed the mask back on, securing it and draping a black hood over it and unslinging his crossbow and moving to the exit of the cave. As he began to leave Strix flew back down onto his shoulder, content with riding on his new friend's shoulder.

Treking across the land to the crash site, @[member="Tye Kelly"] and @[member="Darth Ayra"] caught his attention. He hadn't seen the girl before, and this boy wasn't with them, that he knew. His crossbow snapped up and he leveled it with Tye's chest. Strix let out a confused sounding squeak, turning his head to the side once again. Thyrian, unless he's here to submit to my sister, he needs to be eliminated as a security measure. Give him a moment, if he fails to say anything, I suggest we kill him. He spoke to @[member="Thyrian Ashborn"] telepathically, one eye closed as he aimed at the newcomer, ready, willing, and able to pull the trigger.

@[member="Asterion"] | @Daegan Xoruan | @Hakan Venttuss

Hakan Venttuss

He Who Blinds the Sun
Hakan followed suit behind Thyrian until the man barked an order for them to split up to secure the area, he waited to gauge everyone else's reactions, as the solid wall formed Hakan could see a shrouded figure. Very mysterious indeed, her aura radiated pure and simple malice, the visage of a Sith if he had ever seen one. And as Thyrian held the stand-off between her and this unknown individual, Hakan remembered that he had an order and with that he parted in a different direction to Asterion and decided to go around the right, keeping his eyes peeled for any danger or anything which could compromise their presence on this planet.

The white haired young man patrolled around the site, he couldn't see too much so he assumed that the woman had arrived alone for whatever reason, it could be foolish, or she could be someone with great power, nonetheless he kept an eye on her and Thyrian to see where this verbal stalemate would conclude.

@Asterion @Darth Ayra @[member="Thyrian Ashborn"] @[member="Lady Kyros"] @[member="Daegan Xoruan"] @[member="Xavier Vi'dreya"]
Tye looked up to see this baren waste land that was covered in snow. Then he focused on the man barking out orders as his minions formed a wall. He looked to his north west to see a young boy and a small creature on his shoulder. All of there weapons were raised. Then he saw a women who was @[member="Lady Kyros"] he walked towards her not caring about anything else. He finally reached her staring down at her with his ice blue eyes. He took off his mask to reveal a man that was tan, tanner than everyone else here. "My Queen." Whispered Tye. He dropped on one knee bowing before her. As he dropped the snow crunched from his weight he lowered his hood revealing his dark brown hair that was short and as you followed his hair layed his spiked up end. He bowed his head in affirmation that she was his ruler and Queen.
He would watch and wait, patience was the key despite some upstart hotheads that believed that it led towards the Jedi and their belief structure. Last I checked the chronicles of our order, impatience was never mentioned within the Sith Code... No matter, let us see what we shall see. Watching both Ayra and Tye in equal measure, a faint smirk reached his lips as Tye submitted much as he had mere moments before I wonder if anyone is going to be upset that my mistress failed to mention him; secrets upon secrets and wheels within wheels, she hasn't changed despite the time I have spent away... Having drawn no weapon and having felt no need to do so, despite the well polished orders that escaped Thyrian's lips like the roar of a Krayt Dragon, he merely waited with his facial features hidden with the cowl of his cloak "Well... That was certainly anticlimactic, perhaps we can persuade this young man here." Motioning towards Tye, he smiled faintly "To either start reciting a rousing speech about striking out against perceived evil, then we wouldn't have gotten all dressed up for nothing..."

@Xavier Vi'dreya @Asterion @Hakan Venttuss @Lady Kyros @Thyrian Ashborn @[member="Darth Ayra"] @Tye Kelly
She found her way down the mountainside with little effort, ahead of her brother. Give the child time to actually be a child she thought, with a mental shrug to boot. That was a luxury she had not been given, nor had Xavier had much time for it either, but she wouldn't be to blame for any future misgivings on his behalf. It seemed as if the whole group had arrived, which was very good to see.

When she joined the group, however, one of the new arrivals sank to his knee before her. "Rise, Apprentice" she said, having no time for games today. He was a student without a Master, and thus she had taken him under her wing. Though he was not her own, no; she would find him a suitable Master with time. "Lady Ayra," she murmured, toward the only other female present. "Welcome to Aurum. This is Tye, perhaps you can help him..."

Gesturing the boy towards the Sith Knight, the woman turned and trekked straight to the crashsite. "We will be spending a few weeks here; Acolytes, set up camp. Ayra, Thyrian, with me," and with that she continued on, away from the site and the gathered students. They may as well learn a few things about survival while they were here.

@[member="Thyrian Ashborn"] @[member="Xavier Vi'dreya"] @[member="Asterion"] @[member="Daegan Xoruan"] @[member="Hakan Venttuss"] @[member="Darth Ayra"] @[member="Tye Kelly"]

Stephanie Swail

Making it back around the crash site, it was something awesome and eerie to behold at once, and he was sure some parts were still smouldering. He had passed @[member="Hakan Venttuss"] on the way, exchanging nothing more than a fleeting glance. Nothing so far to panic about.

He made it back and stood once more in the wind, minding his time and simply watching the scene before him. It was then that his Master spoke, and it was once more a command. Her voice was soft and passionate, but somehow it felt...distant. There was something underlying to her reason being here, and Asterion was intrigued as to what she was planning.

Crunching the snow beneath his boots, the Acolyte listened to the order and bowed his head slightly, peering up at the new dark lady with the tattoo and the brute Thyrian.

He clapped his hands and looked around at the vast nothingness around them.

"So. Any one of you you know how to make a fire?"

@[member="Lady Kyros"] @[member="Daegan Xoruan"] @[member="Tye Kelly"] @[member="Darth Ayra"] @[member="Thyrian Ashborn"] @[member="Xavier Vi'dreya"]

Hakan Venttuss

He Who Blinds the Sun
Hakan looked around him, analysing his surroundings. Although this was a cold environment there was still enough dried and dead plants around them to make a fire provided you possessed the right survival skills. And after spending a few long hard days on Dagobah and due to how rough his life was before, survival was something that Hakan knew very well indeed.

As Asterion asked the question, Hakan turned to him and nodded. "A fire? Definitely." He responded, as he went off in search of the proper materials which were all situated around them in this site. The fire was easily the first thing that needed to be started, and thankfully for him and the others starting a fire was also the easiest part of surviving in these climates. If anything making a shelter was the hardest.

Hakan picked up a good four or five handfuls of dried grass and other bits of dead plant. Obviously this would serve as kindling as dead plant matter was very easily flammable. Although they were probably a bit damp by now. He put the bundles of kindling inside one of the pockets laced on the inside of his cloak, his body temperature hopefully drying up the kindling as he went and searched for the base of his fire, and for that he'd use the bark off large, dead trees.

He ripped off three rather large sheets of bark from the trees around him, each about a 60 centimeters long and about 50 centimeters wide. He stacked up the three sheets and ferried them to where the others were. He placed the three sheets next to eachother on the snow. Putting down the kindling on the sheets of bark before setting off to gather what he'd use as firewood and also more kindling.

@Asterion @Daegan Xoruan @[member="Tye Kelly"] @[member="Xavier Vi'dreya"] @[member="Lady Kyros"] @[member="Darth Ayra"] @[member="Thyrian Ashborn"]
| @[member="Thyrian Ashborn"] | @[member="Lady Kyros"] | @[member="Xavier Vi'dreya"] | @[member="Asterion"] | @[member="Daegan Xoruan"] | @[member="Hakan Venttuss"] |
| @[member="Tye Kelly"] |

Ayra turned her gaze away from Thyrian and Tyre to the smaller woman and nodded her head when she gestured for herself and the individual she had just been watching to follow. From this, she learned who they were. "So this is Darth Kyros," she thought to herself when she moved to follow the Sith Lord. Her hands fell to her sides by the time she caught up to Kyros, only a yard or so behind her. Darth Ayra was not much for words, her actions tended to speak louder and so she remained silent for the moment, still listening and consequentially learning about these Sith and their potential to become allies. She was still on the fence in regards to this.
"Yes master." Tye said as the words escaped his lips in a whisper. Tye rose to look at @[member="Darth Ayra"] his potential new master. Noticing nobody taking charge to set up camp as @[member="Lady Kyros"] has said, Tye decided to take control. "Alright guys you heard her lets start setting up camp."
Physical labor when there was no need, not in his unmeasurable life span. Revealing a curiously formed bracer on his left arm, he simply started to press a series of keys "There is no need, all we be completed shortly... In my travels I have been forced to become most expedient in setting up and tearing down my place of operations, I suggest that we simply stay out of the way." Waiting patiently as the others stoked and began the fire, four droids slowly began to appear over the horizon; three of them were simply meant for labor and were carrying several large containers as they plodded through the snow, while the fourth was clearly a medical droid of some unknown calibration. Motioning for the others to simply step out of the way while he watched with some bemusement as his so-called crew began to erect a series of modules, he couldn't help the comment that escaped his lips "Work smart not hard seems the watchword for the day." Smiling faintly towards the others, he simply went to check on the medical supplies and rations in one of the crates "At least I have no one shooting at me while I'm trying to set up a dig this time..." Mentioned more to himself than to anyone present, he turned towards Asterion and the others "I would appreciate a hand in arranging our defensive measures." Nodding towards a crate filled with a variety of motion sensors and other bric a brac that would ensure them not being caught unawares, he began to sketch out a map of the camp and where they would be ideally placed "I have no desire to be caught unawares by the natural fauna here, and neither do any of you I warrant hmm?"

@Xavier Vi'dreya @Asterion @Hakan Venttuss @Lady Kyros @Thyrian Ashborn @Darth Ayra @Tye Kelly

Stephanie Swail

His arms folded, Asterion watched the fire rage into life, a wonderful and hypnotic sight. Nodding in approval to @[member="Hakan Venttuss"], he slowly walked around to @[member="Daegan Xoruan"] as he began to explore the contents of the crate and other assorted equipment.

"Let me give you a hand," he spoke, taking a look at the map of the area, roughly separated into areas for best cover for motion sensors.

Asterion pulled down his cowl and walked to the far end of the crash site, a hulking and faintly smouldering wreck of awesome size. He placed a sensor down beneath the rear of the wreck aiming outwards towards the outcrop of mountains and ridges above them.

Heading back, the camp was taking shape and alive with activity thanks to the Acolytes. It actually felt unified for a moment, with no-one trying to best the other. It felt solid; strong.

"I don't think anything or anyone will stand a chance against our little bunker here." Smiling to himself, and speaking to anyone listening, he looked around and helped tie down some of the shelters.

Kneeling to the soft, cold snow beneath his boots, his fingers tied the material down to the large pegs whilst he looked around for signs of what those too important to help were doing. Simply talking, and trying to show who held most power. If there was any trouble, he could imagine it would actually arise from within the group, nowhere else.

@[member="Xavier Vi'dreya"] @[member="Lady Kyros"] @[member="Thyrian Ashborn"] @[member="Darth Ayra"] @[member="Tye Kelly"]
Xavier had the matter of keeping the fire burning covered, or rather Strix did. Same difference. He kept silent, standing next to the fire, his eyes reflecting the flame from behind the mask. Without notifying anyone of what exactly he was doing, he reached out with the force, trying to sense something, anything. Truth be told he was rather bored, minus the binding he was having with the equally stoic infant dragon on his shoulder.

@[member="Asterion"] @[member="Daegan Xoruan"] @[member="Tye Kelly"] @[member="Darth Ayra"] @[member="Hakan Venttuss"] @[member="Lady Kyros"]
[Was waiting for Joakim to post, but since he's busy;]

She led them aside and turned to face both. In the distance the students were pooling in their knowledge and ensuring that the camp was seen to. Little did they know that this would be the first of many camps they would be dealing with during this venture, and they would learn to do it the most efficient, effective and quickest way. "We can use this to our advantage, as a training exercise." It was one thing to learn in a classroom or a training room, but to be out there and experiencing the Galaxy for what it was, even when no threat seemed apparent, was another thing all together.

"Monitor the students, pick up on their strengths and weaknesses: build upon the former, expose the latter." This she directed more so at Thyrian than Ayra, "But be subtle about it. It will ruin the experience otherwise. Now, I would speak with Lady Ayra: ensure that they are doing a decent job of the camp, Ashborn." With that her gaze turned toward the female Sith who had appeared upon the planet at Kyros' behest.

@[member='Thyrian Ashborn'] @[member='Darth Ayra']
Tye was assuring that the camp was all nice and clean for the Sith Lords return. Tye was moving crates with his force stacking them neatly and in categories. Looking around he saw everyone pulling there own weight, it was like nobody was trying to out due anyone else. They were helping for the greater good of the sith. "Nice job everyone keep up the good work!"

Stephanie Swail

Asterion looked up from tying down some more shelter, the wind hitting his face, as he met the glance of @[member="Tye Kelly"] sending out a hearty pat on the back.

It was alright for him - he was in a position where he didn't have to do too much, and it seemed his control of the Force was useful for doing the heavy lifting. And as for @[member="Xavier Vi'dreya"] - well, he was doing a good job of doing nothing with that reptile on his shoulder.

Looking over to @[member="Daegan Xoruan"] and @[member="Hakan Venttuss"] to meet their eyes, he rolled his eyes softly, inclining his head to the others around them and stood up, brushing the snow from his knees.

As he did, he noticed @[member="Lady Kyros"], @[member="Thyrian Ashborn"] and @[member="Darth Ayra"] in a small group. Plotting, no doubt. His blood went cold. Shrugging it off, letting those in power do what they had to do, he walked over to the other Acolytes to see what else could be done with his brothers.

Brothers? The thought shocked him, and it annoyed him he let it slip into his mind...
Momentarily, the fire began to falter, losing its life, and the little reptile proved it's usefulness. It let out a quick blast, flame spewing from it's mouth and restoring the fire back to its former state, perhaps better. Xavier's mind was elsewhere however, it was on Taris, hunting. With the collapse of the Empire the foster family that had 'cared' for Xavier up until he was four had fled into the shadows. He still had the scar from the strike with the ale-bottle on his cheek. Kära had promised revenge, but no such thing had happened, cowards had fled, but he'd find them.

"We should be on alert, you all should know by now we aren't here to go camping, she has some sort of plan. Always does." He communicated to @[member="Asterion"], @[member="Tye Kelly"], @[member="Daegan Xoruan"], and @[member="Hakan Venttuss"] telepathically, which as an Umbaran he was naturally gifted in. In all fairness the newcomer shouldn't have known. How could he have? He'd just joined this little group. But he'd learn soon, they all would.

@[member="Lady Kyros"] @[member="Darth Ayra"] @[member="Thyrian Ashborn"]

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