Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Gates of Dawn | GA Invasion of BOTM held Shihon and Oyokal


Nyaeli Nyaeli

Amani paced around the edge of the bubble, studying the Sith, "I don't suppose I can ask why you're doing this?" She'd hoped to keep her contained, make her calm down. Despite her occasionally combative snark, Amani still held onto the chance that people like Nyaeli could be redeemed, if they would only meet her halfway.

The Jedi reached down to grab her pike from the earth, but just as she did, felt a wracking of pain surge from within her very mind. She yelped, and fell to a knee, unable to maintain her focus on the barrier with the intensity of Nayeli's attack. Instead, Amani lurched back, stumbling to her feet and sweeping wide with her blade to try and prevent a follow-up attack.


Objective I : As Above, So Below



With the gravity wells engaged, there was most certainly no possible way the Alliance's Naval Task Force could escape Hamilton's Fleet. Now that they had lost two of their strongest ships there was no way they could disable or even destroy the Goliath. Hamilton knew that victory was just within his grasp, and already he could already imagine the High Regent's reaction to his After Action Report. Perhaps if Hamilton was lucky enough he'd be promoted for his actions here today. After all his fleet had clearly demonstrated that even as the Brotherhood of the Maw's power was waning, the Final Dawn still remained strong and was far from being defeated. When the Maw would eventually meet it's end, the Final Dawn would rise to take it's place ready to carry on the fight Solipsis had started at Csilla over a decade ago.

"Sir, two of their cruisers have engaged their hyperdrive. They are attempting to escape!" one of the Sensor Officers cried out. Hamilton chuckled at that statement. "Leave them be, in time they shall realize that such efforts are futile. All ships disengage, we'll let our reinforcements handle what's left of that poor excuse for a fleet." he said in a confident tone. As if on cue, the two Cruisers jumped into hyperspace, only to be pulled back into realspace by the Goliath. However the Cruisers did not re-emerge at the same point in which they had initially jumped into hyperspace, rather they were pulled out of hyperspace right infront of the Goliath, whose Gravity Well Projectors began to pull the Cruisers towards it.

Before, Hamilton could say something, the two Cruisers activated their ion engines and began charging at the Goliath attempting a ramming maneuver. "No!" Hamilton said in a shocked and surprised tone, once more having not expected the use of such unorthodox tactics. The Captain of the Purifier then pointed to the Cruisers and proceeded to shout. "ALL SHIPS, FIRE ON THOSE CRUISERS!" Immediately, the Purifier and all the warships surrounding the Goliath opened fire upon the two Cruisers but it wasn't enough as within seconds, the Two Cruisers ended up colliding with the Goliath dealing catastrophic damage to the ship's hull. Unfortunately for Hamilton and his forces, one of those Cruisers managed to strike the internal gravity well projectors causing a chain reaction that would slowly consume the ship, engulfing the Goliath in a massive explosion which threw debris to all warships around it including the already damaged Purifier.

A few seconds later, Hamilton's reinforcements had arrived although the destruction of the Goliath gave the Alliance Naval Task Force an opportunity to escape before the smaller Hux-Class Interdictors of the new arrivals could activate their gravity wells and project a new interdiction field on the battlefield. Even if they managed to escape the amount of damage Hamilton had inflicted was satisfactory as the Final Dawn Admiral still possessed a strong naval force capable of pursuing the retreating Alliance Forces given the Hyperspace Trackers installed onboard, although Hamilton would first have to consult the Central Committee before making such moves. In the end, the Battle over Selvaris would end in a tactical victory for the Final Dawn and that was what mattered the most.

Tags [Galactic Alliance] | Don Don Dono | Jack Versio Jack Versio | Dayjer Haspar Dayjer Haspar

Most of it was a blur to Sion.

His arm hurt. He could feel it pulse in his mind eye now. The flames were in him too, burning skin-deep. Strangely enough the latter didn't seem to hurt him as much. The warmth was comforting. Cozy almost. It was just his arm, the actual wound, that bothered him. Thankfully Osarla was guiding him and this allowed Sion to turn off the screaming voice in the back of his head.

Even as his eyes caught one torture appliance after another while she maneuvered them back to where they had come from.

It was a lot.

It took all his willpower not to retreat back into his mind. Now Enyo's mind wasn't a refuge either, since whatever Sion had done to her had inflamed her passions.

Lots of fury which was nauseating to be around.

"Won't leave you." Sion muttered stubbornly as Osarla tried to convince him to leap up. They couldn't get into a debate over it either, because a pissed-off terminator was after them. The empathy Sion had forced on her had only briefly give her pause. In no time at all she was even more enthusiastic about skinning them alive and wearing them as a jacket. Sion took a step back from the violence and closed his eyes. Not to hide, instead thrusting his strength towards Osarla.

He couldn't do chit to Enyo.

Maybe mo- his Master would be able to.

His mistake was assuming the ruthless machine would go for a straight-up duel. Instead? She tore the ceiling off and began to bring it down. Sion gasped as he felt the facility around him react. The fundaments of the building began to whine and coil as it responded to its ceiling being torn apart. It wasn't a new building after all.

It had been buried here for decades.

"Mo-" Sion couldn't finish it before something landed on him, dropping him onto the ground. He cried out in pain. Then? Then he screamed in terror as a saw blade - frozen and no longer functional - but carrying the hallmarks of rusted blood and his previous ordeals pushed into his face.

The trickle Osarla had felt from him turned into a current as Sion poured everything he had into the Jedi Master.


save me.


Between Mercy and the beasts, the air was thick with mindless roars. Claws and gnashing teeth took no pause, and their terrible bodies leapt from the niches concealed by the darkness.

Ishida’d been like a breath, a vapour of speed, plasma and steel.A flurry of motion, precariously darting, dodging, weaving, slicing, cutting, stabbing. Up, down, up, down, left, right, left, right, both the blades and their wielder were untraceable; like a cat, leaping from shoulders to the ground and back again. Mutilation after mutilation felled from deft, precise incisions, stabs, cuts, carves and slices. As far as Ishida was concerned, she was an extension of her blades — not the other way around. The Force was a weapon, she was a weapon.

And she gloried in it.

Until!!?? Suddenly! She was caught mid-air by something that outweighed her by a milli-ton. They crashed down together, bloody and powerful. Its claws gored into her shoulders, and even though she kicked and made futile stabbing motions, her body was slow to respond to the rapid-fire demands of her brain. Stalled by the immense pressure of the creature that opened its jaws wide to devour her.

"You okay, babe?"

Pain raced through her torso, blood-drenched through her garments and she propped herself up to her elbows. White-hot torment seared through her arms and her heartbeat pounded loud in her ears.

Whatever expression she’d been about to die with, hastily darkened to a scowl. It was humiliating to hear the Sith asking about her wellbeing, and worse, that The Sith had prolonged her wellbeing.

Her grunt passed as fine.

Distantly, she heard the echoes of Genichiro Ashina clawing at the corners of her mind. She squeezed her eyes shut and forced them out.

She needed to remain present.

But she couldn’t manage it. A Sith had saved her. For what purpose?

Ashina the Invincible’s words insisted again, and again, elbowing through the coils of her brain and siphoning attention to his words from her focus: A formidable enemy who can pose a threat to my life. I would welcome that man as a dear friend.

And then Bernard’s counter came: If we look at the Light and only see what it can burn away, what it can destroy, then we blind ourselves to what separates it from the Dark. Its capacity for healing, for compassion, and forgiveness.

Encouraged by Inosuke’s: Preoccupied with just one leaf, you'll miss the tree. Concerned with only one tree, you won't see the forest.

And refined by Sardun’s: There can be no doubt in your heart. Steel yourself. This duty of ours is difficult, but we do what we must, so others do not have to shoulder it.

Somewhere, those four voices intersected and revealed the path Ishida would take.

"We thinned the herd. Gotta move now, or we dun survive this."

Silvery eyes snapped back open. She looked past Mercy, the void of shadows layered on shadows in her perception, and to the place in the wall where the mutant collided. There was a vacancy where the vongthing slid to unconsciousness, but around it, she saw the Shatterpoint she’d been seeking. It’d been weakened further by one of its own. Her eyes narrowed, sharp as knives.

In a swift but excruciating motion, Ishida resheathed her katana and saber and pressed both hands to the soft yet unyielding surface. Mercy identified the opportunity and fragile moment of pause in the cavern as thinning. Perfect.

Tremours overtook the alcove. Stability became a thing of yore. Silt and slime dribbled from the ceiling. Whatever the ground was made of started to split.

Confused growling sounds rivalled the moans of dirt and stone.

Then Ishida stood, stomped, and unravelled the composition of the nest entirely. The Vong reacted not to The Force, but their own exposed weaknesses, physically unravelled.

Before the cavern caught the two blood knights in its collapse, Ishida planted her feet as a foundation to kickstart her launch. Her arms wrapped around Mercy’s waist like a tackle, and raced her out from the nest that actively relegated itself from an is to a was.

They just made it through the hole they'd created before it too was consumed by the deconstruction and no longer existed.

But the layers, and layers, and layers of earth and half-hazardly dug tunnels did. Somewhere in between, Ishida released Mercy, but kept up her own speed until she was back at the initial crashpoint of the engine that was still a smoking ball of flame.
It was that massive burning obstacle which Ishida gripped with The Force and wedged between herself and the Sith.

When the deed was done, and her adrenaline slipped away, Ishida dropped to a knee and gasped. Her shoulders oozed blood through their plating and her mind throbbed with conflict, ricocheting between certainty and doubt.


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EnemiesGalactic Alliance - Valery Noble Valery Noble Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania BB-610 BB-610
AlliesBrotherhood of the Maw
EquipmentNeedle of Fate

The scene that played out before her eyes, even as she felt her body contort to deal with the combined assault on her, reminded of a time when she was much younger - a time before she was the Dark Lord of the Sith known as Mori, before she even had been known at all. A younger Vesta, some nearly two decades past, had fought a similar fight on the streets of a planet that the galaxy knew as Bastion. An Empire called its defensible walls home, one that had belonged to the Sith, but she hadn't fought on those city streets to protect some government she happened to be born under - just as she didn't deign to visit the surface of Selvaris to defend the Maw from the Alliance. She could have avoided the strike, certainly, just as she could have outright fought back the two if she had acted in just the right shred of time necessary to beat back one and then the other, instead she felt ice creep through her shoulder as she stepped ever-so-slightly to the side and turned, knocking her lightsaber down against the Jedi Master's to avoid a fatal thrust through her abdomen.

The previous sword of the Jedi and his Imperial friend had cornered her on Bastion - or, more accurately, her then-apprentice and ex-girlfriend. The sharp memory of that moment where she had been close enough to win the fight but still lost her stung far more than the missing arm that was flung from her torso as the Jedi padawan seized all the luck in the stars, and perhaps all the favor of the force, in her effort to cut her down. The telekinetic shove that came from her shuffling feet towards the smaller BB-unit droid mirrored the way she had reacted to discovering she had been facing people hellbent on killing her for being her parent's child, utilizing every part of her body as the chance presented itself to either defend herself or to fight back.

It would have been so easy to exploit the three now, as the two had managed to do to her then, and make them little more than a struggling duo to live spitefully into the next day - it was frightened eyes flashing before her own that night, haunting her like only a memory could, that put so much restraint on her that she didn't tear the padawan out of the air when she had the chance. She winced at the pain, though only in her face, but her momentary lapse in judgement that cost her an arm did not slow the rapid sweep of her right leg up to offer the padawan a telekinetic thrust that provided more than the necessary force meant to propel a human body away from her while she let the shift in her body lend its weight to her blade arm meant to keep her own lightsaber pressed down against the Jedi Master's.

Maybe it was the blonde hair that reminded her of her, or the strangeness of facing a master-apprentice pairing that was so strikingly similar to her own first pairing, but she knew from the moment the scent of her own burning flesh reached her nostrils that killing either of them was no longer on the table - not that the tides had turned against her, only that there wasn't a fire in her that burned hot enough to willingly consume either of the two anymore.


The name escaped from her lips like a sigh might, lacking any of the menace she should have in her as the infamous Dark Voice of the Maw, which was quite uncharacteristic given the sinister image she had painstakingly cultivated for herself since shortly before joining the Maw - nearly as uncharacteristic as her sudden withdrawal from the blade-lock with Valery Noble Valery Noble . "I subsist on my own suffering." The Sith explained, in reference to her jarring lack of lasting reaction to such a sudden amputation. Shifting a new limb would be easy enough - she was a Shi'ido, it was well within the realm of possibility for her to possess many limbs if she had desired - but her mood had shifted dramatically in a few short seconds. It was slowly starting to sink in - now more than ever - that her desperate promise to an old flame was one she was going to break. The force's intervention, then, that tore from her a vital limb was only further indication that the death she'd envisioned on Exegol wasn't one of spiteful triumph.

"I made a deal with my cousin that I wouldn't harm a hair on family." She said, lifting her lightsaber up and across her front, with a distasteful emphasis on the notion of family.

"That includes his daughter-in-law."

The excuse was a feeble one, the deal was null and void if any member of her extended family sought her out to kill her as Valery did now, and it was a rather pathetic attempt to save face and explain away why she had left herself so open as to be wounded in such a way - her condition being analogous to Darth Sion or not aside. None of them needed to understand there was a tender part of her they'd unknowingly exposed, a weakness in some way. It would be easier to rationalize a withdrawal, even a mutual one, than to face them in her current frame of mind.

She wasn't above doing so, however, it wouldn't be easy either.

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Their moment was like a calm river; cleaving through the dead with grace, their blades, the only other hue from all the red, danced into magnificent arcs. Only for it to be disturbed with a pebble thrown into it. Xashe’s small mistake cost them dearly, his Padawan trying to compensate against the hordes as the two pushed through rotten flesh and bone.

It was enough to be separated from each other and then something made Rhis cringe. A scream from his Padawan, one of pain. For all that he believed and taught, being focus and not let emotions distract him, it was enough allow fear get a grip on him.

"Go!" A desperate yell insisted. "Focus on the necromancers."

He knew those words, something similar he uttered to his own Master years ago on a mission. How odd things always repeated themselves. A brave Padawan putting the mission before themselves and a concerned Master confused on what to do. How could he just…abandon her? Their cause was important, but so was she.

His very reason on why Rhis did his best on avoiding mentoring.

“Not without you!” He made his decision and went back for his student. Rhis would not be so relentless in sacrificing his Padawan. Even if it meant jeopardizing the mission or furthering their troubles. Her death would a failure on him and it would be no better than a Sith Lord using their students as pawns until they proved to be useless.

His fear, however, turned into rage and began an onslaught to bridge back to Xashe.

Xashe Tistya Xashe Tistya

Open to interaction
How much will you endure?

Location: Selvaris
Attani Implant:
Tag: Amani Serys Amani Serys

"Because there's no place in this Galaxy for the weak," Nyaeli said, mere seconds before she unleashed her mental assault against the Jedi Knight. While absolutely not enough to drive her completely insane, it broke the woman's focus enough to disturb the barrier, and Nyaeli wasted no time in wanting to exploit the moment. She drew her crimson blade, and accelerated but was quickly forced to stop as the Pike lashed out.

Hoping to still get some advantage out of the situation, Nyaeli raised a hand and directed a surge of lightning toward the Jedi. If she couldn't get close, then she'd make her skin boil from a distance.

But as she began this assault, the sound of starships up above caught her attention. The loud roars of engines soon turned into powerful tremors, as bombs were raining down on the jungle and rapidly getting closer. Nyaeli lowered her hand, and jumped away but as danger spiked in the Force, everything went dark.




678th Frontier "Lanever Villecham" Task Force
Battlegroup Kenobi


The bridge of the ANS Vober Dand was silent as time seemed to freeze, the crew anxiously waiting for the next command uttered from the lips of Alliance Commander Don Dono. The harsh realities of war were ever present to the younger personnel on board who until now had experienced only the simulation rooms within the Alliance Naval Academies. The tactics employed by a commander would haunt them until the day they eventually perished, always questioning and second guessing what could have been done differently during the battle in order to save more lives.

Dono could not answer this question not physically or mentally as one of the technical officers broke the silence.
"Commander!, the FDS Goliath has been completely destroyed. But we are detecting reinforcements arriving within the system." The technical officer replied. The desperate and risky maneuver employed had been successful but it had costed them two battlecruisers and thousands of personnel on board of which he was responsible for. There was no time to dwell on this fact, with the arrival of Final Dawn Reinforcements within the Selvaris System and the Final Dawn Main Fleet behind them getting ready to surrounded them. The 678th Frontier Task Force had to withdraw now and only now in order to save the lives of the remaining crews.

"All vessels, jump into hyperspace before they can bring additional gravity projectors into play." The voice of Commander Dono rang out amongst the bridge as the various technical officers and command staff focused on distributing his orders throughout the remaining alliance fleet. There was a sense of urgency as time was not exactly on their side.

Fortunately it would seem that the powers that be would allow them to escape as the ANS Vober Dand and the Task Force jumped into hyperspace away from the Selvaris System to return to an alliance naval yard for repairs.

Kaine Hamilton Kaine Hamilton
Jack Versio Jack Versio
Dayjer Haspar Dayjer Haspar





: GA | NJO
: Silas Westgard | Thelma Goth
GEAR: In bio




The shot to the girl had landed.

Danika got the space she needed. And that was both Jedi's mistake. While smoke spiraled from her shoulder, teal-coloured eyes regarded both of them, taunting them and waiting.

And she did not have to wait for long.

The Herald of Death felt the shift in the Force as the two melded. Someone as experienced as her could easily tap into the flimsy meld. But where was the fun in that?

"She is no welp, she is far better than that" S

The Warlord had a sinister smile that was spreading on her face. The respite she needed had done its work. When both Jedi moved, Danika was ready with a very simple answer...

"That so?"

As both injured Jedi converged on her, the Force adhered to Danika's command to manifest into a destructive blast.
"Think again." she added afterwards.
Harnessing the power was somewhat taxing. Had she not been as anchored in the Nether, it would have exhausted her completely along with the burn mark on her shoulder, but her ties to the other side of the Veil gave her the energy she needed. It was both a curse and a blessing when it needed to be.

But hopefully it would, at the very least, put the two Jedi far out of reach for long enough for Danika to conjure the temporary gateway.

She wouldn't stick around to see if the blast had the desired effect. Within an instant, the Lady of Conquest would step through Time and away from the two opposing her. The boy was as predictable as a Jedi could be, but the girl....the girl had more power than the Jedi would ever teach her. It would either pose a problem in the future or be boon. Only time would tell. Danika would definitely pay attention to the little Energy Vampire hybrid going forward.

But for now, the Lady of Bone had other business to attend to without some meddling kids...

/Exit thread





Hesitation had no home in the underground chambers. Above the drumbeat of her own impatient hurry, she felt the outpouring of Sion’s plea and power. The Force swelled, wrapped around her, imbued her, usurped her nerves, and spread into a corona of brilliant blue light with a white core.

A for a moment, it was clear. That white was the purity of Sion. Like pure balance of the world poised and waiting.

With all of everything shared between them gathered and burgeoning, Osarla could constrain it no longer. Not with the downpour of their environment. With a roar, she heaved her shoulders forward and stretched out her hands, and thrust all of it out with gratifying intensity.

The first output was a shimmering blue dome that concealed and closed in around the Master and Padawan. Preserving their sanctity. The flames of the turrets explosion bloomed over it, dissipating in skitters of yellow and orange against the translucent shield. Despite being protected by the lion’s share of the impact, Osarla flinched at the searing heat. She felt her armour warm, and her skin blister.

The dome closed around their feet, wedging itself between stone and dirt to eclipse them in the safety of an orb.

She bared her teeth, blood flooding in her veins, the fierceness of her focus was in the falling debris launching one after the other, of varying sizes, at Enyo. Rocks, boulders, pebbles, dirt, objectives of malice and torture, knives, the ground itself rose up and seized into a semi-circle to eclipse the trajectory of the HRD.

Osarla’s psyche was safe from the emotional tumult that Sion and Enyo shared — she saw nothing but the necessity of protection; baited only by the consequence of failure.

Everywhere but the small space Sion and Osarla shared was ruptured with cataclysmic ferocity, and all converged in the direction of that which had nearly killed her Padawan.

With a final heave and gruff gunt, Osarla forced her arcing telekinesis downward, and willed the Force-bubble to rise up, up, up, up and through the crumbling earth. Tiny pieces of metal and shards slipped through the defences, gratitude be to the Force-wielding clone.

It wasn’t until they were metres away, on the surface of Oyokal, that Osarla finally gave into exhaustion and set them down to the algae-ridden earth.

“Couldn’t have done that withoutcha, kid.”

ALLIES | GA | NJO | Sion Lorray Sion Lorray | Teshi Ocano Teshi Ocano | Mrir'ik'amorn Mrir'ik'amorn

Cora's blade came careening down, cleaving the Sith Lord's arm at the shoulder.

She couldn't believe her luck. The sensation had been unlike anything she'd imagined—Cora had sliced through debris and numerous training droids, but never living flesh. Blue plasma had cut through the Sith Lord's arm like hot butter, and the fact that she'd been able to land the hit was enough to have her hesitating in shock.

No cry of anguish passed Vesta's lips, but a strangely morose sigh did. Something had shifted in their opponent, but Cora wasn't able to pinpoint the change.

Up this close, the Padawan couldn't help but realize how elegant and pretty the Sith was. Even for a shapeshifter, it was strangely humanizing. Cora's heart lurched in the oddest of reactions.

Still, she seemed unbothered by the loss of her arm. The novice's eyes flared, realizing that she'd been lured into a trap.

A powerful telekinetic blast struck her, sending Cora spiraling back towards the very same tree she'd leaped from. Her body struck the solid bark with such force that pain reverberated in every bone, every muscle, searing along every nerve as nociceptors fired into overdrive. Her vision swam, and even the sharp hiss of interlocked lightsabers sounded distant and muffled.

Cora’s form slid limply down the trunk, back arching at a disturbingly involuntary angle as she hacked up blood.

Valery Noble Valery Noble BB-610 BB-610 Vesta Zambrano
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Outfit: Factory Link | Necklace
Appearance: Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Ally Tag: BB-610 BB-610 Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania
Enemy Tag: Vesta Zambrano

Like their fight on Empress Teta, Valery had used an ability meant mostly for infiltration purposes to phase through her opponent. She spun around, and swept her blade in for the kill, but felt immense resistance instead, as violet and crimson plasma collided once again. Her jaw clenched, her muscles tightened and with every bit of strength she could muster, she wanted to keep the Dark Voice locked into this duel.

From above, her Padawan came down to exploit this, and even though it was a planned strike, Valery was surprised to see her sever the Dark Lord's arm as well. There was no pained cry or a sudden drop in strength as a result, but she could feel something else swirling deep within the woman. Something human that she would have never expected to feel from someone associated with death and destruction.

Even so, their blades remained locked and Vesta unleashed a telekinetic blast that sent her Padawan flying into her tree. Through their bond, Valery could feel Cora's pain and watching her body hit the floor sent a shiver down her spine.

"Cora!" she called out, and much like Vesta, she had the desire to break their blade-lock as well. She jumped to position herself between the Padawan, Bee, and Mori and stared down her opponent. Despite what she felt earlier, she expected Mori to attack, but again to her surprise, she didn't.

"I made a deal with my cousin that I wouldn't harm a hair on family."

Valery frowned and didn't know how to feel about it, or what to even say. The idea that she actually didn't want to cause her harm because of family ties seemed ridiculous, but there was something about Vesta that relieved Valery's body of tension. She gritted her teeth, considered her options and...


Every part of her being screamed to undo this decision, and fulfill what she had always believed to be her destiny — to rid the Galaxy of the Dark Side and its followers. But she'd rather let Mori go and ensure the safety of her Padawan than let the girl she swore to protect get seriously hurt just to kill Mori. The Maw was already on its last breath, and for some odd reason, what she felt from the Dark Voice almost made her believe that she was not beyond being saved.

What would Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble have done?

"I'm sorry," she added after feeling what was happening within the woman. But after a moment, her gaze shifted over her shoulder to look at Cora and Bee. Their safety was her priority.

Osarla Ridor Osarla Ridor , Sion Lorray Sion Lorray

A hailstorm of falling debris bombarded Enyo. Large rocks, dirt, objects of torture and cruelty, even seemingly the ground itself. The Cyborg stood in the eye of the storm as debris slammed into her shield, cut cut and sliced at her flesh, battered her armour and metallic chasis. A heavy blow struck her leg, another battered her chest, where the armoured plating had already been cracked earlier. As the two Jedi fled, Enyo was knocked down by the force of the blow.

Smoke rose up into the air as she blasted the debris aside, rising. Her humanid covering was torn and ripped. Moreover, pseudo-organs that her body possessed to simulate eating, breathing and the like were damaged. A few were hanging out, one was 'bleeding'. Nonetheless, she stood, looking upward.

The Jedi were, of course, too far away for her to actually see them, but she could register them via her scanners. Many a Sith Lord and probably every 'Master of Ren' - though Enyo did not acknowledge any members of that second-rate Sith knockoff as masters of anything except childishness - might have fallen into a rage at their prey getting away.

Enyo cocked her head slightly, one eye flickering. The Jedi Padawan had not succeeded in mentally overloading. However, for a few moments, he had been successful in reminding her what it felt like to feel pain and rage. Both sensations were disconcerting...but also educational. They made her understand organic beings better. The Jedi and their bond included. Perhaps the engagement had been likewise educational for him.

The Cyborg shrugged and turned around to slowly walk back into the depths of the facility. She still had to acquire what she sought, after all. It was very unlikely that she would encounter interference again so soon.

Amani rolled her eyes, "That's about what I figur-" But she was cut off by the sharp psychic pain before she could finish expressing her disappointment. Self-preservation instincts kicked in, and paid off, as the warding swing kept the Sith from earning a quick kill.

Nyaeli would not give up so easily however, and just as Amani regained control of her senses, she found them overwhelmed once again by an electrical surge. It had been a long time since Amani was struck by Force Lightning. She almost forgot how much she hated it.

The Jedi fought against the burn in her muscles, and raised a twitching hand to try and absorb the energy for herself. But in the end their standoff proved short-lived, as screaming bombers strafed the jungle too close for comfort. They both tried to avoid the danger, but Amani felt a concussive Force launch her backwards. There was a heavy crack against her back, and her vision faded.

When she came to, it was to the sound of a pinging comm device. Amani's eyes slowly fluttered open in search of the source, first discovering the ruined forest around her. She had hit a tree, which was itself broken and burning. Seemingly, there was no sign of the Sith. Dead or not, Amani didn't have time to search; The comm was urgently requested her return to the forward operating base to help with the increasing number of casualties.

Amani gritted her teeth, and grabbed the comm. She stood up, nearly stumbling over from pain. A glance down at her waist revealed a red-stained puncture wound, probably from splintered wood. The healer shook her head, and trudged on back to camp.
ᴏɴᴇꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ᴢᴇʀᴏᴇꜱ




| LOCATION: Selvaris |
| FRIEND: Valery Noble Valery Noble | Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania |
| FOE: Vesta Zambrano |

BB-610 was unsure whether everything that happened in the next few seconds went by as a rapid blur or sluggish slow-motion. Their efforts had reached a crescendo, escalating into decisive strikes that dismembered limbs and threw themselves forth with pressure laced in venom and oozing with adrenaline. The droid backpeddled, inching away as Master and Padawan focused their blades, his electro-shock prod retracted as the Sith channelled an energy that knocked straight into Cora with a force harsh enough to sweep her off her feet and knock the wind from her lungs, a sickening THUD burning into his audio inputs before the girl's body tumbled to the ground beneath the tree she'd been slammed into.

Screaming out for her with the artificial crack in a synthetic cry, the astromech pried and tugged at his cords ever so desperately in an attempt to roll over to her, and when the whirring of his motors failed to gather enough force to yank himself free, BB-610 hastily brought out his utility saw, buzzing to life as it sliced through his own cables, severing his ties before sending him forward, carried by the speed he'd been accumulating in his prior attempts to run for her. Without wasting a second, BB-610 dashed across the wilted grass and burdened soil, allowing Valery to handle Mori while the droid inched closer to Cora.

Optic constricting in shock as he noted the blood trickling down her chin amidst coughs and grunts from labored breaths, BB-610 trembled, worrying as he bweeped and whined, frantically asking again and again if she was okay, blending together in an ocean of binary that washed over each other in mindless desperation. Panicked, BB-610 looked over her body-- he wasn't a medical droid, but the blunt force trauma was easy to notice, and his subsequent scans informed him that she'd nearly been knocked unconscious. A previous mission with Valery had taught him the hard way that Jedi aren't above serious injuries to their bodies, leaving him with the image of a barely stable Valery weakly asking for help as she staggered with a cauterized blaster wound between her shoulder blades burned into his droidbrain. Luckily, this had also taught him the importance of keeping bacta on his person.

While any patches couldn't be supplied without a specific wound to heal, BB-610 nonetheless slid open a small compartment in another tool-bay disk, his utility arm emerging in unison to retrieve a small stim canister. Tweeting softly, the astromech told her that everything will be okay, as his arm slowly lowered, the stim's needle piercing the skin of her right arm while a thin digit-like appendage atop his claw arm pressed the plunger down to inject the bacta's blue fluid into Cora's bloodstream. While it wasn't an immediate cure, the least it could do was numb her pain, and after the astromech located her fallen lightsaber for storage, BB-610 kept a close eye on her with endless patience.

Casting a backwards glance at Valery in-between watches, he noticed a mutual ceasefire between Jedi and Sith, and while his instincts questioned why Mori was left to wander free, BB-610's priorities remained with Cora as he cried for his Master when their eyes met, beckoning her over with high-pitched wails.


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Objective I // Selvaris Wilds // No Quarter
Allies: Creuat Creuat || Enemies: OPEN
eyes on fire, your spines ablaze
“Not without you!”


The curse was laced with a false anger. Tears threatened to make an appearance, but she didn't have the time to contemplate what her master's words meant to her. The hoard surged. A deep breath cenetered herself amongst the raving mass. Then, a Fallansi technique she and Rhis had pursued in her youth made all the difference. Desperation crafted beautiful illusions. Half a dozen green jedi furled out from her essence. It wasn't just her life on the line. Rhis was somewhere in here -- and she had to fight for both of them.

The corpses were too braindead to be confused by the sudden shift, but they did rise to the bait. One of the illusions giggled as it took a hit that would have knocked her down. It was her opportunity. Conviction cut a wide arc, slicing through three rotting torsos. Her illusions followed suit, their blades creating a beacon of light for her master to see. An arm surged for a fourth's head. The force emboldened her strike, and she tore it away, black sludge spurting to cover her.

"Rhis, where are you?"

The mob made way under the saber. They were repulsed by the light which illuminated them, scrambling to avoid it. Another claw raked her flesh as she pushed through to where she had her master's voice. Then another scratch. The padawan was almost taken again, when a cream robe was spotted amongst the hoard. A fistful of cloth was grabbed like a life raft. Xashe used it to pull herself from the fray.

"You came back for me."


“I’m not bailing.” Cordé said, before stretching into a long silence where Frea’s concerns went mostly unanswered. Mostly because Cordé didn’t want to make a call for either of them unnecessarily. But, if Frea wanted to go, she could. Technically, her contract stipulated just getting Cordé to the drop zone. She’d done that, amply.

Without any further explicit explanation though, the agent-slash-medic’s nonverbal cues spoke for themselves. She was trying to determine a world where they did not have to sit and wait. The drones returned, but no response through the short-range comms did. Nova Corps and the Pathfinders were entirely silent. Or, her outgoing message wasn’t going through. She could give boosting the signal a try….

She decided to download the responses from the drones first, and elbowed Frea to invite her attention to the little blue holo recordings. The outpost looked barren, save for a few corners. The route to the central comms was mapped at least..

“I think, if we’re careful, we can make it into that communications tower. And then I can get a signal boosted enough to reach backup.”

Cordé tilted her head up, looking at the awkward spindle that was the comms tower. The footage left much to be desired, but she was fairly certain her grappling hook reached that far..

Zzzrrrppp! It coiled out, through the air, and tinked successfully against the edge of something. Cordé lifted her feet from the ground to test her weight on it, hung for a second, then nodded. Nobody seemed bothered by the action, either. So far, she and Frea were still undetected.

“You in? If yeah, you can be the guns while we go up.” Cordé invited her pilot, and if she said yes, she’d loop her arm around Frea’s waist and they’d ascend. If she said no, Frea’d be asked to spot and cover before ducking out.


F R I E N D S | GA | NJO | SIA | Frea Sheplin Frea Sheplin

Cordé Sabo Cordé Sabo

"The difference between something you THINK can happen, and something that WILL happen are sometimes widely different!"
Frea hissed with a whisper. Her eyebrows perked to underline her concern for this plan. "That's why recon is usually done from afar and not as some ad-hoc operation."

But, regardless, Frea threw her arms in the air by her sides and let them slap against her thighs. Her head shook but she accepted Cordé's invitation to follow along nonetheless. Mostly because chances were that getting the ship off the ground now would be about as loud as any fight that could break out in this outpost.

As they slowly began to ascend the tower she couldn't help but give Cordé a funny look. When she was younger she had daydreamed about situations like this, the Solo and the Princess. Except that this was no death star, and she was fairly sure Cordé was no princess. Unless it was Frea who was the princess.

… No. The roles got a bit muddied when… Or, well, as the pilot it was definitely Frea who was the cool, stylin' Solo and "Dulcet" was the princess. They just got their costumes mixed up or something.

They reached the platform above them. Frea sought the cover of a nearby crate. No words for this one, she looked over the crate and then to Agent Dulcet. Two fingers, a pointed thumb over her shoulder towards them. After that she mimicked getting her knife out and slicing it across her throat before raising her shoulders in a shrug.


“C’mon Vanguard, I’m surprised at you.” Cordé smirked her cooing jest to the hissed admonishment from Frea. The pilot’s concerns were well-warranted, though. Cordé’s compulsion was breaking protocol — which was probably why Verin Verin had been tasked with shadowing her on Neshtab…

Up on the platform, Cordé crouched and nodded at Frea’s nonverbal communications. Standard gestures that plainly meant this way, not that way. And then the universal gesture for death. Despite the tension, Frea’s levity made her smile. But she remained crouched, and used technology to do some more scouting on their behalf.

Null agents were a division within the SIA that pushed the boundaries of traditional senses, and so much of their tech augmented the benefit Force Sensitives had naturally. It just took a little bit longer to parse sometimes.

Her scanners came up clear in the original two-fingered gesture, and she gave a clasping gesture to communicate that their initial room was clear. The corner into the hallway however, was still up for debate. So far, her HUD read no life forms. The sparse retcon that had been done by the Pathfinders a week or so before had reported sparse presence, and so far, that report was proving true.

With the Chiss Ascendency purged from space, and the Maw draining the agricultural world of its natural resources during their original attack on the planet, there wasn’t much left on the planet for them to protect.

Cordé moved from the crat’s protection carefully. Her suit was intentionally outfitted with more stealth tech than the pilot’s, so she inserted herself ahead of her white-haired companion to insist she go first.

Crouching to the corner, she kept her blaster pointed down to her feet and back to the edge of the doorway. The blast doors seemed broken and were stuck open. Which helped her and Frea stay quiet, anyway, from the transition of platform to hallway.

Caution dictated her movements, and she moved across the barren hall. Quickly, she jammed her first against the panel that was supposed to open the blast doors to the communication tower.

It didn’t open. Just flashed red.

She didn’t challenge the definition of insanity, and didn’t try it again.

“Mother ka—” she muttered, but bit off the remaining cuss and dropped to her knees to get to work, shoving in an cord from her pocket to the port of the pad that flashed red at them in a broken language of traditional basic. The program had been built from several other comm towers overtaken through the rest of the Second Great Hyperspace war. It took no more than a few seconds to codebreak the lock and the doors hiss open without hesitation.

Swiftly she stood and dragged Frea in.


F R I E N D S | GA | NJO | SIA | Frea Sheplin Frea Sheplin

Cordé Sabo Cordé Sabo

"I take my responsibility as a soldier very seriously." Frea hissed back at the goading little taunt. Whether the cutesy little spy knew it there was no denying that the particular nerve she had struck was the wrong one. Or the right one, depending on the reaction you wanted.

Their trip into the facility was, luckily, short. Frea kept her blaster out of its holster, checked her corners and observed as… Corde just about solved everything without her. Really, Frea's role was more reminiscent of eye candy than anything else in comparison. For a moment she glanced away, almost bored at how little she got to do when she was pulled away and into another room.

A surprised grunt rumbled in her throat as she came face to face with Cordé in what Frea could only have assumed was their target.

"What the HELL was that?!" She hissed, again, once the coast was cleared. "You could have done this by yourself, easily!"

She blew the strand of hair in protest, a huff if you will.

"With your doo-dads and the… Tiny little robots." Frea almost seemed a little jealous. Her eyes wandered around the room with an uneasy look. "Just send the message already and we can go. I miss the sky."

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