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Faction Gathering the Hand (Dark Hand)

"Evil is Rising in the Galaxy.
The Sith have returned to kill and conquer.
The Light while strong, is restrained by politics.
It's time for a action.
It's time for people to say No.
The Dark Hand Rises to stem the tide of evil.
You are invited to join us. Will you heed the call?"
The letters traversed the galaxy, each written by Vulpesen and Riamah Riamah and including the coordinates and passcodes to land at the personal Docks of Veradune's Valde. In time they had drifted apart, but with the resurgence of the sith, the pair had reconvened to revive their alliance. The Dark hand had, in its time, proven to be a threat against the sith. Its members were scattered across the galaxy, diverse in creed, species, and alignment. Yet, the words "Call the hand," had meant the stalwart defense of entire planets and the fall of sith such as Alicia Drey Alicia Drey . They were monster beneath the beds of every sith. And with the return of dark order, so had come the Dark Hand. Jedi were restricted my morality and politics. The Mandalorian were at war with themselves as much as any other threat inn the galaxy. And people such as Veradune's wilders were small that they needed something or someone to even out those odds. The Dark hand would prove to be the force for such an evening.

With Vulpesen at its head, Veradune would always serve as a stronghold for the hand and within one of the Valde's own war rooms, he had set up a large round table at which, each of the hands members, both old and new, could sit. Of course, fine food and drink had been provided as well for them to enjoy once all those that arrived had been escorted to the meeting place. "Ladies and gentlemen," Vulpesen began once everyone had arrived, "thank you for coming. Many years ago, Riamah came to the conclusion that the galaxy has, over the millennia, suffered from one primary threat to peace and prosperity, the sith. Whether they follow Bane's rule of two, the creed of the one sith, or follow Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex in the kainites, the sith exist to corrupt, congquer, and destroy. You are here because we beleive that you share our desire to see their rot removed from the galaxy."

Noah Corek Noah Corek Braze Braze Mig Gred Mig Gred Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree
It had been far too long since Ra had participated in the destiny of the Galaxy—well, maybe not the entire Galaxy, but at least the part she lived in. Instead, she faded away and just lived a quiet life. Maybe there had been a tremor in the Force, or she had just listened to the news. No matter what, she had reached out to an old friend in Vulps. They had communicated and conspired to restart and rebuild the Hand.

Old allies and friends had been invited, and even some new prospects. The gathering was on Veradune, a planet familiar to the redhead. A location she had long thought was to be kept secret. Now she learned its borders had been opened, and strangers were welcome.

There was a reason for the table to be round. Ra did not wish to put herself at the top. She might be there as the faction's leader but from the shadows. That was where the former Sith felt she belonged. Not that she would hide all the time, but she usually did not stick her neck out. This most likely would not change as she had a family to care for.

With a sigh, she sat at the table and waited for the others to arrive. Taking a drink, she leaned back to listen to Vulps. He wasn't wrong in what he said, and she nodded in agreement.

"We have stood against them before and will do it again. Too much has been lost, and there is no hope of regaining much. Even now, their power grows again, and the light is dimming. They are mired in politics."

Such was the way of things sometimes. Now was the time for the Hand to act, and she hoped those gathered agreed.
What else can be said.. Veradune was on a list... the jedi monitored it.. sometimes.. mostly it was there but the Hand had drawn interest when rumors had been there and Bellalika had been sent. An investigator was always helpful as she could go where many others didn't and Veradune was often talked about after the people had been brought back from the netherworld. So she arrived on the planet, the vessel rippling after she got out of it and changing to moved around her ankle before the petite zeltron stood there. Red skinned with scars on her face and body... a building being dropped on you was not the best time but she could go into that later as she moved to go and join the party.
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Mig smiled a bit as he listened, Leddie Gred Leddie Gred there with him. It was her first time at any sort of Hand meeting, but he figured it would be good for his daughter to know about this. Still, he'd listen and smile, happy to see everyone there so far. Wasn't much he could really add to this discussion right now, since Riamah Riamah and Vulpesen Vulpesen basically got the point across. Leddie meanwhile tried to listen, but there was no hiding she wasn't the most thrilled.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra remained sitting silently, having taken her place next to Noah and was wearing a heavy cloak that hid most of her features. Her hands were in her lap, her eyes going over those sitting in the room and smiling at the familiar faces that she knew. It had been a long time since she had seen alot of them, a long time since she had really left her home. She would keep next to Noah the whole time though, some part of her already uncomfortable with the short time she was away from the Tree. It was after all half of her being and being so far from it made her feel uneasy.

Still she would remain quiet and attentive, letting Noah take the lead on things, though she was more than ready to speak up on her own if need be.
Though he had been to many occasions of this nature, the opulence and decorum of these situations always struck Mereel with a sense of being out of place. At the end of the day, they were all here to discuss killing, or funding killing if not doing the act directly themselves - and Mereel was going to partake in this discussion while downing the best looking meal he had eaten in over a dozen rotations and sipping on some unknown wine.

He was content with staying out of the main conversation and scanning the room for now. There were familiar faces to be sure, but it had been quite some time since he had seen any of them, and he was sure no one he knew would recognize him in his current apparel - a double layering of drab colored robes and simple trousers, the belt for which his lightsaber sat affixed. Mereel found himself more interested in analyzing the actions of those that were unfamiliar to him anyway. In particular he found that his attention kept drifting towards a pair sitting next to him, a man and a younger woman. The man was smiling, the woman not so much.

Mereel slightly turned his head towards the woman Leddie Gred Leddie Gred , but continued to sip his wine and let his eyes persistently scan the room, "Excuse me, Miss. I don't mean to impose, but I would recommend partaking in the libations offered to the fullest. I can almost guarantee it will make this affair more.. bearable." Mereel said in a hushed tone.
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Marshal, Journeyman Protector

The Valde

Spare time was not something Arla found often, and far too often for her liking, her free spare time was taken up on duty. She had a duty to her people, her planet, her clan, and her leader. Balancing those duties was not difficult for her, because she always had a priority in sight and mind. The Sith, her people's mortal enemy, and her desire to strike at that enemy brought her to Veradune. She had access to reasonable intelligence takes from Mandalore and Qena, official and unofficial, enough to back check the invitation she had recieived, to know it could be trusted. Intrigued enough to make the journey to Veradune alone.

Vulpes and Riamah spoke, and Arla liked what she heard. She had looked over everything that intelligence had been able to bring her about potential attendees. Even then the information had been less than she'd like. That hardly mattered, when the people here had the right idea, and the right goal. Her goal. Darth Carnifex had brought misery and ruin to her people, and she wanted to bring some back to him. While she remained silent and listened, Arla nodded her helmeted head in agreement and assent.

She wanted to wait and listen, and speak when it became necessary. She wasn't a leader anymore, she was a warrior. She wasn't a diplomat anymore, she was a soldier. She lived to bring honour to her people, and honour their memory, that of what the Sith did to Mandalore. Arla's fire burned cold and her resolve was like the mandalorian iron her people were long associated with. Dead to the Force, no one would sense her feelings in the Force, but her presence, her steely resolve, her calm devotion to her duty were on display, even in full armour. In time, she hoped to prove a valuable ally to this gathering, but for now, she would learn about these new potential allies.

Riamah Riamah Vulpesen Vulpesen Mereel Vaun Mereel Vaun Alexandra Feanor Alexandra Feanor Mig Gred Mig Gred Bellalika Bellalika


Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Alexandra Feanor Alexandra Feanor - Riamah Riamah - Vulpesen Vulpesen - Mig Gred Mig Gred - Bellalika Bellalika - Mereel Vaun Mereel Vaun - Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch

Noah Corek had been many things throughout his life that was well known to the public eye. Soldier, mercenary, general, CEO and the list went on for quite awhile. One thing that wasn't known to the public was that Noah had been at one point in time a member of the secret society known as the Dark Hand, originally recruited by the a mutual acquaintance by the name of Riamah. Just like now he had joined then because he felt the powers that be at the time were not doing enough or were constrained from doing enough to combat the growing darkness.

He currently sat at the round table, one hand gripping a glass of whiskey and the other below the table and resting upon the knee of his wife Alexandra. He knew that any extended period of time away from their home on Alderaan, and subsequently her tree, made his beloved nervous and so he was doing his best to alleviate that with his touch. Leaning over he pressed a kiss against her cheek and whispered to her. "I'll make you your favorite meal when we get home, I promise."

Hoping his words had soothed her at least somewhat he turned to look at those gathered and smiled when he recognize more than a few. Most were obvious, Riamah and Vulpesen had called the meeting so they were of course here, see saw his brother by both marriage and blood spilled together Mig Gred and his daughter Leddie, Noah’s niece, sending a smile Leddie's way. Two were new to him however, a Mandalorian who by her sigil he knew was Clan Rodarch and a older Jedi from what he could tell by his lightsaber and robes.

Looking over the table again Noah decided to speak. "You're not telling us anything we don't already know Arch Wilder, the question I believe you need to ask is what everyone at this table can contribute..."
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Vulpesen's eyes roamed over the gathering around them. In their faces, he saw differing levels of devotion for the cause, though that suited him just fine. The Dark Hand had never been a sacred brotherhood, requiring all from its members. It was a collection of people gathered for a singular goal. "Mr. Corek, that is a fine question. However, I don't really care if anyone at this table brings nothing more than a blaster and a sunny disposition. So long as that blaster points at the sith."

His clawed hands came down to rest on the table. "As for me, I am the Valde of Veradune. So long as House Torrevaso stands, the members of the Dark Hand will always have a haven on this planet, no matter where they hail from. Should you need, I can offer the services of my men, and no small amount of weapons and supplies as the CEO of Vitae Security Forces. In combat, you will find in me, a force wielding soldier who has fought the sith longer than most current jedi have even been alive." His own contributions spoken, Vulpesen looked around the table, simply waiting for the next to offer what resources they could spare.

Alexandra Feanor Alexandra Feanor Riamah Riamah Mig Gred Mig Gred Bellalika Bellalika Mereel Vaun Mereel Vaun Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch Noah Corek Noah Corek
It wasn't often the Hand gathered in one place. Ra was always present when it did happen, from Vjun to Zeltros and finally here on Veradune again. Her previous visit here was for a party, and she knew whatever Vulps offered would be fantastic. Looking around the table, she saw many familiar faces, and she nodded at each of them. There were also a couple of new people.

She was thankful to have the ranks growing again. Listening to what was stated and asked, Ra also noticed the few silent people. Turning her attention to Noah when he spoke, she looked at Vulps as he responded. Holding half of a smile, she agreed with what was said.

As the technical head of the Hand, she could acquire many things independently.

"All that might be true, Vulpesen, but contributions are usually needed. It could be as simple as he stated, Noah, but I like the idea of our people being spread across the Galaxy in different worlds, jobs, and positions. Just imagine what information is out there to be gathered and reported on. We all know what was mentioned earlier is true and that we are here to stand up and fight against the Sith."

She lifted a hand up as she finished speaking, gripping it in a fist. The group's name had been formed many years ago, and this just reinforced it.

Vulpesen Vulpesen Noah Corek Noah Corek Alexandra Feanor Alexandra Feanor Mig Gred Mig Gred Bellalika Bellalika Mereel Vaun Mereel Vaun Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch
She had managed to slip inside and wasn't hiding but also wasn't going into the discussion deeply. Choosing to observe and listen. The talks of how they could operate were different enough and she knew fighting the sith was the most important part... maybe. Resorting to the sith tactics of being spread out could be dangerous in viewing but she had no idea if it would really work out the way they were thinking.... still she knew Sasori usually was willing to help anti-sith and darkside organizations where it would be needed and if it could be done.. so there was that benefit.


TAGS: Vulpesen Vulpesen Noah Corek Noah Corek Alexandra Feanor Alexandra Feanor Mig Gred Mig Gred Bellalika Bellalika Mereel Vaun Mereel Vaun Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch Riamah Riamah

Braze had been given a mysterious invitation to this clandestine location. He had asked Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el if he could attend something like this as it was something that interested Braze. He wore full garb, clad from head to toe in obscuring attire. He wasn't sure what to make of this, but he wanted to hear them out and see what the plan of attack would be, all things considered in recent events.
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Mig noticed Arla, chuckling a bit to himself as he listened to what everyone had to say. Noah brought up a good point, and it looked like Leddie was making friends. He smiled a bit as some of the others answered Noah. Mig couldn't help but give a nod to his old friend.

"Well Noah, you know what I bring. Mig Gred for anyone new. Force. Ships. Weapons. Plenty of places to lay low, and Leddie isn't a slouch in a fight." He said, giving the zabrak a pat on the back. Leddie meanwhile had chuckled a little Mereel's comment, nodding a bit.

"Honestly I might agree to that." She'd then notice her uncle, Noah, and quickly wave at him, seeming more excited before hearing her dad, and feeling the pat on shoulder. She smirked, holding up a finger gun since she wasn't about the draw her blaster trayc'kal around a bunch of people. She nodded, looking around. "Hey. I learned from some of the best."

Vulpesen Vulpesen Riamah Riamah Noah Corek Noah Corek Alexandra Feanor Alexandra Feanor Bellalika Bellalika Mereel Vaun Mereel Vaun Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch Braze Braze
Glitch was sitting in his warehouse rolling the invite between his fingers. His mind debating if this would be good to show his face before so many people. He was a shadow and good at what he did. He was a whisper a rumor a legend but in the end he was still just a man. With a sigh he got up and looked to the droids. "Standard Protocol tell I return." He then walked out the maintenance door for the droids and quietly made his way towards his ship.

The ship went through many abandoned hyperlanes tell it couldn't and landed on the planet of Veradune. He made his way to the meeting site his head bowed and hands in the pockets of his long white coat in fact he was wearing all white for this affair. After all he was Echani and should show proper respect to those he was meeting. The hilt of his sword was exposed as he walked into the main chamber with the people around the table.

Glitched bowed to them keeping his eyes on everyone his hand resting atop the hilt of his sword. Raising his eyes glanced about tell he met Riamah's eyes. So far he could trust this meeting but many things would determine if he was going to stay.

"Greetings everyone." he stated in a simple cold voice that was monotone and gave nothing away at this point. they all would be able to tell he was ready for a fight at any moment but his agreement was sharing weapons and ships transporting the harder to get items and even the illegal ones to them.
Vulpesen Vulpesen Riamah Riamah Noah Corek Noah Corek Alexandra Feanor Alexandra Feanor Bellalika Bellalika Mereel Vaun Mereel Vaun Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch Braze Braze
On My Way To The Netherworld
TAG: Vulpesen Vulpesen
Riamah Riamah

Cordelia had heard The Call and arrived at Veradune, she entered the War Room and took a seat, he long black hair jostling as she tried to sit properly on her seat. She felt rather nervious.. she was new to the Dark Hand and had been a Sith in the past.

When Vulpesan began to give the briefing on The Sith and the threat they posed to the galaxy, she thought of her own family, House Demitte and how they peddled Spice and the unsuspecting. She wanted to topple the syndicate her Father had created, to set free people from the grip of his control.

The mention of the Kainite did not illicit any memories, she had only grown in her powers of the dark side independent of the Sith Orders, Seidon Demitte keeping his family isolated so that he could build an axis of power. She wondered if Callan Demitte, her brother would join in the toppling of their trade of ill repute. He had always hated the Spice trade as much as she did, and he could be a powerful ally. Though unlike her, he had no forsaken the dark well of Bogan. She worried her duties in the Dark Hand would drive her to cross blades with her brother one day.

There was all manner of people in the War Room, she felt like she was at a party and unaware of how to make introductions. So she observed and took ques from those who seemed to have some seniority among the Dark Hand.
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