[member="Vrag"] | [member="Krest"]
The winner is: VRAG.
Clearer posts and some KILLER, really smart attacks/counterattacks. THAT BURNING BLANKET.
Vrag post #10: Nice, nice, NICE. Looking for moments like this – little things, or holes in the opponent’s attack but just little opportunities – are very, very cool and a great start.
Krest post #11: Right off the bat, I see a ton of improvement since the last time I read a full thread from you. This post is clear, concise – I can visualize it easily and I really like the addition of Krest’s intentions post-attack if he gets a chance. I would caution against TOO much planning afterwards though, it can detract from your attack.
Vrag post #12: Nice use of economy of movement.
Krest post #15: Cool, quick application of the Force – I like that you pointed out it probably wouldn’t do much considering you had little time to build it and Vrag is wearing heavier armor, but that its intention was only buying a little space anyway.
Vrag, you have a REALLY great habit of pressing every single advantage you can find both mid-attack and between them, and they all make sense. Relentless as hell, I love it. You paint a clear picture of both the environment and your movements save for a few spots and really strive for economy of movement while delivering the biggest blows you can. My only critique is to keep the ‘opponent’s move was stupid’ stuff light. If the person you’re fighting does something that REALLY doesn’t make sense and it’s to your detriment NOT to comment, I’m in full support. But in general a judge will always pick up on your ability to use another’s mistakes to your advantage.
Krest, this is the best I’ve read from you. I was able to visualize everything you gave me, and you threw a bunch of creative ideas out. I feel you did a good job of saving your more intricate/powerful force powers for later in the fight. My critique for you here, and after reading a few of your duels a critique in general, is pacing. If you read this duel in particular back, you’ll see in the beginning that the beginning had a strange stop-start tempo, not stalling so much as ‘does something for a post, stops doing anything for a post’. This was corrected later in the fight but we see it again when Krest is healing himself/baiting Vrag closer. Generally anything more than one post in one place is leaving yourself open to big damage and you should find another way to make your intended attack modified to work. But like I said, this was a bomb duel to read from you, I enjoyed it immensely. And that ending was gnarly, kudos for taking that gruesome death.
That said, this was really fun to read – great job both of you!