Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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General Kenobi!

Alas, I lack the requisite extra arms to quadruple wield lightsabers. I felt obliged to create a thread.
I’m still working on some character details (as some of you may have noticied), but I’m hoping to get a profile up and running soon.

I’m not sure what else to say here, so... *waves*
[member="Kaine Australis"]
Thank you for the welcome.

This is just a question to anyone: how do the rank titles work?
With the Force User ones, do you have to start as a padawan and change it as you progress through your story?
I imagine there is a post somewhere explaining how all that works?
Welcome to Chaos [member="Drauchir"]!

In terms of rank bars, there is really no requirement to be anything, you can go straight in as a Jedi Master or a General. It's more about what you do really, to be a Master or General you just need to act like it in your faction and people will respond to you in a similar way.

Many people do start as a Padawan and work up, others start as a knight or even a master. It's all about the story you want to tell with your character.

That's the link for the ranks rules. The best thing to do is to figure out which faction you'd like to join and then chat with someone there so you can figure out what's the best for your character.

If you have any other questions please let me know, or ask anyone here, it's an awesome community around here.

Heloo and welcome to chaos :D

Please, enjoy this cookie

[member="Asaraa Vaashe"] thank you so much for that information. I’ll be sure to keep that in mind and have a look around.

[member="Connor Harrison"] Sorceror Supreme *tips hat*

[member="Kei Amadis"] Thank you for the welcome.

[member="Darth Ophidia"] Ooo cookies, don’t mind if I do... Wait, this wouldn’t happen to be one of those traps, right?

[member="Jamie Pyne"] Much appreciated.
[member="Karen Roberts"] Much appreciated Ma'am. I'll be sure to try and party hard!

[member="Darth Ophidia"] I was hoping you'd reassure me... I feel like I should be getting my affairs in order.

[member="Katarine Ryiah"] General Ryiah!

[member="Srina Talon"] Greetings! Well I guess I know where Drauchir is pledging his allegiance.... FOR THE CIS!
Using Daenerys is an unfair advantage though. Definitely might have Drauchir track Srina down IC when I start writing...

[member="Muad Dib"] No, but I'll give you some new one's ;)

[member="Memes"] *stabs Memes* Goodbye.

[member="Lilla Syrin"] Thank you *waves*

[member="Idris Voahan"] Thank you for the welcome.

[member="RU-TK1213"] Thanks tin can.
doo be be de beep be da be de beep be de be beep doodoo be be de beep be

(my metallurgical constitution has only a 0.004% tin alloy composition, [member="Drauchir"] )

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