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Approved Starship GenPals Conference Station

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  • Intent: Create the GenPals Conference Station.
  • Image Source: [x] [x] [x]
  • Canon Link: /
  • Restricted Missions: /
  • Primary Source: /
  • Classification: Civilian Space Station.
  • Length: 500 meters
  • Width: 500 meters
  • Height: 2000 meters
  • Armament: None
  • Defenses: Very Low
  • Hangar: 0 Squadrons.
  • Maneuverability Rating: Low
  • Speed Rating: Low
  • Hyperdrive Class: None
  • Standard life support
  • Standard sublight engines
  • Standard deflector shields
  • Standard repulsorlifts
  • Standard subspace and hyperspace communications
  • Y1 Droid Brains & Y2 Crystal Lattice. Highly automated, much of the station is self-sustaining and self-regulated with the help of the Y1 Droid Brains and Y2 Crystal Lattice.
  • Artificial Habitat Ring. The Ring Level of the station has a series of artificial ‘natural’ habitats, ranging from sculpted gardens to forest biomes, coastal shores to savannah grasslands. All are pleasant to walk through for most humanoid species (no extreme environments) and showcase a variety of species, cloned by GenPals (and only slightly modified) from all over the galaxy.
  • Medical and Veterinary Bays. Not only for the sick passenger, but also the sick GenPal! As a GenPal friendly facility, multiple first aid stations exist scattered, with three larger main fully stocked and supplied medical bays for traveler’s needs.
  • Lab Showcase. “Where the magic happens.” These GenPals ‘labs’ are set up with the public eye in mind. While some minor work gets done there, it is primarily for show.
  • Hologram Playground. State-of-the-art holographic and solid-state hologram systems allow visitors to immerse themselves in their favorite GenPals cartoon scenes. Kids get to meet and interact with their beloved cartoon figures.
  • Docking Piers and Hangar Bays. Very elaborate piers and bays that allow for comfortable docking for a large amount of visitors. For those that cannot afford the price of a ticket hundreds of buoys outside the station offer a less expensive place for docking. A shuttle service is provided at cost for transportation.
  • Quarantine systems. The majority of the station possesses extensive bulkdoor and isolation mechanisms. Many of the sectors can be sealed remotely for safety concerns.
  • Automated. Like with many Didact projects the GenPals Conference Station is designed to be highly autonomous and automated.
  • Extensive. No expense has been spared to make the station very competent at what it does. It can support various biomes at the same time, regulate atmosphere, climate and sustain geography. All with focus on durability through advanced water and air recycling systems.
  • Civilian. It's a civilian station. It has virtually no armament or defenses to speak of.
  • Sitting duck. It's a station, it can barely move or manoeuvre around. It doesn't have a hyperdrive either. It needs to be towed, if it becomes necessary to move it.
Description: Sleek and Stylish from the core to the outer hull, the GenPals Conference Station is a feat of engineering- combining form and function to create a unique, experienced based resort setting.

While the initial GenPals Conference Center on Bonadan filled its function without trouble, it lacked the stature and impression that Cassandra Paige wanted to invoke. Working with Itash Mecetti of Didact, the two designed the station to be so, so much more than a simple conference center. Utilized as a showcase and playground, it boasts luxury accommodations while being specifically GenPal friendly. While anyone can book a day trip or extended time there, GenPals owners receive discounted fares and occasional other special incentives or exclusive event invitations.

Didact ensured that all of GenPals’ needs were met and then added some of its own designs to it. Most important of all were the advanced automation protocols to ensure that the station would be efficient and competent in its approach. From the bays to the artificial habitation ring and beyond, many of the functionalities are either operated by the automated systems or exponentially increased in its efficiency.

Made With: [member="Cassandra Paige"]
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