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Private 'George' of the Jungle

Faith is the heroism of the intellect.

LOCATION: Shadow Temple | OBJECTIVE: Planning something unique | POST #: 1
TAG (ALLIES) : Brooke Waters Brooke Waters
TAG (FOES) : @

He had just finished a much needed workout and cleaned up. Now it was time for some meditation as Caltin sat on a Wroshyr tree branch to the side of the landing bay of the Shadow Temple. He was expecting someone, and while there was no timetable on her approach, the best place to do this was out here, among the wildlife but close enough to where he could not only see the shuttle approaching of his expected guest, but respond to any potential issues beforehand.

It was a beautiful day and completely conducive to this sort of serene act. Caltin was actually excited for it, something that he was not always known for.

Caltin had never met Brooke Waters Brooke Waters before, but Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser had spoken highly of her in the past. So it was worth the meeting, even if she could not help him with what he was looking to do, it would be a worthwhile contact to make for the future. The big guy was optimistic though, the idea he had, for the future, could prove to be something that could not only affect, but help the Jedi who wish to take a similar journey in the future.

He wanted to believe this whole thing, this Temple, it was not about him, it was about anyone and everyone who landed here, whether to learn, or simply walk around. This was not a place of hubris, this was a place to pass on skills and abilities to the next generation, purely. Yes, that should be the role of any Temple, any Enclave, any Master, but often much of the Jedi’s education stops after they are Knighted, this Shadow Temple continues that. It all starts with him, it all starts here.

If only I could figure out why Kelacca, the Wookiee Chiefton called me "George".
Apparently a call had gone out through the right Jedi channels for some help, and Master Starchaser had put her name forward. Brooke, formerly known by a bit of a nickname of ‘Token’ on Jedi channels, was more than happy to help out. Especially once she got the glowing review for Master Vanagor and that she’d be safe over at the Shadow Temple. The blonde had taken her solarsail ship, the one that had gotten her so far around this galaxy and helped her settle so many worlds for the Blue Corals.

Well, settle was a very loose term.

The fact that she was heading to Kashyyyk was definitely different. The world was more temperate than the ones she typically found herself searching for. That wasn’t bad, it was always good to get out and away from the tropics. Plus, it gave her a way to focus. There wasn’t going to be a bit of searching for a place to raise the Blue Corals that seemed to have almost made a pact out of Brooke’s approach around the galaxy.

Stepping from the ship, the blonde in blue robes and leather armor was smiling. Her cross-chest leather bandolier held several items, including her zeffonian alloy lightsaber, and one slot that had two knives. But the most of it? It was material for her magick.

As she saw the hulking man, the blonde gave a bow-curtsy to him. “Master Vanagor, Coren sends his warm regards.” She smiled herself, enjoying when she was finding Jedi who were not going to be chasing her down just because she was a Witch, and instead embraced it.

Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor
Faith is the heroism of the intellect.

LOCATION: Shadow Temple | OBJECTIVE: Planning something unique | POST #: 1
TAG (ALLIES) : Brooke Waters Brooke Waters
TAG (FOES) : @

A solar sail? Now, that is a beauty.

Caltin saw the ship coming in just as he was prepared for. It was a nice ship and told him much of what he needed to know about the Spellweaver. He was able to gain much insight and information about this mysterious individual, okay maybe “mysterious” is a bit of a reach but he still did not know anything about her other than Starchaser’s recommendation. He was excited to explore more and was determined to find answers to the questions he had.

Mainly, would she be able to help him.

Caltin had made his way to the deck and the ship was already shutting down and being secured safely. The young blonde woman in an almost electric blue robe flashed a smile that he was glad that he had cybernetic eyes for, they automatically adjusted. Of course that did not really happen, but clearly this was going to work out to be a great “meet and greet”.

Please, call me “Caltin”. I am normally appreciative of formalities, but any friend of Coren’s is a friend of mine. He offered a bow that he normally saves for those Masters he has yet to meet in this universe, a number which is growing smaller by the day. The lightsaber that was hanging caught his eye and he showed an appreciative acknowledgment. Your saber is a beauty.

Gesturing for her to walk with him, he asked. You had quite a trip, have you eaten? Could I offer you a caf or something to drink? Truth be told, he wanted to cut right to the chase, but he was still playing “host”.
She may have been a one time Jedi and a sometimes bounty hunter, and a most of the time designer of odd sea-faring items and Force enhanced fashion items, but Brooke liked to ride in style. Her ship landed and the extender amas retrieved the sails from their extended setup as the ship rested on its repulsors before touching down. The ship really was a joy to fly, and reminded her of some of the vessels she grew up learning on Pamarthe. If only her brother would smarten up, she could help him out.

“Caltin it is, then!”
She gave a brilliant smile, and was doing her best to just relax. Kashyyyk was a planet of great renown, both with the Jedi and just overall in galactic history. She pat her lightsaber and gave a small nod. The weapon had been with her for a long time. Her Jedi training, her time running along the dark side, and even as a witch, to remind her of where she came from.

And where she was going.

“A bit of extra trips and some well placed credits modified the outside. The rest was all me, years back.”
The blonde kept pace with the large Jedi Master. “I had some food on my ship, but depending on what we’re doing some caf or tea would go a long way to keeping me alert.” Without having to tap into anything to give her a charge in the Force.

Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor
Faith is the heroism of the intellect.

LOCATION: Shadow Temple | OBJECTIVE: Planning something unique | POST #: 3
TAG (ALLIES) : Brooke Waters Brooke Waters
TAG (FOES) : @

Tea or caf it is then! Come.

Caltin moderately walked towards the Dining Hall by way of the Common area. This was not necessarily to play “tour guide” but to give a visual explanation of the manner in which the facility operated. This was a “formal” facility in many respects but also “relaxed” in just as many, it was a good way to show that even Jedi needed downtime every now and then.

The Dining Hall, as always, was more of the look of a well decorated Banquet Hall. The place was always busy, so chefs were out and operating various cooking stations. Vanagor acknowledged several on staff, as well as Jedi as he sat down at a table. Waters was welcome to get whatever tea she liked (there was a station that would make his old friend @Ilias Nyatru jealous) or caf (enough to make another “Sparky” old friend the same). He himself was, somewhat, hungry but wanted a smoothie.

Patiently he sat and relaxed, thinking about the possibilities of what they were about to discuss.

Feel free and go back for anything you like, if you wish. He offered as she sat down. What I wanted to talk to you about was… well… in a word… me.

Realizing how that may have sounded, he chuckled and dropped his head for a moment, collecting himself. Still sounds weird to say. After a moment or two, he got back to his point.

A few years ago, my connection to the Force was becoming… “wonky” to say the least. It was becoming unfocused and in fact, dangerous. I didn’t want to be poked and prodded, or studied in a lab, but I wanted to find a solution and ended up after a conversation with a Bendu at “The Wellspring of Life”. He took a sip. They “changed” me, down to the atomic level. Now the Force does not flow through me, but in many ways “charges me up” like a power source to a battery. I, more or less, am capable of everything I was before, but I no longer have to make the type of effort I used to. He took a fork and jammed it into his chest, only the prongs curled outward and the very shaft of the utensil bent. There was no hint of an injury on him. There’s more to it, but long story short, I would like to explore the possibility of replicating this here for those capable of handling it. I was hoping you could help me.
The fact that this world was so alive gave her almost pause. How had Witches not found it, and it fell into the control, as much as one world could be controlled, by Jedi? Now she never had any issue with Jedi, counted herself among them for so long and never felt the need to remove them from anywhere, but the sheer amount of life here… As she was, the blonde was more than happy to just take in the sights, and take what was offered here, while determining just how she could help the very large Jedi.

“I won’t be shy.”
She nodded, with a smile. Brooke did have a certain air to her, that was at times both ‘reckless 20-something’ and ‘respectful 20-something.’ The latter was more in play these days as it had been very long since she even thought about utilizing her ‘Siren’ moniker and going on the hunt for bounties. Though she was still very well known to be out racing her sailboats or sunjammers in very sporting conditions.

As he stated that they were there to talk about him, she, for a quarter of a second, thought about killing Coren Starchaser if the Jedi Master was out playing matchmaker, again. But then she realized that it was probably not the case. Sipping her tea, she leaned back on the chair she found and allowed Caltin to expand.

He’d visited the Bendu? A Bendu? Hmm, that changed things. Different methods of seeing the Force added many challenges to reading some beings in the Force. Fiding a Jedi or a Sith, that she was trained for, finding other witches? The same, Bendu? Fallanassi? Aing Tii? All vastly different and she wasn’t certain she could pull a Sorcerer of Tund out from a Matukai until she saw them in action.

“So they imbued you as a sink of the Force?”
The blonde reached into her bag to pull out another, smaller bag, one that had a few of her Witch Clan’s Force batteries. “Like this?” She handed one of the stones over, it was definitely humming in the Force, for anyone listening. “Are you… immune from harm or was that something you did with the Force.” She nodded, indicating the fork.

This was more than she thought she was getting into, and that was more than fine for the academic in her.

Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor
Faith is the heroism of the intellect.

LOCATION: Shadow Temple | OBJECTIVE: Planning something unique | POST #: 4
TAG (ALLIES) : Brooke Waters Brooke Waters
TAG (FOES) : @

Go ahead.

Holding out his hand so that she could try to slam the fork into it, he nodded several times with a smirk. There was no way that it would penetrate his skin and he knew it. He was by no means “invulnerable” or “invincible” but the times he had done this himself still “wow”ed him. I don’t have to use Tutaminis, my body is already doing it for me. The Force strengthens everything in me without making an effort… pick up your teacup and lean back.

Once she did, he picked up the entire table they were sitting at with one hand and set it back down.

I think that the exact effects on me were a one time thing, but I remember speak… that’s another thing… I was on ice for eight hundred sixty years. What they did to me? It gave me knowledge of that time as if I personally remembered it all… anyway I remember that those responsible told me that only I experienced this in particular… look out that window… He simply made a loose fist and the once clear skies brought in clouds. I just want others to have the same opportunities I’ve had. I mean, I’m no one special, why should I get something like this to myself?
Now that was not at all what she suspected. Brooke was watching the Jedi Master, and being of that religion once upon a time knew its tricks, and how to still use most of the skills, even if they didn’t blend perfectly with her instinctive spellcasting, she didn’t always need to actually speak a spell, but it did help her focus on the more difficult magick and use she would be using. “Tutaminis is the energy absorbing skill, right? I remember it was useful for blaster bolts and the like…” Difficult to use well, from what she recalled.

And he was doing it without any forethought? She grabbed her tea cup for a moment as he lifted the table. “Thats a pretty useful gift for most Jedi, isn’t it? And I use that term since you mentioned the Bendu were responsible?” She was speaking more to buy some time as she reached into another bag, a semi-bag of holding, but this one was more just a protected bag. It had a large number of items in it.

“May I ask you to attune to this?”
She held up a clear crystal, not too large, about the same size as a lightsaber’s kyber crystal, but intrinsically different. “I want to ask the magicks a few questions… I do not see anything wrong, not from what I’ve known…” And she knew more than she let on, in most places. If she settled down, she’d be a Witch Elder, but she preferred to keep on the move.

Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor
Faith is the heroism of the intellect.

LOCATION: Shadow Temple | OBJECTIVE: Planning something unique | POST #: 4
TAG (ALLIES) : Brooke Waters Brooke Waters
TAG (FOES) : @

I think it would be, however they told me that this was a “one time thing”, they would not elaborate but I do not believe that it was “one time” in general, but simply for me. This was something that he felt should not be shared galaxy wide as it was truly a gift, but it could be a curse in that it was something that could be abused. To me, it would be a matter of not only who could handle it physiologically but who could handle it mentally, if that makes sense. .

The crystal was interesting, it had been a long time since he had attuned to one since he has “Conservator” as well as ’Vanguard” and had them both for so long.

Let’s see if I remember how to do this. He put down his smoothie and chuckled as he took hold of the crystal. Closing his eyes and gripping it for a few minutes, Caltin could not just let the Force flow through him as it did not work that way for him anymore. He sort of “pushed” himself into the crystal and soon it was glowing a vibrant, almost electric permafrost blue. Opening his eyes he wondered… Like that?
Brooke hadn’t dealt with something like this before. She was part of many different Force organizations, and knew just how volatile the Force could really be. She honestly believed it meant to do good, the Force’s natural lean was to life, and by some extent to the light. But there was darkness in everything, and bending the Force too far? Sometimes its effects became a bit wild. But as she prepared her little bag of foresight, she listened to Caltin. “I understand. For some, a gift like what you have is a burden. I’m pretty sure Coren would have tried to tear down the One Sith single-handedly, at least back in his fighting days.” She smiled as she looked at the other items, reaching in and pulling an avian bone out, and pulling the Force battery she placed in front of Caltin before into the bag, taking a second and pulling out two pieces of blue coral-stone.

“Don’t think about it too hard, its not Kyber, just something we have on Dathomir, it takes like… an echo? For readings and the likes, sometimes used in a pair-bonding, but we’re not doing that full ceremony!”
She laughed, perhaps a bit nervous, hence offering up so much. As she watched, the stone turned to the blue, and she nodded.

“Perfect. Into the bag.”
She held it open. A leather bag, it had a pearlescent shine to it, made from a scaled aquatic creature. As she had the ingredients, she shook the bag. “So focus on the answers you’re looking for, put that into the Force.” She told Caltin, shaking the bag before dumping the contents onto the table.

Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor
Faith is the heroism of the intellect.

LOCATION: Shadow Temple | OBJECTIVE: Planning something unique | POST #: 5
TAG (ALLIES) : Brooke Waters Brooke Waters
TAG (FOES) : @

Interesting how this potentially works. Caltin was not delusional, the Force was capable of many things, almost limited only by your imagination, but this was never tried before. Then again, “... a first time for everything.”

Into the bag, he put the crystal, and nodded at Brooke’s direction. Into the bag…


Caltin wanted others to be able to experience what he was. Others with his mindsight for helping others, for watching out for those who cannot watch out for themselves. He wanted those who would not exploit or bastardize this gift. He focused on those who would be a beacon for those who are losing hope. Caltin focused on the Force and how it now interacted with him, working as if a vested interest in his survival, enhancing his strength, his speed, his awareness and his skills with and around the elements.
It was a bit of science, a bit of magick, and a bit of proper interpretation. She’d seen people pop into Tidehome, dress in the blues and whites of her clan, though knowing it wasn’t actual witch attire, not by a long shot, and swindle people. However, that was more casting coins and stones. What Brooke had here? The bag was made by a Clan Mother back on Dathomir and was from leather of one of the world’s marine mammals. A few spells of foresight and truth seeking were placed on it. Old magick.

Witch magick was very much different than that of the Jedi and their Force tricks. One was much more martial, and it was like that pie graph she’d seen, how only maybe a 10% of the graph is what someone knows or doesn’t know, and the other 90? What they don’t know they don’t know.

As the electric blue crystal went into the bag, she whispered spells that would help the items and the magic seek the answers. The contents poured out. A few small pieces of detritus, debris, were resting on the side of some of the items were shaking, reverberating, as the main crystal, what she’d thought of as the subject crystal was moving, starting to cause the other items to rotate around it, levitating off the table slightly.

She ran a hand through the blonde hair and indicated the glowing crystal. “We always call this the Subject Crystal. It helps us organize the you in the equation. The rest? Has its meaning, but while it gets ordered in the bag, the effect of the bag lets us see things in various degrees.” She began explaining, as she looked up at him.

Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor
Faith is the heroism of the intellect.

LOCATION: Shadow Temple | OBJECTIVE: Planning something unique | POST #: 5
TAG (ALLIES) : Brooke Waters Brooke Waters
TAG (FOES) : @

I am in your capable hands. That sounded… well… it sounded “wrong”, in a manner he did not mean it to, but He quickly tried to correct himself, stammering awkwardly and blushing as he said, You know what I mean, I'm confident that you'll take good care of me. Thank you.

Everything going on was “Hapan”(Greek) to him, he was never big on magic, but understood just how important it was, and this was no different. They may be on an undiscovered ground, but she clearly knew what she was doing here. I can see why Coren speaks highly of you.
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Brooke may have been a dancer on casino starliners while working as a bounty hunter and body guard, so she definitely knew when people were coming onto her, and when they were just bumbling over their own words. Brooke had self confidence, and knew she looked good, a few small glamour spells to keep her hair at bay, and also dry it when she needed to. The other perks? They did help keep people on their toes, bringing some attention to her, but she had the spells to make her dim in others eyes, and keep her hidden.

“I understand what you mean.”
She offered a wink as she continued to work her magic.

“He’s always been the type to start by reaching across views on the Force. At least from what I’ve heard with the Sullust Alliance.”
Why were there two Galactic Alliances in recent memory. “Jedi are the most plentiful of the Force users, but the rest of us have some specific skills.” She was watching the items that were orbiting the Caltin Crystal.

“Just so I’m understanding, you’re looking for if you should be teaching what you’ve learned from the Bendu? Share the gifts?"

Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor
Faith is the heroism of the intellect.

LOCATION: Shadow Temple | OBJECTIVE: Planning something unique | POST #: 5
TAG (ALLIES) : Brooke Waters Brooke Waters
TAG (FOES) : @

Great, now she thinks I have a childhood crush or something. Caltin is a happily married man, and yes, Brooke is cute, but he does tend to stammer once in awhile. Oh well, he’ll survive, ha.

He watched what she was doing with the crystals and the bag and while he had absolutely no knowledge of what she was doing, he had an idea of what she was trying to do. Was she looking to “read” the crystals?

When Brooke looked towards him and asked her question about what he was trying to do, Caltin exhaled for a moment. In a manner of speaking. I want to see if it is capable for another to have that same type of connection to the Force as I do. To see if others can “store” their connection rather than “flow” it, I guess.
Brooke really couldn’t blame anyone for being into her, not with the way her magick was working lately, even if she didn’t intend to keep those spells going up for this trip. She wasn’t here for any kind of clandestine rendezvous, just a favor to a friend of a friend. And hopefully another connection built to keep her own Witch Clan protected. Jedi were much more combat oriented, and if the Mandalorians or Sith came calling for her clan? Well, part of it would be they’d have to find them… the White Current was a skill she was working on, and she was hoping the Fallanassi would share it with more of her clan.

The aquatic imagery was a strong match.

As for now? She was working through the crystals to help interpret. There was one that was above the others. “Numbers aren’t the exact aspect here… But there are some, maybe very few, of the ones that find you that could replicate what you are doing…” Interesting, actually. She wasn’t one of the Witches after the Power of Two, but she did keep an idea to what was out there.

Maybe part of her Selab life.

“But these two… the quartz and iolite…”
She indicated the clear stone and the clear and blue stone. “They represent knowledge. How much have you studied, and sought the answers for if you can replicate it? Or instruct?”

Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor
Faith is the heroism of the intellect.

LOCATION: Shadow Temple | OBJECTIVE: Planning something unique | POST #:
TAG (ALLIES) : Brooke Waters Brooke Waters
TAG (FOES) : @

There’s the million credit question. Caltin had thought about it and while he was not expecting anything to come out of it, he was enjoying the possible results that were emanating.

In all honesty… you are really the first person I have spoken to in regards to this, outside of my wife and son. He felt silly at admitting it, but really this was more exploratory at the beginning of it than anything.
She knew a few things about a few things, and with most women who watched from the sidelines. Back when she had worked primarily as a bounty hunter, that was a skill that was rare. So many other hunters wanted to shoot first, speak second. And the trick? People usually told more things to the hunter if they were still alive. And part of listening? That was knowing the right thing to ask and when.

For Caltin, it was to help Brooke read what she was looking at. More was better, but too much and it got a little too specific. The Force, and the magick aspect of it, were fickle.

“Well, I do appreciate the confidence. It doesn’t leave us. But I would like to know what you are after. Because I do travel, and I do know people… If you don’t have a crop of beings you have in mind already…”

Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor
Faith is the heroism of the intellect.

LOCATION: Shadow Temple | OBJECTIVE: Planning something unique | POST #:
TAG (ALLIES) : Brooke Waters Brooke Waters
TAG (FOES) : @

That was another good question, really. Caltin had thought about it and while he was not really wanting to dwell on the issue, he wanted to really see if it was possible first. The semantics could be elaborated on later.

Not a big deal really, but thank you. As for the “who”? I have not truly explored specifics yet, was more focused on the “what”? If the possibility is not there, no sense worrying on who could be a part of this, you know? He was more eloquent on this than exhibiting, there was a level of symmetry to it. It’s more important to me to find the qualities of the person, really. Not every Jedi would be able to handle this. It’s something that could send you down the wrong path easily if you could not handle it.
There was a definite need, she understood, from her past and current interactions, of Jedi to make sure their teachings got out to those who could use them. But even among Jedi, secrets existed. Coren held many to his chest in the way of Instinctive Astrogation, and with Force Light, something he would not teach a former Jedi-become-Witch even if she was on the light side.

But she had her own path now, and was much less the warrior than Coren was. Even if the other Jedi Master was not claiming himself to be a warrior any longer. Like his ancestors, he had fallen back into the realm of an explorer, and a Watchman.

“Still, your story isn’t mine to tell. I’m here to help read the flows of the Force around now.”
The blonde nodded. “And with the Force, all things are possible. And thats why…” She pointed to another stone, this one shaped to look like a sword, archaic, but still symbolic of intent. “This one is shaking. Seems that maybe not all who have the intent will be able to follow up, as you have. Or it could be that even some who come for you, should they match your ability, can handle it.”

Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

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