Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private 'George' of the Jungle

Faith is the heroism of the intellect.

LOCATION: Shadow Temple | OBJECTIVE: Planning something unique | POST #:
TAG (ALLIES) : Brooke Waters Brooke Waters
TAG (FOES) : @​

She was making a good point, really re-emphasizing his own, but it was still good. This was not good for everyone, and it was a matter of discerning who might be, and who might fall short. Caltin saw this as an important part to which this type of training should begin.

Is there a way for one of these to discern who might be able to do this and who might not? Focusing really on the “sword” like stone. If something like this could shake at just this demonstration, and indeed the Force is really only limited be few things, it might be something worth investigating.

Not looking to simplify the process of recruiting, but maybe something that will be give a “yes” or “no”? There was the possibility of a lack of accountability with this, but that could be addressed as it was approached.
The trick with some Jedi was that others had the same goals, more power, helping others, but they weren’t bound to such a strict code of conduct. She had tried, it wasn’t for her. It did seem that depending on the Temple someone was taught in, or where they came from, that path, that oath of a Jedi was minorly but substantially different from the others.

Then he asked the million credit question. “I believe I can work something up, something that could attune to that part that is within you, and see if it can be located in someone else. It would be a bit of witchcraft to keep at your temple.” She shrugged, knowing the irony. “But I know the Kattada Temple holds several witch made items…”

“And no, it’d not find them, but it’d definitely let you know. And again, not their intentions.”

Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor
Faith is the heroism of the intellect.

LOCATION: Shadow Temple | OBJECTIVE: Planning something unique | POST #:
TAG (ALLIES) : Brooke Waters Brooke Waters
TAG (FOES) : @

That is not a problem, I have a room that can be dedicated to this specifically. As for the “who”, I’m pretty paranoid anyway, ask Coren. He laughed, but it wasn’t a misinterpretation. There is much about the big man that he has always kept close to the chest. While he may indeed want to see about the possibility of sharing this type of connection with others, there is no way he could or would with just anyone.

In truth, I would not be doing this at all, but I recently had a dream, that I won’t bore you with the details about, but long story short… He shrugged, knowing what he saw was “not good” and while this would not “save” or “protect” the universe, it would help the Jedi of the future, those who were worthy of going through this.

... it’s going to be needed either way.
Her own unique blend of the Force gave her a lot of different answers. But the ones Master Vanagor was looking for? Those weren’t something she’d find. Those were his to ask and find out for himself. The Witch could just direct him. “A room could be used as a focusing point. Maybe a way for you to blend getting the answers but also to speak to the person.”

If only she could make something to make everyone tell the truth. But Jedi were fairly adept at finding the true answers from a person.

“I can understand that. And prophetic dreams aren’t to be messed with, at least from what they taught me on Dathomir.”
And on the rest of the worlds she found witches.

Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor
Faith is the heroism of the intellect.

LOCATION: Shadow Temple | OBJECTIVE: Planning something unique | POST #:
TAG (ALLIES) : Brooke Waters Brooke Waters
TAG (FOES) : @

I appreciate you helping with this. He got up to grab a couple of bottles of Elba Water and offered her one sitting back down. Right now, Caltin was really “only along for the ride”, but being able to see this come to fruition, even if it does not completely work out is just fine to him.

I hope that I can repay the favor. Taking a swig, he watched one of the loose stones was suddenly pointing at him. That quirked an eyebrow.
The nice thing about working with Jedi, or any other Force users, really, was that their problems were so unique, and the solutions were so needed sometimes. “Honestly? It gives a unique challenge. And I’ve been tasked with not only locating homes for my people, but teaching the next crop.” She wasn’t old enough to be an Elder in title, but in rank? Brooke was one of the most powerful within the Blue Coral Divers. “So practicing the craft and expanding it? Works for me too.” She gave a playful wink and a laugh.

As she took the water, Brooke pulled out a teal-blue flimsi notepad. The cover had silver writing on it, shapes, and symbols, and if Caltin was surveying it in the Force, it had some minor protections. Not quite the one that the Clan’s Book of Tides had, but this was definitely Brooke’s Force grimoire.

When it opened, there was a bit of what Brooke had taken to calling ‘macro’ in the Force, the act of opening the Grimoire activated a Force Sense in her, so she could survey the room and Caltin, her new subject. A wave of her hand, and a blue mist, similar to a Nightsister’s green, in all but color, shifted the stones, she had her message from them, and they began to rotate around the Big Guy(™) slowly.

“I need to see if there is a way to identify the what that was done to you. Can you focus on the past?”

Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor
Faith is the heroism of the intellect.

LOCATION: Shadow Temple | OBJECTIVE: Planning something unique | POST #:
TAG (ALLIES) : Brooke Waters Brooke Waters
TAG (FOES) : @

Alright, fair enough. An approving nod, and he watched what she was doing. The kid was capable, more than capable really, either way it was impressive to watch. Caltin was not attune to any kind of magic like this and he did not want to be, but he was always willing to watch. He admired her skill, even if he didn't completely understand it. He was impressed and he knew she was going to be a great mage. Caltin smiled as he watched her work.

I can do that. Thinking about, and even focusing on his early days as a Knight, how “crazy” he was. Constantly taking the fight to the Sith, even at times on tjeor terms. It was great times, and really made sense as to what Caltin had passed on to Connel in how he was so quick a learner. He was also focusing on his time in and out of the ice, what he went through learning about how he had been frozen, to think that he was gone and alone for so long. He focused on how he found the woman that was the love of his life, alive and well having been in stasis herself… how they married… their son…
The Force. Magick. Sorcery. It all came from a common starting point. Brooke knew them all. She knew how it worked enough to know that what one could access with a certain mind set, they may not be able to access other abilities. Moving to the path of a Witch, she knew she lost the way of the Jedi. It was a tricky balance, but as she fell more into the former, aside from a bit of the danger sense that Jedi tended to have, she did not have access to the same pathways to handle the Force. And with the power of a Witch? Many more things were possible.

She was beginning to chant a small spell as she had gotten Caltin to begin on his reverie. She didn’t need the whole story, but mind-reading wasn’t exactly a thing among Witches. Sure, it could be done, she’d heard of the Nightsisters doing it, but it required a lot of skill to do it in a way that didn’t leave the person just meat afterwards.

That wasn’t Brooke’s goal. A blank page in her book, and her pencil beginning to draw loops, as if starting to practice the flowing letters of basic in a script form… It was allowing her to concentrate and feel the flow of where Caltin’s mind was going. His recounting, and reliving was giving her an avenue to follow, to get a feeling for him, and his story. The flowing faux-script psychography was keeping her mind from entangling Caltin’s with hers, and keeping too much. It gave her body something to do so that when the crystals and equipment before her were changing, and melding into each other, it was all Caltin, with very little Brooke.

The focusing crystal she had pulled started to deepen the blue color, silver wires wrapping around, as some wood, bark mostly, but some heartwood from one of the Wroshyr trees faded into the room, in a manner akin to a Witch’s teleport, in a puff of blue fog. The Force surrounding the items, bringing them together as Caltin continued.

Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor
Faith is the heroism of the intellect.

LOCATION: Shadow Temple | OBJECTIVE: Planning something unique | POST #:
TAG (ALLIES) : Brooke Waters Brooke Waters
TAG (FOES) : @

The transformation of the crystal…

… the wood…

… the wire…

None of this was lost on Caltin as he was focusing on his history, the past that shaped him, who he was and he was hopefully passing on to those to whom he had taught in the past… to this very Temple He was determined to make sure the past was not forgotten, and that those who came after him would understand the importance of history. He was determined that the legacy of the past would be kept alive. He was determined to pass this knowledge on to those who came after him, so that they too could understand the importance of history. He knew that history was the key to understanding the present and the future.

Caltin began to focus a lot on the qualities of student he looked for. He never looked for the atypical “by the book” or conversely the “damaged” ones. Caltin looked for those who showed a natural feel to what a Jedi should be, even if not an educated realization.

That was what was important to him and that is what made him who he was, especially now.
The Force allowed matter to become fused, to grow, and change. This was not unlike what happened when one worked the Force to craft a lightsaber, for a Force User to put their mark from the Force into the physical world. As a Witch, there was a need to show that off. She could handle so many things with her gifts, and helping others get their answers? Brooke was more than happy to help Caltin, he was trusted by Coren, and she had a good feeling of what he was capable of.

That meant giving him the ability to find the people who were able use the powers and abilities Caltin was looking to share, and who he felt could share it. But the most important was that part of him that made him the one that the Bendu had selected.

As the pieces fell into their places, there was a small charm, or pendant that slowly lowered itself to the table before them. “This should…” She took a deep breath… “Do it. Should test the ones that arrive and want to learn.”

Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor
Faith is the heroism of the intellect.

LOCATION: Shadow Temple | OBJECTIVE: Planning something unique | POST #:
TAG (ALLIES) : Brooke Waters Brooke Waters
TAG (FOES) : @

In probably one of the biggest smiles cracked across the face of Caltin Vanagor in a long time he grinned at Brooke. This was a great day for the future of the Jedi and those who were ethically and morally (not just physically) capable of carrying the burden of the skills and abilities that the big man was.

Running his hands over the stones for but a moment, he eyed them, but again met the gaze of the aquatic spellweaver.

Being a Jedi is both a blessing and a curse, not just for Padawan, but for Knight and Master. It is my hope that this can ease the worries of those in the future.
Brooke may have a personal issue with the Jedi but it wasn’t so much a complete ethical dilema. For her it was the practices and how restrictive it was to certain beings. Helping Jedi who she felt she could trust? Or that if she came calling for aid to, would provide it? That she was fine to do. And as she was a wayfinder her for clan, she wasn’t the one who was about to go to war with everyone.

A Jedi and Sith war was not something she was going to get involved in.

Still, a Jedi lead galaxy was safer than one lead by the Sith.

“It is. I was a Jedi once upon a time. There was a darkness that took me but I found a more… natural approach. Not entirely away from the Jedi, but not entirely in line. I hope what I can provide will find you those that you need.”
She said, a smile, and good intentions obvious in her voice.

Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

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