Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Get Off my Cloud

[member="Rianna Ordo"]

He smiled and nodded as they walked. They had a decent plan set up as they used the information from the prisoners to set up the drop. Ordo had found a spot and set up an ion rifle to use when the droid agent arrived.

The weapon was relatively standard for A Mando weapon. Good range and accuracy for an Ion weapon. He looked at his riduur as they hunkered down to wait.

"Have you ever shot a rifle my love?" He said as he looked out across the starport.
Rianna looked over, half laughed out of nervousness, "No dearest, will you teach me?" She had never been exposed to this type of weaponry before it would be a good lesson to learn, information to have that would come in handy. Rianna had an expectation of what she thought of all this, and it burned inside her. Drugs. Battle would be preferred to the slow lingering death of someone on drugs.

Rianna sat next to Ordo watching the starport, "and there is something else I would like to ask of you, if I may" She did not think that he would mind the question, and she believed he would be quite content to grant her the request, but as his wife she would see his opinion first.

[member="Rianna Ordo"]

Ordo put the safety on the weapon and slid it over to Rianna. It would be a good lesson even if it was just to see what a shooter experienced.

"You can ask me anything you want, ner Kar'ta." Ordo said keeping half an eye on the starport.

He was waiting for the drop droid and he hoped it was an unsuspecting kind.

"When the droid comes we'll show you how to shoot."
She looked out watching the question she had was simple now if her writer could remember exactly what the question could be. Rianna tried to remember and do little mind trick nudges.

There was a little bit of a crowd today she had seen many come and go through the spaceport. "When you next go on patrol, would you mind if I came along?" She did not look over, she kept her gaze ahead.

She wiggled her fingers slightly wishing the crowd to move along, within the center the sudden glint of metal caught her eyes. "Ord'ika" she narrowed her vision, could that be it. "is that it?"

[member="Rianna Ordo"]

Ordo was watching the cloud and could feel Rianna focusing. It was quite a way to spend time together but as a Jedi and Mandalorian couple things were bound to be unique.

"Of course." Ordo said in response to the question, "all you have to do is ask. I'd never let you out of my sight if I didn't have too."

Ordo watched again eyes scanning the crowd. He pushed on his buy'ce and used the macrobinoculars and range finder.

"That looks like the droid we're looking for, love." Ordo said though his buy'ce speekers, "ready for your first rifleman lesson."

Ordo waited for her to put the rifle up, checked that it was firm in her shoulder, and that she had a high firm pistol grip.

"Now you just get a clear sight picture of your target in the rear sight. Then you line the front and rear sights up so that the front sight evenly divides the rear sight picture. When you've got that you find a breathing rhythm tgen slowly squeeze the trigger. When you're ready."

Who would have thought the peace loving Jedi Rianna Organa Ordo would be holding a weapon considered crude when compared to her lightsaber. "Ok the next patrol then, I'd like to go" She kept her focus in front of her the weapon felt heavy in her hands, odd against her shoulder as she made sure it went into the pocket. She tilted her head slightly to use the sights.

How odd, she could easily guide the projectile with the force but that would be cheating, this lesson was about her learning. Learning more about Ord'ika life, the weapons he used, the people he was with, they had spent much of their time alone.

She took that breath, tried to feel relaxed like the first time she touched the force and knew it to be there showing her the way. She needed the droid, and it felt odd to look at a lifeform through this view. Lives were taken through this view. She swallowed hard. oh my she thought she felt pain in her chest.

She squeezed the trigger ensuring that no one else would be in the path and if they wandered Rianna would react. Would it hit its mark. She peered over the barrel watching.
[member="Rianna Ordo"]

Ordo watched as the bolt closed on the droid and he could feel the urge to bite his lip strongly. The blue bolt soared and struck the droid causing only a minor stir among the crowd. Ordo let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding and pulled off his helmet. He leaned over and gave the beautiful dark haired woman who had joined herself to him as his riduur, a kiss on the cheek.

"Great shot." he said with a smile, "We better get to the droid before someone else does."

Ordo stood and started to head for the droid and hoped they would be able to get at least a few clues out of it before any more of the drugs got into circulation.

Rianna couldn't believe it she had actually managed to hit the droid, there would be a storm tonight on Mandalore she knew it. She laughed a bit as Ordo kissed her cheek women of the galaxy did not know the depth of his heart otherwise someone would have scooped him up long ago, if he had let them. His Bria could be proud of him and someone Rianna knew she was.

Rianna got to her feet and followed Ordo to the droid a few passerby looked but not many. The form of her husband closing in she was sure had something to do with it, but as they got closer she could see the droid there. Spitting and sputtering about being shot. He was lucky they weren't on Bespin he could be considered junk. How does one threaten a droid to make it talk against its programming, but then again what was it's programming.

Ordo was already on top the droid looking down on it, Rianna approached with caution droids were able to defend themselves. "Who sent you?" She asked, realizing quickly she needed to be direct in order to get direct answers.

The droid looked at her, its eyes glowing face expressionless. "Only he knows his name, I am sent so he may not be seen" How very cryptic for a droid. "Where did you come from?"

It actually tilted its head as if thinking how to answer, "Nar Shadaa" Of course the underworld capital of the galaxy. Rianna looked at Ordo, "Maybe you can get from him a name rather than a shadow"
[member="Rianna Ordo"]

Ordo looked at the droid and followed his Riduur's lead. He looked at the droid's model number and entered it into his forearm datapad.

"It's a custom model." He said to Rianna before looking back to the droid, "what is name if your programmer?"

"Brooksin Dun." The droid replied perturbed.

"What is the name of the person that you report to on Nar Shadda?"

"Drak Kardue." The droid replied again.

Ordo looked at his wife from behind the 'T' of his visor.

"Should we bring it with us?"

Rianna looked down at the droid it might hold more information, and it might very well hold a tracking device. "If we destroy it Drak Kardue may run, I say we keep it around. Make things look as normal as possible, and then decide what to do"

Droids couldn't go to jail, but they could be put into servitude within prisons. It was almost as bad as being a prisoner.

"Do we go to Nar Shadaa next?" She looked up into the visor of Ordo.

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