[member="Rianna Ordo"]
He smiled and nodded as they walked. They had a decent plan set up as they used the information from the prisoners to set up the drop. Ordo had found a spot and set up an ion rifle to use when the droid agent arrived.
The weapon was relatively standard for A Mando weapon. Good range and accuracy for an Ion weapon. He looked at his riduur as they hunkered down to wait.
"Have you ever shot a rifle my love?" He said as he looked out across the starport.
He smiled and nodded as they walked. They had a decent plan set up as they used the information from the prisoners to set up the drop. Ordo had found a spot and set up an ion rifle to use when the droid agent arrived.
The weapon was relatively standard for A Mando weapon. Good range and accuracy for an Ion weapon. He looked at his riduur as they hunkered down to wait.
"Have you ever shot a rifle my love?" He said as he looked out across the starport.