- Name: Joshua/Josh (doesn't matter to me)
- Age: 26
- Occupation: Electronic Systems Technician
- Where do you live?: (currently) South Dakota
- Single? Involved? Engaged/Married?: Happily married
- Hobbies other than writing: Videogames, movies, vehicle maintenance (I guess that can be a hobbie? I like doing it so yeah..)
- Favorite Food: Hawaiian Pizza (hate me if you must) or Mango Habanero boneless chicken wings
- Favorite thing to do on a day off: video games or nothing
- What kind of car do you drive: (When I finally get my endorsement) Harley-Davidson Softail Standard. (currently my wife’s Subaru Forrester)
- What brought you to writing? Officially: my love of Star Wars/the idea of writing my own character in the Star Wars Universe. Unofficially: Alden Akaran
- What keeps you writing? My desire to create my own work where I can disappear from reality and create fun stories with other people. (my own text VR)
- Favorite character (yours): Tess Valnora , Skylar Vikaar
- Favorite character (others): Alden Akaran, Nyx N1X3, Holt, Vytal Noctura
- Favorite character (non-rp, can be anything from Star Wars, to Marvel, anime, whatever): Revan, Galen Marek, Gimli, Sam Gamgee,
- What keeps you writing on Chaos? (Edited because of some brilliant people with brilliant ideas!)
I don’t know anywhere else to writeThe Chaos community is an overall (in my opinion) non-toxic Star Wars community (Obviously there’s always going to be some, but it doesn’t run rampant across the site). And it is fun to write here as a casual writer.
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