Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Game Get to know the writer.

  1. Name: Joshua/Josh (doesn't matter to me)
  2. Age: 26
  3. Occupation: Electronic Systems Technician
  4. Where do you live?: (currently) South Dakota
  5. Single? Involved? Engaged/Married?: Happily married
  6. Hobbies other than writing: Videogames, movies, vehicle maintenance (I guess that can be a hobbie? I like doing it so yeah..)
  7. Favorite Food: Hawaiian Pizza (hate me if you must) or Mango Habanero boneless chicken wings
  8. Favorite thing to do on a day off: video games or nothing
  9. What kind of car do you drive: (When I finally get my endorsement) Harley-Davidson Softail Standard. (currently my wife’s Subaru Forrester)
  10. What brought you to writing? Officially: my love of Star Wars/the idea of writing my own character in the Star Wars Universe. Unofficially: Alden Akaran
  11. What keeps you writing? My desire to create my own work where I can disappear from reality and create fun stories with other people. (my own text VR)
  12. Favorite character (yours): Tess Valnora Tess Valnora , Skylar Vikaar
  13. Favorite character (others): Alden Akaran, Nyx N1X3, Holt, Vytal Noctura
  14. Favorite character (non-rp, can be anything from Star Wars, to Marvel, anime, whatever): Revan, Galen Marek, Gimli, Sam Gamgee,
  15. What keeps you writing on Chaos? (Edited because of some brilliant people with brilliant ideas!) I don’t know anywhere else to write The Chaos community is an overall (in my opinion) non-toxic Star Wars community (Obviously there’s always going to be some, but it doesn’t run rampant across the site). And it is fun to write here as a casual writer.
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Name: (If you don't want to give your actual name, nicknames are fine) Kris

Age range: (not looking for exact age unless you want to give it out whatever makes you comfortable) 24


Where do you live?: (Doesn't have to be specific, regions are fine) California

Single? Involved? Engaged/Married?: Soon to be Engaged

Hobbies other than writing: Gaming

Favorite Food: Sushi!

Favorite thing to do on a day off: as much as I can!

What kind of care do you drive: (If any) Toyota Camry

What brought you to writing? I love Star Wars. I’ve always wished I could be a part of that story, now I can. Now I have friends to share a journey with.

What keeps you writing? Everyone being so supportive, loving the work I put in.

Favorite character: (yours) Rann Thress
Favorite character: (others) Srina Talon Srina Talon , my actual father, Darth Metus Darth Metus , Damsy Callat Damsy Callat , John Locke John Locke ,

Favorite character: (non-rp, can be anything from Star Wars, to Marvel, anime, whatever) Superman. That guy who can kill Goku.
Name: Josh
Age range: 23
Occupation: Systems Administrator.
Where do you live?: South Carolina
Single? Involved? Engaged/Married?: I simp for e-girls.
Hobbies other than writing: Vidya games. Chillin' with the boys. Weight lifting.
Favorite Food: Brownies & vanilla ice cream.
Favorite thing to do on a day off: Be a potato.
What kind of care do you drive: Toyota Corolla
What brought you to writing? I started roleplaying when I discovered NationStates when I was around 11-12 years old and thought it was cool as hell to lead a fictional country. Checked out the forums there, specifically the International Incidents board, and learned that people played out leaders, diplomats, and all sorts of interesting characters there. I was terrible at it. I realized that roleplaying was possible on different websites as well and wanted to combine my love of Star Wars with my growing hobby. And unbeknownst to me at the time, I met Caulder Dune Caulder Dune there as well.
What keeps you writing? It's pretty much been my favorite hobby for the past 8 or 9 years. Can't stay away from it.
Favorite character: Darth Arcis Darth Arcis (Dranok Lussk) was my first character that I ever truly put any effort into making and developing. Granted, I was like 13 years old when I first made him but I had an absolute blast. Watching him grow from an apprentice, to knight, and then lord under the tutelage of Lucien Cordel was amazing. His story culminated during a coup to usurp Tyrin Ardik from the Emperor's throne along with Mikhail Shorn and co. It was a riveting experience, albeit quite scuffed at times, but memories like that will last for the rest of my life.
Favorite characters: Seydon of Arda Seydon of Arda , Vrag Vrag , Reverance Reverance , Jacen Cavill Jacen Cavill , Mikhail Shorn ( Xun of Throne Xun of Throne ), Jared Ovmar ( Arage Bao Arage Bao ), Lucien Cordel ( Lucien Cordel Lucien Cordel ), Caulder Dune Caulder Dune , Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean , Sargon Vynea Sargon Vynea , Ashin Cardé Varanin Ashin Cardé Varanin , Keira Priest Keira Priest , Other Space Kaiden Other Space Kaiden , Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex , Kära Vi'dreya ( Lief Lief ), and so many others that I've forgotten to mention.
Favorite character: Ender Wiggin from Orson Scott Card's Ender's Game. Absolutely loved the way he was written and portrayed in the first novel and even more so in Speaker For the Dead.
What keeps you writing on Chaos? I've been here since mid 2013 and I can't stay away. That and most of my online friends stick around here as well.
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  1. Name: Lamia
  2. Age range: 23 but i'll be 24 on feb 14th :D
  3. Occupation: Unemployed but went to uni and got a engineering background
  4. Where do you live?: Your backyard Jordan
  5. Single? Involved? Engaged/Married?: Going to have my second anniversary this year, probably in lockdown again :)
  6. Hobbies other than writing: Cooking, memeing, socialising and existing i dunno
  7. Favorite Food: Mansaf
  8. Favorite thing to do on a day off: Sleep
  9. What kind of care do you drive: I drive a mini cooper because big cars scare me
  10. What brought you to writing? i like reading, and i like a good story. And rping seemed a cool organic way to do it.
  11. What keeps you writing? My english skills suck and need improvement Muse of course :D
  12. Favorite character: (yours) obviously Asa Yubari the galaxies most friendly droid since IG-88
  13. Favorite character: (others) Cara Dorniarn Cara Dorniarn Jaeger Harrsk Jaeger Harrsk Willan Tal Willan Tal etc etc too many to count
  14. Favorite character: (non-rp, can be anything from Star Wars, to Marvel, anime, whatever)
  15. What keeps you writing on Chaos? good stories, good characters and i'm unemployed irl so have nothing better to do.

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