Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Gettin' in Corey's Sheets

Intent: To Codexifiy the Tiburons
Image Credit:
Role: An active military unit that is lead by Coren Starchaser and is a part of the Galactic Alliance military

Unit Name: The Tiburons
Affiliation: Coren Starchaser, The Galactic Alliance
Classification: Advanced Starfighter and SpecOps unit

Availability: Unique.
Deployment: Limited

Strengths & Weaknesses:
Advanced Starfighter (Assault) unit - The focus of this unit in space is primarily as a strike and assault unit, designed to attack larger vessels or stations to provide cover for their landing crafts. The Exalt pilots work to provide an anti-fighter screen for the E-Wings and Missile Boat pilots
Advanced Special Operations unit - Once at their target, the unit specializes in ranged assault and demolitions. Set up from the Pathfinders of Alliance lore, the Tiburons specialize in hitting targets at range, damaging hardened targets, as well as guerrilla tactics
Insurrection - The Tiburons, under the leadership of Coren Starchaser, have learned tactics from the Underground to set up sleeper cells to undermine the planetary government
Not a superiority unit - The Tiburons are not trained in the traditional concepts of starfighter piloting and focus on specific tasks, and do not always perform well in large combat situations, preferring to take down solo targets and not large fleets
Guerrilla tactics do not make well for regular combat - Against most other units in the galaxy, without the element of surprise, the Tiburons will falter in their combat

Description: The Tiburons were formed by Coren Starchaser in the early days of the Galactic Alliance. Stemming from Coren's past of working with a strike starfighter wing and his work with the Underground, the Tiburons was created by former mercenaries, traitors and saboteurs. Granted a pocket carrier in the form of a modified corvette, the Tiburons strike hard and fade away. In space, the missile boats, and E-Wings keep a hard target busy from hitting boarding crafts while the Exalts keep the fighters at bay by striking fast and hard. When landed, the SpecOps personnel of the Tiburons work to demolish structures and hardened positions with asymmetrical warfare, or hitting supply lines and troop movements from long range. Their training also allows them to assist in setting up rebel cells on worlds controlled by opposing powers.
  • [SIZE=9pt]Intent: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]To Codify a subsect of Forcers run by Coren Starchaser[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Image Credit: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]How to properly source your images[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Role: [Is this unit serving as protective detail to your character? Is it a portion of the rank and file of your faction? Is it a strike team for your company? Please explain the IC role this unit will fulfill.][/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Links: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt][Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, etc here.][/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Unit Name: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt][What is the name of this unit? Example: “Imperial Stormtroopers” or “Republic Commandos.”][/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Affiliation: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt][Who is this unit loyal too? Usually a faction, company, or character.][/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Classification: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt][What type of unit is this? Is it infantry, engineers, recon, artillery?][/SIZE]
  • Equipment: [If your unit possesses any specialty equipment (weapons, armor, combat tools, etc.) Please list them and provide links here.]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Availability: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt][[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Choose from the following: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Unique.[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] How many of this unit are there? Availability reflects a broad idea of how many of these units exist. Common are the main backbone units of the army using mainly mass produced items. Uncommon are unusual or less common units sometimes using minor production items. Rare are specialized units using limited production items. Unique are one off variants of the other types and have special features that makes them one of a kind. More powerful units are not as common, and specific named units are unique.][/SIZE]
  • Deployment: [Choose from the following: Mass, Minor, Limited. Originally referred to as "Strength," this reflects a general idea of how many of these NPCs are deployed at once as part of this unit. Mass units are deployed in larger numbers, like Stormtroopers. Minor units see more restricted deployment size, like Shadowtroopers. Limited units often appear in very small numbers, like the Imperial Royal Guard. More powerful units tend to have a lower strength designation and availability.]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Strengths & Weaknesses: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt][What are the combat strengths and weaknesses of this unit? You may describe them as a list or in paragraph form.][/SIZE]
  • Description: [[SIZE=9pt]Please describe your unit, how they came about, any special features, their training, and their tactical and/or functional application. This must be at least a paragraph in length.][/SIZE]

Intent: To update Coren's Assault Shuttle
Image Source: Everspace Game
Canon Link: N/A
Restricted Missions:
Primary Source:

Manufacturer: Silk Holdings
Model: Shortfin Prototype Assault Shuttle
Affiliation: Closed-Market
Production: Semi-Unique
Material: Alusteel and Desh-Terenthium Alloy, Glassteel, Starship Commonents

Classification: Assault Shutte
Length: 32m
Width: 21m
Height: 7.5m
Armament: High
  • 2 Composite beam lasers (15 degree rotation)
  • 2 Triple Blaster Cannons
  • 2 Flextube Warhead launchers (3 warheads each)
Defenses: Moderate
  • Redundant Shield Generator

Squadron Count: Very Low: 4
Maneuverability Rating: Extreme.
Speed Rating: Very High
Hyperdrive Class: Very Fast: 0.327

  • Standard Targetting Computer
  • Standard Navigation System
  • Standard Life Support System
  • Standard Slurpee Machine
  • Standard Repulsorlift Engines
  • Standard Sensors Array
  • Distress Beacon
  • Docking Clamp
  • Cup Holders


  • Fast and nimble
  • Low Sensor Reading
  • Advanced shields
  • Light weight armor and hull rating
  • Advanced combat systems cause flucuations in use
  • High energy requirement in weapons systems allow for one to be used at atime
Description: The ShortFin is a ship created as a prototype shuttle and courier vessel for Coren Starchaser. Designed to replace his former strike craft, the Tiburon and to not overlap his primary vessel the Tachyon Rising. ShortFin is designed with as a strike-and-support vessel. Boasting a handsome weapon compliment of two triple blasters, two composite-beam cannons and two flextube warhead launchers, she can be outfitted for several different mission parameters. Still, the weapons offerings do not make her a fully combat functional vessel, as she suffers from being constructed with light armor and weaker shields than an average vessel.

Speed and stealth are what keeps the ShortFin alive. Constructed using the same hull covering as the StealthX, ShortFin has a very slim radar profile when she is not engaged in active combat or using her SLAM engines. The ship uses low-profile TibannaX engines created by Mara TibX and Fuel, which burn very fast with minimal ion exhaust, however the SLAM system does not utilize this fuel and burns standard fuel, which provides the speed needed to evade enemies, but counters the radar profile.

Several special systems have been installed in this vessel, including a Calrissian Hyperdrive and a programmable IFF transponder to allow Coren to disguise the ship as having a point of origin from all around the galaxy. This system can store up to 6 false transponders that can be readily switched within an hour of downtime (Hyperspace, hiding in asteroids, out of contact) and rewritten given substantial time (between engagements) These systems allow the vessel a very high tech and specialized approach to her missions and cause her to be used in very select teams, or mostly, on solo ventures. With comfortable housingfor a team of 5, and uncomfortable housing for a team of 10 and mule-train conditions for up to 25 passengers, the ShortFin is a very mission focused craft.

The vessel can be piloted decently by most, but when Coren is using both the Force and the Liberation Module by iBorg (iBorg for all your transhuman needs), piloting becomes something near a work of art as the ship was built around Coren’s preferences for combat, and its controls are the Frankenstein of a CEC YT-2000, Silk Rassilon and Santhe TIE Exalt controls. On top of these controls, the ship houses Lexi, a next generation simulated intelligence. Among other functions, the system can learn to accommodate Coren’s preferences, however is not a self-aware artificial intelligence. Primarily, she monitors ship systems, assists with automated repairs, advises on other repairs, assists with prioritizing targets as well as navigation and keeping Coren up to date on variety of public access data, as well as tracking ship movements that register when they enter systems.

Additionally, if Coren flies this ship through urban areas, he may get pulled over because the sound system is just that awesome.

During his time in the Unknown Regions, and within the known galaxy, the ship system has been able to be updated, and spliced together to work a bit better than the original run

  • Manufacturer: Unknown Regions Shipbuilder (Design),
  • Model: Nova-class Elite Starfighter
  • Affiliation: Light Side Aligned Pilots
  • Production: Limited
  • Material: Durasteel hull plates, alusteel frame, glassteel viewports and shielding
  • Classification: Fighter
  • Length: 16m
  • Width: 12m
  • Height: 4m
  • Armament: Average
  • 2 Rapid Fire Laser Cannons
    2 Flextube warhead launcher (energy) OR 1 Minelayer OR 1 bomb bay
  • Defenses: Average
  • Squadron Count: 12
  • Maneuverability Rating: Extreme
  • Speed Rating: High
  • Hyperdrive Class: 1
  • Backup Class 10
Combat Life Support
Advanced Navigation System
Combat Communications Array
Combat Shield System
Combat Propulsion System
Combat Targeting Computer
Combat Sensors Suite
Maneuvering Jets
Astromech Droid slot

  • (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 strength of this submission.)
  • (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 weaknesses of this submission.)
The Nova-Class elite starfighter is a prototype fighter based on a design encountered in the Unknown Regions by Coren Starchaser. The fighter design and concept is also based along the Jedi Starfighters used during the height of the Clone Wars focusing on capitalizing a Jedi Ace's skillset. The first system that is obvious on the Nova is her maneuvering system. Borrowing maneuvering jets from other vessels, the Nova has a toggle switch that moves it from a standard propulsion mode into its agility mode. While in this mode, the ship is much slower, relying on momentum from its previous mode or from the short bursts of directional propulsion that allow this ship to roll, and spin giving it an unpredictable flight path. It does, of course, take several seconds to switch between Standard and Agile modes, so it must be timed.

The next system that makes this vessel unique is the merging of production of kyber crystals in its wings. Built in a similar fashion to solar panels, these kyber panels are very frail but are used to amplify the Force through the ship, granting the Force capable pilot even greater control of the Force while flying. This can be translated into many uses, including greater connection to other pilots, advancing the range o telekinetic throws of shadow bombs, increasing shields by use of Force barrier, or however the pilot can work the Force to increase their combat effectiveness. As stated, these panels are similar to solar panels and as a result are very fragile.


  • Intent: Star Defender
  • Image Source:
  • Canon Link:
  • Restricted Missions:
  • Primary Source:
  • Manufacturer:
  • Model:
  • Affiliation:
  • Production: Unique
  • Material: Durasteel hull
  • Classification: Freighter
  • Length: 35m
  • Width: 30m
  • Height: 8m
  • Armament: Average
  • Quad laser turret (2)
    Proton torpedo launchers (2)
    3 torpedoes each
  • Defenses: Moderate
  • Squadron Count: N/A
  • Maneuverability Rating: Average
  • Speed Rating: Extreme
  • Hyperdrive Class: 1

  • (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 strength of this submission.)
  • (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 weaknesses of this submission.)
  • [SIZE=9pt]Intent: Warbird Wing and the Night Stalkers[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Image Credit: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]How to properly source your images[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Role: [Is this unit serving as protective detail to your character? Is it a portion of the rank and file of your faction? Is it a strike team for your company? Please explain the IC role this unit will fulfill.][/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Links: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt][Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, etc here.][/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Unit Name: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt][What is the name of this unit? Example: “Imperial Stormtroopers” or “Republic Commandos.”][/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Affiliation: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt][Who is this unit loyal too? Usually a faction, company, or character.][/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Classification: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt][What type of unit is this? Is it infantry, engineers, recon, artillery?][/SIZE]
  • Equipment: [If your unit possesses any specialty equipment (weapons, armor, combat tools, etc.) Please list them and provide links here.]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Availability: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt][[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Choose from the following: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Unique.[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] How many of this unit are there? Availability reflects a broad idea of how many of these units exist. Common are the main backbone units of the army using mainly mass produced items. Uncommon are unusual or less common units sometimes using minor production items. Rare are specialized units using limited production items. Unique are one off variants of the other types and have special features that makes them one of a kind. More powerful units are not as common, and specific named units are unique.][/SIZE]
  • Deployment: [Choose from the following: Mass, Minor, Limited. Originally referred to as "Strength," this reflects a general idea of how many of these NPCs are deployed at once as part of this unit. Mass units are deployed in larger numbers, like Stormtroopers. Minor units see more restricted deployment size, like Shadowtroopers. Limited units often appear in very small numbers, like the Imperial Royal Guard. More powerful units tend to have a lower strength designation and availability.]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Strengths & Weaknesses: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt][What are the combat strengths and weaknesses of this unit? You may describe them as a list or in paragraph form.][/SIZE]
  • Description: [[SIZE=9pt]Please describe your unit, how they came about, any special features, their training, and their tactical and/or functional application. This must be at least a paragraph in length.][/SIZE]
  • Intent: Codexifying Coren Starchaser's Battlegroup
  • ​Image Credit: How to properly source your images
  • Role: [What role does this Task Force play? Is it a royal escort? A mercenary group? A pirate clan? A smaller unit from a larger faction fleet? Local security for your planet?]
  • Links: [Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, equipment, etc here.]
  • Task Force Fleet Name:[SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE][What is the name of your Task Force? Does it have an official designation? A nickname?]
  • Allegiance: [A Major Faction, Minor Faction, Tier 2-6 Company/workshop, or individual.]
  • Lead Ship: (Fallaxia ((Vaemath)) Commanding)
  • Composition:
  • Total Length: [The total length, in meters, of your Task Force's Lead Ship and Composition. This must be 1700-2000 meters. For example, an 850-meter Lead Ship with one 450-meter light carrier and three 200-meter corvettes will have a total length of 1900 meters. List total lengths for all configurations described under Composition.]
  • Notable Characters: [Any PCs or NPCs who play a role in your Task Force, as well as their ranks or functions. Approved Codex Ship Crews may be linked here.]
  • Ports of Call: [Assigned patrol sectors/routes, places visited frequently, secret bases, space stations, or other relevant canon locations or Codex/Factory submissions.]
  • Strengths: [At least one situation or mission profile where this Task Force may excel.]
  • Weaknesses: [At least one situation or mission profile where this Task Force may struggle.]
  • Description: [You can include any useful context or details, such as prior allegiances, notable battles, insignia/color schemes, realistic reputation, and the history behind how this Task Force Fleet was formed.]
Intent: To create a counter to the effects of ion cannon electronic disabling
Image Source:
Canon Link:
Restricted Missions:
Primary Source: Ion Cannons
Manufacturer: Silk Holdings
Model: QQ-5RE “The Jump Start” Cannon System
Affiliation: Open Market
Modularity: No
Production: Mass-Produced
Material: Transparisteel, durasteel housings, internal wirings, standard computer parts, faraday cage, dedicated battery source

Advanced scanning system to monitor a ship’s system

Allows for ships that are disabled by ion cannons to become active again
Can send power to a ship that is without power
Advanced Power Drain – When the Jump Start system is enabled, it becomes a power sink, draining offensive weapon power first, and then, based on operator selection, removing power from propulsion systems or on board shield systems
Large system – while compatable with ion cannon mounts, the Jump Start requires space for its own sensor suite, or for an update to be provided to the sensors of the ship it is mounted on and can not be placed on any fighter short of a dedicated fighter, or fighter-bombers
Not a very effective system – While this system may seem worthwhile, it is not without flaws, and requires more energy put in to restore a ship’s systems than to disable them. In short, if it took 100 ion cannon blasts to knock out a ship, it would require 150 to restore functionality of the vessel

What you are purchasing today could save your ship tomorrow. The QQ-5RE “Jump Start” Cannon is a new technology created by Silk Holdings for the spacer in need. The Jump Start is a shipboard system that can be employed by any number of pilots for the purpose of restarting a ship’s systems. A two piece system, one requires the ship housing the Jump Start system to scan a vessel, using an advanced ship scanner, the system comprehends the needs of the vessel in distress and will produce a corrective solution. This fluctuation is translated to the linked cannons and can be fired out, similar to lasers and ion shots. However, as the shots find their target, the purpose of the Jump Start is two fold, first, to stabilize the disabled ship systems, and secondly to re-energize and activate the system, allowing the ship to operate again.

While this system is new and very useful, it does have its flaws. Primarily, the system requires a high amount of energy and when activated can drain a ship’s other ship systems, including its offensive capabilities, but additionally either its propulsion systems, or defensive systems in the case of shield-protected ships. The system can be mounted on any ship capable of housing an ion cannon, however, on smaller vessels such as fighter-bombers, the system will be very difficult to house. The system cannot be placed on fighters unless a dedicated Jump Start fighter was created. Finally, due to the unique nature of the system, Jump Start cannot be placed on a ship with ion cannons.
Intent: To create a stealth-strike fighter by marrying the E and X-Wing
Image Source: ShogunEagle Deviant Art
Canon Link:
Restricted Missions: (If your submission uses any Restricted Items link the threads you completed the missions in here)
Primary Source:,,

Manufacturer: Incom Corporation and Alderaan Engingeering
Model: Stealth E-93 Strike Fighter
Modularity: Heavy Weapon Systems
Affiliation: Closed-Market
Production: Limited
Reflec Hull Coating
Alusteel Armor Plating
Titanium Frame
Starship Components

Classification: Starfighter
Length: 11.2 meters
Width: 10.3 meters
Height: 3.7 meters
Armament: , Average,
· Twin Triple Blaster Cannons
· Heavy Weapon Modularity: Either 2 FlexTube Warhead Launchers, 2 Energy Torpedo Launchers or 1 Mine Layer
Defenses: Moderate,
[High, Full power to shields]
· Military grade deflector shields
· Chaff Launcher
Squadron Count: Average: 12
Maneuverability Rating: Average,
Speed Rating: : Average,
[Moderate, Full power to Engines]
Hyperdrive Class: 1.0

Astromech slot
Standard starfighter systems suite, including communications, targeting, propulsion, navigation, and hyperdrive

· Ion Scramblers
· Anti-Ion Emission Tracers
· Programmable Paint
Stealth Suite
· Sensor Negators
· Thermal Dissipators
· Photon Absorbers
· Gravitic Modulators
· Energy Dampeners
· Static Dampeners
· Stealth systems – Like the Stealth X, the E-93 Strike Fighter depends on stealth to defend itself primarily
· Modular Heavy Weapons – Able to be switched from a Air to Surface, Air to Air, or Air to Installation mode with a variety of attachments, the E-93 is a versatile platform for making precision strike runs
· Strong Shields – When stealth does fail, and as a result of the ship’s focus, the E-93 does have capability for above average shields

· Unassigned energy – Like the current edition of Incom/Alderaan vessels, the E-93 has energy to be assigned and must be assigned by the droid or pilot, and can be left to waste in ambush situations
· The fighter’s systems can only be switched every few seconds and the delay in transfer can cause issues with the E-93’s systems, as well as cost the pilot a time and possibly their ship
· Limited Heavy Weapons – Once the heavy weapons are unloaded, the E-Wing is similar to an underpowered X-Wing offensively, and must reload or deal with other starfighters
· The heavy weapons also need to be changed before an engagement, and loading the wrong one for the incorrect scenario can cost the fighter its strength

Description: The E-93 Strike Fighter (E-Wing) is the next generation E-Wing from Incom Corporation and Alderaan Engineering. Working to fill the role of a quick strike fighter, the E-Wing lacks the weapon loadout of the Y-Wing but makes an improvement on the Y-Wing’s speed. Mixed with the stealth package found on the StealthX, the E-Wing allows itself to get in relatively undetected, deliver its payload and exit the fight, or join the fight in support of other vessels. The systems have been cleaned up and better organized since the inception of the E-Wing and the ‘rushed’ feel does not hit the pilot of this vessel. It is designed for two purposes, the first is strike and assault, and the second is space superiority, however the former is where the vessel really shines.



Intent: To create a Jedi Assault ship for use during combat missions
Image Source:
Canon Link: NA
Restricted Missions:
Primary Source:

  • Manufacturer: Aurora Industries
  • Model: Sebatyne-class Assault Ship
  • Affiliation: The Jedi
  • Production: Limited
  • Material: Titanium Hull, Alusteel Frame, Glassteel viewports
  • Classification: Battlefield Controller
  • Length: 35 meters
  • Width: 12 meters
  • Height: 7 meters
  • Armament: High
    2 Heavy Laser Cannons
  • 2 Forward-facing Advanced Missile Launchers (20 missiles each)

[*]Defenses: Very High
[*]Squadron Count: Low: 8
[*]Maneuverability Rating: Very Low
[*]Speed Rating: Very Low
[*]Hyperdrive Class: Average: 2
  • Standard Communications Array
  • Standard Hyperdrive
  • Standard Ion Engines
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Standard Navigational Systems
  • Standard Repulsorlift Engines
  • Standard Sensor Array
  • Standard Targeting Systems
  • Can Enter Atmosphere and Land

  • Kyber Crystals on hull/frame
  • Advanced Deflector Shield

  • Advanced shielding
  • Kyber on hull and frame allows for Jedi spellcasters to use the Force on a larger battlefield
  • Slow
  • Not-agile
  • Limited weapons offering
  • Requires a crew of at least 2 non-piloting Jedi to be useful, 3 to be optimal
The Sebatyne Assault Ship is a limited edition ship that has been created to offer light side factions, and Jedi operatives a platform to assist in battles using their skills. The Kyber crystals on the hull and throughout the ship are designed to allow the crew inside to focus the Force to be able to unleash it on the battlefield. By the nature of the Force, and space combat, certain skills will work better than others, and this ship is designed to cause an amplification to ALTER techniques, not to powers such as Force Meld and Battle Meditation.

The ship's primary focus is to bring a new form of combat to space battles.
Intent: To create the first limited run shuttle for sale by Starchaser Enterprises
Image Source: Star Citizen
Canon Link: N/A
Restricted Missions: N/A
Primary Source: N/A


Manufacturer: Starchaser Enterprises
Affiliation: Closed Market
Production: Semi-Unique
· Alusteel Hull
· Titanium Alloy Frame
· Glassteel Viewports
· Carbon Fiber Accents (Interior)
· Laroon Wood (Interior)

Classification: Personal Transport
Length: 48 Meters
Width: 17 Meters
Height: 10 Meters
Armament: Low
· Dual Laser Cannon Turret (Ventral and Dorsal)
Defenses: High
· Redundant Shield Generator
Squadron Count: Zero
Maneuverability Rating: Average
Speed Rating: High
Hyperdrive Class: Very Fast

Standard Communications Array
Standard Life Support
Standard Luxury Creature Comforts
Advanced Hyperdrive
Advanced Engine System
Advanced Shield Capability

· Strong Shield Generator
· Advanced Engine System
· Limited Weapons System
· Manual Targeting Only
· Delay before Cannons are ready


  • Manufacturer: Jedi Praxeum Artisans under direction of Savanah Elko
  • Affiliation: Students of the Jedi Praxeum, Lords of Light, and other Orders
  • Model: Jedi Padawan Necklace
  • Modularity: Force power infused can vary, kyber crystal can have hues, construction may vary

  • Production: Limited
  • Material: Duracord necklace, alusteel casing, imbued kyber crystal
  • The kyber crystal can be imbued by the Jedi Knight/Jedi Master during creation to store a piece of their own Force aura, gifting the wearer with a burst of Force energy that echo's their Master's focus or skill
  • Offers a burst of Force power, in the direction of a protective power or skill enhancement
  • Cannot be used by dark siders
  • Can be used to as a tracker between Master/Student
  • Can not be used on command, and is only used as the Force wills it
  • Is a necklace and offers no physical protection of itself
These necklaces are becoming more wildly seen in the Jedi Praxeum, Lords of Light, and various Jedi Orders who have taken time to seek out stories of the Jedi Crusaders, Army of Light, and Jedi Lords. A simple kyber crystal necklace that is assembled by Jedi Artisans of the Praxeum or the Forgewrights of Vur Tepe. While the lessons are the same, the construction and intent may vary. Stories showed that when a Master took a new student, some would gift their student with a pendant such as this, and imbue it with their own Force aura. This allows it to hold powers associated with the Master, if the master specializes in healing, or barriers, the pendant could react in a dire circumstance with this specialized skill.

More often than not, it is more a symbol of the Jedi Order, from a Master who has spent time studying the past.

  • Manufacturer: Jedi Artisans, various Orders and Traditions
  • Affiliation: Jedi Orders/Traditions
  • Model: Neo-Jedi Templar Pendant
  • Modularity: Kyber Crystal

  • Production: Limited
  • Material: Duracord, Alusteel, Attuned Kyber Crystal
  • Provides an on-call burst of Force Light
  • Will burn dark siders who attempt to affect/touch the necklace
  • Can become attuned to the light side of the Force to unleash a Force light derived power
  • Is only a one-shot, until re-attuned
  • Is only a necklace and while imbued with the Force can be destroyed with enough force
Created by a Jedi who has shown a penchant for combat against the dark side, the Neo-Jedi Templar Pendant is built and attuned by the Templar, with assistance from ancient Army of Light teachings. Built of a crystal from a slain dark sider's lightsaber, the Jedi imbues pure Force Light energy into the formerly Dark Side attuned crystal. This does not change the crystal's color, but it does purify the darkness within the crystal, infusing the light side of the Force where the dark side formerly held control.

With this imbuement, the Jedi can use the crystal to enhance their own Force Power, and create a more focused blast of Force light, enough to blind, stun, or turn a dark sider back, or purify a nexus of the darkness.
Mystica Audurem
  • Intent: To codexify the Mystica Auderem for the Lords of Light
  • Image Credit: How to properly source your images
  • Role: A light side mystic team, assisting in Force based artillery and study of hte light side
  • Links: N/A
  • Unit Name: Mystica Auderem
  • Affiliation:Lords of Light, Ibene
  • Classification: Force-based Artillery
  • Equipment: Lords of Light created armor, extras and weaponry
  • Availability: Unique.
  • Deployment: Limited.
  • Strengths & Weaknesses:
  • + Force Artillery - The Mystica are traveling Jedi Consulars specializing in the use of the light side and ranged attacks
  • + Force Resistance - While the mystical side of the Force is their domain, the Mysitca Auderem test themselves against the dark side in order to steel themselves against attacks from such
  • - Low Martial Skills - Skilled in the offensive and defensive powers of the Force, the Mystica are armed with melee weapons and tend to not be very proficient beyond their preferred weapon
  • - Lost in the Drift - There are times when members of the Mystica can lose themselves in the Force, falling to the dark side, all while trying to destroy it.
  • Description: The Mystica Auderem are a group within the Lords of Light focusing on the mystic arts of the Light Side. Stemming from the Consulars of the New Jedi Order that were left behind on Tython during End Game, the Mystica have wandered the local void, stalking down Army of LIght and Jedi Lord history. Using this history, and any holocrons they come across, the Mystica are expanding how the light side of the Force is used. Upon fighting with dark siders, the M.A. are also able to assist other Oathsworn by finding counters to the dark side powers, both protective and offensive.

  • Manufacturer: SoroSuub Corporation with Mon Calamari Shipbuilders (Outer Rim shipyard, rescued from Mon Cala during Sith Empire takeover)
  • Affiliation: Galactic Alliance Remnant, Outer Rim Coalition, General Coren Starchaser
  • Model: Alliance Battlecruiser Hope

  • Production: Unique
  • Material: (What is your submission made out of? Certain materials are more resistant, or vulnerable, to certain weapons. Example: 'Durasteel.' See pre-requisites for: Restricted Materials. Link: Manufacturing Compounds, Metals, Compounds)

[*]Hangar Allocations: (This is the allocated amounts of starfighters and support craft (dropships, shuttles,gunships,etc) this submission can hold in its hangar based on the maximum hangar space capacity listed above)
  • Starfighters: x squadrons
  • Support Craft: x squadrons (Minimum squadrons lists should match the squadrons listed for the "None" rating for ship its size)

[*]Maneuverability Rating: Low
[*]Speed Rating: Low
[*]Hyperdrive Class: Average: 2
(Provide all of your submission's standard features, including non-combat items, here in a list -or- alternatively simply state 'all standard features'. This includes all features that are common for vessels of this class. Please link to all Factory Submissions used. Links: Starship Weapons, Approved Technology, Shields, Engines)

(Provide all of your submission's advanced systems, including non-combat items and special weapons, here in a list. Please link to all Factory Submissions used. Stealth technology and other advanced systems may require other weaknesses or reduced ratings for balance. Ensure significant capabilities from systems are included in the Strengths and Weaknesses lists. Examples include: Stealth systems, Advanced ECM systems, Crystal gravfield traps, HIMS, Molecular shields. Links: Starship Weapons, Approved Technology, Shields, Engines)
  • (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 strength of this submission.)
  • (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 weaknesses of this submission.)
Description: (Describing your submission's history is optional. Please provide a detailed account or link of each special feature that is listed in this submission. All miscellaneous descriptive elements go here, such as Cargo Capacity, Passengers, Consumables, Crew, etc.. There is no requirement for amount of words here so long as you meet the minimum requirements for your advanced systems.)

  • Intent: To create a new lightsaber crystal with different capabilities
  • Image Source: Bears Gem
  • Primary Source: Kyber Crystal
  • Name: Starburst Crystal
  • Manufacturer: Naturally occurring
  • Affiliation: Open-Market
  • Homeworld (optional): Remains of stars

  • Production: Minor-Produced
  • Modularity: No
  • Material: Crystallized stone
  • Classification: Mineral
  • Weight: Heavy
  • Resistances
    Blasters (And other plasma type weapons): Average

  • Kinetic: High

  • Lightsabers: High

  • Other: Averag

Color: A combination of White, Blue, Yellow, Green, Red

  • This is a lightsaber crystal that is created from dying stars
  • The crystal is highly adaptable and will adjust to the user to which it is attuned
  • The crystal assists with ambient abilities
  • The crystal is highly absorptive to radiation
  • The blade created by this crystal is dense
  • The blade produces radiant heat
  • The lightsaber allows the user extra strength in short ranged ambient powers (Fear, Slow, Inspire, Valor)
  • The lightsaber is strong against electronics and electromagetic energies
  • The blade is less effective against non-energy projectiles
  • The cutting speed of this weapon is much slower
  • When using this crystal, a Force signature cannot be minimized or hidden
When the Starburst Crystal is used in lightsabers, it provides a wide array of effects that center around radiation and increasing ambient abilities. The lightsaber will be weaker against physical barriers, such as durasteel, but will have increased effect against energy shields. The lightsaber becomes attuned to the user, and the colors projected adapt to the user, but are very reminiscent of a star's supernova, showing colors o whites, blues, yellows, and even reds and greens. The crystal will allow the user to provide a boost to ally effecting powers, but will restrict their ability to hide in the Force.

  • Intent: To provide an update to the Shortfin platform, into a combat ready assault shuttle
  • Image Source: Everspace Game
  • Canon Link:
  • Primary Source: Shadow Class Transport and Shortfin Shuttle
  • Manufacturer: Silk Holdings - Design/Testing, SoroSuub Corporation - Construction
  • Affiliation: Outer Rim Coalition (Judges/Politicians/Operatives), Jedi Forces, Republic/Alliance forces, Closed-Market
  • Model: Starbird-Class Assault Shuttle

  • Production: Minor
  • Material: Alusteel, Solarium glasteel, starship components, electronics, radar absorbing paint
  • Classification: Assault Shuttle
  • Length: 40 meters
  • Width: 47 Meters
  • Height: 10 Meters
  • Armament: Average
- Dorsal-mounted dual laser cannon turret (Carried Internally)
- Ventral-mounted dual laser cannon turret (Carried Internally)
- Two forward facing triple blaster cannons (Carried Internally)
- Two forward facing facing energy torpedo launchers (Carried Internally)
  • Defenses: Average
  • Squadron Count: None: 1
  • Maneuverability Rating:Very High
  • Speed Rating: Moderate
  • Hyperdrive Class: Fast: 1
  • Simulated Intelligence Co-Pilot (Similar to X-83 TwinTail)
  • Two SLAM Engines
  • Advanced Maneuvering Jets
  • Standard Shield Generator
  • Standard Engines
  • Standard Life Support
  • Military Sensor Suite
  • Military Communications Array/Integrated Firewall
  • PowerShifter taht can shift power from Shield to Maneuvering Jets
  • Defensive Decoy Module
  • Countermeasure Module
  • Cap Drain Module
  • Open Technology slot to allow for iBorg Liberation Piloting Module

Pulled from the Shortfin Prototype shuttle, the Vortex includes a very advanced maneuverability package that allows the ship to fly in a number of directions. The ship does have an internal cargo hangar with room for one small fighter or airspeeder, two swoops, and small amounts of cargo. Finally, the shield and maneuverability are on the same enrgy slider, meaning should the shields need to be fortified, the Starbird will lose its agility.

  • Hyper-maneuverable
  • Low-Sensor Cross Section
  • Advanced Sensors Suite
  • Advanced Communications Array
  • Light weight/lightly shielded
  • Lightly armed
  • Advanced Systems need to be used sparingly to prevent power overload
Description: The descendant from the Shortfin prototype shuttle, and Shadow Transport, the Starbird is a quick assault shuttle that can be used to bring the fight to larger starships as well as defend itself against similarly sized and smaller vessels from the turrets. The forward facing triple blasters and energy torpedo can be used to target essential systems of corvettes and frigates, using its speed and agility to avoid being fired upon. The systems that allow for its reduced sensor signature and advanced communication make this ship a favorite of diplomats and agents within the various allied forces. The ship has creature comforts for a crew of four. If no airspeeder or fighter are held, the ship's interior can hold up to 12 comfortably.


  • Age: 200
  • Force Sensitivity: Untrained Force Sensitive
  • Species: Basiliskan
  • Appearance: A large, Force-enhanced dragon, Zediianka is a smaller, faster Basiliskan. Originally having darker skin and scales, following treatment in the Outer Rim by the Aing-Tii, the lizard has become Force sensitive, but only enough to be summoned by Coren Starchaser. Zediianka will use the Force to fold space to appear with the Jedi Master. With a wide wing span but smaller body, Zediinka has brilliant green eyes and sharp claws.
  • Name: Zediianka the Bulwark
  • Loyalties: Coren Starchaser and companions
  • Notable Possessions: Riding saddle
  • Personality: A typically relaxed beast that remains on Zonoma Sekot, spending time near the warm seas of the tropics of the world when not at Coren's side. During combat, Zediianka becomes enraged when he senses the dark side nearby. Replicating his rider, Zediianka is very focused and compassionate, but will use all the abilities in his power to eliminate the dark side.
  • Training: Zediianka is trained to link to Coren Starchaser in the Force, and will respond with arrival to his companion's side, and will work to defend the Jedi. This link allows combat between Starchaser and Zediianka to be highly advanced for riding, even if it doesn't improve the Jedi's fighting skills while mounted.
  • Combat Function: Combat mount. Zediianka is very well versed in martial dragon-on-dragon combat, and the use of intense focused photonic blasts
  • [Provide, in list format, some strengths of this submission. 2 recommended. ]
  • [Provide, in list format, some weaknesses of this submission. 2 recommended. ]

[ Include a description of the history of this creature and how it came to be a companion to your character/involved in your character’s story here. ]


  • Intent: To create a new alien cruiser for the Outer Rim Coalition
  • Image Source: Eve Online
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: Kathol Outback
  • Affiliation: Outer Rim Coalition
  • Model: (Example: TIE (Twin Ion Engine). For submissions where a model wouldn’t be appropriate, such as a custom walking stick, put ‘N/A’ for ‘Not Applicable’.)

  • Production: The scale is Unique (Only One Character), Semi-Unique (A single small unit, squad, or squadron), Limited (Only one small group of characters. IE: Small task force, not entire factions.), Minor (Large groups of characters. (IE: Multiple factions, companies, or groups.), Mass-Produced. (Anyone.) Characters refer to NPCs & PCs. For production limitations on who can make what, please see For more details see the Star Ship rules)))
  • Material: (What is your submission made out of? Certain materials are more resistant, or vulnerable, to certain weapons. Example: 'Durasteel.' See pre-requisites for: Restricted Materials. Link: Manufacturing Compounds, Metals, Compounds)
  • Classification: (Cruiser, Assault, Anti-Starfighter, Escort, Exploration, Heavy Cruiser, Medical, Patrol, Transport)
  • Length: (Via Metric System. Max: 1000 meters. Examples: MC40a Cruiser: 500 meters, Dreadnought-class Heavy Cruiser: 600 meters, Victory-class Star Destroyer: 900 meters)
  • Width: (Via Metric System. Max: 1000 meters. Examples: MC40a Cruiser: 200 meters, Dreadnought-class Heavy Cruiser: 116.5 meters, Victory-class Star Destroyer: 450 meters)
  • Height: (Via Metric System. Max: 1000 meters. Examples: MC40a Cruiser: 130 meters, Dreadnought-class Heavy Cruiser: 250 meters, Victory-class Star Destroyer: 270 meters)
  • Armament: (You may provide your armament in list format and must provide your vessel an Armament Rating. (Choose from: None, Very Low, Low, Average, Moderate, High, Very High, Extreme. Armament Ratings are scaled in relation to the class of ship, meaning a Starfighter will not equate to a Destroyer. For example an average 900m ship will outgun an average 600m ship. Armament Ratings provide only basic weaponry unless the ship also has a description of weapons. Please link to all Factory Submissions used. Links: Starship Weapons, Approved Technology)
  • Defenses: (You may provide your shield and armor systems in list format and must provide your vessel an Defense Rating. (Choose from: None, Very Low, Low, Average, Moderate, High, Very High, Extreme. Where None is a man in a space suit hanging on to an engine, Average is typical defense, and Extreme is heaviest defense with heavy armor plating and multiple layers of powerful shields. Defensive Ratings are scaled in relation to the type of ship, meaning a Starfighter will not equate to a Destroyer. You should list particular systems under advanced systems. Please link to all Factory Submissions used. Links: Approved Technology)
  • Hangar Space: (Please provide the amount of fighters this submission can hold in it's hangar by count of Squadrons, which hold 12 average Starfighters. The higher your squadron count, the lower your Armament and number of advanced systems should be. )
    500 Meters: [None: - | Very Low: 0 | Low: 1 | Average: 2 | Moderate: - | High: 3 | Very High: 5 | Extreme: 6]
  • 750 Meters: [None: - | Very Low: 1 | Low: 2 | Average: 3 | Moderate: 4 | High: 5 | Very High: 8 | Extreme: 9]
  • 1000 Meters: [None: 2 | Very Low: 3 | Low: 4 | Average: 5 | Moderate: 6 | High: 7 | Very High: 11 | Extreme: 12]

[*]Hangar Allocations: (This is the allocated amounts of starfighters and support craft (dropships, shuttles,gunships,etc) this submission can hold in its hangar based on the maximum hangar space capacity listed above)
  • Starfighters: x squadrons
  • Support Craft: x squadrons (Minimum squadrons lists should match the squadrons listed for the "None" rating for ship its size)

[*]Maneuverability Rating: (Choose from: None, Very Low, Low, Average, Moderate, High, Very High, Extreme. How agile is your ship? Can it take tight turns? This is relative to the size of the vessel (e.g. a Corvette with Low Maneuverability will be more agile than a Star Destroyer with a Low rating.
[*]Speed Rating: (Choose from: None, Very Low, Low, Average, Moderate, High, Very High, Extreme. How fast is your ship in normal space? How fast can it take off, how fast can it speed through a planet's atmosphere? This is relative to the size of the vessel (e.g. a Corvette with Low Speed will be quicker than a Star Destroyer with a Low Speed.
[*]Hyperdrive Class: (The lower the number, the faster the ship. You may use decimals. [Very Slow: 10 | Average: 2 | Very Fast: 0.3] Going below 1 typically requires balancing out with other weaknesses. Links: Hyperdrive, Hyperdrive Comparisons)
(Provide all of your submission's standard features, including non-combat items, here in a list -or- alternatively simply state 'all standard features'. This includes all features that are common for vessels of this class. Please link to all Factory Submissions used. Links: Starship Weapons, Approved Technology, Shields, Engines)

(Provide all of your submission's advanced systems, including non-combat items and special weapons, here in a list. Please link to all Factory Submissions used. Stealth technology and other advanced systems may require other weaknesses or reduced ratings for balance. Ensure significant capabilities from systems are included in the Strengths and Weaknesses lists. Examples include: Stealth systems, Advanced ECM systems, Crystal gravfield traps, HIMS, Molecular shields. Links: Starship Weapons, Approved Technology, Shields, Engines)
  • (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 strength of this submission.)
  • (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 weaknesses of this submission.)
Description: (Describing your submission's history is optional. Please provide a detailed account or link of each special feature that is listed in this submission. All miscellaneous descriptive elements go here, such as Cargo Capacity, Passengers, Consumables, Crew, etc.. There is no requirement for amount of words here so long as you meet the minimum requirements for your advanced systems.)

  • Intent: To create a heavy multi-role assault bomber
  • Image Source: EC Henry, Youtube
  • Canon Link: Y-Wing
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: Alliance Remnant | Incom Corporation
  • Affiliation: Closed-Market, Outer Rim Coalition, Alliance Remnant
  • Model: ABL Heavy Y-Wing Assault Craft

  • Production: Minor Production

  • Material: Titanium-Durasteel Plating, Durasteel spaceframe, glasteel viewports
  • Classification: Assault Bomber
  • Length: 24.5 meters
  • Width: 6.5 meters
  • Height: 8.5 meters
  • Armament: High

    Dual Laser Cannon Turret

  • 2 Proton Torpedo Launchers (18 Torpedoes/36 Torpedos*)

  • 1 Bomb Chute (6 Bombs)

[*]Defenses: Very High
[*]Squadron Count: Low: 8
[*]Maneuverability Rating: Low
[*]Speed Rating: Average.
[*]Hyperdrive Class: Average: 2
  • Astromech Droid Slot
  • Military Grade Engines
  • Encrypted Communications System
  • Military Sensors Array
  • Standard Life Support
  • Standard Navigation System
  • Emergency Spacesuits Crew
  • Emergency Medical Packs
  • Extended Missile Pods* OR Space for 6 Alliance Pathfinders/Equivalents*


  • Heavy Hitter - Filled with extended missile pods and a bomb chute, this Y-Wing is a devastating frontal assault bomber
  • Heavily Armed - This Y-Wing is more heavily armed than her contemporaries
  • Low Maneuverability - The Y-Wing is not designed to be a space superiority fighter. This fighter is designed to take a beating, and hit its targets and return home
  • Slower Speed - The Y-Wing will not keep up with her speedier sisters. The Y-Wing puts its focus on engines strength and ability to be repaired rather than speed.
Description: The Y-Wing Assault Craft is an update to the Y-Wing and the U-Wing fighters used by the Alliance. The Y-Wing is designed to fulfill two roles, depending on the needs for the mission. The two tasks given to the Y-Wing are the rapid deployment of Grav-Chute soldiers. Designed to take a beating, the Y-Wing will be able to ensure she gets herself over the target zone and launch the GravTroops from the re-structured bomb chute. This version of the assault craft uses missiles to defend from the bottom and using the manned dual-laser cannon turret to defend from fighters. The second role is designed to destroy heavy vehicles and hardened targets. The room in the back is replaced to hold bombs to be launched down a bomb chute and double up the torpedoes/missile loadout.

What is standard for the Y-Wing Assault craft is that it has room for the pilot, astromech droid for navigation, and at least one other crewmember to assist with in-flight repairs and as the bomb expert or jump-master.

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